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Kimberly King 12.05.2021

When you can confidently and unapologetically show up in your life and business as the fullest expression of who you are It changes everything.

Kimberly King 09.05.2021

Psst Wanna know a secret? Choosing your brand colours and fonts is the easy part. The hard part is navigating all of the beliefs, thought patterns and conditioning that surfaces as you are building your brand.... Building your brand can bring you face-to-face with your deepest fears and doubts. Building your brand can bring you face-to-face with lifetimes of trauma. Building your brand can uncover years of subconscious programming. Building your brand can make you question your entire identity. But it can also be the greatest catalyst for massive growth and expansion. It can be deeply healing, transformative and freeing. This is exactly why I created the Fullest Expression Mentorship. Because when you can confidently and unapologetically show up in your life and business as the fullest expression of who you are It changes everything. Photography by: Mathieu Bourgetel See more

Kimberly King 21.04.2021

NEW EPISODE OF LEAD WITH SOUL IS NOW LIVE! In this episode, we're diving deep into "love and light" spirituality, embodiment, feminine and masculine energy, and the power of sacred rage and anger. I'm so excited and honoured to have Jessica Soares as a guest on today's episode. Jessica is an empowerment and self-sovereignty coach specializing in helping women overcome the fear of success and embrace the fullness of exactly who they are. She believes wholly in living a...n aligned life by design rather than default. Link in bio or search Lead With Soul on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and more. See more

Kimberly King 05.04.2021

In the latest episode of Lead With Soul, I share 8 lessons I've learned in my 9 years as an entrepreneur. Whether you are thinking of starting a business, just launched your business or you've been an entrepreneur for a few years now, this episode is filled with valuable lessons to support you on your journey to creating the successful and thriving business you desire. I want to hear from you! What’s one of the biggest lessons you’ve learned on your journey so far?

Kimberly King 01.04.2021

FREE MASTERCLASS: How To Build An Authentic + Magnetic Brand What we’ll cover: The 6 keys to creating an authentic and magnetic brand identity.... How to build a business and brand that aligns with your values and mission. How to stand out in your industry and position yourself as an expert in your niche. The #1 mistake I see entrepreneurs making when it comes to building their brand. PLUS Live Q + A and an exclusive offer! If you’re ready to build an authentic and magnetic brand, sell with ease and elevate your business to the next level... This masterclass is for you. Link in comments to join! See more

Kimberly King 20.03.2021

Everything that is meant for you will ALWAYS find you.

Kimberly King 06.03.2021

Do you have a support system? In the latest episode of Lead With Soul, I shared about how impactful having a support system in your life is when it comes to your mental health. This amazing human right here is one of my biggest supporters. He supports my goals and dreams (no matter how unrealistic they may seem). He accepts and loves me for who I am and doesn’t try to change me. He is always making me laugh and cheering me up when I’m feeling down. He holds space for... me to express my thoughts, feelings and emotions without judgement and encourages me to keep going on days when I feel like giving up. I’m so grateful for the amazing support system I’ve created in my life. Entrepreneurship can feel lonely AF at times, which is why it’s so important to surround yourself with people who believe in you and your dreams. If you don’t feel like you currently have a support system, I want to encourage you to start reaching out. Connect with other entrepreneurs on IG, set up virtual coffee dates, join a networking group, or start a conversation with a stranger. One conversation could change your entire life. Tag your support system below and show them some love! See more

Kimberly King 19.02.2021

NEW EPISODE: Navigating mental health as an entrepreneur. Mental health is something I’m incredibly passionate about and I don’t think it’s talked about enough... Especially when it comes to navigating mental health as an entrepreneur. In this episode, I share about my personal journey with mental health, strategies and tools I use to prioritize my mental health and tips for how to effectively navigate mental health when it comes to your business and brand.... If you’re a coach, creative or healer and you want to learn how to provide a safer space for your clients who may be struggling with their mental health... You don’t want to miss this. See more

Kimberly King 06.02.2021

NEW EPISODE ALERT! In this episode of Lead With Soul, we're diving deep into activism and entrepreneurship! I'm so excited and honoured to have Meagan Ward as a guest on today's episode. Meagan is a Spiritual Sales Expert & Coach for spiritual entrepreneurs who are ready to magnetize high-caliber, high-ticket clients with sales strategies and rituals.... Join us as we talk about making money as a spiritual entrepreneur, the difference between internal and external activism, how to integrate activism into your business from a place of integrity and alignment, and projections for 2021 and beyond when it comes to infusing activism into your business and brand. You don’t want to miss this one! Find Meagan on Instagram at @thespiritualrevolutionary. Click the link in my bio to listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and more. See more

