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Kanama High Performance North 04.01.2021

Ray Hamilton Bob Leclair Competition Recap October 13, 2018 9 athletes from the club put on a very strong showing last week in Sudbury. Here’s the recap:...Continue reading

Kanama High Performance North 18.12.2020

Huge day at KHP North today, with 6 of the 9 lifters competing at the Ray Hamilton in two weeks doing their heavy pre-competition lifts. All 6 made PRs! In fact, we had a total of 7 in the snatch, 15 in the clean and jerk (and 1 in the clean... we're saving the jerk for the competition). All that with three more lifters to go during the week! PRs included: Cathy - 54 kg CJ... Xavier - 95 kg Snatch, 118 kg CJ Naomie - 50 kg snatch, 62 kg CJ Jessica - 42 kg snatch, 58 kg CJ Jason - 97 kg CJ Amy - 67 kg snatch, 82 kg CJ Amazing job everyone. Your hard work is paying off!

Kanama High Performance North 16.12.2020

Great day at Summerfest yesterday. About half of the national team competed, and lots of records were set in the new weight classes. Madalena and Amy both had strong performances - especially since we were approaching this as a 'return to the platform' after a long layoff from competition. Madalena had a PR clean and jerk. Amy had a competition PR snatch, and also got a medal. Great job girls! Next up - Ray Hamilton in October.

Kanama High Performance North 26.11.2020

We have guests this weekend! Samantha Senyshyn and Richard Davidson (teammates from Toronto) will be training with us Saturday. They will be three weeks out from the National championships, so there should be some good lifting on display!

Kanama High Performance North 06.11.2020

Nice clean and jerk from Xavier at 2018 Scholastic Championships.

Kanama High Performance North 04.11.2020

Nice snatch from Xavier at 2018 Scholastic Championships.

Kanama High Performance North 27.10.2020

Nice clean and jerk from Chloe at 2018 Scholastic Championships.

Kanama High Performance North 25.10.2020

Nice snatch from Chloe at 2018 Scholastic Championships.

Kanama High Performance North 21.10.2020

Nice clean and jerk from Naomie at 2018 Scholastic Championships.

Kanama High Performance North 04.10.2020

Nice snatch from Naomie at 2018 Scholastic Championships.

Kanama High Performance North 19.09.2020

Excellent clean and jerk from Lyvia at the 2018 scholastic championship!

Kanama High Performance North 17.09.2020

Excellent snatch from Lyvia at the 2018 scholastic championship!

Kanama High Performance North 01.09.2020

The team had a great competition at the 2018 Scholastic Championship in North Bay. Lyvia, Naomie, and Chloe all had their first competition, and all of them hit big PRs. Lyvia and Chloe both won medals, and Naomie won the award for best novice lifter (high school age or younger). Xavier also had a great day, hitting PRs in both lifts, and defeating his nemesis from the Winter Games!

Kanama High Performance North 26.08.2020

Lots of great lifting updates coming! Xavier had a great competition at the 2018 Ontario Winter Games. He hit some nice PRs, despite (as it turned out) coming down with the flu. His final snatch is shown here at 1:27... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKDndbExyww&feature=youtu.be

Kanama High Performance North 14.08.2020

Xavier's session starts at 1:30

Kanama High Performance North 30.07.2020

The march continued today for Xavier, with a great performance at the Ontario Junior Championships. In the snatch he went 75, 78x, 79 (2 kg PR). In the clean and jerk, it was 95, 100 (5 kg PR), 103x. That's a wonderful rate if progression after setting those standards just 5 weeks ago at the Ray Hamilton Classic. There are lots of people in the weightlifting community eagerly anticipating further progress over the next few months and years.

Kanama High Performance North 17.07.2020

We have to be very flexible in our approach to training in weightlifting. At 14 years old, Xavier is experiencing some of the normal aches and pains that come with a growth spurt. We do as much of the normal training as we can; and then work on improving other areas that will benefit him in the future. Today he surprised me with a monster PR in pull ups from the rings, with +20kg for 3 reps.

Kanama High Performance North 09.07.2020

Big push press PR at 70 kg for Xavier yesterday! Not everything is put together yet, but I'm anticipating that some heads will be turning over the next year or two.

