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Kait Logue Coaching 18.03.2021

Let me know down below what your strengths are How much time a day do you spend thinking about your faults? Your flaws? Your weaknesses? Thinking about our weaknesses is important and can be useful in helping us figure out how we can improve, but solely focusing on our faults can end up causing more harm than good.... Something I’ve noticed this week is that I sometimes forget to celebrate my strengths. So my STRENGTHS are something I’m celebrating today!! 1) I am great at setting goals and accomplishing them if they are really important to me. 2) I am a great listener when I choose to be. 3) I am good as detangling other people’s jumbled thoughts and helping clients & friends make more sense of what’s going on in their head. Now tell me some of your strengths in thee comments!! Let’s celebrate each other!!!

Kait Logue Coaching 02.03.2021

What do you look for in a coach? My main goal in this work is to create a safe and comfortable space for my clients to be vulnerable and to look deeper inside of themselves. My goals are to help my clients on their paths towards self trust, self love, and self belief; to help them let go of perfectionism, to make friends with their failures. ... I can help my clients achieve their goals, but more than that, my purpose is to help them enjoy their journey there. I am not a coach who will decide your next move. I am not a coach who will tell you what to do, what to eat, where to live, what job to take, how much to exercise, or who to love. But I am a coach who will support you through your big decisions. I am a coach who will make you feel heard. I am a coach who will help you feel empowered to make the best decisions that you can for your SELF. And I'll try my darndest to help you enjoy the ride.

Kait Logue Coaching 14.02.2021

MORNING ROUTINE I've talked about this before, I'm talking about it again now, and I'll probably continue to talk about it for the rest of my life because it is SO important to me. "Morning routine" probably means a lot of different things to different people. To me, it asks "what do you do to take care of yourself before beginning your day?"... Now that I'm working again, I really have to make sure I'm giving my body and my mind and my soul what they need before stepping out the door. I have felt the importance of a morning routine since high school. Generally, save for the period of time when I worked early early early mornings at sbux, I get up about two hours before I need to leave the house. Right now, that means waking up at 5:15, doing my skin care routine and a bit of makeup, getting in two cups of coffee, cooking + eating breakfast, and then still having about an hour leftover to journal, scroll through instagram, or just sit with my coffee and breathe. This routine allows me the space to feel the things I wake up feeling - this week that feeling has been fear/anxiety. That way, I've already made space for these feelings by the time I walk into work, so they are less likely to interfere with my performance. What does (or would) having a morning routine mean to you?

Kait Logue Coaching 27.01.2021

Six years ago today my mom dropped me off at my university orientation. She drove all the way across the city to campus, just to turn around and head back to a cafe to grab me a chamomile tea to calm me down before sending me off. I was SO anxious, and rightly so. Almost every first day of every semester felt that way, along with the first day of every new job, and the first day of my coaching class. I even felt that anxiety yesterday and this morning (and even still) prepar...ing for my first day of this new job. This anxiety around new beginnings has never gone anywhere, and probably never will. But what has changed is my way of coping with it. One of my beautiful clients absolutely reframed my idea of my anxiety this weekend. (Coaching is funny, I learn so much from my clients). They reminded me that my anxieties about new beginnings is only just a fear I've attached to a story I've created about a future event (e.g. first day on the job) with no factual basis. Even though I FELT the anxiety in my body (teary eyes, butterflies in my stomach, hard time sleeping), I was able to welcome the feelings, and stop my thoughts from spiraling by catching them early and reframing them. Questions I asked myself: what do I know? What proof do I have? How can I best prepare myself for this event? ANYWAYS if you've read this far, congratulations. This ended up being more of a journal entry, but it is what it is. Am I feeling nervous about day two tomorrow? Absolutely. But I am listening to my body tonight, taking a bath, and grounding myself. Slowing everything down, sitting alone for a while, and just breathing. (Disclaimer: I am NOT a mental health professional and am only speaking about my own person experience with anxiety!!!)

Kait Logue Coaching 22.01.2021

WHAT IS YOUR "WHY"? Let me know in the comments: Why do you do what you do? ... How does your "why" make you feel? Does your "why" align with your values? Chances are, if what you are doing doesn't align with your values, you might be feeling a bit of resistance. Conversely, if your actions ARE aligned with your values, you might be feeling a sense of ease or even "flow," or just like everything makes sense. If you're unclear on your values, you might be unclear on your "why." If this is the case, I am hosting a workshop on Exploring Values tomorrow at 1PM PST. Details are in my story. If you would like more guidance with this kind of work, I have 2 more 1:1 coaching spots available this week. Click the link in my bio for more information!

