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Just a Little Bit dot Ca 30.05.2021

Time has a funny way of changing perspective. I was looking at an article that I had written some time during the last year, and although I tried to remember what I was thinking I knew that if I was to publish that it wouldn't be right. Sure the subject was good but my sentences were all mixed up. So here we go an old article with a brand-new twist. [ 371 more words ] http://justalittlebit.ca/?p=1342

Just a Little Bit dot Ca 11.05.2021

What does a honey pot, a good Samaritan, and a wheelchair breaking down all have in common? If you were thinking a story you are correct. Its not very often that I use my chair as the main subject but when you get free honey pots out of the deal you want to write about your mishaps. A few weeks ago Samantha and I were running around Fairview collecting the necessary gifts for my family, and since we had several stops to make I didn't want to waste time getting in and out of t...he vehicle, so whe went one set off on foot, everything was going fine we were making good time, that was until my chair decided to go on strike. I've been using wheelchairs long enough to know that when something doesn’t work, not to panic. Okay, I thought I’ll just restart it. After all this was one of the coldest days we had in a while. We were relieved when we turned it back on and it worked everything seemed okay, however our excitement was short lived, when we reached our next destination lo and behold it stopped working again. It stopped so many times that afternoon that both Samantha and I were wondering if we should head home early. But when we realized that I probably wouldn’t get out again before Christmas we decided to press on and finish collecting the gifts. Fast forward to after Christmas by now both of us were used to my chair stopping in random spots. I even started counting how many times a day it would freeze, but that too got old. One afternoon Samantha and I decided to go out for lunch, and then do various things. We had just left the restaurant and hadn’t gone more then ten feet, when we drove by an empty lot lined with a chain link fence, and hit a snow patch causing my chair to spin out. Instead of being angry I broke out in a broad grin and started laughing, somebody was driving by and heard all the ruckus, we managed to get me unstuck and I was just about to drive into the van when she said. Oh wait a sec. I have something for you. with that the good Samaritan ran back to her vehicle and came back with two honey pots. For your troubles. She said, and with that Samantha closed up the lift and we all went our separate ways. I never did see my good Samaritan again, to this day I’m still wondering if I’ll ever run in to her. So ends the story of the good Samaritan See more

Just a Little Bit dot Ca 03.05.2021

One thing I been struggling with is understanding God's purpose for my life. Wondering what I can do differently to feel useful instead of useless. It took a very good friend and the reading of Matthew 11 versus 27 and 28 to help me realize that my disability is not useless but useful. So if ever your struggling with the question what am I doing here? Does my life have purpose, just remember that the heavenly father said that this life wouldn't be easy. All things have been c...ommitted to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. 28 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. I hope this passage is a blessing, and will help you somewhere along life's road. Coleen Buitendyk

Just a Little Bit dot Ca 23.04.2021

Hello, today’s recipe might seem a little bit odd or at least that's what I thought when drove into the cold room and grabbed the various ingredients. But let me tell you I came up with a recipe that left my taste buds asking for more. So without further explanation lets get cooking! Cheesy Bacon Bean Soup Ingredients:... 7 Medium size Potatoes 2 cups of milk Bacon 1pk 2 cans of prepared Tomato soup 1 can Kidney beans rinsed 1/2 an onion 1 can Mushrooms rinsed 2 large grated Carrots 3 cups chopped Green beans 1 can Black beans rinsed 1 cup grated mozzarella 2 spoons cheese wiz 1 spoon parmesan 3 tsp Lemon juice Garlic Plus,Turmeric, Salt and Pepper to taste. Directions: Peel, cut, and boil potatoes in preparation to mash. Cut, and fry bacon together with the minced onion at medium heat, removed from heat just before fully cooked. When potatoes are soft drain water and mash, adding milk as needed until creamy. In a separate pot prepare tomato soup according to instructions then add in the fried bacon, green beans, and grated carrots. Continue by adding in the rinsed kidney beans, black beans, and mushrooms. Stir in the mashed potatoes, the cheese, lemon juice, and spices. Simmer to release optimum flavour. Can easily serve 7-10 people This soup takes quite a while to prepare but for sure won’t take long to eat. Enjoy! Coleen Buitendyk

