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Jordyn Cassandra 26.05.2021

Goals: object of a persons ambition or effort What is it that you're working towards? What drives your ambition to do the things you do to get you closer to the thing you want most? What is your fire? Use it. Take that, and use it to fuel your every move. Every word that comes out of your mouth. Every decision that you make. Take that fire and stoke it with everything you've got. Bring your best to the table and allow your best to turn into more. Give yourself permission to ...be better today than yesterday, and then get your ass moving and do it. Be it. Use today's best as fuel for tomorrow's better. Be better than your best. I know you can. Do you?

Jordyn Cassandra 20.05.2021

30 and a DAY. How crazy is it to recount a whole decade? So many people get worked up about this number. They feel disappointment, regret, shame and fear. I get it, I suppose, but my feelings are completely opposite. I have done SO MUCH. Maybe i haven’t travelled as much as I could have. Maybe I’ve worked more than I could have. Maybe I haven’t got married and had babies like I could have. ... Instead, I’ve lived life MY way. I’ve experienced. I’ve made the most beautiful friendships. I’ve grown in depth with family relationships. I’ve fallen in and out of love and found the man who loves me the right way. I’ve been inspired. I’ve been resilient AND broken AND healed. The reason why you feel those negative things and all this weight with turning 30 is because of two things: expectation, and FOMO. You put pressure on yourself with your own expectations of what life ‘should’ look like, yet you don’t prioritize them. Or, you feel like you’re missing out in your own experience because someone else’s is different and you’re comparing apples to oranges. Regardless, get out of the self inflicted misery and pain and put on a DIFFERENT lens. The lens that says today is an opportunity to do the things you COULD have done before but didn’t. It’s an opportunity for a new chapter, or even a new book. OPPORTUNITY IS IN EVERY MOMENT if you just CHOOSE to use it. You can be the master of your life. Step into that power and fkn own it.

Jordyn Cassandra 14.05.2021

How do you build confidence? Goals. And they don't even have to be huge goals. Small, attainable goals every single day. Set them, and REACH them. Be proud of yourself. ... Be excited about them. Reinforce all of the wonderful things you are and are capable of by going out there and DOING the things! Build resilience to the part of you that says you can’t get there by proving it WRONG. Resilience to the voice that says you ‘deserve’ to slack off. The voice that says you’ve done ‘good enough’ for now. Or you’ll start tomorrow. Build on it. Build on it by going out there and doing your actual best every single day. With no excuses, no bullshit or victim story. Don’t just think it, say it, and manifest it. Believe it, and LIVE it. Use your ACTIONS....BE incredible, unstoppable and the best you've ever been. You know you’ve got it in ya. It’s time to own that shit.

Jordyn Cassandra 03.05.2021

There is fear. There is uncertainty. Exponentially so. Every day there's a new limit or change added to our lives and nothing is as it was. Our routines have changed. Our financials have changed. Our free time has changed. And what are you doing with it? Are you being over run with fear? With anxiety? Stop. Take a breath. Breathe with me for a second. In, and out. In...... and out. Now, step outside of yourself for a hot minute. Take a look around you, and think: what CAN I d...o? You are not in a hopeless situation. You just have put the life you know on pause, and it's time to collect yourself now. What CAN I do? What is going to bring me joy? What is going to make me feel good inside. What's going to make me feel like I can take on whatever the universe throws at me next. Take a shower. Light a candle. Read a book. Learn something new. Go outside. Breathe. Meditate. Put on something that you know you look damn good in. This, this chaos the world is in right now, it's not within your control. So stop letting it carry you away from what's important: what you can control. Make MOVES. Use this time to do what you've dreamt of doing. Learn something new. Start that business you've been thinking about. Start a new fitness routine. Or just go for a walk in the sun and find your calm. You can sit and suffocate in the uncertainty or you can use it to get better. To lead by example. To find your truth. To run head first to your dreams. To heal. To breathe. Use it.

Jordyn Cassandra 14.04.2021

You might not know what it is that you'll gain with this program. You might not know what the eff a macro is. And that's okay. Why? Because I'll give you the fast track course on your dieting freedom. Why macros over meal plans? Because meal plans are not sustainable. How are you going to eat the same thing, every day, for the rest of your life? I can guarantee you won't. AND, your body will change. It will plateau. Progress will cease. ... With a custom macro program, you get to build your own meal plan every single day. You play 'macro Tetris' to make everything fit into the targets that will give you optimal progression in your goals. Macros are about freedom, control, and balance. And ultimate fitness success.

Jordyn Cassandra 07.04.2021

Mindset. Macros. Limiting beliefs. Routine. Gratitude. ... Perception. Workouts. Health. Self love. Uncovering your truth. Believing in yourself. Crushing goal after goal. Achieving. Everything. You. Choose. To. Go. After. What if you could get there? What if this year was your year to do the things? To change yourself? Your life? The year you transform. The year you become who you’re meant to be. Are you ready? Let’s go

