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K M Fitness and Wellness 23.11.2020

The perfect moments

K M Fitness and Wellness 18.11.2020

Christmas Countdown 28 days until Christmas! 50 jumping jacks. Thanks Richelle and Sydney for doing them with me ... *warning this video contains bloopers**

K M Fitness and Wellness 13.11.2020

Christmas Countdown Today we are talking the sit up and crunch. , and !

K M Fitness and Wellness 13.11.2020

Emotional happiness and healthiness in my opinion is so so so important!!

K M Fitness and Wellness 29.10.2020

It's here!!! Christmas Countdown Today's exercise is the push up ... Watch listen and do

K M Fitness and Wellness 25.10.2020

Food for thought this Friday never compare yourself to anyone! Because.. You Are ENOUGH!

K M Fitness and Wellness 20.10.2020

***Exciting Announcement*** Christmas Countdown is back!!! In just 10 short days my daily exercises will be here! 30 Days 30 exercises ... Who's with me???

K M Fitness and Wellness 12.10.2020

A little motivate for you Monday! Get out there and show 'em what you got #motivationalmonday

K M Fitness and Wellness 09.10.2020

Some mornings require a cuddle up with cozy blanket on the couch and a simple breakfast. Apples and peanut butter, quick and easy, healthy go to breaky

K M Fitness and Wellness 06.10.2020

I am not going to lie, I wasn't as active today as I usually am other days. However I did get out and play 18 holes at Cardiff but I'm finishing the day by watching Mike run his butt off at hockey so that counts for something right?

K M Fitness and Wellness 22.09.2020

It's FRIDAY!! We have made it through another week! Spend some time today focusing on stretching and your flexibility, we don't realize how much stress a week can add to our bodies and how that stress turns into tense and sore muscles. Give extra attention to them this weekend, summer is almost here!!

K M Fitness and Wellness 18.09.2020

Workout complete before 8am this morning.. Perks of having to do a vehicle swap at 6:30am?? And of course my two goofs still feel the need to accompany me on my fitness journey.. Leonard, you cannot attack the kettlebell as it is swinging.. Penny, push-ups aren't complete with you lying under me.. I think it was a semi successful workout hahaha. #fitness #lifestyle

K M Fitness and Wellness 06.09.2020

Life is too short to let other people and the little things get you down. Always live in the moment and be sure to make memories that will be unforgettable. It's about wellness, it's about health, it's about being true and living authentic happiness #MotivaionalMonday #life #happiness

K M Fitness and Wellness 19.08.2020

Arm workout complete 20 minutes, my own living room, what could be more convenient! Keeping workouts simple means I can do them from the comfort of my own space especially on rainy evenings when I would prefer to just curl up under the blankets. ... Keep crushing goals

K M Fitness and Wellness 10.08.2020

It's the first day of a new month! What are your goals. Many of us pick the first day of a month to start new journeys. Remember to not give up and to make sure that you are making smaller goals within the big goal so that not only do you feel more confident, you keep crushing more obstacles

K M Fitness and Wellness 28.07.2020

But really though... What are you waiting for?! All those plans you have, thoughts brewing in your mind, take charge and do them! Find what makes you incredibly happy and Do It!

K M Fitness and Wellness 20.07.2020

Just because you don't see results right away does not mean you aren't making progress. Don't stop beating those goals as some day the rewards will feel awesome! #motivationmonday

K M Fitness and Wellness 30.06.2020

ALIVE in APRIL! Hello, Happy Friday! I hope you are all taking time for yourselves, exploring what makes you happy, adding in a bit of active energy into your day. ... Today is a friendly reminder to put yourself out there! We all need interaction whether it be with our best friends, family or acquaintances, get out there and talk.. Find out what their story is, tell them your why! You may be surprised to find some similarities or even be attracted to what they believe in! Connect

K M Fitness and Wellness 19.06.2020

ALIVE in APRIL! Sometimes Monday's are hard.. For most of us, it means waking up to an alarm clock not feeling well rested enough to start the work week all over again. Monday's and especially Monday mornings are not always everyone's cup of tea. If you know someone or you are that person try to come up with some kind words you can say to brighten someone's day. One little word and have a lasting impression on someone at any given moment. You may not know when that word is ...going to touch just the right person and when it does you will see their face light up and what you will notice is that your face will be a little bit brighter too! So go ahead, say something kind to someone you know! you just never know what kind of an impact it will have!

