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Joy Sole Vitality 25.05.2021

Your readings are ready: A - 93 - Happy Endings - This card serves as confirmation that a very happy ending is right around the corner.... Even if it seems ludicrous and impossible at this present moment in time, a favorable outcome awaits you and is well within your reach. Since you attract what you are, you bring yourself good fortune when you’re happy. Therefore, you will attract your positive outcome sooner by being joyous now, that is, by acting as if what you want has already come to pass. By drawing this card, you are being encouraged to focus the majority of your attention on the outcome you desire rather than the outcome you fear. Since you attract what you think about the most, when you focus on your dreams, you can make those dreams come true. Dismiss all logic and reason so that you see the miracles beyond, and know that you live in a magical Universe where it pays to believe and dream. In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to, and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life cycles that are leading you toward a very happy ending. Be grateful for the happiness to come, and remain optimistic and hopeful at all times, because it only gets better from here. Affirmation: I have faith that a happy ending is right around the corner B - 4 - Perseverance - This card indicates a time to keep moving forward as you strive to achieve your hopes and dreams because despite your current challenges, success is well within your reach. You are never given more than you can handle, and you have the strength and ability to make it through so face your challenges head on with determination, courage, and faith. With perseverance and persistence, you can make your dreams come true. By drawing this card, you are being encouraged to cultivate mental resilience and stability, since a calm and stable mind creates a calm and stable life. Make yourself aware of the negative thoughts ad beliefs that are currently influencing you, and muster up the strength to develop a positive state of mind. In order to improve your current situation, you are being asked to adjust to and harmonize with, the natural rhythm and cycles of your life cycles that are encouraging you to persevere through your obstacles and challenges. Call on heavenly assistance when you need it, and have faith in your ability to create an exceptional life. Affirmation: With perseverance and persistence, I create an exceptional life.

Joy Sole Vitality 14.05.2021

Good Morning The planet Venus has been the star this week/month. We had a difficult aspect on Monday where Pluto (matters relating to transparency, healing and the depth of life) was challenging Venus (matters relating to self reliance and working with the natural world) This often brings up our shadow side and forces us to deal with it in order for us to shine brighter. ... Today Venus moves into Taurus. Venus is at home here and wants to let you know that’s it’s okay to be you. It wants you to honor yourself, your values, your self-worth and your talents. The moon still sits in Taurus until tomorrow, you still have time to do your New Moon ceremony and intentions. Today being the last day. Have an awesome day everyone! Time to choose Centre Ground A or B or BOTH

Joy Sole Vitality 07.05.2021

Liberate yourself from from others wrong doing!

Joy Sole Vitality 25.04.2021

How will you be harnessing and cultivating your fire?

Joy Sole Vitality 10.04.2021

A - Four Of Water - It's time to reevaluate your situation, because you're currently missing an opportunity. The solution you're seeking is right in front of your face. Fortunately, positive forces are working to assist you now. Open your eyes to the possibilities, and accept the help that's being offered to you. However, you may be distracted or feel emotionally trapped. It's possible that by focusing on what you don't have, you're taking for granted the good things tha...t you do have. Additional meanings of this card: Discontentment. Apathy. Daydreaming. Getting lost in your own little world. Something missing. Boredom. B - The Hermit - This card signals that you’d benefit from spending more time alone, listening to your inner voice. Meditation is essential, as the path to enlightenment is an inner journey. Be silent and experience the joy that comes from seeking the truth of your own heart. Learn to feel comfortable in your own company. After all, there’s a difference between being alone and being lonely. This card also signifies spiritual teachings, so it can mean that you have wisdom to impart to others, or that perhaps it’s time for you to find a spiritual teacher. Sharing wisdom is part of your spiritual journey especially right now. Additional meanings this card: good advice. Finding or becoming a mentor. Self discovery. Reevaluation of plans. Going on a spiritual quest. Archangel Raziel offers sage advice to spiritual seekers, including guidance about esoteric concepts, interpretations your sleeping dreams, and past life memories. Call upon Raziel to help you find the richness that comes from meditation and spending time alone in contemplation.

