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JSmedia 27.04.2021

What I am about to try and communicate is not going to be perfect and it’s not a white shame post. However, my prayer for today was that God will show me what I do not experience and this is an honest hope to engage in exactly that. I am white. My community is white. My schools were white. My hockey teams were white. I remember being called racist when I was 16. ... The comment was born after someone asked me if I had any friends of colour and I couldn’t respond saying I did. I didn’t see that as a problem then. I mean, it wasn’t intentional, that was my Canadian reality. I loved people, all people... what could have been the issue? That moment has stuck with me to this day. I was not racist then and I am not racist now. What I was then was UNAWARE. In many ways I am still unaware now. I’ve come to learn being unaware is not a problem. It’s a reality for lots of people. But choosing to stay unaware is a huge problem. What’s been floating through my head this week is this, We live in a world where the system is not broken. It’s working to its design. It was built to belittle people of colour. The system is not broken. It needs to be broken. In hopes seeing the system deconstructed and rebuilt, I am desiring to learn. I am taking action to become aware. That’s what this video did for me. Thank you for producing this @dontaecalett. I’d love to use this platform to engage in a conversation where I can be educated and invite others who are willing to listen. I want to do IG lives with people of colour who have a story they would like to share. So here’s my question, who do I need to learn from? Who do I need to listen to? I’d really appreciate you pointing me in the right direction. Tag them in the comments or send me a dm! Love y’all. Joey See more

JSmedia 20.04.2021

It’s not only time to keep your own head above the water in this global health and economic shift but it’s time to use your God given gifts to HELP those around you. There has never been a time where your gifts mattered as much as they do now. Business owners all around the world are praying for a solution to come their way, allowing them to stay alive. ... The answer is you. It’s time you stop complaining about your day to day work looking different, your wedding, design, photo and video gigs getting cancelled or postponed. It’s time you step up, own your gifts and turn them into solutions to help a business thrive, better than that, help someone's business stay around. Not only is now an amazing time to use your gifts to help stabilize the world, your income is directly tied to the quality and quantity of problems you solve - but that’s not why you do it. You do it because you have a solution the world is desperately waiting on. What’s problems are you going to help solve around you going forward? Comment below. Love y’all. Jo See more

JSmedia 07.04.2021

I made a incredibly hard decision late last night. The type of decision I would have never made a year ago. As most of you know, the 3rd round of the Creative Rise Mastermind (my community based creative business coaching platform) was supposed to launch today. Well, it didn’t. I pulled the plug.... Why did you back out last minute Joey? What happened? Nothing bad happened. It’s what wasn’t happening.. In fact everything seems to be happening for me - the travel, freedom, relationships, money, blah blah. This isn’t burnout. It’s obedience. There’s one thing I am missing though. I’ve struggled (in a beautiful way) since the end of December with what REST truly is and where I find it. If there’s anything I am sure of, it’s what’s ahead for me. Massive massive things. A season that is bigger and better than before. I’ve been humbled as an entrepreneur as I’ve grasped that you need to slow down to speed up. Gods been leading me into that more than ever recently. And so here I am, choosing service to others and God over my own personal gain - a decision I wouldn’t have made not to long ago. What a process of this year has been already. So full of gratitude. I’m beyond excited to drop the news on what’s coming this year. Impact/love is at the centre of it all and I couldn’t be more stoked. But first, it’s time to rest. Reach out if you want to chat. I always appreciate your thoughts! Love y’all. Jo @ New Zealand

JSmedia 21.03.2021

Have you ever had to pinch yourself multiple times in a day to make sure your life is legit? Is this real life? That was me today. This was typical for me as most of you know - hucking myself into any body of water I can find. What you don’t see though is this is the aftermath of a painfully steep 5 hours hike. I couldn’t freaking wait to get into the ocean. That 5 hour hike gave me time to think about the word I chose for 2020. ... BECOMING // the journey to a greater version of myself. I don’t do well with silencing the world around me to just be. I am working on it though. I’m having grace for myself. Today let me just be. Coming to terms with who I am desiring to become. I loved the silence today for a change. I loved the intellectual pursuit in my mind as I hiked. Who are you becoming this year? Please dm me to do this more often hah. Love y’all. Cheering for ya this year. Jo See more