K M Fitness and Wellness 02.06.2020

ALIVE in APRIL! Abs??? Yes, let's work on our abs today! 10 crunches... 5 leg raises - slow and steady 10 russian twists 30 second plank 15 second side plank both sides See more

K M Fitness and Wellness 15.05.2020

ALIVE in APRIL Good morning everyone!! Let's be fit for Friday... ready?!?!?!... 5 burpees 10 squats 15 push ups 20 crunches 25 jumping jacks 20 crunches 15 push ups 10 squats 5 burpees Feel the burn? Great! Get your body moving, if you do it quick enough your body won't be able to react quick enough to slow you down!

K M Fitness and Wellness 27.04.2020

ALIVE in APRIL! Let's get a work out in today Time to get our arms and back feeling strong. ... 10 reps overhead press with alternating leg lunge 10 reps bent over lateral raise 10 reps plank rows 10 squats Try doing 3-4 sets of this workout. Remember to take breaks where you need them, drink water and breathe

K M Fitness and Wellness 14.04.2020

ALIVE in APRIL! William Shakespeare said that the meaning of life is to find your gift, the purpose of life, is to give it away. When you find a passion and you can turn that passion into a job, you will never work a day in your life. Something you are that passionate about becomes your purpose and to be able to help others using your purpose... that is the ultimate feeling.... Helping friends, and family find a balance between exercise, nutrition and wellness truly is my passion and makes me feel happy and now I am shifting my direction and taking steps to help children with healthy lives as well! I am so grateful for this new adventure and cannot wait to turn it into something great. So I ask you.. What is your passion? Take that passion and manifest it into something extraordinary! What is stopping you!?

K M Fitness and Wellness 08.04.2020

ALIVE in APRIL! Self Exploration Sunday Who am I? ... That question is probably the most asked question for all of us, whether it's just an internal thought or expressed through our actions. I recently finished reading a book called Big Magic:Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert and it really got my brain triggering in ways that I didn't think much about before. I always thought I was a positive person but it wasn't until the last few months that I really have tried to manifest a positive life and I don't know why it took me so long... I feel great!! I submitted my resume to a position I more then anything wanted to get, was I fully qualified according to its list.. I didn't think so but I sent it in anyway. I wrote my cover letter with passion and positive energy and used that energy to wait for the call for an interview.. Which two weeks later I received! After another two weeks of submitting references and forms I was informed on Friday that I had been chosen as a candidate for the position should I choose to accept... So ACCEPT I did! I honestly believe that because of my positive thoughts and never doubting my abilities is what got me to where I am right now. I have SO many new tasks starting up in the next month and I could not be more happy with the way my life is going. I know I am headed in the right direction because I feel HAPPY all the time! I challenge you all to think positively, surround yourself with people you love spending time with and who love you for JUST BEING YOU, because in the words of Dr. SUESS... "Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!" Have a great Sunday!

K M Fitness and Wellness 06.04.2020

ALIVE in APRIL! Feel good Friday story I have been exploring a lot more in meal creations and trying new recipes.. Something I was scared to do for quite some time after moving out because I feared I would fail and that thought to me was traumatizing... But I knew that if I wanted to some day have a family and raise kids like my wonderful mother did I had to get over this fear. So I have been experimenting with different recipes and when I have time to cook super I do! ... On the menu tonight was Sweet and Sour Pork Chops, basmati rice and roasted garlic feta asparagus... I'd say it was a success! More delicious meals in this girls future that's for sure! #justfollowtherecipe See more

K M Fitness and Wellness 23.03.2020

ALIVE in APRIL Thirsty Thursday today, yep that's right... Water intake check in! How is your water consumption going??... Ideally an average male should be drinking 13 cups or 3 liters of water a day and a female should be drinking 9 cups or 2.2 liters. If you are more athletic up that intake! Now for a quick workout to get your blood pumping! 10 squats 10 push ups 10 crunches 10 jumping jacks 3 times as fast as you can! GO!

K M Fitness and Wellness 15.03.2020

ALIVE in APRIL! It's a gorgeous Wednesday and this weather is suppose to stick around for a while. Get outside and get moving. Go for a walk, a run or even get some gardening in. Whatever it is, do it outside because we can't waste the good days inside! ... Have a great Wednesday!