Kanama High Performance North 28.06.2020

Excellent performance last weekend by Amy and Madalena at the Toronto Weightlifting Championships! Both of them made some great lifts, and came away with medals - not an easy task with the crazy Supershow atmosphere! Good job, girls!

Kanama High Performance North 16.06.2020

Xavier had a great day today at the 2017 scholastic competition in North Bay. He made all six lifts, with 66, 68, 70 in the snatch and 78, 82, 85 in the clean and jerk. In December he set big personal records with 65 / 79 at the Ontario championships - this is an 11kg improvement! Lots of great work, and very encouraging for the future.

Kanama High Performance North 09.06.2020

Great Saturday training session at Kanama HP North! By my count, we had PRs of one type or another from: Audrey, Cathy, Sylvie, Calvin, and Annie. There was also some awesome lifting with consistent reps put up at 90%+ by Amy, Xavier, and Sylvain (with clear signs of being ready for more soon). A lot of work goes into making these steps forward. It`s important to appreciate the products of all that effort.

Kanama High Performance North 21.05.2020

A rep, a set, or a workout performed deliberately and with deep focus is worth much more than one where you 'go through the motions'. Let's all continue our quest for progression. http://jamesclear.com/beginners-guide-deliberate-practice

Kanama High Performance North 12.05.2020

Awesome performance by Xavier at his first Ontario Junior Championships. He went 59, 62, 65 in the snatch (with his final lift being a 5kg personal record). He then followed up with 73x, 73, 79 in the clean and jerk (for a 1kg personal record). Finally, he won the silver medal! It was a great performance, and impressed many very experienced weightlifting coaches.

Kanama High Performance North 02.05.2020

The KHP North team put on a great show at the 2016 Ray Hamilton competition in North Bay yesterday! Xavier started things off with a bang in the first session with 54, 57 (ties training PR), 60x / 71, 76 (2 kg PR), 78x. In comparison with his last competition in April, he improved 10 kg in the snatch and 13 kg in the CJ! Next up was Calvin, competing in his first competition. He made 69, 72, 75 (3 kg PR) / 94, 99x, 99x. Competing in weight lifting can be a very nerve-w...racking experience; but Calvin really rose to the occasion - and finished with a bronze medal in his weight class! Amy had some bad luck on pressout calls, but still managed some very good lifts with 54 (competition PR, I believe), 57x, 57x / 66x, 66, 71x. This was still a pretty good day (especially considering that she started lifting at 6pm after a 6:45 am departure), and it served as good preparation for her first 'elite' competition at the Fall Classic in 5 weeks. Finishing up the day in the last session were Phil and Sylvain. The competition was running about an hour behind schedule by now, so it'd been a long day for everyone - Sylvain in particular who left home at 3:45 am to get Xavier to his 7 am weigh in! Phil last competed when he was 14... and he's not 14 anymore. He absolutely crushed it today, with 85, 89 (PR), 94 (BIG PR) / 110, 116, 122x (called on a pressout, but nearly another big PR). Sylvain was competing in his first competition (in a very sleep-deprived state), but battled through and lifted 100, 103, 106x / 125, 132 (PR), 136x (a tough call on the pressout, but a great lift in my books. What a day - especially on the CJ! Amy got silver in her weight class (she was edged out by 1 kg). Calvin won bronze. Phil and Sylvain both won gold. Sylvain was given the best first time competitor award. Xavier placed outside of the medals, but definitely impressed some people with his lifting (including Ray Hamilton, who I spoke to in the afternoon). That was a very long day; but we all had a lot of fun. It was great to see everyone supporting each other through the whole competition. Special mention goes out to Xavier who provided some much-needed help during the final session changing weights and getting Phil and Sylvain ready to go.

Kanama High Performance North 16.04.2020

Madalena hit the magic number Saturday: 100kg in the back squat! Here's the PR board updating ceremony.

Kanama High Performance North 08.04.2020

Hey Everyone, this is a reminder that the training session Saturday, August 27th will be earlier than normal (9-11 am). See you there!

Kanama High Performance North 25.03.2020

Tonight and tomorrow, Richard Davidson (national level lifter and coach at Kanama High Performance in Toronto) will be training with us in Pembroke. Better come early, we may run out of plates! @rich.davidson

Kanama High Performance North 17.03.2020

Amy and Taylor accepting their medals from the legendary Larry Sheppard.

