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Kenji ROI 23.05.2021

These are the 4 most effective product videos to skyrocket your conversions Through working with hundreds of clients at Kenji ROI, I've found the four highest converting product video types are as follows: Product Highlights - these videos are clean, simple and highlight the key features and benefits of the product visually.... Customer Experience - these videos are so powerful because they demonstrate the product in use, helping potential buyers understand how the product fits into their lifestyle, and how they’ll feel while using it. Explainer - explainer videos are great for, well, explaining! You’re essentially showing the customer how the product works. That way they understand the product more and how it could benefit them. Comparison - you're either explaining how your product is better than its competitors, or showing how your customer is better off with the product vs. the outcome if the customer didn’t have the product in their life. But how do you determine which type is best for your product? Check our our full in-depth article all about product videos for Amazon right here: https://www.kenjiroi.com/amazon-product-video-guide/

Kenji ROI 07.05.2021

This Lego Storefront design hack could prevent you from making this HUGE mistake... Stop what you're doing and checkout Lego's Storefront. As soon as you land on their page, you're greeted with their colourful fun aesthetic.... Perfect for kids, right? BUT! Did you know that Lego has a huge adult audience as well? This presents Lego with a unique marketing problem... how do they market what most would consider a "kid's toy" to adults? The answer comes down to the design choices made to specifically appeal to adults. Lego knows that colourful, cartoon-y aesthetics normally don't appeal to adults. Adults prefer simple, sleaker designs with only a few colours. That's why for their adult section, they opted to use sleek black, white and red themes. They even included an adult model hard at work to connect emotionally to their target audience. So as we can see, design choices are super important, not just for your Storefront, but for your products and your marketing strategies as well. Lego is a great example because we can see how differing target demographics manifest in differing aesthetics. That's why you CAN'T just slap a Storefront together in 15 mins and hope for the best. You need to... Know your audience. Know what design aesthetic resonates with them. Know how to actually realize that design. Or know someone who you can hire to it for you. If that blew your mind... well I have a fresh article outlining tons of other examples of fantastic Amazon Storefronts. After all, the quickest way to see what works is to find what other successful people are doing... and then imitate them! That's why I've curated the top 5 BEST looking Amazon Storefronts I've ever seen and highlighted what areas they're excelling at. So now that I've done all the hard work researching them... All you need to do is spend 15 mins MAX to implement them! Then sit back and watch that conversion rate go up. Here's the link: https://www.kenjiroi.com/amazon-storefront-examples/

Kenji ROI 23.04.2021

AVOID THESE MANUFACTURER RED FLAGS LIKE THE PLAGUE Every Amazon seller probably has a horror story dealing with a manufacturer... *shudder* In my experience, I've learned what to look out for so that I can outright AVOID these shady companies...... BEFORE I give them my hard-earned moolah! Here are some red flags: Doesn't understand what you're saying Can't communicate clearly Withholds information Takes forever to respond to messages (more than 2 days) Doesn't have any badges. Won't accept Alibaba Trade Assurance. If the company you're dealing with shows any of these red flags... Run far FAR away! Now the thing is, a lot of people I've talked to not only don't know how to avoid shady companies... But they just lack the sourcing know-how all together. Fortunately, I have a guide that outlines how to vet manufacturers PLUS everything else you need to know about sourcing. Things like... How to validate product ideas FAST Negotiation tactics All the questions you need to ask (that make them take you more seriously) ...and so much more. Here's the link: https://www.kenjiroi.com/the-best-way-to-source-things-on-/

Kenji ROI 15.04.2021

Running a sale? Do this to instantly boost its effectiveness The most annoying part of running a sale is that Amazon doesn't make it very visible... I mean, come on, Amazon, can't you be more helpful!? ... Thankfully I know a hack that instantly makes your sale more visible. Here's what you do: Add your sale info to one of your product photos Reupload the image so that it's the last photo customers will see when they browse That's it! Now more people will notice you're running a sale, so its effectiveness will skyrocket. Just think how many more sales you'd get... And how that would impact your revenue and your organic ranking. Now what's crazy is that there are four other different kinds product photos that will boost your conversion rate like this one. Make sure your listing doesn't lack them! Here's the link to view the list: https://www.kenjiroi.com/5-types-of-amazon-product-photos-/

Kenji ROI 28.03.2021

This one little change to your bullet points could boost conversions by 1-3% What's the #1 thing your customer NEEDS to feel before buying your product? Trust. ... That's why I'll show you a little change you can make to your bullet points to build more trust... Which have boosted our clients' conversions by 1-3%! Here's the secret sauce: TELL YOUR CUSTOMER THAT YOU WILL BE THERE FOR THEM AFTER THEIR PURCHASE! Basically, just tell the customer that you will provide them great customer service so that if they have any issues... All they do is contact you! This will help dispel a lot of fear that shoppers may have before purchasing. After all, we can't all be big name brands like Apple or Nike... Us little fish need to convince our customers that we won't just take their money and run. Of course, you need to make sure you actually do provide the customer service you promised... Otherwise be prepared for a flurry of angry customer reviews. Additionally, if you offer a warranty or a money-back guarantee, you can throw this in at the end as well (only if you have one though!). Want more tips to increase your conversions? Check out our guide for 9 other insanely simple yet powerful tips to boost your CR here: https://www.kenjiroi.com/amazon-conversions/

