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Katie Hunt Co. 11.05.2021

As the almighty Rupaul says; we’re all born naked and the rest is drag. Do you have a nasty habit of comparing your worst to someone’s best? Social media is a wonderful place for projection. ... You can make an entire story for someone’s life based off of assumptions and immediately decide their life is better than yours. Maybe this makes your feel bad about yourself? Or maybe it makes you mad. Maybe it motivates you. Keep in mind that if you’re peering into someone’s life through a window outside, you’re probably not seeing the whole picture. Included in that statement is you! When you’re looking at yourself from the outside your gonna miss all the incredible pieces of the unique YOU. It is true we need to water our own grass. Let me explain; even if you’re not where you want to be love and accept yourself where you are now. Find joy in the process because you are worthy of it. Be grateful for all you are and all you’ve done for yourself so far. If I could make one wish for you it is to love and believe in yourself so much that you fkin radiate. Cause that’s what you deserve. For a lot of us this journey is a long one, and if that’s you I see you, I feel you. I’m here with you. Here are some things I have done to move from hating myself to feelin myself; invest in my mind, body and spirit; books, education, exercise, soul work, reiki etc. start my day with positive material; hilarious video, uplifting podcast, inspirational speeches, affirmations, spiritual talks etc. ask myself before every decision what would someone who loves herself do? Then do that! talk to myself in the mirror about my feelings (try it!) saying good morning I love you, feels so awkward at first but gets easier. AND I pretended I was someone who loved themselves until I actually did. See more

Katie Hunt Co. 24.04.2021

You wanna change your life, change your habits. Simple as that! Your life is a collection of habits. If you’re not living up to your standards try upgrading your habits. ... My suggestion for the biggest impact is instituting a morning routine. Here is why; the first hour you’re awake has the power to make or break your day. Starting off on the right hoof allows you to be more intentional about what is to follow and excited for the tasks of the day. Healing and resetting happen while you’re catching your Zzz’s making the morning a perfect time of time to choose how you want to feel. Morning rituals and practices have gotten me through some of my darkest moments and it’s a non negotiable for me now! If you are currently suffering from a lame morning ritual that’s no longer fun, try mixing up your routine with activities you actually enjoy. Your morning routine/practice doesn’t have to be so serious have a little more fun! Try it tomorrow and let me know how it goes. See more

Katie Hunt Co. 13.04.2021

Have you given thought to what you’d like to manifest for yourself this year? What about in 5 years? What about 25 years? I’m not much of a planner, I’m more of a dreamer. Future dreams are of course rough ideas subject to change as I do, but i do have an idea of how I’d like to feel later in life. You? To assist me with my vision every year I create an image that contains my dreams. I do this by collecting images, putting them in a collage & setting it as a backgro...und on my phone. This is one way I create a vision for my future that I will see daily. Some images are 5 year goals, some are to realize in the next few months. I’m sure to I find images that not only depict an aspect of my desires but also give me a positive emotional reaction. And the collage itself is visually pleasing & makes me excited. My friend Sheryl told me about this a few years ago and since then I have made it my annual mission to do one each year. This is so powerful because it’s a constant reminder of your dreams multiple times a day. If it’s created by you your energy stamp is on it, you’ve taken the time to dream and choose what you want. Seeing this image will create positivity within you and inspire you to take action on the things that align. There are a few rules for your digital board: Every photo has to bring you joy. Your dreams can’t make you feel anxious or fearful. If it stresses you out to think about perhaps leave it it off & re-evaluate if it’s even your dream anymore. Once it no longer excites you it’s time to refresh it. GO WILD. It’s also more than cool to change your mind about what your #dreams are. It’s also okay if your dreams are more about your emotional/mental well being rather than action. It’s okay if your dreams seem small to you, hint: there is no such thing. Remember; you’re worthy of your desires because you have them. See more

Katie Hunt Co. 04.04.2021

Party on the top, cozy on the bottom. I’m ready in ring in the new year in quarantine style. So happy new year to you! I know 2020 was really tough. We were stretched, stomped, pooped and gooped but we made it through so much. 2020 was about pressure and what is created under pressure? Diamonds baby, we are diamonds. ... Growth is rarely comfortable and just like when we go through a particularly challenging time we typically see the wisdom of our growth after we’ve done some healing and can gain perspective. That time for you to gather the wisdom of 2020 may not have come yet but it’s on its way! 2020 was about growth, change, and clarity . It was a time to spotlight systems externally and internally that no longer work and to face a lot of our shadows. We continue on our path for a better tomorrow, and though the year is ending the growth with continue to the new year. 2021 Will bring us the opportunity to be leaders within our own life and experience. You must to stand up for your beliefs and use your authentic voice. You can choose love in the face of challenge and turmoil next year as you have more wisdom and the energy supporting you to make some big changes. Be kind and nurture the shit out of yourself! I hope 2021 is all you ask hoping it to be. Is this enough wine to mark the end of a hellish year? I’ll let you be the judge of that. Let me know below. #happynewyear #2021

Katie Hunt Co. 29.03.2021

Enjoying this time between Xmas and New Years where I have no idea who I am or what day it is. Wishing you a wonderful #monday Give me an emoji that sums up the day for you below.

Katie Hunt Co. 17.03.2021

Profile game - not strong I won’t lie... This year has kicked the crap out of me. You? As I began this year I had a feeling the year would be hard.... I write myself a letter every year & I kept putting it off because I just knew the year would not be what I wanted, but ultimately what I needed. I found it hard to set goals & felt nervous that I would find myself in the same spot 365 days in the future. Goals unmet. I was so worried that the year would pass by and I would find myself disappointed. I eventually wrote the letter and was honest with myself. I decided to give future Katie a love letter filled with compassion, because if the year played out how it felt, she would need it. (Spoiler alert she did). As I’ve gone through the chaos of this year I keep recalling this moment. I would think about all the things I am not accomplishing, all the things I have been dreaming of for so long. And as I begin to beat myself I remember how freaking cool it is that my intuition was so strong. Yes things aren’t getting done but maybe there is a reason, just like how there was a reason I wasn’t excited for 2020. I could sense something coming and I feel the same way now. I think we can do better at being present and gentle in our experience. Take care in how you speak to yourself and trust that you know what’s best for you. Not the people out here encouraging you to BE the best, not the endless productivity workshops, and not even me. As the year winds down instead of feeling guilty for all you didn’t do, take time to acknowledge all you went through this year. Celebrate what went right, celebrate all you’ve learned. Feel the emotions of the year, the good bad and the ugly. Life is about living, experiencing. You’re not here to be continuously productive. Your worth is not measured in what you have done. You are worthy simply because you exist. See more

Katie Hunt Co. 15.03.2021

Some wise words from the great Oprah. Be brave - get honest with yourself and what you want. Whether you’re asking a loved one for something or getting real with yourself about your career it takes courage to ask for what you want; because often we believe we’re undeserving. This of course is bullshit as you deserve everything you want. You just have to believe you deserve and let yourself have it. Yep, that simple.... Let’s take away the fear in asking for what you want; what’s the worst case scenario? Is it likely to happen? How can you set yourself up for success if the worst case happens? Or what if things worked out? What if you got the answer you actually wanted? What if it’s actually easy? Why not!? You won’t know until you try. Of course there may be work involved, that’s part of the fun. You can do the work needed to accomplish your goals, first step is giving yourself permission to go for it. I believe in you, I really do. Go for it, whatever IT is. #oprahwinfrey #bebrave