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Kickkatfitness 11.05.2021

Breathing The JOGA Belly & Chest breathing exercise brings the mind into a homeostatic state by balancing the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. This exercise can be used to calm pre-game jitters, reduce anxiety, or to help induce better sleep. HOW TO:... Lie on your back with your knees bent and place your right hand on your lower belly and your left hand on your chest Isolate the breath by first breathing only into the belly for a count of 3, hold at the top, then exhale for a count of 3 Repeat this 3 times, then switch to breathing into the chest only Once you’ve completed 3 sets of breathing into your chest, you’re going to combine both breaths. Begin by inhaling into the belly for 3, then continue inhaling into the chest for 3. Hold at the top, and then exhale as an entire unit for a count of 5 Repeat this twice, then reverse, starting with the chest first #repost @joga_world This is what has gotten me through this past month of constant changes in my health. From changes to the plan almost every other day, to not being able to do what I love, the constant battle between my mind and body & not truly knowing when the end is near. But when those moments come up I resort right to belly and chest breathing and it helps bring me back to calmness and helps me focus. Give this a try when you are feeling stressed or need a moment to reset yourself. Soon I’ll be back teaching this again and you can give it a go with me coaching you through it to see how much it can impact you not just mentally but physically as well. #joga #yoga #coachjoga #personaltrainers #yogateachers #pilates #sportstraining #physiotherapy #kinesiologists #RMTS #personaltraining #mobility #strengthcoach #professionalathletes #janawebb #jogajana #justmove #athletictraining #strengthandconditioning #yogaforathletes #breathingexercises #breathwork #breathworktraining #bettersleep #anxietytips #relaxationtool #relaxationtechnique #calmthemind

Kickkatfitness 26.04.2021

"Soon, when all is well, you're going to look back on this period of your life and be so glad you never gave up." - Brittany Burgunder This quote is what keeps me going strong right now. As everytime I seem to get a phone call it isn't the best news from lockdowns to sickness.... The first photo was from my first day home after a week in the hosptial and I had to get a drain inserted to drain the fluid from the abscess that was beside and behind the uterus. As cultures came back it was just "normal" ecoli which made sense from them being there from my surgery in 2019. We thought the anitbotics I was on were going to work. Well turns out I grew another infection which is a hybride infection (don't ask me the name of it cause everytime i get someone to tell me it, i get it messed up- it starts with an A) which doesn't respond well to most antibotics so it's back to IV antibotics. Second photo is from today second day on the every 8 hours antibotics, finally got my drain out (only good thing ), and got a PICC line due to how much antibotics I will have in my system for the next 2-4 weeks. So for the next 2-4 weeks I get weekly blood work, every 8 hour IV antibotics at the hosptial ( until home care can finally see me ) and a meeting with an infection disease specalist from London, as well as seeing my saving grace of a doctor here! If it wasn't for me being an advocate for myself I would have just thought well I guess I'll listen to the first doctor and deal with it. But going back up was the smartest move I did and asking not to leave until we got answers saved me from having even more complications. So as much as being in lockdown again, having to be off work again, not seeing amazing people and not being able to workout truly sucks ......but....... I'm thankful I can get the treatments I need and the time I need to fully recover and not feel bad about having to change appointments every 2 minutes due to something else coming up. What I want you to get from this is , if something doesn't feel right to you seek help and stand up for yourself. No one knows our bodies like we do! See you all soon and be kind to yourself #illness #missmyjob #health

Kickkatfitness 16.04.2021

Hey Owen Sound Fitness & Training members & Grey/Bruce , do you want to enhance your athletic performance, improve concentration, decrease recovery time, increase stability & mobility? Than JOGA is for you. JOGA sessions will leave you feeling stronger, more flexible and re-energized as well as provide you with all the other physiological and psychological benefits of yoga. All JOGA postures are active in movement and engage the core to prevent athletes from sinking into the...ir joints, over-stretching and ultimately pulling a muscle. Classes are going to start WEDNESDAY APRIL 7,2021 and will run for 8 sessions ! WEDNESDAY’S @3PM OR WEDNESDAY’S @7:30PM OR SATURDAY’S @7:30AM Classes sizes are maxed out at 6 people due to space. $125 for members $175 for non-members Sign Up at the gym or DM to save your spot. #yogaforathletes #JOGA #stability #mobility #fasica #nerveflossing #rangeofmotion #personaltraining #sportstraining #earnyouredge #hockey #soccer #lacrosse #baseball #gymnastics #dance #swimming #weightligting #football #rugby

