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Kristal Stievenard 28.04.2021

GET YOUR MONEY WORKING FOR YOU Over 800,000 Canadians have become in debt from last year. Paying into high interest rates because we are told "that's the best we can do for you" ... What if I could offer a free second opinion ? If lower rates, less monthly/biweekly payments and eliminating that debt quicker would you do it? Renting in Canada has raised costs by 30% in the last 5 years and continue to rise, but our income is still to low to accommodate all the bills we need to cover. The average Canadian has more than 1 job just to try and make ends meat. What if I could offer a savings plan and help you create savings to improve credit that you could purchase a home saving you monthly ? If it means saving a few hundred-thousand would you do it? The average Canadian works until at 68, but have only accumulated on average a $320,000 to live off of. Which can be gone in 3 maybe 4 years. Depending on cost of living. Our money runs out before we do. Making our elderly not able to afford to take care of themselves. We only recieve. $8,000 a year for old age pension and if you take it out before age 65 it's a lot less. What if you could invest/save money now to help you retire and create a better cushion. If having a plan to help with long-term care, more savings for retirement, learning how to invest properly to have money working for us and not against us would you be willing to do it? Did you know that if you had a pension with your previous employer you can move it and use it for retirement? It hasn't just left because you're no longer working at that company! The average Canadian DOESN'T collect their past pensions and looses out on that income. Job security is no longer an option in most companies. We've seen hundreds of small business shut down. Hundreds of thousands of Canadians without work and hundreds of hours in cut backs to just keep the company from closing down. Making it harder for us to have stability in our lives. Canada has raised in foreclosures by 4.7% making families homeless or in a small rental. What if you could have a job that is inflation and pandemic proof.? Where our numbers rose as most jobs went down. Wouldn't you want the flexibility and stability for your family. You don't need to be in an office, you can chose part time or full time, you can create your hours, become trained and certified. "Raises are based on your ethic not based on someone else" DM or comment below to get your link to this amazing free webinar. Let's get started on a better future. ~Kristal

Kristal Stievenard 13.04.2021

We deny the things we cant understand. We go to school since 5 years old we do the grades, graduate, college, university, career. That's best case scenario. ... What is ONE common subject we ALL lack Financial Education. We aren't taught how to save money for emergencies or to have roots to build a family. We aren't taught that we can be covered for a lot of illness, disabilities that are long/short-term. Sure there are government plans in place, but it's not ideal. We aren't taught how to properly invest our money without someone elses taking most of the profits (ie.bank) We aren't taught how to pay less on mortgages and build a credit be able to own and not rent. This is becoming the biggest problem in most of Canada the average home to rent for family is $2,000 a month. What if in a year you could make that all disappear and invest in a home for yourself? We are taught to work till age 75+(average in Canada) yet a Old Age Pension is NOT enough to help you live. I'm 30 this year and in 35 years from now there may NOT be a pension for me. What would most elderly do if they had no income coming in to help them?? Long-Term care homes increase cost with inflation driving the cost to being a minimum average of $3,000 a month plus food and health care costs added on top. Most families have to help flip the bill, taking it away from their families. ONLY 50% of Canadians are working since the pandemic. They predict the number to increase with 40% of job closures which have been small businesses. Wouldn't you love to have a job that is secure?! That is an option here. It's a proven system and we help you learn it. My stats can go on, but I'm sure you get the picture. I'm here to PROVIDE that help, knowledge and education. We put families first and put money back into your pocket and teach you how to get it working for you instead of against you. Tonight we are hosting a information webinar @7pm MST. No cost to come. If this is something your wanting to learn about DM for your webinar link today -Kristal

Kristal Stievenard 04.04.2021

Hey Mommas! If you see this post and want to know how to make some extra income and be able to stay home with your cuties. Scrolling and read below ... As many of you know I've been doing a lot on the online space. Even though it wasn't right for me it has taught me many skills to help me in what I'm doing right now! I've been working with the new company for a few months now. I have been able to help a few of my friends so far in the following areas: Eliminate debt. Learn how to budget & save for the future. Even those unexpected events that may happen and can't work. Create a savings to have extra money. Part-Time and Full- time Career Opportunities. Investment Knowledge I know how hard it is to find child care SPECIALLY during covid times. so let's start creating a better solution, by have a career based out of your own home! I'm inviting anyone who is interested in our Open house this Wednesday evening at the comfort of your own home. It will be hosted on "Zoom Meetings" this Wednesday evening March 10th @ 7pm MST. For 45 mins If this is something you'd be interested please feel free to comment below or send me a DM today.

Kristal Stievenard 24.03.2021

DO YOU HAVE A HANDLE ON YOUR FINANCES ? This Wednesday March 3rd @7pm MST Over zoom meetings. ... We have an amazing webinar planned out for anyone interested in getting: Properly educated of finances Debit eliminated Savings plans And more Maybe some of you are looking into: Retirement plans Proper protection RRSP, TFSA, RESP Saving on taxes Mortgage information It's hard to understand what we don't know. Let us help you set up your future in the best way possible. We know how hard it can be with a problem comes up and the funds just arent there. Reach out to me today. Let's book you into that webinar and get your future looking brighter ~ Kristal

Kristal Stievenard 16.03.2021

ARE NEEDING A NEW CAREER OPPORTUNITY Has covid put a damper on your financial situation? Have you lost your job due to restrictions, shutdowns or closures? Are you needed to earn a part-time /full time income... Are you looking for at home opportunities to be home with kids to SAVE on daycare costs. If you said "YES" to any of these above comment below or send me a direct message Just in Canada alone (Jan stats) 213,000 people have lost their jobs. Let's make that number decrease by, allowing me to help you have a flexible career. With the financial goals your looking for. I will ask you these 3 questions when I interview you for this position. 1 Why do you want to become a financial associate? 2 If I'm willing to train you for this position, why should I chose you out of all the applications. ? 3 Are you willing to put in the time to become certified and licensed in order to do this career? I'm excited to have you all here. Chat soon ~Kristal