Kenji ROI 21.03.2021

ACOS too high!? Do THIS right now! Have you ever logged into Campaign Manager and noticed your ACOS is higher than Snoop Dog!? We're talking about 40%... 50%... even up to 100%?!... I know firsthand just how frustrating it is trying to lower your ACOS... Luckily for you, I have a step-by-step solution for lowering your ACOS. Here's what you do: First you need to have a target ACOS. To do that, you need to figure out your margins. When you're launching, it's ok for your ACOS to be at or higher than your margin. But once you've gotten the ball rolling, your ACOS needs to be lower so you can actually be profitable. Go into your bulk sheets and sort each row from highest ACOS to lowest. This is where you want to manually adjust the bids. Here's what you want to do in each scenario: Items Getting High Clicks & Sales but High ACOS: gradually lower the bid by $0.03-5 until your target ACOS is met. Items Getting High Clicks & Sales but Low ACOS: either keep the same or increase slightly ($0.01-3) if your goal is to improve organic ranking. Items Getting High Clicks but Low Sales: gradually lower the bid by ~$0.05 until it stops getting clicks, or pause if it’s bleeding too much money. Items Getting Impressions but No Clicks: leave them bethey don’t cost you anything. Items with Few or No Impressions: check if the keyword is missing from your listing. Try increasing the bid. The last thing is to see if your auto, broad, or phrase campaigns have picked up on any keywords that are costing you lots of money. Go ahead and negative them out. Repeat this process and over time your ACOS WILL go down! Yeah, I know Sponsored Product Ads can be a nightmare... Fortunately we have a guide about Sponsored Ads up that can teach you all the basics. So that you can run profitable ads yourself without hiring someone or paying for an expensive course! Click here to read it: https://www.kenjiroi.com/amazon-sponsored-products-ads/

Kenji ROI 04.03.2021

Writing Bullet Points for Amazon Listings: THIS is how you should do it... Ah yes, the humble bullet point. It's quite often overlooked when it comes to listing optimization.... A good title and compelling product images are what pull shoppers in... But imho... bullet points are what really pushes a shopper over the edge if they're still deciding whether to purchase your product. So with that in mind... I see sooooo many sellers get bullet points wrong! Here are the big no-no's... Stuffed with too many keywords: it may please the algorithm, but if customers can't read it, they're going to click off. Not skimmable: no need to write a whole novel; keep your bullets short and sweet. Doesn't address customers' pain points: too much time is focused on describing the product, and not about what drives the customer to purchase your product. Promises too much: over-delivering is the #1 way to get bad reviews later on when customers are let down. We want to hype our products, but still remain honest. Avoid these and you will do yourself (and your bottom line) a huge favour! To find out more about bullet points, as well as other ways to optimize your listing, check out our super in-depth listing optimization guide. In fact, I've included a handy bullet point template in there to make writing bullet points easier than finding hay in a haystack. Check it out here: https://www.kenjiroi.com/amazon-listing-optimization-6-mus/

Kenji ROI 15.02.2021

As some of you may know, I'm currently living the 24/7 beach life here at Bali Originally, though, I'm from rainy Vancouver Canada Now, since I grew up there, I pretty much know Vancouver like the back of my hand.... Chances are if I lost my phone, I could find my way around pretty easily. But if the same thing happened to me here, you'd probably have to send a search-and-rescue team because I'd be super lost... Which is almost what happened to me the other day. I was walking down the street from my house and I decided to try a new road I'd never been down before. I kept going and going, and then... Boom, my phone died. I literally had no idea where I was. So I kept going to see if I could find a place to charge my phone. The silver lining to this is I found this BOMB satay stand I never would have discovered if I hadn't gotten lost. Plus they were kind enough to let me charge my phone there. Ok... you're thinking, "Danny, how can I make more money from your story?" Well, this is exactly how you can find a profitable niche on Amazon. Start with familiar territory... ...then gradually go deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole. For example, take something obvious, like "soccer ball". Way too broad. By searching on Amazon, or using keyword research software, you'll find stuff like... Soccer ball for boys. Soccer ball air freshener. Soccer ball pump. Now you've found niches! Just about everyone and their cat is selling soccer balls... But almost no one is selling soccer ball air fresheners. So if there's demand for it... you can swoop in and give the masses what they want, and they'll pay you handsomely for it! Read my complete guide to finding a profitable Amazon niche here: https://www.kenjiroi.com/amazon-niche-and-niche-keywords/

