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Website: www.koachkarlee.com

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Karlee Welder Holistic Coach 13.05.2021

I used to let the people I hung out with shape who I was, my surroundings influence the decisions I would make, how I would feel, how I would show up for others, + determine my future for me ~ without even realizing I was doing it. Are you doing this right now? It wasn't until I learnt The Synergistic Shifts that I then understood that when I was doing this I was losing myself completely + had no clue who I even was...... What I believed in... What my priorities were... The vision I wanted for myself + my life to be... Nor did I even know wtf I wanted in my life?! I see so many people right now letting co vid consume their whole lives + become them. Co vid is an external situation that DOES NOT need to influence your current circumstances in life. By using The Synergistic Shifts everyday in my life ~ I am able to control my thoughts + emotions to not let co vid influence my life. I am able to shift my energy to a vibration that matches my current goals so I am continuously co-creating with the universe. Co vid is making people constantly fearful of what the future will hold + in a lack mindset. Is this the future you want to create for yourself + for your loved ones? As a collective, meaning all beings on earth ~ this is exactly what everyone is doing... Why do you think co vid is still going strong? The majority of people are feeding into it. I see so many people holding on to their old stories/past trauma + becoming so anxious about the future that they are getting trapped in their surrondings + are continuously creating the same reality for themselves... Then wondering why the fuck nothing ever changes or gets better. If you want to use The Synergistic Shifts too then tap the link in my bio + I will teach you how to shift your reality into one you truly desire without using anything external. Here's a remember ~ you do not need anything else but yourself + your energy to be able to manifest your dream life that you don’t even think is possible. Stop letting co vid, your old trauma, + your ego hold you back from creating an ebb + flow in your life that ALWAYS feels easy + simple. See more

Karlee Welder Holistic Coach 11.05.2021

Don't read this or share if you love co vid... These conversations need to happen more often in order for things to change. I recently went out shopping.... I was excited to get out of my house + treat myself! As soon as I got out I felt like I wanted to race home + never go out anymore ~ what a shitty feeling!!! Do you feel me on this?! I was constantly feeling like everyone was judging everyone else, people were not friendly, + avoiding all eye contact or interaction... Everyone felt like they were in a rush + not enjoying their time at all. It made me feel very uncomfortable + anxious. Co vid + now the vacc ine has created this massive divide between us beings... We have completely lost our voice, our rights, our freedom, + most importantly human connection. As a collective we should all be coming together as ONE ~ instead of picking + choosing sides, + letting others decide our truth for us. Letting our negative emotions ~ fear, angry, fusteration, defeat, sadness, anxiety, + feeling like there is not enough for everyone, has now become our new realities + is now becoming this for our future generations. The trauma that our precious children are experiencing from this is going to impact the world in such a negative way. As souls having a human experience here on Mother Earth we have the power to overcome this sooner rather then later if we stop dividing. If we... Root all our decisions from a place of self-love. Consistently implent healthy choices in our lives. Raise our vibration so we can anchor in a 5D frequency as a collective. Stop letting our environment dictate our realities + who we are. Utilize our co-creators, start living in our true authentic selves, + spread light everyday to the rest of the world. Let me know in comments below how you have been feeling when you go out? Sending my light and love to you today. See more

Karlee Welder Holistic Coach 09.05.2021

I never was this s p i r i t u a l. My personal growth kind of came with my journey on figuring out wtf I wanted to do for career... I only used to read self-help books + I've been practicing yoga for over a decade.... As I grew into my entrepreneurship all my mentors were telling me I HAD TO practice personal growth erry day in order to be successful ~ they said, mindset was everything. Now I fucking get why they said that. It wasn't until I used The Synergistic Shifts that I really stepped into my higher self. I was able to stop listening to all of society's low-frequency programming that had left me feeling lost, scared, incapable, and unworthy. I was able to shut off my ego or you could say your left-sided, logical brain, + started listening to my intuition... This was when the magic really started happening in my life. Since using The Synergistic Shifts ~ I am now able to receive guidance, support, + unconditional love from my guides + the universe. I never feel lonely or not loved. I never feel lost on what path to take next. I never thought I could shift my energy so easily + re-program my mindset to call in whatever the fuck I want. I am forever grateful that I have learnt how to raise my consiousness to a 5D multi-demensional life in such a short amount of time. If you want to reap these benefits too then tap the link in my bio right now! @ Kelowna, British Columbia See more

