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Journey to Wellness with Jennifer Hill 18.05.2021

Message to be a part of this

Journey to Wellness with Jennifer Hill 04.05.2021

And here goes! 40 day THE Journey has Launched! My own Journey to Wellness plan for the next 40 days!... These four segments will guide me into the next decade of my life, and the next 40 days I am committed to this non negotiable personal journey! Will you join me, I have 15 registered now and want 40? Videos posted below on the thoughts behind the challenge Drop me a comment to reserve your spot for further details and if you want the exact step by step plan I will be following for the first pillar (movement and nutrition) I am super happy to get you all set up with the plan I am doing for this In the meantime, here are some basic guidelines for the 40 day Challenge with Journey to Wellness with Jennifer Hill and the 40 in 40 challenge! Please share, comment, tag or DM for more info on the private group and challenge 15 spots remain Who's in or needs info Happy to set you up with all the tools you need to do this and crush it friends! And in case you're wondering in 40 days I will be 40 Here's my birthday challenge to working on my own holistic health and helping others along the way! If you have ever considered reaching out and starting now is the time I am here to help get your started. It all starts with a single step Xo Jen Founder of Journey to Wellness @jjourneytowellness 905 617 8566 For more details: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/605b7ee12e7f9707beffc4b7

Journey to Wellness with Jennifer Hill 28.04.2021

It’s official!!! We are opening our doors for a Week into our VIRTUAL FIT CLUB! To everyone who wants to focus on something good during this still uncertain ti...me;) Completely free & open to you and your friends. Here’s the scoop on what you can expect from ME over the next 7 days. You're going to get: 7-14 days of at-home Workouts (you stream them or join in on a call for additional accountability-just think of it as going to the gym you just log on with me daily - and if you don't you can do it at your own time- all good!!) Daily Support, and access to my group Meal Ideas + Week Plan Mindset Focus Habit Tracker for 14 days Morning Routine guide Kids Activities + Worksheets & MORE!! We want a safe place where we can focus on our health & wellness. MESSAGE ME HERE OR Click the link in the comments to find out how to get access. https://view.flodesk.com/emails/605019734a1c4afc0bfea5ae

Journey to Wellness with Jennifer Hill 20.04.2021

| | | | for a new week, new month!!! RAISE your handif you are ready to be super focused with your fitness and nutrition in March?!?!? wh...at are some of your goals?!?! : my first goal, is to be super solid with my nutrition and the only way I can do that is if I meal prephence why the focus of my online training group this month around portion control, plating principles, carb cycling, and timed-nutrition and get results with food in a way that works specifically for you! And yasss in in 4 weeks I wish I was in bathing suit for our annual trip but I won't be but I am non the less staying committed to my monthkt grouon that gives me a little motivation to stay extra committed. Follow my instastories or ask for details on my group and you can see the exact program my clients get and handy dandy meal plans to help them know what to eat too : my second goal, is to be committed finishing this 9 week program up so that I can refocus once it's done on the next challenge. Starting this Monday we launched something we never have done before and the group is lit! We have in 3 days hosted meal prepping sessions, live workouts together, have recorded session for those wanting to catch the recording and we have mindset work tomorrow. Legit, we had this idea in February to plan this GREAT escape free community group to give back to our Warriors and clients and we offered some pretty cool prizes for the winner. I am posting meal plans in the group today and happy to share details with you on how to get a free account and join us for 7 days with exercises for free, movement plans and tonnes of motivation. : my third goal, is to be super focused and efficient with my time. With all the things that have fell by the wayside in January and February when I was recovering, I am so ready to focus and take control this March. Wishing we were planning our spring break right now and escape south soon, traveling to Punta Cana or México or Florida but we aren't. So instead I am running a Bootcamp for people who want to take control and Escape in a different way. We are almost full for the March session. UT I will squueze a few more in, so you get to experience the epicNess of this group vibe. NOW its your turn?!?! Just reach outb did you meal prep this weekend? what are your goals for March? anddd tag a friend for accountability Who wants access or is loving the group we have set up for the Great Escape with a focus on Meals, Movment and Mindset already:) I sure am fired up! Reach out for info or at least how to get access to meal plan if that will help Click below and fill out the form:) https://view.flodesk.com/pages/603fd5df4851d3f74d513640