Kickkatfitness 13.04.2021

Clients are kicking butt in their sessions and I couldn’t be more proud

Kickkatfitness 08.04.2021

Update for the gym ! Also I will be offering this as well as some other things to come. Bootcamps will be running live on zoom:... Monday, Wednesday & Friday's @ 5:30-6:30pm These workouts will have both body weight and weighted options (so if you have weights available to you I will through in where you could add them, otherwise it's all body weight, just for convenience) Coffee & Chat Day will be held on zoom: Saturday's @ 10am So grab your coffee/tea/or drink of choice and join me on zoom and we will be having chats about everything and anything. We might even play some games just for some fun. If you would like to join message me and I will give you the information for it. Kat

Kickkatfitness 04.04.2021

Here are 5 reasons cooking at home trumps dialing out: 1) You’ll have more energy! When you’re in control of the food you eat you can make sure you are getting energizing foods like broccoli, cabbage, and kale in your diet. Blueberries, dark chocolate, eggs, and fatty fish packed full of Omega 3s are all great for your brain. The nutrients in these foods actually supply motivation.... 2) You’ll eat less salt! In restaurants, chefs depend on fat and salt to boost flavor. On top of that, many chain restaurants use canned or frozen ingredients, loaded with salt and preservatives, as a base. And fast food is notorious for its sodium content because it’s such a quick, cheap, flavor-enhancing trick. When you cook at home you control how much and what kind of sodium you ingest. A sprinkle of sea salt at the table is so much better for you than a teaspoon of table salt in the restaurant kitchen. 3) You’ll eat healthy fats! Instead of consuming trans fats and cheap, low-nutrition, high-calorie fats that damage your heart and make you fat, you can cook with good fats like olive oil, avocados, and coconut oil. Healthy fats help to form cell membranes and build bone. They increase calcium absorption and boost your bone health. 4) You’ll be less stressed! Instead of thinking about cooking as a chore, start thinking of it as taking control of your life. Eating well is the cornerstone of good health. It’s also a creative daily activity that can help you focus, put things in perspective, relieve worries, and put you in an almost meditative state. Cooking is a great way to make yourself mindful. 5) You’ll save money! The salmon and brown rice you prepare in thirty minutes at home costs about $5 per person. If that same entree costs $21 at your favorite restaurant and you serve four people, you can save $64 in one night. Ca-ching! Savings like that can add up to a great pair of shoes, a weekend getaway, or a dozen other extras. So when you’re looking for motivation to cook over dialing for dinner, just remember to keep it simple and fun. The benefits you win just by putting down your phone and picking up your spatula should help keep you in the kitchen and out of your car.

Kickkatfitness 03.04.2021

I never thought that having my appendix out would cause so many problems Over the past couple of months I’ve had some inflammation in the abdomen area but truly never thought much of it. Just tossed it up to my PCOS. But last week it turns out it just wasn’t just my PCOS, an abscess that was left after my appendix surgery decided to cause some problems. It was slowly leaking cause a build up of fluid beside my uterus and behind it. Thankfully it didn’t hit my blood steam a...t that point. We went through the options of how to handle this. The first step was antibiotics which was helping but wasn’t doing the trick. The second step was either surgery or a drain. Surgery was too risky as due to the inflammation my organs had become to matted together ( in better terms ) that if we went in to clear the infection fully and see what else was happening I would end up with a lot more damage and the possibility of bleeding out would not be good. So the drain was the next option. We are hopeful that the drain will clear it out the abscess. I fought hard to make sure I was heard about what I though was going on. The first time I went up to the ER I was dismissed and told to loose weight ( ya I was not happy about that one ). Second time I told them I wasn’t leaving til I got an answer and thankfully I had a doctor who actually listened. Make sure to be an advocate for yourself for how you are feeling when things don’t feel right to you. You know yourself better than anyone ! So here’s to 2 more weeks of recovery and then hopefully back into the gym training clients, lifting weights and training online as well! pre hospital stay #femalehealth #recovery #pelvicinflammatorydisease #abscess #appendix #PCOS #inflammation