K M Fitness and Wellness 06.03.2020

ALIVE in APRIL! Everyone needs a little motivation on a Monday.. It's the start of a new week and you can make it happen. Keep drinking water, keep moving and be happy :)

K M Fitness and Wellness 19.02.2020

ALIVE in APRIL! Super Stretch Sunday Sunday is usually a day of relax, rest and then prep for the week so why not stretch too! ... We don't realize how hard we are on our muscles during our regular grind until we go to stretch and feel the tightness. Whether it's targeting one specific muscle group you know is sore or doing some yoga, any stretch is a good one for our bodies. Take some time today and stretch because keeping our bodies limber is important! If you need some stretches for specific muscles of the body, shoot me a message!

K M Fitness and Wellness 14.02.2020

ALIVE in APRIL! TGIF - Thank Goodness it's Friday or as some of us might say... Thank Goodness it's Fermented ... But first before we think about our weekend indulgence let's talk. Feel good Friday! Many of us set goals not realizing that there may be smaller goals within those to decrease the step we have to make between the stones. Start with a small goal and keep working your way up to the ultimate goal because the more goals we crush, the easier it becomes to strive for the next one. To set up your goals use this handy acronym: S-specific (precise and known) M-measurable (put a value to it) A-attainable (easy to conquer) R-realistic (know what you can do) T-timely (give yourself appropriate time to achieve it) If you need help setting up your goals I would be happy to help! Happy Friday!

K M Fitness and Wellness 26.01.2020

ALIVE In APRIL! Hello Everyone. I hope you are all doing alright on this kinda cloudy day in the City of Edmonton. Sometimes when the weather is overcast it can create a solemn mood in us so in order to combat the dreary day we are going to get up and get moving. Exercise releases feel good hormones in our bodies which leave us feeling happy and positive.... Today we are doing a timed circuit... Perform each exercise for 30 seconds and complete 3 rounds. READY? Jog on the spot Jumping Jacks Alternating Leg Lunges Alternating Toe Touches Quick High Knees Plank Thats it! 6 minutes of exercise fit into our busy day. I hope you all feel great after. :)

K M Fitness and Wellness 09.01.2020

ALIVE in APRIL! It's Wednesday so that means we talk about wellness! Have you heard the new term going around, "sitting is the new smoking"?... If you have, what does it mean to you? If you haven't, listen up! We all get so caught up in our daily duties we forget to get up and move, get the blood flowing and keep our bodies loose. If you work in an environment where an office chair is your best friend for the day I encourage you to set multiple alarms or reminders throughout your day to get up and do a little walk about the office, stretch the hips, legs and back and even to remember to grab that all important swig of water. Be aware of how much you sit in a day.

K M Fitness and Wellness 20.12.2019

ALIVE in APRIL! A little Monday Mini Circuit to get you active and kick start the week feeling strong. All body weight exercises to slowly work into the rest of the month. ... I call this one the Cardio, Core, Chest and Cheeks ;) hahaha... Enjoy! 20 jumping jacks 10 push-ups 10 crunches 10 squats Try 3 or 4 rounds of these exercises taking breaks when you need to. Remember to drink your water! Happy Monday

K M Fitness and Wellness 17.12.2019

ALIVE in APRIL! I hope everyone enjoyed this fine Sunday, I know I sure did. My day consisted of some clean up around the house inside and outside, vacuuming and racking. It was a gorgeous productive day. I also hope that you took some time for yourself today too because our lives get busy and our to do lists get longer and longer, but what I truly hope is that your own name is on the very top of that to do list. Your mental health is just as, if not more, important then sw...eeping the floors, finishing homework, getting groceries, taking kids to activities and the list goes on. So please, for you and your mental health, take some time, 5 minutes, 15, 30 or even just 2 minutes if that's all you have to find a quiet space and zone out from the world, if you meditate you know what I'm talking about and if you don't that is ok too, but sit down and just let your mind wander away to your favorite thoughts, listen to your body and what it has to say. Listening is one of our most cognitive senses and also one of our least used senses. Use it and use it well! It's important to tap into every sense, skill and function our body and mind has to give. Today was all about wellness and mental health, tomorrow get ready for some fitness to start off our week right! Happy Sunday