JSmedia 11.03.2021

Shooting doesn’t amuse me anymore. I know, sounds harsh eh. But hear me out - If you would have asked me at 15 what I’d be doing at 21, I’d tell you I’d be shooting in the mountains and beaches, on snowboards and surfboards, surrounded by my best friends. Nothing more. Nothing less. ... I’ve seen more of those things than most people will in a life time and they are magical, but I’d be a fool to tell you something hasn’t changed over the years. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about myself in the last 24 months it’s this - I don’t actually care about creating art. Photography isn’t who I am. Filmmaking isn’t who I am. I am a problem solver. I grew up using those as the vehicles to take me to the solutions I believe the world needed. But I don’t love the art. I’ve discovered my brain is wired differently, in a good way. Not a better way. Just a unique way. 2019 taught me more than ever that the art doesn’t create a career. The art doesn’t matter. Not quality nor quantity. The ability to understand how art can be leveraged to drive revenue and fulfillment, now that, that’s what’s up. Here I am, 21 years of age living a beautifully free life not focused on what I always dreamt of - shooting everyday. Solving problems looks much more unique and individualistic for me today. The creativity hasn’t moved on. It’s just run deeper within me. People behaviour, marketing, branding, sharing my story to empower others.. the list goes on. I’m at the stage where I can’t see my life looking any different 10 years from now because I’m so in love with where I am. But I’ve said that before haven’t I? Hah. How have you changed in a way you didn’t see coming? Lemme know below Life’s a trip. Pumped to cheer y’all on. Lemme know how I can help you in 2020. Dm or comment. ps - these shots were from today with my boys from back in the day. to many memories with these two. felt good to create for myself again. Love y’all. Jo @ Haliburton, Ontario

JSmedia 14.12.2020

I’m leaving Ontario again in the next couple of days and sooner than later it will be leaving for good. Part of that pains me, part of that fires me up. There really isn’t anywhere like home. ... I’ve seen the world but nothing compares to this place. I’m not sure what triggers our hearts to be buried in certain places. The feeling of contentment, despite the circumstances. It doesn’t matter what the weather is, who you are with and why you are there. It just matters that you are there. I love how everyone’s got their place. For me, this is it. Even better when with good friends. Thanks for the mems boys. Where’s your spot. How does it make your heart feel? Love y’all. Jo @ Ontario See more

JSmedia 04.12.2020

Anyone else feel like their dream summer has been robbed from them? Me too, thanks Auntie Rona. I find myself watching the same Golf Channel loop from 4 years ago all day because there’s no live sports and I’m stuck at home.. quite literally. As I write this, I am posted up in a mandatory self lockdown because I’ve traveled from -> . It’s easy for me to get jittery over the days I feel I’ve missed out on.... But do the days we do get out and soak it all in feel even better than ever? I’d argue so. Let’s not see the glass as half empty - but see it as overflowing Just like that little waterfall Also, I can’t get over how fun shooting & editing photos is on your phone. So simple Love y’all, Jo @ Tahoe See more

JSmedia 16.11.2020

The agility to pivot your business isn’t a good skill to have, it’s a necessity. If this year has proven anything it’s that line eh? These two chaaaamps have been 2 of those people for me. I’ve watched both Beba and Christy create and blow up new revenue streams that didn’t exist before quarantine.. simple twists, big returns. ... Surround yourself with people who take advantage of the circumstances rather than complain about them. Game changing. Love y’all, Jo. @ Yosemite National Park

JSmedia 28.10.2020

friends, find a someone who celebrates and pushes you towards who you are becoming rather than who you are. watch what it does. let it shape you. ... it will blow your mind and change your life in the process, guaranteed. thank you for doing that for me @christyljohnston. photos by an amazing photog and even better friend - @bebavowels @ Yosemite National Park See more

JSmedia 25.10.2020

A good friend told me last week that the ability to cherish a moment and those around will take you far. At first I was like, yeah bro, love that, later realizing I don’t even know the real definition of cherish hah. So I looked it up, ... Dictionary: To cherish is to love and protect someone or something. Joeys Translation: to water the crops you care about. I feel like Covid has been a real test of cherishing. It’s sure forced me to chose what I water and what I let dry up. @chriswharder reminded me this morning on his most recent podcast that cherishing life is the greatest gift you can give yourself so you don’t look back one day and wish you were watered areas that are gone now. So good eh? Talk about cherishing moments.. it feels dang good to get out and travel. It’s even better to see @christyljohnston after 15 weeks. These shots were from yesterday and shot freediving with my plain old iPhone in the frigid waters of Tahoe. Yeah, you heard that right.. my little iPhone haha. So insane. Here’s to cherishing moments and the people I love better in 2020. And fingers crossed my iPhone doesn’t break one of these days underwater. Hah. Love y’all. Jo @ Nevada See more