Kickkatfitness 30.03.2021

5 Ways to Deal with an Energy Thief The saying "who pissed in your Cheerios" was created based on her negativity. Enter, Debbie Downer! Don't Engage Her.... Hurt people hurt other people. So it's really important not to get engaged in the cross-fire. You know what they say, "misery loves company" and the energy thief wants to bring you down to her level. It typically begins with a jagged insult thrown your way from out of the blue. A great way to diffuse the situation is to craft a feelings/needs response. For example, "Could you be feeling [angry] because your need [for safety] is not being met?" Fill in with the appropriate feeling and need that fits the situation and see how she responds Be Prepared for Sympathy Rejection. Debbie Downer wants you in the trenches with her. For that reason, she may reject any sympathy you give her. She may be completely unable to allow sympathy, caring or even the space to hear anyone else's pain. Remember that she is not your project. You were not put on this planet to save her. Offer her some resources to create her own happiness, but don't absorb the negative energy. It will haunt you and cause illness within you. Step Away. Distance yourself from the situation. And, no, just because she's family doesn't mean you have to put up with her crap. Unless you want to be a martyr or a victim, and in that case, she would love to have you in her circle of negativity. You're an adult. You get to choose who you allow into your life. Treat it like a job interview. Only the best qualified individuals are allowed to hang out with you. That's how you keep your sanity. That's how you keep your happiness. That's how you protect your health. Shield Yourself. Take a deep breath and go to your happy place in your mind. Imagine yourself surrounded by a protective shield that makes her negativity bounce off of you and miraculously disappears. No! We don't want it going back to her. She has enough in her arsenal. Use this imaginary force field to protect yourself. Reassure yourself of all your positive traits. Remind yourself of all the goodness and joy you spread in the world. When All Else Fails, Block Her! You can block her from all contact!

Kickkatfitness 23.03.2021

WHO'S DOING JOGA? These are the pro-athletes/teams that are doing JOGA. They see the benefits that it brings to their performance and over all well being. But you know what the great thing about JOGA is ..... ... It's for everyone! No matter what your mobility level, flexibility level, sport, or fitness activity this system can show you so much. Espically right now with the uncertainty of whether gyms will stay open or if they close this program can be done anywhere, isn't that the best? Why not work on getting better mobility, stability, rotations, feeling less stuck in your body, stretching through those fascial lines, creating space in the body for over all better movement. JOGA not only challenges the body physically while practicing mental toughness. The goal being remain calm and non-reactive which translates into athletes being able to reserve energy and becoming more sustanable. -@jogajana For those in the Grey/Bruce area that want to earn their edge, build that foundation come join me @osfitness24 for JOGA in-person classes. Wednesday's @3pm or 7:30pm or Saturday's @7:30am starting Wednesday April 7,2021. Message me to save your spot! Train like the pros and understand why they use it in their training. @joga_world (www.jogaworld.com) #athletes #JOGA #yogaforjocks #mobility #stability #fascia #nerveflossing #athletictraining #owensound #JOGAcoach #firestarter #silentvictories #foundations #sports #fitness

Kickkatfitness 10.03.2021

I love that a lot of gym members and athletes are starting to realize that you need to work on the foundations, find that mobility and stability to help perform better in your fitness and everyday life. I had classes running just before we went into lock down while I was doing my hours for my certification. Then went online while in lockdown. While I’m still offering those classes online, I’m happy to be back to doing them again in the gym @osfitness24 as a certified JOGA co...ach. If you are in the grey and Bruce area and would like to join me please go to my story and vote on a time that would work for you or message me and let’s see what else would work. Athletes this is your time to earn your waste against the competition while we see where sports are headed in our area. We can also do team sessions, DM for details on that. #joga #yogaforjocks #mobility #stability #athletes #sports #hockey #soccer #baseball #lacrosse #mental #physical #athletictrainer #personaltrainer #fitness #health #trainlikethepros