Kanama High Performance North 14.03.2020

Great day from the four KHP North ladies competing today at the 2016 Kanama Summerfest! Everyone set at least one PR (snatch, CJ, total, or some combination thereof). They collectively made 20 out of 24 attempts, and we saw some major technical improvements. Great job everyone!

Kanama High Performance North 12.03.2020

Great day for Alexis at the Ontario Summer Games! She made 5 of 6 lifts, and set PRs in both the snatch (51 kg) and clean and jerk (65 kg). Even more impressive, she did it all three days after a serious dog walking injury!

Kanama High Performance North 10.03.2020

Good luck to Alexis (lifting Friday at the Ontario Summer Games), Audrey, Amy, Madalena, and Taylor (competing Saturday at the Kanama Summerfest)! They've all done a wonderful job preparing, and now have a chance to show the results of all their hard work! Go get 'em! On a related note, the gym's closed until Monday.

Kanama High Performance North 01.03.2020

It's go time! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft4e3YoGfkE

Kanama High Performance North 17.02.2020

We're one week out of the Kanama Summerfest / Ontario Summer Games, and everyone put in another excellent Saturday training session. I believe there were only two lifts missed over the whole day... and one of them was by Coach! Great job everyone!

Kanama High Performance North 06.02.2020

Weightlifting’s a funny sport, and it’s at its funniest when you’re lifting near-maximal weights. Sometimes everything falls into place, and sometimes it doesn’t. Today, the five ladies who are preparing to compete in two weeks (Madalena, Audrey, Amy, Taylor, and Alexis) were joined by Josh and Xavier. This afternoon, these seven lifters set 12 personal records in the snatch and clean and jerk. Not everybody hit the numbers they wanted; but as a group, that’s about as good as it gets! Great job everyone!

Kanama High Performance North 17.01.2020

After a huge amount of hard work and dedication, five of the KHP North ladies are almost ready to compete. In two weeks, Madalena, Audrey, Amy, and Taylor will be lifting at the Kanama Summerfest; and Alexis will be lifting at the Ontario Summer Games. Preparations will reach their climax tomorrow with our last training session working with maximal weights. Great work, everyone!

Kanama High Performance North 11.01.2020

Another great Saturday training session for the KHPN crew! 5 weeks out of Summerfest. Get ready for some PRs next weekend.

Kanama High Performance North 08.01.2020

It's time! http://www.onweightlifting.ca/#!upcoming-events/c21tn

Kanama High Performance North 28.12.2019

National Championship Live Feed - https://www.youtube.com/?app=desktop#/c/bcweightlifting/live

Kanama High Performance North 17.12.2019

Another great performance at the scholastic competition by Pete. He made six solid lifts in his first competition, with 1 kg PRs in both movements! Great job Pete!

Kanama High Performance North 11.12.2019

Great lifting from Xavier today at the 2016 Scholastic competition! He made all six attempts with beautiful technique, and hit 2kg PRs in both movements with 47kg in the snatch and 63kg in the clean and jerk!

Kanama High Performance North 02.12.2019

Thanks everyone for the support, and for making the gym such a great environment. Training has been a blast the last couple months! Justin P.S. I expect that a few of you will qualify to compete at the provincial championships next year. Preparations start tonight!

Kanama High Performance North 19.11.2019

...a look into the future, courtesy of our teammates in Toronto: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYWyexECM80 This is from the last 'heavy' session before Winterlift 2016. It will be a while before we're hitting those kinds of weights, but pay attention to the atmosphere. We're already well on our way in that regard. I'm excited about what we're creating together. Justin

Kanama High Performance North 15.11.2019

We've just finished up our first 'heavy' week in a while, and there were PRs more or less across the board! I'm very excited to see the progress everyone will make in the next few weeks. The gym will be open as usual this week Monday - Thursday, 6:00 - 8:30 pm. Justin

Kanama High Performance North 27.10.2019

Due to the weather forecast, the gym will be closed tomorrow evening (Tuesday), but will be open Wednesday and Thursday from 6-8:30pm as usual. Be ready for Saturday's heavy session from 12-3. I expect that there'll be some PRs falling. Justin

Kanama High Performance North 17.10.2019

The PR train continues for Xavier with a 54 kg clean and jerk.