K M Fitness and Wellness 27.11.2019

ALIVE in APRIL! It is gorgeous, get outside! Did you know it is suppose to get up to 20 degrees today? Crazy! It's April 2nd! I'm loving it. Whether it's going for a calm walk, and invigorating run or even getting some yard work done, make sure it's outside today. ... After my exam at 8:30 I will most definitely be spending my day in the sunshine. Let me know what you are doing on this beautiful day And remember to drink your water

K M Fitness and Wellness 17.11.2019

ALIVE in APRIL! It starts today. Every day this month I will have a fitness or wellness tip, challenge or thought that I want you to add to your day! To start things off this wonderful spring morning we are talking water. Water is an important part of our bodies and our health. We need to drink eight 8oz glasses of water to stay on track and if you are more active, I suggest more water. ... I am very good at drinking water when not at home as my water body comes everywhere with me, however at home, that's a different story. I set reminders on my phone to stay on target with my hydration. So let's get started, drink water today, lots of it! Show me your picture of water!!

K M Fitness and Wellness 09.11.2019

ALERT!! April Challenge coming your Way! ALIVE in APRIL! Every day a new task to complete. ... There will be challenges each day based on either exercise, mental wellness or healthy living. I look forward to hearing your progress and sharing mine!

K M Fitness and Wellness 20.10.2019

Wednesday Wellness This is a friendly reminder to drink more water! This advice is more a personal message to myself to continue to drink more water during the day. When you start to carry around a water bottle as a part of your daily routine it becomes natural and I don't know about you... but when I forget my water bottle, I feel naked not carrying it around.

K M Fitness and Wellness 03.10.2019

Sorry for my absence.. I was having technical difficulties with my page! But I am back and ready to motivate!! Today is Monday, do not let the impending busy week get you down.. Go out and own it! Today is your day to make something out of it. Find something you LOVE and do it. Enjoy you first, make yourself happy, then inspire others to be happy too! :) #MotivationalMonday #happy #you

K M Fitness and Wellness 17.09.2019

I have very poor back flexibility so I am devoting time each day to work on becoming more flexible. It's all for my health! #stretching #lifestylechallenge #flexibility

K M Fitness and Wellness 15.09.2019

Spaghetti, my comfort food, my carb load for curling weekends, my favorite food, for as long as I can remember. It's all about the portion #lifestylechallenge #favfood #spaghetti yummy!

K M Fitness and Wellness 04.09.2019

I have two faces of commitment for my journey thus far.. One, crush every goal and the other, be as happy and confident as I can. Both faces will contribute to a very positive performance #commit #goals #happy #confident #lifestylechallenge

K M Fitness and Wellness 18.08.2019

Wellness is living an active, fun, loving lifestyle. Today I, did some meal prep for the rest of the week, had a mini workout at home after a good curling practice, slayed my communications course speech and rewarded myself with a nice tasty beverage. Today was a good day #lifestylechallenge #wellness #mealprep

K M Fitness and Wellness 03.08.2019

Detoured to the park on my way home from work attempting to catch the sunset. Walked down to the river by the trestle. Missed the sun but the sky still had wonderful colours mixed into it. It was a great day to be outside in the middle of winter, so mild and warm tempered. The fresh air did wonders to my mood for the rest of the day Every day is a gift and should be cherished #lifestylechallenge #outdoors #nature #trestle #sunset

K M Fitness and Wellness 23.07.2019

I have been dabbing in the practice of meditation, working slowly day by day to take more time for myself. When we open our minds and bodies our true thoughts, feelings and ideas have room to manifest into our reality. As I think about where my life could take me in the next year or so I am starting to really listen to that internal voice inside me that will guide my journey. #lifestylechallenge #mindfulness #meditation

K M Fitness and Wellness 13.07.2019

Getting ready to go teach some kiddos how to curl so breakfast is super important to keep up with them all day long! My fruit smoothie with lactose free vanilla yogurt, flax and chai seeds, an apple a day keeps the doctor away and of course coffee ( I drink it black so there is no added sugars or fats) AND I always have my water bottle near so that I stay hydrated #lifestylechallenge #breakfast #smoothie #coffee #apple #water

K M Fitness and Wellness 26.06.2019

Workout with the NAIT team after a good on ice practice was in tonight's itinerary Working out in a group is always more motivating then being by yourself! #lifestylechallenge #workout

K M Fitness and Wellness 14.06.2019

Water! I am going to drink 5 full bottles today because why? It's water, our body needs it to survive and I am fortunate to live in a country that has access to fresh water all the time #water #lifestylechallenge #h2o