Joy Sole Vitality 06.04.2021

Good Morning This month will feel much lighter. Full steam ahead with no planets in retrograde and the sun in Aries. The New Moon coming up in Aries has the potential for activating ideas, communication and information as well as the desire to connect with others. Venus and Mercury playing a role, increasing the need to share thoughts and feelings with important people in your life around money, love and relationship issues.... Centre, Ground and choose your Wisdom A B or Both Have a heartfelt day!

Joy Sole Vitality 18.03.2021

Your readings are ready: A - Queen of Fire - Stretch your wings and fly! Don’t underestimate yourself and your abilities. Believe in all that you can do and accomplish. You’ll naturally attract other people to assist you. Assert your independence and creativity.... Situation: Now is the time to stretch your wings and really fly. You’ve been underestimating yourself and your abilities. Believe in all that you can do and accomplish. You’ll naturally attract other people to assist you. Assert your independence and creativity. People: A person with a magnetic personality who is good-natured and loves life. Someone with great self-confidence who is astonishingly well-rounded in terms of talents and skills. Attractive. Warm. Intelligent. Capable. Active. Convincing. Difficult to throw off guard. Additional meanings of this card :Trusting your intuition. Balance home and career. A desire for attention and recognition. B - King of Fire - Situations: Focus, focus, focus and full steam ahead! Devote your energy and time to the task at hand. You’re in a position of leadership, and you inspire others with your enthusiasm. You may also receive advice from someone who excels at creative solutions. People: A natural-born leader with great charisma, charm, and flair. Often the head of a business or organisation that allows him or her to be innovative and accomplish great things. Creative. Idealistic. Ambitious. Influential. Motivational. Professional. Theatrical Additional meanings of this card: An entrepreneurial venture. Speaking in front of a group. The courage of one’s convictions. Making a difference.

Joy Sole Vitality 09.03.2021

Good Morning Today marks the last day of March. I continue to plug away at my studies that are enriching my life and are giving me such incredible tools to share with my clients and students. As difficult as this past year has been, I still have much to be grateful for. This week we have Mercury and Neptune buddying up. Mercury is all about facts, and what we can see with our senses. Neptune is everything we cannot see our feelings, intuition, and imagination.... I feel like all my meditation has lead me to this energy of Mercury conjunct Neptune where one may indulge in Close your eyes and see. Because sometimes the essential is indeed invisible to the eye. April keywords are clarity, spark and forward momentum. Time to get some energy back and start living your life doing the things that make you the happiest! By the end of the week we have Mercury in Aries and this will bring much-needed clarity and intellectual firepower. If you felt a bit lethargic while Mercury was in Pisces, Mercury in Aries will help you become more assertive and confident. Have an awesome day! Time to pick Centre Ground And choose A B or AB

Joy Sole Vitality 25.02.2021

Your readings are ready: A - 13 Release - Archangel Azrael... The end of a phase or situation. Spiritual transformation. Time to move on. This card signifies that it’s time to move on because the project or phase of your life is now complete. There’s no benefit in remaining in this situation. Instead shake off the old and welcome the new! You may experience a sense of relief at this ending or there may be some sadness. Either way, it’s time to leave that which you outgrown. Take your time in adjusting to this change in your life. It’s not necessary to rush ahead. Be kind to yourself during this period of transition, and seek the support of family and friends. Additional meanings of this card: Inevitable, positive changes. Facing your fears. Relationship transitions. Spiritual evolution. Archangel Azrael heals your heart when changes and losses bring about grieving. Call up Azrael to help you to move forward to fearlessly and to let go of the past. B - 19 The Sun - Archangel Uriel This card indicates that it is a wonderful time for you! You are succeeding in ways you never dreamed possible. Endeavors that you begin now are blessed with abundance and success. Keep your thoughts positive and everything will turn out beautifully. This is also a time of brilliant new ideas and solutions. Have confidence in yourself! The work you have done personally and spiritually brings astonishing changes to your life. You are on the right path for your own enlightenment. Additional meanings of this card: Joy. Public recognition. The attainment of great personal insights. Vibrant physical and/or emotional health. Archangel Uriel is the archangel who helps with mental functioning, including focus and concentration. Call upon Uriel to spark new ideas and solutions, as well as to increase your confidence in your intelligence and wisdom.*