Kickkatfitness 25.02.2021

From Junk Food to Whole Food: Make Changes That Will Stick I guide my clients to eliminate most not all processed foods (let’s be real: I know that I will never get to 100% whole foods all the time. I just know that I won’t unless I’m medically forced to, so I don’t get down on myself for eating boxed foods from time to time. And I never ask my clients to do anything that I don’t do myself, so we’re all on the same page). Let’s say the first thing you choose to change is ...breakfast. If you’re used to grabbing a sugar filled, chemical dense breakfast bar as you run out of the house, let’s estimate that you’re consuming about 200 calories worth of carbohydrates and protein. Well guess what? A hard-boiled egg and a banana doesn’t take much longer to unwrap and eat. Don't get me wrong, a high quality protein bar can fit nicely into your healthy diet. Just make sure to pick a good one such as the OatMega Bar. Don’t Give Up Your Popcorn The great thing about making small changes like this is that you don’t have to give up your favorite foods. If you love snacking on popcorn (like I do), you don’t have to give it up! Just trade it in for a healthier version. There are a variety of different popcorns at the grocery store that are a perfectly acceptable healthy snack. One of my favorites is called SkinnyPop because there are three ingredients: non-GMO popcorn, oil, and salt. That’s all. The same goes for all kinds of food: if you can’t go without your chips, try swapping your Fritos for Taro Chips that are made from sweet potatoes. If you gotta have chocolate, swap your processed Hershey’s for a more healthy organic dark chocolate. If you’re not sure whether it’s a healthier choice, take a look at the ingredients list on the back. When you see a jumble of words that would knock you out of a spelling bee, don’t eat it! The better choices have ingredients that you can pronounce and understand. Embrace the Journey Remember, the path to health and weight loss is truly a journey. When you integrate these small changes and let your body and your taste buds adjust, you’re setting yourself up for long-term success and wellness.

Kickkatfitness 06.02.2021

1. Metabolism: It is very rare that someone’s metabolism is actually so slow that it prevents them from losing weight. Metabolism does, however, have a huge impact on the rate of loss. Muscle mass and a regular diet are the keys to combating this one. Keep your body fueled and increase your resting burn rate, also known as your Basal Metabolic Rate, and you can and will lose weight. 2. Lack of Sleep: Sleep will mess with your hormones and that will mess with your weight. Peop...le who sleep less weigh more. Your hunger hormones, Grehlin, which stimulates your appetite, increases, and Leptin, which tells you when you’re full, decreases. Plus, your brain reads the decrease in Leptin as a signal that you’re starving and starts to store fat. Now combine that with a natural tendency to grab and snack when we are tired. 3. Sedentary Lifestyle: As jobs have changed, many of us find ourselves firmly tied to our desks. Screens command our attention throughout the day and often into the night, and all that screen time makes for a lot of sitting, snacking, and spreading. To lose weight, get off your butt and get moving! 4. Processed Foods: Not all calories are equal because your body treats calories differently depending on where they come from. Artificial sweeteners, sugar, refined flour, preservatives, GMOs, trans-fats, partially hydrogenated oils, MSG, artificial colors, and artificial flavors aren’t natural ingredients and our bodies get pretty confused figuring out what to do with all that crap. In fact, our bodies become a toxic waste site for garbage masquerading as food. 5. Illness and Medications: If you are eating well and exercising regularly and you are not losing weight, and you think there may be a medical cause, rule it out. I say it over and over. Before beginning a weight loss program, consult your doctor. Hypothyroidism, anemia, and other conditions can cause weight gain. Medications like hormones, contraceptives, some blood pressure drugs, diabetes medications, and antidepressants can all affect your weight too, but your doctor can help you find the right medications and program for you. You are not doomed!

Kickkatfitness 30.12.2020

2021 Loading ....... New Year, New Me right? That's we are always saying that and I think we need a new saying....... New Year, Same Me but with more :... focus determination positivity planning emotional sstability savings priorituing laughs dreams intentionality happiness How does that sound Why change everything about yourself. There's no need people love and care about who you are right now, but working on the small things are where we can change, which will help us acheive those goals we have set out for ourselves. But it doesn't change us as a whole. After what this year has been we need to start giving ourselves a lot more compassion and acceptance of where we are. So it wasn't the year we thought it would be .... but is any year? Let's start this year off with focusing on the smaller victories, which in the long run will help us be more thankful for where we are today. I vow to be more focused on my mental health just as much as my physical health. It's all about the non-scale victories in my journey. That means no looking and judging the weights either on the scale or on the bar or in counting exact calories. It's all about the feeling. And I know that's very strange coming from a fitness coach/personal trainer/nutrtion coach, but I see so much more success when the numbers are taken out of the question. So here's to 2021 being the year of body positivity, self compassion, physical and mental strength, and to enjoying the heck out of what is brought to us ! See you all on the other side .... stay stafe and keep social distanced - Kat #newyearseve #year2021 #newyearnotnewme #livelife #selfcompassion #fitnesscoach #personaltrainer #nutrtioncoach #recovery #mentalhealth #mindset #emotionalstrength #deepbreath #bellybreath #JOGA #osfitness #iloveosfitness #kickbuttwithkickkat #kickkatfitness #owensound