Kimberly King 27.01.2021

This is for the conscious leaders. The leaders who are bold and fierce. The leaders who are soft-spoken and gentle.... The leaders who want to create positive and sustainable change. The leaders who don't feel like they fit in or belong in conventional spaces. The leaders who have been told that they’re too emotional, too sensitive, too opinionated or too much. (You’re not.) The leaders who continue to show up and do the fucking work even when you’re not seeing any progress and it feels hopeless. The leaders who feel like their voice isn’t being heard amongst all of the noise. I hear you. I see you. I feel you. Your voice is powerful. Your presence is powerful. You are powerful. It takes so much courage to be vulnerable and share your truth with the world. Thank you for leading the way and inspiring others to do the same. I know it can be hard. I know sometimes you wonder whether you’re even making a difference. Trust me You are. You are doing amazing. Keep going. See more

Kimberly King 20.01.2021

3 ways to create a magnetic and profitable brand that aligns with your values and attracts your dream clients with ease... without sacrificing who you are. 1 Be transparent about your values. People want to invest their time, money and energy with businesses and brands whose values align with theirs. You don’t have to share absolutely everything that you believe in or stand for, but being clear and transparent about your values is one of the best ways to build tru...st and credibility with your community. 2 Integrate your values into your business. Actions speak louder than words. If you aren’t actually implementing tangible action steps that align with your values into your business, your clients and community will feel it. Start taking action to infuse your values into every element of your business in a sustainable and authentic way. 3 Step into your leadership. I don’t know about you, but when it comes to investing in a coach, I’m not interested in finding an expert or someone with authority. I want someone who LEADS. Someone who is willing to stand up for what they believe in. Someone who is willing to be vulnerable and speak up even when they might experience criticism or judgment. Someone who is willing to be human and own up to their mistakes. Want to create a magnetic and profitable brand that aligns with your values and positively impacts the world? Start stepping into your leadership. Need help with this? I’m opening up 3 spots for Brand Audit Intensives ($100 off until 2/17). Send me a DM with the word INTENSIVE or apply through the link in the comments. See more

Kimberly King 17.01.2021

Let's talk about brand values. Did you know that 83% of millennials say it's important for the companies they buy from to align with their beliefs and values? And that 2 in 3 say they have boycotted a company they previously purchased from because of its stance on an issue?... In 2021, it's no longer "optional" to stay silent. Now more than ever, it's time to use your voice and your platform to speak up and stand up for what you believe in. In the latest episode of Lead With Soul, we're talking about using your voice and your platform to create a positive impact, why it's so important to build a business and brand that aligns with your values and how to strategically, authentically and sustainably integrate your values into your business and brand. I would love to know... Do you have clarity on your brand values? Share yours in the comments! Statistics sourced from: https://smallbiztrends.com/20//brand-values-alignment.html See more

Kimberly King 22.10.2020

I see you. I hear you. I stand with you. It’s not enough to use a hashtag once in a while.... It’s not enough to post on social media only when it’s trending. It’s not enough to only speak up when it's convenient or comfortable. You have a responsibility as a spiritual leader on this Earth to show up and do the work. You get to decide what that looks like for you. It will be uncomfortable. It will be messy. You will probably stumble along the way. What matters most is that you keep showing up anyway. If you’re not sure where to start Ask yourself: How am I showing up in my daily life? How am I showing up in my business? How am I showing up for my community? How am I committed to creating a new world where racism, oppression, discrimination and injustice doesn’t exist? Be the leader your community needs. Be the change you wish to see. Your voice matters. Inspired by the beautiful Meagan Ward. See more

Kimberly King 17.10.2020

If you don’t have a purpose or bigger mission behind your business, hitting 6 figures or creating $10K months isn’t going to truly fulfill you. This is why I’m so passionate about helping coaches build an impactful and aligned business that gives you the freedom, fulfillment and abundance you desire while making a positive difference in the world. Because it’s not actually about the $10K months.... It’s about the FEELINGS you believe the money will bring you. It’s about the EXPERIENCES you know the money will give you. It’s about the IMPACT you can create with the money you receive. This is why I don’t just focus on helping you pick your brand colours, design a logo or curate your Instagram feed. What I really help you with is mastering your message, marketing and mindset and energetically aligning yourself to your vision so you can create the freedom, fulfillment and abundance you desire. Because you have a gift to share. The world needs your magic now more than ever. It’s time to get out of your own way and step into the shoes of the leader you know you’re meant to be. See more