Joy Sole Vitality 14.02.2021

Good Morning, If the weather report is accurate we may be expecting thunderstorms, this is very fitting for the planetary energies. We have Venus that has entered The sign of Aries . With Venus in Aries we may tend to put ourselves first. We may have conflicting feelings of being in a relationship with someone or a need for complete independence. ... The Moon is in Leo until Friday. It is in a T square with Uranus and Saturn, this is an energy of tension (hence thunderstorms) The invitation here is to chill out and not get caught up in the drama. When the moon moves into Virgo you may have the desire to get things organized, or assist others with their needs. Hope you have a heartfelt day! Choose your card A B or BOTH

Joy Sole Vitality 25.11.2020

I hope you all had a fabulous day! Mine was full of goodness! A - 37 - The Metal King -... The Metal King is strong and arrives to lend you his impenetrable shield of protection. No matter who sends you criticism or jealousy, you will not be hurt. This Ally also prompts you to think about setting healthy boundaries. When you do no matter how uncomfortable that task may be everyone will benefit. He asks you to make sure you know where you end and another begins. Others’ emotions are not yours, no matter how empathetic you may be. Another of the Metal King’s messages is to remind you how important it is to have a healthy sense of self-esteem. It’s a good time to shine and be proud of what you have accomplished. B - 24 - The Mapmaker of Destiny - When the Mapmaker of Destiny appears, it’s a sign that you’re being given an opportunity to transform Fate into Destiny. At birth, each human being is given a unique map with myriad paths that intersect with one another. Your Map of Destiny shows all the places you’re meant to visit, places where you will be challenged to evolve into the highest aspects of the Self. Remember that you’re a spark of the Divine come to Earth to experience itself in human form. As such, your path is unique. It’s also somewhat preordained, and Fate represents the events in your life that were meant to happen and that you can’t change. Fate is transformed into Destiny according to how you respond to your circumstances. Destiny offers you the ability to make great opportunities out of fated experience, so free will and choice are possible at certain points on your map. Now is one of those times. You’re faced with a relationship or circumstance brought to you by Fate. How you respond will lead you into your perfect Destiny. Your Ally may assume the form of a soul mate come to heal your heart and be your companion. Perhaps your Challenger makes you face the things within you that must change in order for you to express your highest good. Maybe Fate brings you an Ally in the form of a wonderful new project . . . or a Challenger in the form of a failed business. No matter which form they take, all are perfect expressions of Fate inviting you into your Destiny. Pay attention as your map unfolds now. And remember that Fate makes the map, but Destiny is determined by the manner in which you engage your journey. Good night

Joy Sole Vitality 20.11.2020

We've had a very challenging week with dental surgery for my son and some minor complications. It's never easy to watch your loved ones suffer and go through pain and stress. Being an empath it wears thin on my soul... He's on the mend now and I am looking forward to the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Blue Moon in Gemini on Nov 30, I will be sure to post my blog on this BIG energy coming soon.... Now time to center and choose what your Wisdom will be this Wednesday? Have a great day, catch ya later tonight...

Joy Sole Vitality 07.11.2020

Good Morning, it’s Wisdom Wednesday, I had a conversation yesterday with someone about meditation, some of you may not know this about me, but I took an 8 month samadhi Medition course. This was one of the most pivotal moment in my life. I can honestly say it changed my life. In so so so many ways. ... The question I was asked was do you meditate everyday? And the answer is yes I went on to explain that ideally I’d be meditating for hours a day, but this is not practical for most people, including myself. We are not monks, we are householders and we have a lot of moving parts in our lives. Yet, I do meditate daily, but I’ve taken the idea of a practice out of the box. I do it in such a way that allows me to connect with myself, all day long! It’s practice and it’s worth it because it works. If you’d like to know more and you are interested in finding ways to help control your thoughts, bring more peace into your life and become active and not reactive, please DM me. Now for the card pull... Stop, take a breath, feel the breath On the exhalation feel yourself anchoring in and grounding Connect in to Source or that which you call it Ask your question, or let it be a general message Choose A, B or Both Have a heartfelt day!