Journey to Wellness with Jennifer Hill 08.04.2021

If I could go back and give advice to my younger self, it would be to not waste precious time and thoughts beating myself up, wishing I was prettier, skinnier, ...taller, with better skin, longer hair and a perfect smile - all that negative self talk and terribly low self esteem. . I listened to the bullies. I believed the bullies. I let them determine my worth. I let them get into my mind, my heart, my soul. . BULLYING Got so bad I had to move, not once, but multiple times from the hometown I loved dearly! I always went back, stronger and more determined but it was awful. To the point multiple cross country moves happened and even a cross border one, as the guidance counsellors and support teams at the school were just as lost trying to navigate how awful it was. . It got to the point I wouldn't speak in classes, felt embarrassed to be out in public or talk with people because my own thoughts were interfering with my self worth . Why did I ever do that?? My worth is SO much more than my appearance. So much more than my family name, I grew up in a very humble (let's be honest we were poor home, but rich in love ). But being in a very small town, I would often try to dim who I was or how big I could dream of how far I would want to go because of fear of ridicule, reject and straight up emotional torment, physical violence and psychological trauma from bullying, exclusion, gossip, name calling, scapegoating and pure hell. . Sometimes the bullying was because of my physical appearance in particular my high "gumline" and "fangs" the atrocious names I will never repeat are stuck in my head. . Sometimes the bullying was for grades and I would downplay my test results so I wouldnt get picked on for being smart. . Many times it was for sports and being highly competitive I would try to downplay the atheleticism. . Other times it was for the home we lived it and the humble upbringing my grandparents work hard for but often had financial struggles and many knew. More times it was because I didn't have a dad, being born into a single mother family, raised by my grandparents, I was often tormented beyond measure for not knowing my biological father. #truthhurts . Either way, as an adult now I try to realize those were lessons! . I try to think back to the situation and wonder what those kids were going through who felt so compelled to bully and the upbringing and environment they may have had. Either way, it doesn't make it ok. The lasting impact that bullying has on one's lives transforms whom they become. I’m now grateful for those experiences because luckily I wised up and through lots of personal growth I learned to love myself for who I am and my body for all that it is and does . For my smile. I was bullied for years due my high gum line and fangs and because my family couldn't afford braces I was stuck with my smile. Now to the day, I always get a "You are always smiling or your smile makes me smile!" So I will take it and keep it, its unique, one of a kind and only mine. This took a lot of growth. Now I challenge you to find a day I don't find many things to smile about. And I also challenge you as well. I can sometimes however still hear those awful bullies and the words they would say, I won't repeat. . For the years I struggled- With self love and self worth but this journey has led me to recognize that true beauty is much deeper than the surface of our skin. And it's what's in your heart is the most that matters! #bekind . You know, it’s funny... What I thought were my weaknesses beacause other defined you by them, now have actually always been my strengths. And so are yours. . It ends up being in your mindset and your own thoughts. You are what you think you are. One of my favourite authors says, "It only takes a shift in perception to make a new reality!" Agree? . Keep smiling and your head held high about what makes you unique and unapolgethically you! . And for goodness sake if anything Be a Good Human. As I lay here thinking about how I want to have my daughter be able to speak up to bullies if she ever see or witnesses or experiences it, but also how to ensure that she never becomes the bully. A rush of emotions come over me as I feel all the feels seeing all the #pinkshirts for #pinkshirtday and know how this movement huge and very personal. . Never would have imagined I now run a business on social media helping others believe in the power of their own thoughts and actions to make their life better. And take power of their own thoughts. It's been pretty cool where your thoughts can take you! Once you flip the switch on the dialogue and release some baggage that has shaped you and no longer serves you. . As I lay here tonight, I hope and pray she never has to deal with any of the #bullybaggage that it took her mama years to heal from. . Sending massive love and trust me you will be seeing my gummy smile your way more and I now longer let anyone else dim the light on my torch. Because I am setting an example for someone! . #beagoodgoodhuman #morethanapinkshirt #antibully #mystory #myjourney #warrior

Journey to Wellness with Jennifer Hill 31.03.2021

Next challenge details You won't want to miss this

Journey to Wellness with Jennifer Hill 26.03.2021

You asked for it, we brought it! I haven't share much about it because I wanted my existing clients to get the headstart in the enrollment before I opened it up... publicly. But it looks like I have 10 spots left, in case someone wants in? Registration for the great escape is on FIRE! This one is not a free challenge, but it's worth it! BUT know it CLOSING Soon like within 48 hours soon!!!! What IS the #greatescape? It’s a virtual wellness program that offers the following one on one coaching group virtual workouts 3x/week an easy to follow nutrition plan with meal plans certified nutritional coaches peer support a lifetime of coaching beyond the challenge You in yet? I still have one code left for a little bit off your starter pack!! P.S. there’s definitely a fantastic cash prize for the grandest shredder in March Pm me, feel free to Share or invite a friend and tag along or comment below to get enrolled. This is about to explode real fast!!!