Kickkatfitness 14.12.2020

As we head into the holidays we are also heading into another lockdown. It may seem like another roadblock and cause some struggles, it may also be a blessing in disguise to some. For me at this time I’m truly grateful. And I know it’s weird to say that but I have seen so much growth in everyone I have worked with and have talked to. We all have had to shift our mindsets, adapt to new ways of training whether it was through zoom with your trainer, finding new ways to stay ac...tive as well as finding new ways to stay connected with each other, we got through it. And we can do it again. Everyone of my clients ( training, nutrition, bootcampers ) have shown me that they are committed to their goals and will find away to get to them, no matter the roadblock. Which motivates me to find new ways to help you succeed no matter what. For the next couple of days I’m going to get some much needed recovery but then I’ll be back to provide a few things during these 28 days away from working in person: zoom training sessions for clients nutrition coaching Weekly workouts here and on Owen Sound Fitness & Training JOGA Fire Starter and Silent Victories ( Unique blend of postures to find balance in strength and flexibility, Variety of breathing techniques to improve breath control/recovery, Relaxation tools to maintain a calm mind in sport and in life. The JOGA sessions will leave you feeling stronger, more flexible and re-energized.) I am again so very grateful for each and everyone of you for supporting us smaller businesses and services. Thank you for making my 2020 and see you all in person in 2021. Happy Holidays -Kat #thankyou #anotherlockdown #happyholidays #fitness #training #mobility #stability #fascia #nerve #athletes #earnyouredge #joga #onlinetraining #nutrition #lifestylechanges #mindset #prehabnotrehab #iloveosfitness #kickkatfitness #owensound

Kickkatfitness 03.12.2020

Here is our Owen Sound Fitness & Training and Owen Sound Cross Training Covid-19 Ontario Lockdown Update - December 21, 2020 Please watch the video below for ou...r full update regarding the 28-day Ontario wide Lockdown. Thank you for understanding and thank you for your support, we will get through this together and our team will do everything we can to keep you active and healthy (both physically and mentally) throughout this closure.

Kickkatfitness 19.11.2020

5K HO Ho Holiday Run What a day! This group of people amazed me today! We had talked about this event a while ago and they said it would be fun. So a quick through together. And today was the day they ran it. ... No one backed out, no one fell, some pants may have ripped, it may have rained on us, we may have some wet shoes, but you what they didn’t do ..... they never gave up ! While bringing up the rear what I saw was them supporting each other. I saw them running with a buddy, and at the end I saw them all come together to cheer on the last group over that finish line All of that makes me love how committed you all are to challenging yourself in a good way. You all have made new friends, new motivators and you’re now stuck with me in your back corner for life Proud of you all #hohoholiday5k #proudofyou #fitness #gymlife #osfitness #iloveosfitness #kickkatfitness

Kickkatfitness 02.11.2020

Can’t wait to run this tomorrow with some amazing members/ clients / bootcampers !!

Kickkatfitness 19.10.2020

THANK YOU I want to say thank you to everyone who has joined me in a JOGA session. These past few weeks coaching you all has been amazing ! Everyone has hit individual benchmarks, has felt their body feel better in different ways from more mobility, to less back pain, less tightness overall, to feeling their muscles engage properly while completing another exercise in their normal workout routines. ... More info oN JOGA World: JOGA is yoga for athletes! JOGA is the gap between the science of yoga breathing/relaxation with the biomechanics of sports. There are 3 parts of JOGA : 1. Posture - dynamic and static positions with a focus on a balance of joint stability 2. Breathing - coordinate breath with movement to increase range of motion and mind-muscle connectivity 3. Relaxation- relax the repetitive muscles of the eye, jaws and tongue producing more range of motion and mobility in the spine. JOGA challenges the physical body while practicing mental toughness. If this sounds like something you need or want to try then contact me today and let’s earn your edge ! I only have 9 more hours left of my 30 practice hours so let’s try it for FREE! 705-305-4071 @kickkatfitness [email protected] #earnyouredge #JOGA #mobility #stability #rangeofmotion #fascia #stretching #propermachanics #breathwork #sports #hockey #golf #soccer #football #gymnastics #swimming #kickkatfitness #osfitness24