Kimberly King 09.10.2020

I used to scroll the ‘gram, low-key jealous of the entrepreneurs who were living the life I wished I had. Travelling the world, taking weekends off, spending quality time with her partner, confidently showing up online, working with dream clients and creating a life and business filled with freedom, fulfillment and abundance. It took me a while to recognize that this life was also available to me.... But to access it, I needed to let go of the way I thought things were supposed to be. I needed to let go of old identities, patterns and beliefs that were no longer serving me. I needed to learn to trust my intuition, step into my power and own my magic. 4 and a half years later, this is my reality. I live the van life and travel full-time with my soulmate. I take weekends (and even weekdays) off when I want to. I confidently show up online as my awkward authentic self. I get to work with my dream clients helping them build an aligned and impactful brand. I have created a life and business filled with freedom, fulfillment and abundance. But it definitely wasn’t a linear path to get here. I quit my job and went back to work multiple times. I burned my entire business to the ground and rebuilt it from scratch. I have overcome mental health struggles that I almost didn’t survive. I have battled all kinds of limiting beliefs and patterns that were keeping me stuck in fear and scarcity and holding me back from living the life I really wanted to live. Even though it hasn’t been easy, I’m so grateful for all of it. There were times when I felt hopeless, frustrated and just wanted to give up But I’m so glad that I kept going. Here’s the thing It doesn’t have to take you as long as it took me. It doesn’t have to feel like a constant struggle. You don’t have to sacrifice your health or happiness in the process. The life and business you desire is available to you right now. You don’t have to know exactly how to make it happen. All you have to do is put one foot in front of the other and trust that you will figure it out along the way. It all starts with one step. See more

Kimberly King 06.10.2020

The REAL reason you aren’t selling out your offers And no, it’s not because you don’t have enough IG followers or that the industry is too saturated. #realtalk Wanna know what’s actually stopping your dream clients from saying HELL YES to your offers and throwing their credit cards at you...? ... You haven’t built an impactful and aligned brand that speaks to the soul of your ideal client and reflects who you REALLY are. Maybe you’ve been told You don’t need to invest in branding until you’re making at least $10K months. Just throw some colours together on Canva and call it a day. Branding doesn’t really matter anyway. While it’s true that branding is an investment, it’s one that gives you a MASSIVE ROI when you work with a brand strategist or designer who takes the time to dive deep into your messaging, map out your vision and create something that feels aligned to who you are. Sure, you could throw some colours together on Canva But without doing any of the foundational work to build your brand, you’re just going to end up with a random colour palette that might look pretty, but does nothing to communicate your brand message or attract your ideal clients. And the last one I can tell you from over 4.5 years as a brand strategist, designer and coach, this just ain’t true. Branding matters because your message matters. Your mission matters. Your voice matters. Branding is how you communicate and share this with the world in a way that only YOU can. Don’t get me wrong, branding isn’t the ONLY thing you need to focus on to sell out your offers mindset, strategy, energetic alignment and marketing are also important But the thing that’s going to take your offer from "meh, no thnx" to OMG TAKE MY MONEY PLZ is building a personal brand that aligns with who you are and magnetizes your dream clients to you. P.S. If you’re ready to create an impactful and profitable brand that magnetizes your dream clients to you I only have 1 spot left in IG That Sells! DM me for deets. See more

Kimberly King 25.09.2020

One of the biggest mistakes I see in the online space is Are you ready for it? *drum roll please* Waiting until AFTER you sign more clients / make more money / {insert excuse here} to invest in your branding or get support with your messaging. Yes, I’m lovingly calling you out, boo. ... I want you to imagine this... You decide to bake some cupcakes for a friend’s birthday. This is maybe your first or second time ever baking something yourself. Instead of looking at the cookbook, getting all the ingredients you need and following the recipe, you decide you’re just going to throw sh*t together and hope for the best. So what happens? Your cupcakes look like a hot mess, they taste terrible and you’re way too embarrassed to share them with anyone. This is exactly what happens when you decide to DIY your branding and messaging and throw something together without any kind of strategy or support from an expert. I can tell you from my 4.5 years as a graphic designer, brand strategist and coach, the difference it makes when you invest in getting the support you need to create an impactful online presence and magnetic messaging. I’m talking about more confidence, finally launching your dream business, overcoming visibility fears, booking more sales calls after months of crickets, enrolling a dream client into a $3K package with ease, creating a $4K month without even launching anything and so much more Want results like this? I only have 1 spot left for IG That Sells! Once this spot is gone, if I decide to offer this again, the investment will be going up. DM me if you’re ready to take your IG from hot mess to success and start attracting dream clients with ease. See more