Journey to Wellness with Jennifer Hill 15.03.2021

Welcome to my calm amongst the chaos- here are the details about the free virtual Fit Club sessions!

Journey to Wellness with Jennifer Hill 08.03.2021

10-4 - ROGER THAT- OVER AND OUT!!! Sounds like my pop:) Hope he would be proud:) As tomorrow a local radio show picked up our story- feel free to have a listen... in:) Anyone from the ROCK if your free tomorrow at 9am NL you can tune in to VOBB Coastal Connection at https://vobb.org/ as they did a story on our growing wellness community Journey to Wellness- Hold Fast Newfoundland & Lab Wellness Community and the impact we are making:) Thanks so much to host Olivia, VOBB and Coastal Connections:) You can tune in tomorrow at 9am NL/730 am EST Saturday:) Feel free to share or check out this local radio station from my neck of the woods;)

Journey to Wellness with Jennifer Hill 15.02.2021


Journey to Wellness with Jennifer Hill 11.02.2021


Journey to Wellness with Jennifer Hill 26.01.2021

Thursday Truths! For a long time I let people believe what they wanted about my online wellness business. . .... Some people said it was a was a short lived hobby. Never would work! . . Others told me I was in need of attention. Gulp . . A few shared they thought my marriage was in trouble and I needed people to pay attention to me. . . A few told me I was a narcissist. . . And so on. (And YES some of those things were said NOT by strangers but by people I knew and other random people on social) . . And I remember talking to my husband, Steve on the cruise, I earned with this company and saying I want to make this big. I think this thing is bigger than me and I am ready to not play small anymore. And I am ready to play really big and make a huge impact on masses of people. And he said, There is no reason you can't make this for you and your team! You've done it before with teams and led growth and helped others flourish so now go do your thing and screw the naysayers." He said he's never seen me so passionate and so driven to help, other than when I worked in senior care. He said that I needed this in my life and others need me to help them in theirs. But us as a family, me a mother and a wife need this and there was no turning back! All I can say is I am glad he gets it. I am glad that he and the ones closest to me get it. I am thnakful to have support when reaching for something that I neve knew possible. . . And you know what? That’s all the validation I needed- My family's belief and MY belief that I could make this BIG. Steve made a point to remind me who I was doing it for and reiterated how important that was to stay focused on. . Thankful that every night before Journey's bedtime he let's me take the first story and steps up and takes the last book of the night. This wee bit of time helps me crush out the power hours I need to and pockets of time to grow this business the way it has over 5 years. Small consistent pockets, daily non negotiable efforts! It is really what makes anything a success. So happy to say some of the naysayers were wrong. . And if you have a dream yall- just believe. Believing in your dreams is

Journey to Wellness with Jennifer Hill 24.01.2021

Double tap if you agree #goals #dreams #2021 #vision #dailyhabits #yourstory #journeytowellness #bebrave #

Journey to Wellness with Jennifer Hill 12.01.2021

It’s 2021, you have 2 options: . Sit in fear and doubt... or step into your power & take immediate, swift & passionate action on your dreams and desires. .... I choose the latter. . After much contemplation, I have found another word to help guide me ...and I’m pretty darn happy about it. . ELEVATING . Defined as a rising intellectually & spirituality. To rise one’s spirits, lift oneself and others up, and to improve in all areas. . This year I’m committed to continuing to grow & expand myself, my interests, my habits & hobbies, my career, my home, my relationships, and rise beyond my self-perceived limitations therefore shattering my glass ceiling, while elevating others as well. . I will ask myself when faced with decisions and uncertainty: . Is the outcome of this {specific task or situation} ELEVATING me? . Now it's time to help others and prep for my team call with a group of individuals who are ready to elevate and lift others along the way!