Kait Logue Coaching 17.01.2021

Are you a dreamer? Drop a in the comments if you have ever written out a "five year plan" that wasn't actually a plan, but rather just a dream? You know, the "five years from now, I will have a cabin with big windows and three dogs and I'll work from home." Yet, you don't actually pave a road to that cabin with the big windows and three dogs and a home office? You don't specify if you'll be buying or renting that cabin? You don't ever try to figure out what career path yo...u'll need to take to be able to work from home? But you keep dreaming, and you also keep beating yourself up for not actually living out your dream. If any of this resonates, you are not alone. This is literally a five year "plan" that I wrote out in my journal five years ago. Am I living in a cabin with three dogs and a home office? Hell no. Did I take any steps to achieve that dream? Hell no. But guess what? I'm not mad at myself. I know now that I didn't have the tools to help me close the gap between where I was and where I wanted to be. And I'm okay with that because my goals have changed anyways. But now I have the tools to help me achieve those goals. To make sure these goals are realistic. To break down the mini goals leading up to the end goal. If you are someone who doesn't quite have the tools to figure out what your next steps are, I have three 1:1 coaching spots available this week. If you have any questions, please feel free to DM me or check out the link in my bio!

Kait Logue Coaching 09.01.2021

***Mom appreciation post*** Story time!! I remember going for walks/bike rides with my mom when I was younger. We used to live up a small hill and I remember wanting to give up so badly when it got too hard to pedal. I can’t do it, my legs hurt, I’m too tired. My mom has never been a fan of that kind of bullshit. Yes you can. She would refer to The Little Engine That Could and make me repeat out loud I think I can, I think I can, I think I can until I made it up t...hat hill. Every time I felt like I couldn’t do it, she’d make me believe that I could. I am very fortunate to have been raised by a hard working woman who instilled in me my capability to accomplish difficult tasks. These past seven months have been wild -- family stuff, unemployment, global pandemic, regular anxiety coupled with pandemic anxiety, and I finished a degree from home, started and finished my life coaching certification course (while also starting a new job), and layed down the foundation for not one, but two businesses (one with my bestie) in the middle of all of this. My mom was (read: is always) right. And I am just like the rest of you, I am unique in my own way, battling with my excuses. I still deal with anxiety that tries to hold me back, although I have found some tools to manage it. I believe that you, too, can things that are challenging or seem impossible at times. You can do literally whatever the fuck you want to do. And it’s okay if you believe otherwise, but I want you to know that I am here to help you find the belief in yourself. The world is your oyster, baby. #inspiration #lifetips #mindfulnesstips #confidencetips #selfworthtips #selflovetips #selfcaretips #intuitiontips #empathy #compassion #selflove #mindsettips #positivevibes #empowermenttips #leadershiptips #personalgrowth #lifestyle #mindfulness #selfconfidence #personaldevelopment #selfcompassiontips

Kait Logue Coaching 02.01.2021

What does the word "intention" mean to you? It didn't mean much to me until these last few months, if I'm being honest. Something I've learned is that time will pass whether I am being intentional about it or not, so I may as well be intentional about it. ... I've been working on intention with a client - particularly with setting daily intentions in the morning. We've found that these intentions combined with holding space for emotions that came up each day allowed for better handling of hard days and unexpected events. My intention for the month of October is doing something "fun" every weekend. So here are two photos of me and my partner having fun this past weekend. Walking near the ocean is often what I think of as "fun," and his idea of fun is more along the lines of go-karting. We were lucky enough to do both. I found that when I kept my intention of having "fun" in mind, I had an easier time accepting when things didn't go as planned (and if you know me you know that I get VERY anxious when things don't go as planned). With that, I'm challenging you to add some intention into your life where you have space for it (daily, weekly, monthly, whatever feels best). If you do, let me know how it goes!!!