K M Fitness and Wellness 01.06.2019

January 4th or Motivational Monday. When I think about what motivates me, there are a lot of factors, such as my family, friends, school, job etc, however motivation should come from within if we wish to pursue our external forces of motivation. "If not me, Who? If not now, When?" - Emma Watson... Let's do what makes us happy when it makes us happy. Don't force yourself to do some thing you do not want to. Find an idea, job, anything you are passionate about and do it 100%! #MotivationalMonday #lifestylechallenge

K M Fitness and Wellness 20.05.2019

Hey all! I played 6 curling games this weekend so yesterday and today's posts go together as I struggled to find much time. The picture is my below pic, I am happy but I know I need to improve. My plan is to go about the next few weeks with positivity and take every stride to being a calm resilient person who chooses curiosity instead of judgment. I want to be healthy and fit so I plan to eat a well balanced diet which allows for little treats here and there as well as c...omplete my weekly workouts and daily exercises which will keep me feeling great. I look forward to sharing my journey of my self exploration with you as I continue my meditation and creative ways. Until tomorrow! Goodnight See more

K M Fitness and Wellness 04.05.2019

My goal for the next 30 days is to be me! Sounds easy right?! Well honestly embracing all of what life throws me has never been something I excelled at so these next few weeks will be challenging. I will focus on what truly makes me happy, enjoy the little things and pause to see what life throws my way. If I can sit still enough, at times I might be able to feel what I should do next. #lifestylechallenge #positive #focus #happy

K M Fitness and Wellness 18.04.2019

I am not one to ring in the New Year with the mentality of a so called "New Year, New Me" however, I do believe that every one of us changes, learns, explores and grows. We develop into our true selves by finding something we are passionate about such as a sport, career, hobby or talent but we are never truly happy until we are happy with ourselves. For the first 30 days of the new year I will be following my Lifestyle Photo Challenge, posting photos daily that make me happ...y. I would love if you would take this challenge along with me, posting in the comments on my daily photos or using the hashtag #lifestylechallenge I want to start 2016 off right, happy and healthy. I will be posting weekly fitness workouts every Monday that you can do anytime during the week and I would love to hear your feedback as they progress! I have been working on my 30 day goal and look forward to posting it tomorrow and seeing what you come up with!

K M Fitness and Wellness 02.04.2019

Merry Christmas to all my wonderful friends, family and followers Stay tuned for some fun stuff coming your way for January!!!

K M Fitness and Wellness 15.03.2019

Happy Christmas Eve! Christmas is tomorrow, and I cannot believe how fast the last month flew! Today is the ab challenge!!! ... Feel free to play around with this one a bit and use your arms for support and stability. 3 reps (one round = 1 rep) X 5 sets Make it fun! After all its Christmas tomorrow!!! #30DCC #fitness #abs

K M Fitness and Wellness 10.03.2019

It's all about the butt with only 2 days till Christmas! Glute Bridges! 10 reps (5 per side) X 4 sets. ... Just like our hip swings yesterday we want to focus on the flute muscles. At the top end of our movement we want to emphasis our muscle contraction being sure we reach full range. Again, these small movement exercises will have big impact on your muscles! One more day! #30DCC #fitness #glutebridges

K M Fitness and Wellness 20.02.2019

3 days until Christmas! Hip Swings! 10 reps (5 per side) X 4 sets This one is for the glutes! Those good ole butt muscles... Keep your back nice and straight and your core tight. At the longest point of the leg swing really engage your butt to reach the furthest range in your hips. It's a gentle movement, but you will be feeling it!... #30DCC #fitness #hipswings

K M Fitness and Wellness 12.02.2019

30 Day Christmas Countdown 4 days left until Christmas! Deadbug! 12 reps (one leg is one rep) X 3 sets... This is a great functional exercise that focuses on core stabilization as well as hip and shoulder movement. Keep your breathing under control and be sure to contract your core to ensure proper stabilization. Keep up the great work! #30DCC #fitness #deadbug

K M Fitness and Wellness 26.01.2019

30 Day Christmas Countdown Hey Guys! Saturday was our rest day and today with only 5 days until Christmas today we go back to our Squats! 15 reps X 3 sets. ... Work those legs, you are almost there! #30DCC #fitness #squat

