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Knocking on Heaven's Door 19.04.2021

I'm sending all my love, to every parent missing their Son today. <3 Namaste. ~Michelle | www.michellerussell.com

Knocking on Heaven's Door 22.09.2020

Apparently its sibling day :) It's so nice seeing all the pictures posted. Having siblings is so important and it is a very relationship even in moments when y...ou don't think so. My brother and I didn't always get to live with each other and we went through a lot of struggles, challenges and a lot of precious moments too. There were days I could have beaten him to a pulp...lol Days that I thought oh man why do I have to have him as my brother...like I am sure so many do. I see so many fight and do not even speak and my heart breaks for them because they really don't understand how short life is and can be. If you are here you took a breath and started life and I promise you that we are all on the same destination that we will all die one day. Some have minutes left, hours, days, weeks, months and hopefully most of us have many years left. One lesson I learned was that I wish I had more time with Jamie, if I knew we only had such a short time together I sure wouldn't of tried to drown him, or beat him. lol! I would of done more things with him. I would of created way more memories with him. Today is bittersweet because it is sibling day, and Good Friday the Easter weekend. This was his favorite holiday of all of them. And as crazy as it sounds I would love to ask him why this holiday? Maybe it was because of all the Ukrain food, and we always had turkey & ham. Maybe because we got all the Easter treats. Which he would always steal my Easter goodies and get beaten for it too. LOL! 24 years goes in a flash and yet it has a weird way of feeling like it was only a few moments ago. You never truly get over it, grief is always there we just learn a new normal, we learn a new way to cope and get through it the best way we can. Until we learn that we need to accept the feelings, accept those moments that come at any moment and it is perfectly fine. It is normal. When we work through grief we learn how to carry the love for them, carry the memories and move forward with them in a new normal. If you are open and discover spiritual life then you can learn to be able to talk with them and share a new way with them that in those moments when you miss them you can sense them. In those moments where you just might need a Guardian angel, you can count on them to be there for you. I am very blessed to have Jamie as my brother and so grateful that he is there to help me watch over all my children & grandbabies. LOL! I know he is saying in moments oh man they are work! As he slaps his forehead! Yes, Jamie we still make Brussel sprouts for you at each holiday dinner even when no one liked them and we couldn't figure out until years later why the heck we make those...yuck lol! Then he decided before we stop cooking them he brought the in-law kids that actually like those. So yes those dam things still get cooked;) Jamie still gets his own way with me...geez! Love you Jamie, keep out of trouble and yes now it's your turn with Mom and Grandma tag your it! Have fun! All of you that still have brothers and sisters hug them, love them and forgive them now. It really doesn't matter that tiff you had and you will know if you ever have to say goodbye at there grave. Those graveside talks are the biggest life lessons, trust me. Spread love!

Knocking on Heaven's Door 13.09.2020


Knocking on Heaven's Door 24.08.2020

I posted this a few months back on my personal page. I had a moment today which is a very normal experience that maybe some don’t realize happens during the journey of grief. When you loose a loved one and you are learning a new normal with out them. I thought I would share it and maybe it will give someone a little comfort, or understanding or just that your fine & normal it happens. Today I had a lunch meeting with a couple of people. It was great and exciting things are... being created. All good and great. My moment was that afterwards I jumped in my Jeep and excited to share the news..... So of course my first gut reaction was crap, I better hurry and race over to the ‘home’ before Grandmas dinner and tell her all about it and so she doesn’t give me crap for disrupting her supper lol. I stopped in my tracks, slapped my head...went oh man! What a blonde moment lol. Laughed a bit, cried a bit then called up my soul sister to tell her about my moment and we laughed at it with a little. Ohmygawd Melina your human after all. Lol, yep been a year and a half since she crossed over with the family. You never get over the loss of loved ones however you do learn to move forward, move through it on a new journey and learn new ways to live your life with them in a different way. Celebrate your successes. Embrace your cherished moments Allow your emotions, feelings & know that these moments happen and find the humour in them that your human. And I know in that moment my Grandparents called me a few funny names for my moment lol! Melina Lindsay Phoenix Warrior Stand in your own power! Own it! You matter! In love & light! See more

Knocking on Heaven's Door 09.08.2020


Knocking on Heaven's Door 23.07.2020

Watch how she transforms heartbreak into healing, in this powerful true story about the love that binds a family together. Speaker: Christy Whitman Internationa...l Inc. Ready for your own breakthrough? Download Christy's free 'Change Your Language, Change Your Life!' course here: https://go.christywhitman.com/start

Knocking on Heaven's Door 16.07.2020

In the spirit of pay it forward and lots of magical signs today. I was just at the gas station and an older gentleman that was asking for change and usually I have a dish of change but I was driving my friends car today. So I went inside grabbed a gator aid & sandwich and put it in a bag for him. Told him it was from Nickie, Jamie, & Shawn with love. Xoxo

Knocking on Heaven's Door 28.06.2020

This page was born and created out of my deep pain of losing my brother Jamie. I always wanted to create something to impact and make a difference in people lives that had, have, or are dealing with a love one that is an addict. There are no easy solutions for sure. No magic quick fix and I feel a lot guess and do the best they can with what they know to do. My first step will be to write out my story of the journey with my brother. I’m hoping my story will help others. Th...en to start to put a plan together for the wellness Center that I felt my brother needed at the time that I couldn’t find and after hearing tragic news today about my dear friend and trying to be there for her while she was dealing with a loved one on a similar journey. It’s time to start something positive in all these extremely painful moments. Second thing that I want to create is a pay it forward program in honour of Jamie Lindsay, and Melissa Badine has inspired me with her journey with the loss of her sister and now with my friend too. I honestly don’t know what this will look like and how all this will unfold but over time we will see. 3 Beautiful Angels have their wings and it’s time to spread some love, compassion and some change to help people. In love & light See more