Kait Logue Coaching 31.12.2020

This was me four years ago. I was two years into university. I virtually hated what I was studying. I wasn’t hyped about the where that degree would take me. I wasn’t confident in my abilities to be social, to exceed in the workplace, or really in any ohh to or aspect. I never raised my hand in class, I wore makeup and used products that made my skin even worse (a battle I’ve been navigating since I was 13). Even though I was learning about how to build efficacy in youth, I ...had no sense of self efficacy of my own. I was miserably coasting through life because I didn’t know any better. But now I know better. Slowly, over the years, I have take small steps to lead me into a direction that feels good and right and natural for me. I have worked HARD to build my confidence and navigate my anxieties. I really contemplated what is IMPORTANT to me, what my values are and that is what brought me to where I am today. If you feel like you’ve kind of been spinning on a hamster wheel without a clue of why you’re not getting anywhere, know that I’ve been there. I’ve still got 3 coaching sessions available next Friday, October 16th. Tap the link in my bio to set up a complimentary 30 minutes discovery call!!

Kait Logue Coaching 29.12.2020

Be your own voice of trust and comfort. Look inside and ask yourself, "what do I need in this moment?" Or better yet, "what do I need to hear in this moment to feel comfortable and totally relaxed?" Then say the words you need to hear out loud. Say them again, and again, and again until you feel them to be true. If I cannot feel comfortable enough asking my own self to meet my needs, will I really be able to feel comfortable asking someone else to meet my needs? Likely no, w...hich is why I think I have struggled with this for so long. I challenge you to take some time for yourself this weekend, really work on building trust and comfort within yourself. Find a space where you can be alone (if possible), really think about what you need to feel comforted. Speak to yourself out loud, even if only at a whisper. Let me know if you give this a try. xoxoxo have a beautiful weekend

Kait Logue Coaching 26.12.2020

MOVEMENT How do you incorporate movement into your lifestyle? I have a funny relationship with movement. Growing up, I was fairly active. I biked and roller bladed around, I played t-ball, I figure skated. I added soccer to the mix in high school. I learned my way around a gym and spent my fair share of weeknights in aerobics classes. I fell in love with hiking for a while and turned to the trails to get my steps in.... I've had periods of time in which I was mostly sedentary. Both in high school and towards the end of university. Recently I've been moving my body more regularly. I have been walking fairly often, stretching more often. I've even gone swimming a few times this summer (I've never been a swimmer!). Last night I spent about 45 minutes gently stretching and relaxing on my yoga mat. It always feels so good to just get into my body, sit with myself, and focus on my breath and how each movement feels. I love noticing my tight hamstrings loosen up, my stiff hips let go, and my lower back start to relax. So I ask again, do you incorporate movement into your lifestyle? If not, would you like to? When asking yourself to make these changes, I urge you to be gentle with yourself and hold up realistic expectations. Do you want to get back into the gym 5x/week? Do you want to start walking 3x/week? Do you want to start stretching 7x/week? What is your ideal movement schedule? How can we guarantee that you get there? Don't set the bar too high, don't set the bar too low. Set the bar at a height you can reach without too much strain, and slowly raise the bar as you ascend these achievable steps.

Kait Logue Coaching 23.12.2020

Are you guilty of limiting yourself? I know I am, and I used to cringe when my mom would try to correct my limiting beliefs because I had instilled them as CORE beliefs. But once I opened myself up to the possibilities of growth, and once I learned to change he narrative of my life and my abilities, everything else changed for me. ... I CAN (and I did) get a job outside of the restaurant industry I CAN (and I did) afford to bring my car down to the city again I CAN (and I did finish my coaching certification course AND my degree during a global pandemic) I invite you to ask yourself how you are limiting yourself? Where are you holding yourself back? Save this post as a reminder that YOU CAN do what you want. YOU ARE enough. Failure is feedback, it is a learning opportunity. Let’s head into the long weekend with some positivity and openness.

Kait Logue Coaching 09.12.2020

I like to keep things transparent here. Today was not a great day for my mental game. I should have come home from work and headed straight into my group coaching call, but I just couldn't stop crying. And it feels SUPER dramatic to talk about my negative feelings, but they are my feelings and they need my attention. And if I don't address them, they won't pass. ... I am not happy all of the time. Like many of you, I put a lot of pressure on myself to be happy most, if not all, of the time. If something is making me anxious or sad, I try my best to do whatever is in my power to resolve the situation. Negative feelings are just another barrier I'm creating for myself, right? But some days I just need to let myself be sad or scared or nervous. And today is one of those days, I guess. Cheers to a long weekend. Tomorrow will be better.