Karlee Welder Holistic Coach 02.05.2021

I struggled so hard throughout my 20's ~ wondering what career do I pursue to make me happy + successful... Aka put myself into thousands of debt to get the "right" education for it to MAYBE get me a good paying career once I graduated. This is how I felt in my 20's ~ that I needed to figure out my career path in order for me to be happy + successful in my eyes + especially in everyone else's.... This is society's programming deep within us all. I tried out many avenues ~ went to school multiple times, spent way too much money on different ventures that I thought were going to make me the money I desired. You feel me? I thought if I had lots of money I would feel happy + be successful to myself + others. My life lacked direction + purpose. I felt lost, stuck, + confused. So I continued to be a waitress because it gave me the time + money freedom that I craved. It wasn't until I used The Synergistic Shifts that it helped me find clarity, purpose, + direction in my life. I no longer doubt my actions or decisions. I now know what actions I need do every, single, day to create my own version of happiness + success without society's expectations that they put upon us. If you want to learn more about The Synergistic Shifts so you can live a life of happiness + success too then tap the link in my bio right now. See more

Karlee Welder Holistic Coach 29.04.2021

Sometimes you get called, called to do what you knew deep down was always your divine right but you never knew. This is my feels today. As I meditated this morning, I was sent a very clear message from the galactic federation.... This is first time I've ever recieved information from them, I feel honoured and blessed. As I know that I Am here to share my light to save humanity, to save Mother Earth. My heart hurts as I write this ~ you may think as your heart hurting as bad thing but that is just deep programming from society. They say ~ you all need to open your hearts, be open to receiving, recieving their divine light and love. They are trying, we are trying, I am trying. But with you blocking this, you will not see change. This change you want so badly, they see that. Can you right now feel, feel so much into your heart that it starts to hurt? Can you be more open and inviting to love, to receiving all the love you are called here to encompass? This is the challenge, the message they have put through me today. I was asked to make it relateable to lower consciousnesses beings so all can understand. So here is my advice: Let go of what you thought was, let go of what does not serve your highest self ~ your self when you feel most in alignment, most joyeous, happy, fulfilled, you know. Invite in their love, their light. Then feel, feel so much in your heart that this light is being received into yours, as we all become one again. Practice this everyday ~ as you practice you will feel lighter and lighter. I hope this divine guidance serves you exactly how it is suppose too. Just remember ~ be o p e n to recieving divine love. You deserve it. You are worthy of this love. This love makes me cry with so much happiness, no joke. You can feel this, as we all can, we have all just have forgotten. Remember, remember, your divine self, soul, light, and love. See more

Karlee Welder Holistic Coach 26.04.2021

Here's the deal.. I know you're on the edge of seat, finger quivering, thoughts swirling, heart pumping as you consider joining me inside of The Quantum Leap Series... ...you looked at the sales page ~ excitement was building, ready to whip out your debit/visa card then you tapped on the "I'm ready" button + saw the pricing then decided to google "Is online coaching a scam + does it work?"... Then you made your OWN choice that google holds all the answers for you + you don't have enough self-worth to BELIEVE that this will actually be a life-changer for you + be worth the money, time, + energy. And that's that. I'm going to not bullshit you here... Is that how you approach everything in your life + how has that been working out for you? Did you even think ~ WHY it is priced like it is, WHY you believe everything Google has to say is now YOUR truth but for the life of you can't trust a single fucking decision you make? When in reality, you could have booked a free call to talk it out with me + figured out a payment plan that works within your situation. Here's your reminder ~ YOU, yes YOU, hold all the answers within you. Not Google. Not YouTube. Not your Mom. Not your best friend. Not your dog. You CAN skyrocket your self-belief, consciousness, + confidence. You CAN be wildly abundant + call in all your desires. You CAN live a life that has an ebb + flow that is easy + fun. You CAN achieve the results you deserve in your life before Summer hits. Enrollment closes in 2 days + won't be open till next year ~ but I'll sleep like a baby tonight knowing I did everything possible to support you in believing you are worthy, deserving, + capable of achieving the life you desire. I DARE you to msg me right now + say "LEAP" so you can make your OWN empowered desicion ~ not let google, your ego, or whomever decide for you...why do you think you lack confidence, self-belief, + trust to begin with?! See you in my dms. @ Kelowna, British Columbia See more