Joy Sole Vitality 06.11.2020

Warrior I Virabhadrasana 1 Born out of the myth, Shiva infuriated that he was not accepted by Daksha, the father of his beloved, Sati. ... Sati’s fury and great sadness ignited a fire that burned so brightly inside her that she went up in flames right in the middle of the party, in which Shiva was not welcome and was reduced to a pile of ashes before her father’s very eyes. Shiva feels something has happened to his beloved. Tears one of his dreadlocks off his head and throws it to the ground. With the force of his anger, this dreadlock snaked into the earth and all the way down through the mountain, only to emerge in the center of the party, right in the very spot where Sati’s ashes lay. The dreadlock was transformed into Virabhadra, the great warrior, who rose out of the ground. And Warrior I was born. There is more to this story, but I just wanted to give you a taste of some of the mythology behind the poses. We can also attach a yoga sutra to this story. 1.33 In order to preserve an elevated state of mind, be happy for those who are happy, cultivate compassion for those who are sad, feel delight for those deemed to be lucky [virtuous or righteous], and experience indifference toward those perceived to be wicked. Sign up for live online chair yoga classes, where we talk all things Astral, all things yoga, all things wellness beyond the mat!

Joy Sole Vitality 03.11.2020

You won't want to miss this! - https://mailchi.mp/cf7024c5e08c/you-wont-want-to-miss-this

Joy Sole Vitality 21.10.2020

Happy New Moon Blessings in Scorpio, When energies are running deep and the release of what weighs you down is highlighted more than ever, ... take the lessons, the pain, the challenges, the serendipity and allow those events to guide you! - Isabelle Gargagliano - Read more here - http://www.joysolevitality.ca/blog

Joy Sole Vitality 03.10.2020

Mars goes direct This orange hued speck in the eastern sky is Mars, we've been blessed to be able to see it since September 9th. Its been in retrograde, therefore, closer to the earth. ... This picture does not do it any justice, that's for sure... You may have felt like your wheels are spinning with no forward momentum, certainly with Mars stationing direct today, this energy will start to adjust Give it at least a week to fully shift and don't miss out on seeing it soon.

Joy Sole Vitality 26.09.2020

I hope you all had an amazing day! Mine was fulfilling! Here are your readings...... A - The Alter Priestess - The stage is set, and the world is waiting for you to take your place in sacred meditation and prayer. As you Ally, the Altar Priestess brings the ritual of reverent interaction with the mundane world. You are being required now to see everything as sacred, all of life as a meditation, and every action as a prayer of devotion. When you are able to perceive the world in this way, your question will lead you to the appropriate answer. If all is sacred, how can anything be wrong? Ask how you can shift your consciousness to see your circumstances through the eyes of the Divine and you will realize how perfect and sacred everything is right now. B - The Dragon’s Duel - Inner conflict, morality, conscious choice.The Dragon’s Duel takes place at the proverbial fork in the road. It is both Ally and Challenger at once, as it represents the tension of opposites. Even though the truth is that we live in unity, we experience the duality of faith and doubt, love and fear, right and wrong, black and white. This aspect of your current experience asks you to accept that although you may be going one way, another may call to you to change direction. Now is the time to inquire whether it is your ego or your soul leading you. There are always choices in life. Decision making also solves inner conflict. If you are torn between two dragons, the one that you choose to feed will be the one that wins. Which one is it? If it is not the one that serves the highest of your intentions, deliberately feed the other and the duel will be won in your favour. Good night!