Kanama High Performance North 30.09.2019

12 year old Xavier sets a nice PR with a double at 38 kg in the snatch. As you can see, there's plenty of room for more.

Kanama High Performance North 19.09.2019

As usual this week, the gym will be open from 6:00 - 8:30 pm Monday - Thursday. Saturday's training session will be from noon - 2:00 pm. Justin

Kanama High Performance North 31.08.2019

The gym will be open as usual from Monday - Thursday, 6-8:30 pm. Be sure to come out during the week, since we'll be closed on the weekend for the Winterlift competition in Toronto.

Kanama High Performance North 18.08.2019

Another good training session on the books! As was the case last week, the gym will be open from 6:00 - 8:30 pm Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Saturday's training session will be from noon - 2:00 pm. Justin

Kanama High Performance North 03.08.2019

The gym will be operating under reduced hours this week: -Monday 6-8:30pm -tentatively Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday also 6-8:30 pm... Watch out for more updates. If you have any questions, contact Justin.

Kanama High Performance North 28.07.2019

Hey guys, so the hours for this week are as follows.... Monday, 10-12 and 6-8 Tuesday 10-12 and message Jake for night training hours. Wednesday closed as per usual and Thursday Friday will be organized over group message. you are welcome to come train any day, just drop me a message prior. thanks very much and merry Christmas to all Jacob Begin

Kanama High Performance North 11.07.2019

What a great performance by Alexis Foley this weekend. She is now the Ontario junior weightlifting champion in the 53 kg weight class! She made 5 out of 6 lifts and set new personal records in the snatch, clean and jerk, and total. The Ontario weightlifting community has definitely taken notice.

Kanama High Performance North 09.07.2019

The gym will be closed this afternoon. Coach Justin will be opening it from 6-8:30. Come on out!

Kanama High Performance North 20.06.2019

Hey everyone we are going to be placing an order soon (so it can be for Christmas). If you want to order something please come in and prepay we thank you for your support

Kanama High Performance North 16.06.2019

Coach Justin will be opening the gym from 5-7:30 tonight (Thursday). Spread the word and come on out!

Kanama High Performance North 03.06.2019

Hey guys gyms closed today. Sorry for the short notice

Kanama High Performance North 01.06.2019

Hey everyone!!! Due to a chain of unexpected events the gym will close at 12 this Friday October 30th. The gym will be open on regular hours Saturday coach Justin will be running the show! Hope everyone has a good week!

Kanama High Performance North 13.05.2019

Making the gym look better a day at a time!!

Kanama High Performance North 25.04.2019

Hey everyone just a reminder that the gym is closing at 6 tonight. Also we wish everyone an awesome thanksgiving!!! If you wish to train tomorrow morning show up at 12! The gym will be closed on Monday, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Kanama High Performance North 13.04.2019

Kanama before and after renovations

Kanama High Performance North 31.03.2019

Hey everyone!! Just a reminder that the gym will be closed on Friday October 2th and Saturday October third, due to travelling for a competition. Good luck to all lifters!!!

Kanama High Performance North 22.03.2019

hey everybody!!! don't forget that the gym will be closed Friday September 18th at 4pm and Saturday September 19th all day.

Kanama High Performance North 11.03.2019

Although we are technically closed tomorrow (Monday April 3rd), I will be training from about 12 - 2pm. Members are welcome to come out and join in! Justin

Kanama High Performance North 02.03.2019

Hi everybody!! Just a wuick reminder that coach Jake is taking a mental weekend!!! The gym is closed Friday but coach justin will be here Saturday at noon. Don't be late! Have a great weekend!!!!

Kanama High Performance North 14.02.2019

Hey guys, power is out so the gym is closed early tonight... See you guys tomorrow

Kanama High Performance North 30.01.2019

Hey guys, don't forget we are away from the gym Friday and Saturday this week for the Toronto super show!!! Good luck to all the athletes competing!!

Kanama High Performance North 13.01.2019

Hey everyone! Don't forget this is the long weekend!! The gym is gonna be taking a short break! We will be closed Friday Saturday and Monday! Hope everyone gets out and enjoys their time off!!

Kanama High Performance North 08.01.2019

Super proud of the kids!!! All your hard work is paying off!! Your really turning heads out there! Keep up the good work!!!