Kimberly King 10.09.2020

3 golden rules of selling So you can stop feeling icky and become a total BOSS at sales. Let’s be real No one likes being pitched to without permission. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve had someone randomly slide into my DM’s unannounced and pitch to me right away without even taking a second to look at my bio, ask how my day is going or get to know me as a real human being.... The good news...? THERE IS A BETTER WAY. Despite what other marketing experts might tell you, you do NOT need to cold message anyone (or send 50 messages a day) to build a thriving business. Here are 3 golden rules of selling in a heart-centered and authentic way. BE GENUINE This might seem obvious, but being genuine can make all the difference. People can feel your energy. Before you reach out to connect with someone, ask yourself am I genuinely interested in getting to know this person? Before sending a message, check your intentions and always come from a heart-centered place. DETACH FROM THE OUTCOME When you go into the conversation hoping for a specific outcome, it’s a lot harder to show up from a heart-centered place. Be open to how the relationship will unfold and release any expectations. ASK QUESTIONS No one likes to have a conversation with someone who only talks about themselves, amiright?! Take the time to ask questions and be genuinely interested. This is also one of the best ways to build authentic relationships the foundation of a thriving and heart-centered business. P.S. If you want to learn how to create magnetic messaging that attracts your dream clients with ease (so you can ditch the icky sales strategies for GOOD) I only have 1 spot left in IG That Sells! DM me for details.

Kimberly King 06.09.2020

Hey purpose-driven entrepreneur! I see you, hustlin' to grow your business while making a positive impact in the world. What if I told you it could feel easy, effortless and fun and you don't have to sacrifice your soul in the process? Say whaaaa?! Let's be real. Do you ever feel like you’re...... Sharing content and consistently showing up... but struggling to attract (let alone sign) your dream clients? Spending hours staring at your Instagram bio, wondering how to actually express who you are and what you do in 150 characters or less? Confused AF about how to stand out in the online space and set yourself apart from all the entrepreneurs out there who are crushing it? So over being told that the easiest way to build your brand is to pay for ads or use marketing strategies that make you feel icky and gross? How would it feel to... Create magnetic messaging that easily attracts your dream clients and has them excited AF to pay you? Create an impactful IG bio that helps you stand out from the sea of online entrepreneurs and speaks directly to the heart of your dream clients? Confidently show up as your authentic self and strategically build your brand in a way that feels aligned to you? Grow your Instagram without investing a shit ton in ads or using sleazy marketing tactics that don’t actually work? That's why I've created... IG THAT SELLS What is it, you ask? IG THAT SELLS is a full audit of your Instagram account... Including personalized feedback on your messaging, content, branding, photos and more. I'm taking my 4.5 years in the online business world as a brand strategist, graphic and web designer and coach to help you create cohesive messaging, impactful branding and an IG profile that magnetizes your dream clients to you so you can create the thriving business you desire! P.S. I only have 2 spots left for this offer. If you're ready to step up your online presence and start attracting your dream clients with ease... Book your spot before they're all gone! Link in comments. See more

Kimberly King 18.08.2020

How you show up in the online space can be the difference between struggling to make a dollar and celebrating your first $5K month. Let me ask you something... Does your online presence reflect who you are as a person? Like the REAL you?... Does your messaging speak directly to the heart of your dream clients Or do you hear nothing but crickets when you share content? Does your Instagram feed look like a hot mess and as a result, you’re embarrassed to even show your face there? Think of it this way You’re walking down the street and you pass a cute café that just opened up. They have a big sign on the door with the name of the café, photos in the window showcasing their delicious baked goods and you peek inside to see cozy couches and cute decor. Just down the street, there is another café Except they have no sign anywhere, it looks disorganized and cluttered inside and you aren’t even sure if they’re open or not. Which one would you pick? Would you walk into the second café Or just keep walking by and never think about it again? My guess is you would never think about it again... And go spend your time in the cute and cozy café! The same thing happens when your dream clients stumble upon your social media, but they have no idea who you are, what you do or why they should take the time to stick around... When you take the time to create an online presence that aligns to who you are and speaks to the heart of your dream clients, it becomes soooo much easier to create the income and impact you desire. P.S. If you’re struggling with creating magnetic messaging and ready to create an impactful online presence that attracts your dream clients with ease I only have 2 spots left for IG That Sells! DM me for details See more