Karlee Welder Holistic Coach 17.04.2021

Here's what's been created just for you! SPIRITUAL GURU MASTER ~ you'll hear your intuition instead of your ego + recieve messages + guidance from the universe as if you were born in temple. NO MORE "WHAT IFS" ~ you will experience being able to always come back to your true authentic self with it being in alignment with your soul purpose every, single, day.... NO MORE SECOND GUESSING ~ You'll never have to buy, consume, or learn another piece of information because your vision of your journey will be clear as glass + you will KNOW what you need to do to get there with your new skills + wisdom. ALL THE TINGLES ~ You'll feel so connected with who you truly are, your purpose, + how much you love yourself, that you'll start having healthier habits without even thinking about it, that will impact your loved ones just by being yourself. ... you'll receive compliments DAILY from random strangers bc you will be vibin soooo high Imagine emerging after The Quantum Leap Series in ONLY 40 days with the "know-how", confidence, support, accountability, + direction needed to know how to be able to make your soul purpose into your source of income...if you choose too?! When you can have your source of income come from your soul purpose THIS is when abundance + fulfillment comes with simplicity + ease. This is your missing puzzle piece. Your life does not to be limited, lacking, confusing, sad, traumatizing, or frusterating for you anymore. Allow yourself to receive the tools, strategies, + support you need so you can set your self up for life-long fulfillment in your relationships, health, income, + inner-being. I have a 3 spots left this week for a free discovery call to see if The Quantum Leap Series aligns with your journey right now. Let's chat + see where you are at!...remember you have nothing to lose, everything to gain. Message me to snag a spot before they are gone! Side note: Stop OVERTHINKING it + letting your ego takeover, you DESERVE this. Sending my light and love, Karlee See more

Karlee Welder Holistic Coach 07.04.2021

Some people think consuming information is going to help you discover your soul purpose ~ but it's actually the complete opposite. Maybe right now you're SICK AND TIRED of not having a clear direction of what you THINK you should be doing next to meet your purpose so you can feel fulfilled. That little voice in your head is screaming, "What IS the secret to feeling inner peace, abundance, fulfillment, + how on Earth can I create my income around my purpose?!"... Let me ask you this. How much longer are you willing to stay in the same place you are, RIGHT now? How much longer are you going to keep seeking answers, feeling pulled, lost, + confused? How much longer are you going to let that voice inside your head talk you out taking ACTION? Isn't time to finally discover your soul purpose + love yourself completely so you can feel confident in knowing what daily actions to take to make your purpose into your source of income? There's no hidden agenda here ~ I was where you are not too long ago my dear friend. In 40 days, you'll be personally mentored by yours truly to harness your power so you can meet your soul purpose to experience loving your true authentic self SO much, you will have the confidence to make your purpose into your career ~ with the help of me of course. Go tap the link right NOW in my bio to learn more about The Quantum Leap Series + don't miss out on the $555.55 discount ending March. 1st at midnight PST.. Ps. If you need to chat first, DM me, or book a free call in with the first link on the page. @ Choices Market See more