Knocking on Heaven's Door 08.06.2020

What ways can you make a difference in someone’s life? What different ways can you do a pay it forward ? Here is a beautiful story of a simple gesture but powerful results https://www.facebook.com/527476746/posts/10155859163736747/

Knocking on Heaven's Door 03.06.2020

Happy Birthday Jamie! Yes you will always be Jamie to me lol! Thank you for always being our Angel and watching over us especially my boys! Your looking really good for 48 lol! Enjoy all the adventures and do your best to have a great birthday and don’t let mom & Grandma bug you too much on your special day since tag your it now to listen to them both Love your big sister always xoxo

Knocking on Heaven's Door 18.05.2020

Shoulder Taps www.facebook.com/coachbillhart #HartTouch

Knocking on Heaven's Door 09.04.2020

Dear Saskatchewan Truck Driver, My heart has been with you and sending much love and compassion for what you & your family must be going through. I want you to know that you are very much in my thoughts, prayers and I am sending you healing love. Love from a Canadian, hockey mom, Melina Lindsay Xoxo

Knocking on Heaven's Door 21.03.2020

My soul family angels that watch over me.

Knocking on Heaven's Door 11.03.2020

It's good to see the FSJ RCMP were able to remove more drugs off the streets of FSJ. If only the court system would work to keep these people in jail to pay fo...r the crimes they are committing by providing drugs to the addicts and to pay for the lives that have been lost to these deadly drugs. ******************************************* We are coming to the one year anniversary where our daughter Nikki lost her life to fentanyl on her third and final overdose. These drugs change the people that take them... one pill leads to more and the eventual destruction of their life and the lives of their family and friends. Nikki was clean for 7 months after going to drug rehabilitation and fighting the addiction only to fall down hard for a short period of time costing her life. These pills are not made professionally. One pill may be okay while the next pill will have too much fentanyl in it and will kill the person taking it. An overdose of fentanyl will cause the person's body to 'forget' how to breathe. We sadly experienced this twice before Nikki's fatal overdose where we found her not breathing, having her father give CPR until the ambulance arrived. The second time around we even used the Naloxone kit that we had on hand for the 'just in case'. Unfortunately nobody was able to get to her in time for the third and final overdose Nikki left behind a six year old son. ********************************************** Help the police take these drugs off the streets. Report anything out of the ordinary you might see. It may save the life of someone you know. Reach out and help the people around you that are suffering from an addiction (or mental illness). Too often people think that they chose this life but in so many cases that one pill will be to remove the pain they are experiencing, whether it be physical pain or mental pain. Addiction to fentanyl can occur after just one pill! And then their lives are turmoil after that...

Knocking on Heaven's Door 06.03.2020

This song is for anyone who knows addiction, mental illness, homelessness, or all of the above. Let's start the conversation and stop the stigma! Pass it on! T...his video has 21M views and over 500k shares Please stream it anytime you want on Spotify and save it to your song collection! See more

Knocking on Heaven's Door 16.02.2020

Keeper of the Chest!!! What is a keeper of the Chest? It is someone with great power...... They hold words of such magnitude that in a brief second they can empower a person to believe they are worth a million and can achieve anything... or they can destroy a person with such words of mass destruction. All of this can happen within a heart beat.... Have you ever been a keeper of this chest? Did you hold it with great care and treat it as precious as it is? Did you know it's true worth?.... The keeper of the chest is invaluable however, they must have great strength and wisdom. Most times friends have been appointed with this huge undertaking. Friends they are worth so much, you can never replace them, you need them and you want them in your life... They are the ones who are always there through your heartaches. They will be the ones to rejoice with you through the good times. Family may come and sometimes they may depart. But true friends are always there to the end... We must remember we are human we make mistakes, we sometimes are hurt and we vent with these all-powerful words. We might say things that should not have been spoken of. We make this mistake because we are not in the right mind. Our emotions are out in control of us not us in control of them. It is the responsibility of the ones we vent to that they are the keeper of powerful words that can ever make a friendship better or has the power to destroy us and wreck everything around..... If you ever obtain this chest, handle it with care, hold it tight, you have great power at hand. Melina Fay Coates and Michael Coates 10/24/04 (Mike is my son) He writes as well....

Knocking on Heaven's Door 06.02.2020

To be still "It's up to each of us to get very still and say, 'This is who I am.' No one else defines your life. Only you do."... I will not let this define me, I know who I am and I love who I am today and will keep being me. They get to be them and I get to be me. So why did this happen? What is it to teach me? What am I to learn from all of us.... I prayed all night for the answer to come and the universe will unfold it all when the time is needed..... These words mean more today then they did when I wrote them..... Tears Fall.... Tears fall from my eyes, cause they just don't understand.. ... Tears fall from my eyes, cause they just haven't walked in my shoes...... Tears fall casue they do not know what I am going through..... .. Tears fall from my eyes, because they judge me before really knowing me...... Tears fall from my eyes, my heart breaks because they truly do not understand who I am...... Tears fall for them because they have not taken the time to understand anyone..... Tears fall for them because they are truly missing out on who I am..... Tears fall for them because they do not understand, and I have forgiven them already..... . Please for give them, because they have not given the time to understand.. .... Tears Fall....... M. Coates Feb 2006