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Kelsie Van Roon 05.06.2021

I can’t help it. I think it must be in my DNA to really go for it. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t given up things either. ... Maybe it comes from years of my parents saying just do your best or have fun, you only live once. I was a competitive swimmer for several years, and I remember my parents would always say, you keep going until your heart no longer desires it. (like whhaaatt! My parents are pretty amazing!) Because they knew you can’t stay committed to something that takes this much energy unless you entirely desire it, with all your heart. And here I am two decades later (After I detoured down the road of ‘shoulds’ for 15+ years) Building a life and family from pure desire. Business from desire. And like really, shouldn’t that be what life is all about anyway? Haven’t you often wondered...there must be an easier way? Haven’t you wondered...is it possible to have it all? And there is. If you desire it, it is possible. And nothing else has to suffer to make it happen. If you haven’t consciously designed your business to fit into your life and desire, I’m here to tell you that you are doing it backwards. And I say that with pure love. And if you’re ready to learn a new way to do business, let’s chat.. send me a DM.

Kelsie Van Roon 24.05.2021

How do I let go? - is the #1 question I get from business owners. I have read entire books on learning how to let go. Some books are 750 pages dedicated to learning how to let go. And then books where the process of letting go is described on two pages. At the end of the day, they are essentially describing the same thing.... But you know what has been confirmed for my clients and me... How much you can let go depends on the state you are in when trying to let go. If you are so far into a negative, fear-gripping, scarcity state, it’s going to feel really hard to fully surrender. But there is always a tipping point. Some of my most incredible moments of surrender and letting go have come out of pure exhaustion. These times are points in my business where I fully realized what I am doing is not working, so God (source, universe) show me YOUR way. I’m done. So, how do you know if you have fully surrendered? @Toshasilver said it best, and I am so grateful for the way she explained it...She said, when your desires become preferences, you know you are in a state of surrender.

Kelsie Van Roon 11.05.2021

With energetic alignment comes clarity, ease and flow. And most people are conditioned to work against their design. And yet every single client that I have worked with on their human design resonates so deeply with what their design is. HD gives us a jumping-off point.... It’s a map to massive results and inner peace. See more

Kelsie Van Roon 01.05.2021

You’ve read lots of personal development books, listen to the podcasts, attend the seminars. But you still aren’t seeing the results. What gives?... The missing link is the difference between intellectualizing information and embodying what you have intellectualized. Sometimes Radical Responsibility is what is needed. And when radical responsibility is required, sometimes you need a coach to point out what you’re not seeing. And hold you to it. Not just in a basic accountability kind of way. A coach is here to say what your BF might see, but is too scared to say. I say the tough stuff to my clients, because that is what they HIRED ME TO DO. (and of course I say it with all the love in my heart).

Kelsie Van Roon 13.04.2021

Some of the most major shifts happen in just one moment. Today I am celebrating huge with my client because he has majorly shifted his mindset around money.. With one simple thought.... We were talking about the Energy of Money.. Here’s what I asked him: If money was your friend would it want to be around you? It was in this moment he realized I am always blaming money. I complain that there is never enough. I hate looking at my bank account. I hate invoicing my clients, even though I need the money. He needed to forgive himself and money. He started to respect money more. He started to give gratitude to money, even when he was worried about it. He continued to lead with desire in business, even when it didn’t make sense which brought him into alignment with his Human Design. And then he had the best financial month he has ever had in 17 years of business!

Kelsie Van Roon 30.03.2021

There is more to money and success than vibing high. Vibing high is a part of it. But you have to process the unconscious blocks to money. ... Forgive yourself for your past money mistakes. Make room for new to come into your life. By letting go of the past. Get to a point of unwavering faith. And then we can vibe the night away!

Kelsie Van Roon 18.03.2021

I spent 16 years in a corporate career that I entered because it was easy and what I should do. It was a good career, it ticked all the boxes, but at times I felt what am I doing all this for? I wanted more.... I wanted to be home with my family. I wanted to wake up without an alarm, have coffee with my husband, and work only when I wanted to work. I wanted freedom and security to do what I wanted, how I wanted it. And I wanted it to be easy. My first couple of years in Entrepreneurship were not any of this LOL. As an NLP and High Performance Coach I had the mindset tools and strategies, but Entrepreneurship really challenged me to take RADICAL responsibility for my results, success, and failures. I had to learn a deep trust and an Inner Knowing in who I was. I had to learn Unwavering Faith. I had to build a community of like-minded Entrepreneurs. I had to deepen my coaching skills, not just for my clients, but for myself. I had to LEAD myself first. I had to develop my own Inner Influence. The Results have been this: Surrender with Strategy. Inner Peace. Inner Trust. Healing the relationship with my husband. Becoming a better mother. Energetic alignment to money, wealth, and success. What results are you looking for?