Karlee Welder Holistic Coach 29.03.2021

THE DOORS HAVE OFFICIALLY OPENED FOR MY SOUL-ALIGNED OFFER FOR YOU!!! Consider the possibility of finally meeting your soul purpose + being so confident with yourself that you exactly know with no doubt in your mind what actions to take in your life every single day... Wouldn't it be amazing to have a toolkit in your back pocket for life on how to continually grow + expand yourself so you can trust, love, + understand yourself entirely?... How successful + accomplished would you feel when you are able to harness your soul purpose + your POWER? That little voice in your head is now saying, "I can't believe how I don't care AT ALL about how others view or feel about me + I know exactly what direction to take!" You KNOW you were made with a purpose..you have this powerful feeling, a calling, deep inside of you that is pulling you towards something so much bigger ~ you know you are destined for more! Because you are! You deserve so much more! You are capable + worthy of having more! Do you believe in divine timing? If you are reading this now then it wasn't by coincidence! You are ready to join us to quantum leap yourself so you can ULTIMATELY meet your soul purpose + become so confident with yourself you're able to turn it into your career. The Quantum Leap Series was created just for you to do that ~ a 6-week journey to harness your power. Tap the link in my bio to learn more + don't miss out on my birthday discount ending March. 1st @ midnight PST ~ SAVE $555.55 See more

Karlee Welder Holistic Coach 21.03.2021

What an easy + fun way to catapult yourself into SPRING! Whether you just need the accountability, want to win some sick prizes, want to learn how to raise your frequency with different tools, or need my no bullshit push, then this challenge is your way to LEVEL UP in 30-days... with hardly any time commitment!!!... The Empowerment Challenge is going to dare you to expand, grow, + evolve spirituality, physically, mentally, + emotionally. Can you take 20 minutes every day to gain tools, wisdom, guidance, + support!?! Here's how it works: We start March. 1st and finish the 30th ~ I will announce the winners on my birthday on the 31st! Monday - Friday I will go live for 20 minutes + teach, guide, + support you through varying different areas of life... Think ~ yoga, stretching, grounding, being in the present moment, meditation, nature, journaling, cooking, eating... Join me each day Monday - Friday inside of my free community ~ Reignite Your Purpose + Find Fulfillment, + follow along or watch the replay on your own time. There will be a grand prize for the soul that shows up for 30 days straight + provides proof. {deets on how to gain entries is in the event} GRAND PRIZEis 2 weeks of coaching with moi ~ 2 x 45 min sessions, private unlimited communication with me to guide/support you further. Valued at $444.44USD. {Get a taste of my 1:1 coaching experience} SECOND PRIZEis my digital/PDF printable/downloadable cookbook ~ The Only Cookbook With No Recipes. Valued at $79.99USD. Are you ready to LEVEL UP into my birthday month {my mom's too!!} + go into SPRING crushing it!? I wanted to do something special for my big 30th + what not better way to celebrate than with my beautiful community! Tap link in my bio to join us! See you there! P.S I will vary the times I go live so each of you has the opportunity to join me! ~ I'll try and give you 24hr notice to let you know what time. See more

Karlee Welder Holistic Coach 08.03.2021

Want to know the secret to figure out your purpose? {3 action steps below!} Drop a "" below if you do! Did you suddenly just wake up recently {or maybe for a while now} + think...... "Shit, when did I stop caring about my life, my goals, my desires?!" "When did I become so unconscious, I just let my days slip past me doing the same old routine?" "How did I let my source of income + my loved ones, CONSUME + CONTROL me completely I don't even know who I am anymore...?" "Why does my life feel like it's completely upside down, it's not the way I wanted it to turn out, + what actions/direction do I need to do to get it to where I want it to truly be?" I hear you, my beautiful soul. I am here to help you. Here are 3 action steps you can take right after you read this post: Meditate to high-frequency music ~ Insight Timer App is a free app that is amazing for this. JOURNAL, JOURNAL, JOURNAL ~ this is when the magic really goes down! When you tune into your intuition ~ you are then able to receive guidance, messages, + support from your higher consciousness...remember you hold all the answers within you, NOT outside of you. DO THE FREAKIN WORK + STOP ONLY CONSUMING ~ Write as many words you can that represent you, make a list of experiences that helped define who you are {big or small}, make a list of truths you hold firmly about yourself + beliefs. Which areas do you feel you don't know as much about yourself in? How could you start exploring these areas more? Now go celebrate how many layers you're peeling back through this work + don't forget to join me Friday @ 1pm PST for a live training on, Figuring Out Your Purpose inside my group {link in bio} ~ I will be diving way deeper! {Comment below with a "" if you need me to send you the replay or can attend live!} Sending my light + love always, Karlee See more