Kimberly King 16.08.2020

I have so much to say and no words at the same time. There is so much pain, anger, sadness, confusion and grief felt throughout the collective right now. There is also so much hope, empathy, compassion and love.... I know racism is a real-life experience that makes a lot of people uncomfortable to talk about which is why we need to be willing to talk about it and not shy away from the conversation or pretend it isn't happening. The time for us to rise up and do our part is now. We are at a threshold and the world is awakening. As purpose-driven and soul-led entrepreneurs, it’s our responsibility to step up and be the leaders the world needs us to be. Be willing to make mistakes. Be willing to be called forward. Be willing to show up even when it’s uncomfortable or you don’t know what to do or say. I will probably get it wrong and I may make mistakes, but I am committed to speaking up, to educating myself and doing my part to create lasting positive change. I am willing to acknowledge my mistakes and to take responsibility for times when I have stayed silent and been a part of the problem. I am willing to be called forward to do better and BE better. Thank you to the leaders who are stepping up right now, using their voice and sharing their gifts to positively impact the world. Thank you to the leaders who are sharing resources, educating others, providing support and holding space for those who need it most. Thank you to the leaders who are willing to show up, do the work and be a voice for those who no longer have one or who have been silenced for far too long. Please let this encourage you to become more self-aware, to take personal responsibility and to do your part to contribute in whatever way feels most aligned to you. How are you committing to creating lasting positive change and fighting for equality? P.S. Please feel free to share your thoughts, feelings and perspective and any helpful resources in the comments. Let’s work together and be a part of the solution. See more

Kimberly King 27.07.2020

If you want to build an authentic brand, stand out as a leader in your industry and expand your impact... You don't want to miss this! On Monday, May 18th at 7am PDT / 10am EDT, Katie Mattson Craig of Momentum Coaching and I are going to be diving deep into branding what it actually means, how to stand out in your industry (even if it feels impossible!) and costly mistakes to avoid when building your brand. Link is in the comments to join us! Can't wait to see you there!

Kimberly King 24.07.2020

Throwback to that time Ed Troxell Creative and I chatted about how to effectively market your offers as a heart-centered entrepreneur! This is coming up for a lot of heart-centered entrepreneurs right now. In this episode, we dive deep into how to share your message and expand your impact through your marketing strategy. Now more than ever is the time to share your gifts with confidence and step into your leadership. The world needs your magic!

Kimberly King 15.07.2020

What can you be grateful for in this time of chaos and uncertainty? If you’re intuitive, highly sensitive and empathic like I am, you’ve probably been experiencing the heaviness of the collective energy right now. There is a lot of fear, anxiety, chaos and uncertainty.... But from chaos and uncertainty comes growth, opportunity and healing. There is a massive shift happening on the planet right now. We are being called forward to step into our power and share our light and love with the world. This is a time for healing our inner and outer world. This is a time for coming together, supporting each other and creating a positive shift in the collective energy. Now more than ever, it’s important to stay grounded, take care of your mind, body and soul, protect your energy, set loving boundaries and practice compassion and forgiveness for yourself and everyone around you. Take some time to reflect on all the blessings in your life and everything you have in this moment to be grateful for. A few things I’m grateful for - having access to clean water and healthy food to nourish my body and stay healthy - being able to work from home and having an online business that gives me freedom, flexibility and income to support myself while having a positive impact on the world - having access to wifi and being able to meet and connect with people from all over the world - having free accommodations over the next few months before we travel full-time in the van - being nomadic and having the freedom to move anywhere at any time - living in a place where we have access to resources like medical and holistic health services - having mindset and energy healing practices to keep me grounded, centered and calm What can you express gratitude for in this moment? P.S. If you feel called, please share this post or create your own gratitude list and tag me in it. Let's spread as much positivity and love as we can. The world needs it right now. See more