Jordyn Cassandra 23.03.2021

READ THIS IF YOU STRUGGLE WITH INVESTING IN YOURSELF I used to be someone who would easily blow hundreds of dollars on a crazy night out with my friends - e.v.e.r.y. Weekend. But then you’d put an offer in front of me that deep down I KNEW would probably change my life - and I’d make excuses about how it was way too expensive or I can figure it out for myself. ... That was the BIG ONE. And it took YEARS. Yearrrrssssss. To figure it out for myself. And I’ll tell you FOR FREE right now... I wish I’d just had someone to help me get here. I wish I’d had somebody hold me accountable sooner. I wish I’d had somebody help me through my limiting beliefs sooner. I wish I’d invested in the life I am building NOW, soooo much sooner. Because if there’s anything you can’t get back, EVER, it’s time. TIME spent hating your body. TIME spent loathing your reflection. TIME spent feeling not enough. TIME spent wondering ‘why am I LIKE this’ TIME spent ‘stuck’ in a life you don’t want to live. TIME spent not getting to enjoy the time with your kids while they’re little. TIME SPENT NOT LOVING YOURSELF OR YOUR LIFE. There was a point I started to realize that all the money and time I was wasting on things that lowered my vibration (clothes, booze, cigarettes, crappy food, things I didn’t need, jobs I didn’t love, Netflix and repeated self sabotaging) was only damaging me in the long run. Cause honestly, i was really just trying to fill a void. I’m here to tell you that you are WORTH that business start up cost. You are WORTH that life coach who is going to help you Uplevel your life. You are WORTH the transformation you’re going to get from taking a chance on someone who can get you there and investing in yourself. YOU are your BEST asset.. The way I see it - anything that you know is going to bring value to your life and help you show up as the best woman.man / mom.dad / wife.husband / friend / biz owner / person you can possibly be.. Is worth the cost. Because the alternative, is much more expensive. You got this. Let’s go.

Jordyn Cassandra 21.03.2021

This is something I've only learned in the past couple years; and it was a tough lesson. Or rather, a slue of tough lessons. I've always been a runner. Tragedy strikes and I bury the pain that comes with it; go cold and shut off. I thought that was strength, but it was only survival. And that pain doesn't actually dissipate, it's just back burnered. Until one day when it hits you that you've got so much hurt and anger built up inside you that you're just not you anymore. You'...re numb. It takes courage to feel. To be raw, entirely transparent and real. Sometimes you have to be brave enough to cry. And, what we forget is that with feeling pain comes feeling love; embrace what you feel so you can love yourself for everything that you are. Be brave; or while your busy avoiding being hurt you'll miss out on so much more. You'll miss the things that make life so great; what make you so great. Feel, my dears; feel it all.

Jordyn Cassandra 13.03.2021

Control over the things that happen in life is an egotistical, imaginary concept. It isn't real, it doesn't exist. The only thing you have control over is your own mind, and the ability to choose how you'll roll with the punches life delivers wrapped up with a pretty little bow. If you'll react, hold yourself back and be buried alive or decide to move forward. Deal with the pain, swallow it, or drown in it. Celebrate the beautiful pieces, or focus on the darkness. Dance in t...he rain, or put on a jacket. The power of perception is the only true control we have in this life. And man, it is powerful. It can set the tone for your day, your year, your whole life.

Jordyn Cassandra 23.02.2021

There is nothing more powerful than the thoughts in your head. Whatever you think, is what is. Your perception is the very thing that can hold you back, or set you free. You can look at a person and think she's fat, ugly, not good enough. Or you can look at that same person and find the beauty in her smile, the pride in how far she's pushed towards her goals, see the strength she's built through winning small battles every day. You have the power to see the darkness, or to bring the light. It's your choice. Now look in the mirror, and choose to bring the light. 'If I told you to name all the things that you love, how long would it take for you to name yourself?'

Jordyn Cassandra 19.02.2021

YO. Only spot left in my No Limits - Get Out of your Limits and into your Life program. You might not know what it is that you'll gain with this program. You might not know what the eff a macro is. And that's okay. Why? Because I'll give you the fast track course on your dieting freedom. Why macros over meal plans? ... Because meal plans are not sustainable. How are you going to eat the same thing, every day, for the rest of your life? I can guarantee you won't. AND, your body will change. It will plateau. Progress will cease. With a custom macro program, you get to build your own meal plan every single day. You play 'macro Tetris' to make everything fit into the targets that will give you optimal progression in your goals. Macros are about freedom, control, and balance. And ultimate fitness success. Through fitness, mindset and success coaching we will address your limiting beliefs and what’s been holding you back from becoming the person who lives the life you WANT to live. ONE spot left.

Jordyn Cassandra 31.01.2021

You say you're afraid you'll fail. The unknown can be scary. It can be hard to melt away your wall of 'safe' that you have built for protection. Do you want to know what is even scarier? Sitting right there, in the same damn place, for the rest of your life. Never tasting the thrill of putting your dreams ahead of your comfort. Falling asleep at the end of your days with 'what if' on your lips. To not know what it feels like to set your sights on the stars and lose it all once, twice, and still pick yourself up and keep climbing until you reach them just because of how it sweetens the view at the top. But let me tell you something I know for sure: if you don't try, you can't fail. And you most certainly can't win. You say you're afraid you'll fail. I say I'm afraid I won't.

Jordyn Cassandra 11.01.2021

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life." This is exactly what No Limits coaching is all about. My goal is not for you to join this program and for the rest of your life rely on me to coach you towards your goals. This program is meant to be completely custom to you and your needs, and for you to learn how to take control of your own life. My ultimate dream is to help you build a foundation on nutrition- to understand exact...ly what your body needs, what's actually in the food you're eating, how to live a balanced life without restriction, and to change your body at your own discretion to where you look in the mirror and love yourself. I want to teach you how, and then empower you to take control of your dreams and the pathway to your success. If at the end of your coaching program you came to me and said you think you can do this on your own now- that you now have the knowledge and discipline to move forward on your own- I could never be more proud. Because that is exactly what I wanted for you.