Kelsie Van Roon 06.03.2021

Sometimes my clients experience some pretty unexpected results while we are working together. This is one story I will never forget. Julie hired me to help her move her business forward, while she was going through a divorce.... She was drained. Foggy brained. And the divorce was badly damaging the relationship she had with her children. Our work together shifted, as saving the relationship with her children became the priority. The surprise result? In the 12 weeks we were working together, without any major changes to her fitness levels and eating habits she lost 20 lbs! And transformed her relationship with the kids. Sometimes the stories we are holding onto are manifesting in our physical reality in the most unconventional ways, and this was the case for Julie. She shed her old beliefs about being a failure. She released stuck, old emotions from past events that she was hanging onto. She breathed new life into her body with forgiveness of herself and others who had done wrong by her. After our work together (and with some diet & lifestyle changes) she went on to lose another 15 lbs. Sometimes you just never know what kind of bonus results you will get from working with the unconscious mind!

Kelsie Van Roon 02.02.2021

A mentor once told me it doesn;t have to be hard you know, it can be easy and effortless And I said great...how? LOL. My clients ask the same question.... How do I let go? How do I not burn out? How do I balance it all? How do I leave an impact and a legacy that I am proud of? How do I have all my desires, easily? One of my top values in life and business is growth. To always be learning, and raising the bar, to be the best version of myself. And my clients share this belief. It is always an honor to guide my clients on their journey, to help create their own discoveries, their own magic, their own way. Tangible, measurable results happen along the way. More money, more confidence, more patience, more faith. My favorite part as a coach is seeing my clients' faces light up when they look back in hindsight to where they were when they started, and where they are today. I get to witness their GROWTH, and it’s magical.

Kelsie Van Roon 26.01.2021

You need to believe in yourself and your worth to attract what you want! This statement used to drive me totally insane! I mean logically..yes. It makes sense. But I did feel worthy, I did believe in myself. Even when not many other people did.... I read the books, took the programs, hired the coaches. Results were coming in, but it was a slow drip. Why? Because I was missing One. Simple. Crucial. Piece. I wasn’t slowing down enough to fully process what was happening around me. I avoided thinking about the failures. I brushed over the Wins. I just kept going. No wonder it felt like I was spinning my wheels.. I was doing exactly that! I was running my business the way I thought I should Not as I desired. I had my coaches and mentors up a pedestal, taking everything they said like it was the ‘Holy Grail’ I lost myself. I lost my Inner Trust. And then I found Human Design. A system that taught me how I was energetically designed to operate. A system that taught me how to make decisions that were in integrity with my design. I played with it. I led with desire. And after six short weeks of learning about Human Design I had my first multiple 5 figure month. With an 8-week old baby in arms. I was hooked and immediately signed up for a one year certification in Human Design. It’s included in the Inner Influence Group Coaching Program and my Private Coaching Program. Here’s what my clients are saying about Human Design: I am in tears right now because I feel so validated, and empowered. For the first time in a long time I feel seen, and not like something is wrong with me. This is crazy! I am planning way less that I used, getting more done, new clients are flowing in, my days are filled with desire, instead of dread and exhaustion. I have been stuck with a few key decisions in my business for months now, after learning my Authority I just took a leap of faith and followed my gut. I think I have finally learned how to let go and stop worrying about all the things that might happen! If you’re interested in a one-time Human Design Session I only offer these a few times in my calendar a month, click the link in my bio to book.

Kelsie Van Roon 21.01.2021

You just need to get to year 3 in business and then it'll get better. Yep, a few people told me this one too. And there is some truth to it..... Buuuut.. A lot of people get to year three, and yes it’s true, consistent money is flowing in. Your money worries have slowed down. But this little voice keeps nagging at you.. There must be an EASIER way.. I’m afraid to go to the next level, I can barely handle this one! We have all been conditioned to work our hardest. Hard work = sacrifices. That’s the OLD paradigm of success. The NEW paradigm is: freedom, inner peace, an inner knowing. Each level of success can come with ease and flow. And this is exactly why I created the Inner Influence Group Program. Business owners tapping into who they are, what unconscious blocks are in the way, and how they can move through these blocks with ease. We study your Human Design, NLP Strategies for the unconscious mind, and High Performance Coaching to move you forward. P.S The doors for Inner Influence are closed until April 2021, but you can reserve your spot now. This program is limited to 10 participants.

Kelsie Van Roon 04.01.2021

What is my Freedom Lifestyle? This morning, me and the fam were sitting around. Chris was reading a book to Aiden, I was playing with Addie on the floor, drinking my coffee while looking through the new pics from my photoshoot. And I had this thought... I am living the vision I created a few years ago. My version of Freedom Lifestyle. Why I wanted to be an Entrepreneur. Freedom. To lead with desire, day to day, earn good money. And then help other Entrepreneurs create their freedom lifestyle. I am so grateful. And it took a lot of hard work. SO many tears, SO many sleepless nights. It didn’t happen overnight. It took more than strategy. But here’s what I have noticed. Most business owners know what they need to do, deep down. But something is blocking them from doing it or stopping them from getting the CLARITY they need to do it. Their heart and mind need CLARITY. And so the Inner Work begins What is your Freedom Lifestyle? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #LifeLivedBeautifully #motivationiskey #SuccessMinded #motivationalvideos #lifemotivation #makethingshappen #focusonyourself #worksmart #whatsnext #wontstop #gogetter #successmindset #goforit #hustlehard #stayfocused #CreateCultivate #instamotivation #unstoppable #alignment #humandesign #manifestor #manifestinggenerator #generator #projector #reflector #freedomlifestyle See more