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More Than A Conqueror 01.06.2021

STRENGTH... It was with Khaleel that I started saying, You’re eight, I’m thirty-three. You and I are not size. In other words, I told him that the things I could say and do because I am an adult, he should not expect to say and do because he was a child. But would that little man believe and accept that statement? Of course not. Size and years were not limiting factors to Khaleel. In fact, as far as he was concerned he had the advantage, because as time progressed I was get...Continue reading

More Than A Conqueror 28.05.2021

CELEBRATING MY BABY BOY! Photo Diary of Khaleel Alfred-Fenton's Life: http://youtu.be/V9f4JIApysE via @YouTube #KhaleelAlfredFenton

More Than A Conqueror 15.05.2021

KHALEEL LOVED TO LAUGH:) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BI8H95dCbOs

More Than A Conqueror 02.05.2021

WISDOM... Have you ever truly enjoyed a conversation with a young person? A conversation in which you weren’t teaching, supervising, or disciplining, just truly simply sharing ideas and enjoying each other’s company. Well, time and time again I would see Khaleel deep in conversation with people three to four times his age. There was a night that my husband, Garth, took the night shift with Khaleel. I was beyond exhausted, but during the course of the night I could hear Khalee...Continue reading

More Than A Conqueror 14.04.2021

HONESTY... One of the first things I used to say when Khaleel was spending time with someone is, I cannot be held responsible for what comes out of his mouth. Khaleel was never rude, but he was extremely candid and honest. In his younger years, if we entered an environment where I sensed anything or anyone outside of the norm, I would immediately start praying that Khaleel would hold his tongue. But nine and a half times out of ten, I would feel the little tug on my hand an...Continue reading

More Than A Conqueror 03.04.2021

CREATIVITY... Khaleel had a lot of zes’ (Trinidadian for show-boating) in the delivery of his musical skillsets. He played three instruments: an African drum called the djembe, the drum kit, and the piano. For the majority of his life he was a professional performing drummer with Ngoma Drum and Dance Ensemble, travelling throughout Ontario, Trinidad and Tobago, and Ghana. He also performed with his school on the drum kit for The US Band, with sunglasses on to boot!...Continue reading

More Than A Conqueror 17.03.2021

ATHLETICISM... If I allowed Khaleel to do sports all day long, he would. From the top of the morning until dusk, Khaleel loved playing sports. He was passionate about being physically active, whether it be basketball, soccer, or swimming. There were summers when Khaleel would spend so much time outdoors that he would go outside one shade and come back inside quite a few shades darker. One particular summer he went to camp and returned looking like a mass of charcoal, smiling...Continue reading

More Than A Conqueror 14.03.2021

CONFIDENCE... Mommy, do they know who I am? This is the question Khaleel asked when I told him what the doctors had said about him and his life expectancy. Khaleel saw himself as a superhero, despite the hardships he faced. He knew that he was created to be victorious. I remember watching Khaleel in the backyard playing basketball, and he would attempt the moves he saw on the Xbox. In his mind there were no reasons why a nine year old could not replicate the moves of profe...ssional athletes and computer animations doing 360 windmills. On several occasions, after leaving the hospital following three days of chemotherapy, Khaleel would want to go straight to the community centre to participate in his weekly basketball clinic. And when he went to Disneyland under strict orders not to go on rides due to the surgery on his neck and spinal cord, he came home and said, I had to, Mommy, other children sicker than me went on the rides. While blind and fully paralyzed, Khaleel told me Mommy, I’m going to make it to the NBA. I didn’t answer him right away, which led him to enquire, Mommy, don’t you believe in me? I quickly said Yes, of course. You can do anything you put your mind to do. Khaleel didn’t allow situations and circumstances to contradict who he knew he was or what he was confident he could do. Even in the middle of the storm he commanded his body and mind to do according to his belief. And so we learn We will go through seasons when our I.D. doesn’t match our address, but we must be assured that these seasons are only temporary. Your objective is to learn the lesson of the season. What does it reveal about your character? What personality trait is being developed or removed? How are you affecting the people entrusted to you in this season? We have to know who we are, what we are able to do, and what we are entitled to have. Without true knowledge and confidence in our identity, we will go through life as princes living like paupers. Unless we are confident in who we are, we will never be able to do what we were created to do. As a result, we will assume a false identity that will scare us off from destiny, causing us to be buried with our treasures still within us. I charge you today, die empty! So how do you become confident in who you are, what you can do, and what you are entitled to have? Check the manual. Every manufacturer creates a manual for the optimum use of its product. Your Creator did the same thing when He created you. When you get a glimpse of your greatness, don’t be afraid, get prepared. Study to constantly improve yourself in all areas. Step out. Practical application is the true teacher of theory. Boldly step out and start doing things in line with who you are. The wicked flee when no man pursues them, but the [uncompromisingly] righteous are bold as a lion. Proverbs 28:1 Amplified Bible (Excerpt from my book "More Than A Conqueror" by Amaka Grant) www.MoreThanAConqueror.ca