Kenji ROI 30.01.2021

The Secret Formula Revealed: How SEO Services Help You Get More Sales Optimizing your listing for SEO on Amazon is no small task. For starters, you need to be up-to-date with the latest happenings in terms of Amazon guidelines and algorithm changes.... Then you need to know how to create an optimized listing. Luckily for you, that's why these Amazon SEO services exist. To do all the work for you while you can focus on running your business! Hiring an Amazon SEO service, whether it's Kenji ROI or someone else could prove to be a worthwhile investment... Because they will be able to help you sell more products and generate more revenue without you having to invest your time. But how exactly are they able to boost your sales? There are three main KPIs that Amazon SEO services will help increase: Organic Ranking Clickthrough Rate (CTR) Conversion Rate (CR) Improvement in each of these directly correlates to more sales and more revenue, so these are what listing agencies like Kenji ROI focus on. Want to find out exactly how agencies increase each of these KPIs? I gave away the secret formula in my latest article... That way, you can make a more informed decision about what to look out for when hiring an SEO service. Or it could help you realize that you can just do it yourself and save some money! Click the link here to read it: https://www.kenjiroi.com/who-should-hire-an-amazon-seo-ser/

Kenji ROI 30.01.2021

Boost your Amazon sales with a premium "Done For You" Amazon listing. We write benefit driven sales copy optimized to skyrocket your keyword rankings. Includes title, bullet points, description, & back end keyword fields. Get a free screencap video showing you how we will crush YOUR competition.... Learn More: https://kenjiroi.com/services

Kenji ROI 27.01.2021

You NEED a Storefront Even If You Have a Website Outside of Amazon... I get asked this question from time to time... "Do I need an Amazon Storefront if I already have an online store?"... To them I say: hell yes! You need to have one so you can drive traffic to it. But wait... why would you want to drive traffic to your Amazon Storefront? Many Amazon sellers who already have an external online store think, Driving traffic to your own website should always be a priority! That’s not always true. Even if you have your own online store outside of Amazon, there is one scenario where you’d want to have an Amazon Storefront. That would be to run Amazon DSP ads. Amazon DSP ads allow you to drive traffic to your Amazon listings from an external website while leveraging Amazon customer data. This would be extremely useful when someone visits your Amazon listing... but doesn’t buy. You can run Amazon DSP ads to bring that customer back onto your listing, even if they are browsing on a non-Amazon website! This is so powerful because chances are, if someone finds your product on Amazon, they will want to finish purchasing it on Amazonnot your website. That’s why you should redirect them to your Amazon Storefront. I know, right? It's a bit counter-intuitive... But makes so much sense in terms of buyer psychology! So if you don't have one yet... I highly recommend making an Amazon Storefront. That's why I've created a super simple guide about everything you need to know about Amazon Storefront and how to make one. Here's the link: https://www.kenjiroi.com/amazon-storefront/

Kenji ROI 23.01.2021

Amazon sellers have found products that make 10k+/month EASY with this method... What is this method you ask? I like to call it the Touch Method.... It's so simple that even your dog can use it to find 10k+/month products. All you do is you keep track of everything you touch during the day. Then you go over your list, eliminating the obvious ones you won't/can't sell. Then you take your list and you verify each product idea's potential using your criteria of choice. Trust me, you will never run out of ideas with this method! I get asked all the time how to find winning products to sell. In my opinion, finding an idea is easy... it's the execution that is hard. Nevertheless, I wrote a guide to help you find winning products. These are the methods and criteria that I've noticed produce the most consistently successful products. Comment "products" below and I'll send you the link!

Kenji ROI 23.01.2021

Video on Amazon listings is becoming more and more important to stand out in a competitive Amazon landscape. Does your ecommerce brand utilize video to boost conversion rates on your Amazon product listings? Check out Kenji ROI's Amazon product video portfolio here: https://www.kenjiroi.com/portfolio-videos/... Amazon video pricing: https://www.kenjiroi.com/pricing/

Kenji ROI 14.01.2021

Jordan West launches new products all the time, consistently bringing in over $100k+ in 24 hours after release. In fact, for one launch... he sold $250k in unde...r 24 hours!! And you know what the kicker is? He did it all without spending a dime on ads, or having any discounts! Want to find out his secret strategy? Check out the latest episode of the Actualize Freedom Podcast, where Jordan goes in-depth about his entrepreneurial background, his expertise in Facebook ads, and most importantly... His secret strategy to selling $100k+ within 24 hours of launching! Watch the Podcast Here: https://www.kenjiroi.com/250k-in-24hrs-without-ads-or-disc/

Kenji ROI 04.01.2021

I shared about Amazon's secret 4th match type in Amazon ads, and how anyone can use it on Days of Nuggets Check it out and also consider supporting their charitable cause of ending child sex trafficking, which many of you may not know... but there are more than 2,000,000 children in this industry in the United States alone. Support the good cause and learn about Amazon FBA by watching this video.

Kenji ROI 28.12.2020

Want to pay less taxes as an Amazon Seller? Only 20 days left to take these easy tax saving actions.

Kenji ROI 08.12.2020

Our CEO Danny Carlson got featured on The Hustler's Digest talking about our Triple Optimized Listing Method and how it's been helping our Amazon ecommerce clients hit 8 figures!