K M Fitness and Wellness 14.01.2019

30 Day Christmas Countdown 7 Days until Christmas! Wow it's flying by! V-sit Crunches! 10 reps X 3 sets... Work that core! If you are struggling with this one you can put your hands on the ground beside your butt to help support the movement or if that is too tricky try putting one heal on the ground for added stability to this one. Only a few days left, keep up the great work! #30DCC #fitness #vsits

K M Fitness and Wellness 28.12.2018

30 Day Christmas Challenge 8 more days! Jumping Jacks round 2! 50 reps X 3 sets ... Let's get our cardio in! Work it!! #30DCC #fitness #jumpingjacks

K M Fitness and Wellness 20.12.2018

30 Day Christmas Countdown! 9 more days people!!! Let's STRETCH! I don't know how you are feeling but I know I am tight! I wrote my last final exam for the semester this evening and feel great about that, however, muscle wise, I'm feeling the stress. ... Take 5 to 10 minutes before bed tonight to stretch. Do something relaxing for yourself. Your body will appreciate it :) #30DCC #fitness #stretch #flexibility

K M Fitness and Wellness 03.12.2018

30 Day Christmas Countdown 10 days until Christmas! Plank Walks! 12 reps (up/down both arms is 1 rep) X 3 sets... Adding some movement to the plank today. Keep your core strong and your back straight. Not many days left, keep it up! #30DCC #fitness #plankwalks

K M Fitness and Wellness 29.11.2018

You know all those back burner idea's circling around in your mind... Make them REALITY. Stop asking yourself how and just DO. What is stopping you from doing what you want to do? #MotivationalMonday #opportunities #reality

K M Fitness and Wellness 23.11.2018

30 Day Christmas Countdown There is only 11 days until. Christmas! Wow! I have to apologize, I am human and this weekend flew by! Between work Christmas parties and studying for final exams, my timing was lost!... So today is being coined as Cardio Catchup Monday! Sounds intimidating, I know, but trust me, it is not bad at all!! Side to Side hops, Front and Back hops, Jumping Jacks and Push Ups to cap it off! 10 sec X each cardio exercise plus 10 push ups X 3 sets. You got it! #30DCC #fitness #cardio

K M Fitness and Wellness 09.11.2018

30 Day Christmas Countdown 14 days. Lunge with Bicep Curl 12 reps (1leg = 1 rep) X 3 sets ... Two exercises combined into this one! The basic forward lunge and the Bicep curl while holding the down phase of the lunge. #30DCC #bicepcurl #lunge #fitness

K M Fitness and Wellness 26.10.2018

30 Day Christmas Countdown 15 days till Christmas! Sumo Squat Kicks!!! 12 reps X 3 sets... Just like a regular squat but your feet are in a wider stance. Alternate which leg kicks after every squat. Have fun! #30DCC #fitness #sumosquat

K M Fitness and Wellness 19.10.2018

30 Day Christmas Countdown 16 days! Shoulder Press! 12 reps X 3 sets... The shoulder press is a great push exercise that works the... You guessed it.. Shoulder muscles! Start with elbows bent 90 degrees, upper arm parallel to the floor and always come back to this point each rep. Sound easy? You got it! #30DCC #shoulderpress #fitness

K M Fitness and Wellness 10.10.2018

30 Day Christmas Countdown 17 days left! Burpees! 10 reps X 3 sets... Burpees are.. I know, not everyone's favourite but they are good cardio exercises. Jump, reach to the ground, kick your feet back into a plank and then reverse. #30DCC #burpees #fitness *Important Notice* No cats were harmed in the making of this video.. Penny walked away just fine! Hahahaha. Just a little case of curiosity (almost) killed the kitty!

K M Fitness and Wellness 01.10.2018

* Sunday, yesterday, with only 18 more days until Christmas, I was super busy. Between finishing up school projects, starting to study for my finals, catching up with family and getting the house ready for Christmas, the day FLEW by! This happens to all of us and I understand how difficult our lives can be. With all that being said, I present to you the REST DAY! Sunday was your day of rest and relaxation, I hope you were able to catch your breath and get ready for the week a...head! I will be posting todays workout this afternoon and I can't wait.. might hear some groans from this one... * Monday, the start of a new week with new adventures and challenges. You can do this and you will! Remember to take time for yourself <3 You are most important, you come first and foremost before anyone else. When we learn and choose to love ourselves, our love for the world around us becomes so much bigger! #MotivationalMonday #love #you