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Kelly Dixon 22.03.2021

If you're anything like me your diet has been pretty crappy during this pandemic. At the beginning of July I set a goal for myself that I would get back into my keto diet because I always felt more energetic and healthier when I was eating that way. The first week of July was kind of a write off for me because I was away on vacation camping and then it was my birthday... but right after that I made a serious effort to get back into my keto diet. ... So it's been about a week and I can already say that I have more energy and I feel less bloated/heavy. It really is amazing, when we pay attention, how our food effects our mind and body. I think we all know that nutrition is important but I don't think we understand to what extent. This has always been an interest of mine and something that I am planning to dive deeper and more in-depth into over the next coming weeks, months and years. Stay tuned!

Kelly Dixon 19.03.2021

Lift someone up today... even if it's just yourself!!

Kelly Dixon 27.02.2021

Trying something new can scary for most people... it's the fear of the unknown. I don't know how! What if it doesn't work out? What if I don't do it right?... What if other people make fun of me? All of these are natural fears that most people have but there is a way to work through it ... And one way through is to learn as much as you can! Before I do anything I try to learn as much as I can about it. The internet is fabulous for providing you with any information you could possibly want to know. That's how I learned to build a table!! But you're not going to know everything ... that's impossible! At some point you just have to do it and then learn more as you go! So if fear is holding you back from doing something you've wanted to do ... start learning... start researching... I bet you that fear will start to dissipate!

Kelly Dixon 01.02.2021

Decorating is finally starting to come together!! One of my favorite pieces is the ultra soft alpaca throw I got on my trip to Peru So so thankful to be home!!

Kelly Dixon 26.01.2021

For as long as I can remember I have struggled with my weight. I think I was about 10 or 11 when I started Weight Watchers for the first time and from then on I have been off and on diets my entire life... Talk about stressful. Being unhappy with the way I looked influenced almost every aspect of my life... I eventually became depressed and then gained even more weight. I got up to a staggering 260lbs at my heaviest!... It was at that point that I decided that I needed to start making changes in my life because I was slowly killing myself.... that was about the same time that I was accepted into and started nursing school. Which I can honestly say saved my life. Learning about health, wellness, and depression was a huge eye opener for me. It made me realize that I am in control of what I do, how I think and I have the ability to change my life. Since that time I have been on a journey... it is a long slow one but everyday is one step forward. I am learning how my diet greatly impacts my mental and physical health and I am learning about ways to reprogram my mind to become stronger and how I can control my thoughts and feelings. Before nursing school I was ashamed of myself and didn't talk about my struggles thinking that people would judge me, think I'm crazy or just over emotional and I should just suck it up my life wasnt that bad! What did I have to be depressed about? One of the biggest things that nursing school helped me with was my ability to accept & share my story. And I do this because I know there are other women who can relate and share a similar story. Are you one of them? If I can be any motivation, inspiration, support, educator or companion on this journey with you and help you to keep going and improve your life then I will have reached my goal. I appreciate each and everyone of you and thank you for following along on this journey!! Stay tuned for the next part of my journey in life and online! DM me with any comments or questions! I'd love to connect!

Kelly Dixon 24.01.2021

5 Ways to start improving your diet Proper nutrition creates the foundation and building blocks for our body! Just like a vehicle, you body needs fuel.... And not just any fuel will do... sugar, refined carbohydrates, junk food... while they all have calories ie energy... they often don't have vitamins, minerals, antioxidants or other keys factors that are essential for our body to grow, repair and heal. If we want our body to function at an optimal level then we must feed it the optimal food it requires. ~avoid sugar when possible ~get 20-25g of fiber per day ~drink more water ~eat healthy fat (Avocados, olive oil, ~eat more vegetables

Kelly Dixon 17.01.2021

Coffee is my go to every morning!! Good thing I'm also improving my health at the same time!! Like below if you're a coffee drinker to!

Kelly Dixon 03.01.2021

Being a nurse I am amazed by Science!!! I am amazed by our body!! We are continually learning how our mind and body work and interact together... How they react to our outside environment and how that influences our actions and behaviors...... Much of the new information being learned is very different from what we originally believed to be true! For example... your genes do not control anything! If you remove the DNA from a cell it does not die right away... in fact it can live for months!! Because the genes are not the control center of the cell... they are only the blueprint. Your probably thinking... well that's not what I was taught in school. No it wasn't! Because at the time and with the info we had that is what we believed to be true! But that's the beauty of science... we are continually learning based on new research and development. But it takes time for this new information to make it's way into the mainstream!! So what does this mean for us... we have to remain open to new possibilities and new ways of doing things... because sometimes the old way is not the best way... or perhaps not even true!!

Kelly Dixon 20.12.2020

Sometimes making something old... new again... or Evolving the old you... into the new you Just takes a little time, effort and belief in yourself!!