More Than A Conqueror 12.03.2021

JUSTICE... It’s never the wrong time to do the right thing. Khaleel fearlessly lived by this affirmation. As soon as he could talk, he was defending the underdog, the little people. He spoke up for those who didn’t have a voice or who chose not to use it. I have countless memories of Khaleel accosting me (yes, he would come in tight, violating my personal space) and saying, with beads of sweat on his nose, and sometimes a pointing finger, Mommy, this isn’t right. He would t...hen go into the details of some injustice he had witnessed and took upon himself to correct. His age, his size, his sphere of influence didn’t limit Khaleel’s ability to speak up and speak out on what he deemed wrong. He took on issues ten times his size with people ten times his weight (smile), with such confidence and conviction, you had to hear him out and take him seriously. Though he was just a young boy, his integrity and morality gauge stretched so high that he could not bear to see injustice go unaddressed, even if the victim was unaware of it. He would often encourage the underdog by saying, Don’t you want your ball back? Let’s go get it! or Hey! Isn’t it your turn? meanwhile stopping the whole game. Regardless of the size of the offence, Khaleel made it his business to see justice prevail. And so we learn We live in a morally deficient world. These days anything and everything goes. The lawless seem to be the majority (or at least seem to have the loudest voice) and those following order are in the minority. Yet, we are called to be the light and salt of the earth. We are called to remember the law and to teach it to our children’s children. Going against the grain of popular culture and the norm is all a part of what it means to be the light. There truly is never a wrong time to do the right thing, and if each of us stands up whenever a wrong is committed, right is guaranteed to prevail. Will it be uncomfortable? Yes. Will it be unpopular? Yes. Will it take us out of our comfort zone? Yes. Will people look at us funny? Yes. Will we lose some friends, family, and associations? Yes. Will it be painful sometimes? Yes. Is it worth gaining the world and losing our soul? No. So how do we stand for justice in our circle of influenceour families, schools, places of work, social gatherings? Don’t compromise morals and values in order to fit in, or out of fear of standing out. Speak up for justice respectfully and in due order. Give your conscience more weight than people’s opinions. Be not afraid of men and their faces; for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the LORD. Jeremiah 1:8 (Excerpt from my book "More Than A Conqueror" by Amaka Grant) www.MoreThanAConqueror.ca

More Than A Conqueror 22.02.2021

LOVE... I smile as I list love as one of Khaleel’s life traits because when I was pregnant with him and when he was a baby I truly felt as though he didn’t like me (smile), but that changed with time. During my pregnancy, I was convinced it was a Liverpool versus Manchester United showdown in my womb and not a little baby boy. It felt like a full blown soccer match in there, with a whole lot of penalty kicks. Then, when he was a baby, he would literally fly out of my hands wh...Continue reading

More Than A Conqueror 08.02.2021

ATTITUDE... What are you doing here? is what Khaleel’s first facial expression communicated as he looked around the room with furrowed brows, seemingly annoyed that we disturbed his rest. It didn’t matter to Khaleel that he was just minutes old in a brand new place, surrounded by his family and caregivers; somehow we seemed to bother him, as though we interrupted his plans. That’s how we met Khaleel Alfred-Fenton, a forceful little man whose presence immediately commanded o...Continue reading

More Than A Conqueror 25.01.2021

Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain, and conflict. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert. With so much power to heal and renew, the ability to laugh easily and frequently is a tremendous resource for surmounting problems, enhancing your relationships, and supporting both physical and emot...ional health. Laughter is good for your health Laughter relaxes the whole body. A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after. Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain. Laughter protects the heart. Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems. http://www.helpguide.org/life/humor_laughter_health.htm

More Than A Conqueror 09.01.2021

MAKE TIME FOR IT... We make time for so many things in our lives: work, school, social life, ministry, exercise, online idleness... what about LOVE? God has gifted us with some super special people in our lives. Let's LOVE THEM ON PURPOSE.... What does that mean? Pull out the calendar and schedule in quality time and keep your promise. There is no reason loved ones in our lives should feel lonely, neglected, isolated or unappreciated. So cancel the dry cry at the funeral and LOVE today! Love, Amaka Have a great weekend everyone:)

More Than A Conqueror 29.12.2020

ARE WE "LOVING" OUR LOVED ONES? Tragedy usually calls us to attention but it doesn't have to be that way. While things are "good" purposely love on our loved ones. ... Schedule time with them, be present for them, truly appreciate the gift they are in our lives. Don't let the only time the words and actions of love be at a funeral or traumatic time of life. Love all the love-ables in your life. Squeeze on them, they are priceless. Gratitude, appreciation, loving and care... our "busy" lives don't take precedent over these life essentials. NO REGRETS! Love, Amaka:)