Just a Little Bit dot Ca 03.04.2021

Summer, fall, winter, spring. These are the four seasons that make up a year. I like summer because it's the easiest time for me to get around. However I like the other seasons to. I like hearing the water dripping from the roof, I also like spring because when I go outside the warm sun touches my face, and I like seeing the leaves change colors. That leaves the winter season. I have mixed feelings about that one because it can be really beautiful to see the snow coming down ...in the morning. But it can be unpredictable to turning into a storm before we know it. I recently watched a movie where the two main characters, Jim and Jennifer are celebrating Christmas with Jim's folks and Jennifer’s in-laws. During the celebration the family receives a call that Jim's grandmother is potentially in the hospital and since the roads are still good Jim together with Jennifer decide to take their little baby and make the long trip to Idaho. Everything goes fine Jim and Jennifer are driving along enjoying the scenery of the mountains when they unexpectedly drive on a snow-covered road. Will Jim and Jennifer be able to make it to Idaho? Find out in snowbound. Snowbound can be found on YouTube. See more

Just a Little Bit dot Ca 17.03.2021

As I laid there on the cold ground with Steve still preventing me from rising to my feet. The what was God doing question once more came to the front of my mind. More specifically though I wondered what the next few days, few hours, even the next few minutes would hold for me. I new I would soon begin the next chapter of my life, I could now hear the sounds of an ambulance siren in the distance. I wasn't sure how much time had passed before I was being lifted into the warmth...Continue reading

Just a Little Bit dot Ca 15.03.2021

But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ For this months along life's road I decided to take a piece of the prodigal son story. Which can be found in Luke 15. In this particular parable Jesus tells the story of two sons, and how the one ...son squanders all of his inheritance money, in the city. He eventually runs out of money and goes to work for a pig farmer. The son is so hungry that even the pig slop looks good. He suddenly realized how better off he was with his family. When he returns the son is dirty, stinky, and possibly his hair sticking up on end from all the nights he had to sleep on the ground, and yet the father still accepts him. Why? Because the father had compassion on his son. It works the same way with us, you might be in a situation that you think you can't get out of. But you know what, you can. Because just like the father having compassion for his son, God has compassion for you. All you have to do is ask him. See more

Just a Little Bit dot Ca 25.02.2021

The water was cold as I struggled to the surface. My lungs were on fire from being underwater for what felt like forever. My clothes were growing increasingly heavy as the seconds ticked by. My thoughts drifted to my family, my wife Sandra of 22 years, my little girl Ruth at age 8, and 12 year old John, rounding out the Stevenson family. As I tried to swim against the current two questions were floating in my head. Was this the end? Was God calling me home? God I'll go if you... are calling but if not please give me a second chance at life. That was the last thing I remember before everything went black. "Over here! I found him." Ouch. Easy there Joe you had a pretty nasty plane crash. I crashed? What are you talking about? I said when I found my voice. You don’t remember? I thought I had been in a plane, flying and then my memory blanked. What had happened? I shook my head but even that motion brought on agonizing pain. In an effort to remember I tried to open my eyes but all I saw was total darkness. Hey who turned out the lights? I can’t see! I shouted to nobody in particular. Where was everybody. I tried to get up but immediately stumbled to my knees, as somebody with strong arms had brought me back to the ground, and even though I tried to break free of their grasp I could not. Let me go! I shouted to whoever or whatever was holding me down. I’m sorry Joe I can’t. The voice said behind me sounding slightly agitated. WIll somebody please tell me what’s going on. I can’t take this much longer. I rubbed my bloody eyes, willing for them to work. Joe.. The voice said again. I will tell you what’s going on but you have to calm down. I am not telling you the details unless you relax. It took some time but finally I did what I was asked. I took in a breath. Okay I’m calm. Joe, my name is Steve, I am part of the rescue group that found you. Do you have any idea where you are? I stood for several seconds listening to the sounds all around me. Rushing water against something, the wind blowing a slight breeze on my face and sending a chill down my drenched body, a bird in a nearby tree. There's a Creek or a River close by? I ventured. Yes. Affirmed Steve In fact you are standing right next to it. That still begs the question what happened to me to land at the side of a river? I felt his warm breath give out a sigh. You were making a delivery in your airplane when it malfunctioned. You radioed for help and that’s how we knew to come and find you. However I don’t have an explanation for your temporary disability. I felt anger rising in me. Why not call it what it is Steve? I am blind. I nearly shouted the one syllable word. But it was true. I was blind, the real question was would it be forever or was it just temporarily. ..to be continued