Kristal Stievenard 03.03.2021

HOW EXCITING IS THIS !! I am serious over the moon. Going to a big event is like a big deal. I cannot believe I got to see these 3 AMAZING people resonate with our company. How many famous people can you honestly say believe in what you do. ... Not gonna lie when I saw "carlton" (Alfonso) I wanted to faint. Now imagine if this was LIVE IM SO BLOWN AWAY RIGHT NOW Great things happen to those willing to do what is best for them, while helping others achieve their financial goals. I can not thank my amazing leadership, my amazing friend Kaylea Ward for bringing me here and the amazing team of support we have! Here is to: Helping more people, friends & family Success for my family Building a better future for the ones we leave behind

Kristal Stievenard 11.02.2021

HOW CAN I HELP What a whirlwind of the last year we have been in. Causing so many people and families into difficult hardships. ... Ones where most feel alone. I'm here to say YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Debt shouldn't be the biggest struggle in your life. To pay those high interest rates and to barely make a dent into your loan, carpayment, credit cards and more. How is it I can help you make that better Tomorrow @7pm Mst we are hosting a free webinar to go over some of these topics below to make living a little bit easier for you. 95% Of Canadians are in debt. We shouldnt have to battle alone. Reach out to me for more information and your webinar link today. Let's turn that debt into savings

Kristal Stievenard 05.02.2021

HAPPY HUMP DAY STOP SCROLLING AND READ THIS IMPORTANT INFORMATION Tonight @7pm MST my Sr Broker will be doing a live presentation. ... If you're needing help in: Debt Management Savings/CashFlow Building an emergency fund Saving for retirement Investments Proper protection Career Options Full/Part-Time DM or comment below for your Zoom link today and

Kristal Stievenard 31.12.2020

I NEEDED SOMETHING MORE, THAN BEING A MOM Being a mom is one of the most incredible gifts we could ever ask for, but it's HARD WORK. Everyday is the same repetition day after day. We get up, feed them 3 times a day and snacks. If you're like me and homeschool throw being a teacher in the mix . We bake, cook healthy (best we can most days).... Stock pile of laundry while we are juggling between the cleaning and messy faces. We are lucky if we get a shower in most days, because that bed calls our name as the bags under our eyes begin to get darker. In between the work load and taking care of our kids we forget ourselves. Am I right ladies !?! Pj's all day most days, mom bun 24/7 and those nights out seem to never happen anymore, so you stop trying to look good. It groundhog day effect 24/7. There is no more excitement in the day. It's filled with loud, pawpatrol in the background and screaming and fighting. You're trying to find who it is you are Who were you before you became a mom What excites you What motivates you What are you passionate about I started this business to be myself again. I desperately needed more than just being a mom all day every day. I felt like my mind was going to moosh, because I wasn't learning something new anymore. I went to business school for 2 years and I have nothing to show for it. Working for myself and helping other reach their financial goals has gotten me to become myself again. I get to: Dress up everyday and it makes me feel good. I get to meet so many amazing people and help them (truly help them) I have something to work towards My goals mean something here I have a team that is willing to help me succeed See others succeed I get to use my skills I've learned and also learn new skills. I have structure and stability, because I know the only way I will fail here is if I give up and fail myself. I have found a way for myself to save and make an income, while still being a mom at home. I've been able to still meet and get to know new and long term clients thanks to my laptop. Having a career in finance. I would of never guessed would be what I chose to do in my life, but it's been so rewarding. It also teaches my kids to not give up on themselves, strive for what they want, while their future becomes better and brighter. I get to be who I've always wanted to be. I can be myself again, and this time I won't give up on myself. Reach out today if you're needing a change in your life -Kristal

Kristal Stievenard 24.12.2020

DID 2020 LEAVE YOU IN THE HOLE Did 2020 make your savings deplete? Is it hard to find a job since lockdowns ? ... Do you just keep climbing more and more in debt ? If you said "Yes" to any of these above , I'd like to invite you to our free open presentation Wednesday February 10th @7pm MST. Join my Sr broker Sarah to learn how you can: Save money Eliminate debt Properly invest your money Build an emergency fund If your open to earning more income she will even tell you how you can get a career with us! Direct message or Comment below for more information and your zoom code today :) Talk soon Kristal

Kristal Stievenard 22.12.2020

Many people may give up on you, but you may never give up on yourself When was it you lost hope in yourself I know you're probably asking what is she talking about and why is she saying this. If you continue to read you'll know my intentions behind this post. ... I've gotten to meet so many wonderful people over the years. Talk to so many clients and helped many families and woman in just a short period of time. I scroll on here and all I seem to notice is Desperation Wanting more Money hungry Self-doubt Given up Kind of posts. So now we come back to that question... "What is that made you come to the conclusion of giving up on yourself." We all have our bad days, I will acknowledge that of course. But now I don't see the passion in your voice, the determination in your writing, or the pure confidence that you once had in the beginning. Believe you me there were times I wanted to throw in the towel. I could of continued to allow peoples words and actions towards me to keep me from what I truly wanted to do in life. When someone tells you to give up on yourself and to try something else. They just gave up on you and put themselves first. That doesn't mean for you to follow and give up on your dream. Allowing someone to rob you from your own belief is showing them they are right. When you fail your drivers test you retry When you get fired from a job you get a new one When your boyfriend/girlfriend breaks up with you, you find love again. So ask me if you're willing to do that all over again and keep trying, why are you allowing someone to steal from you. Im serious. That passion you carry in yourself is the most powerful gift you can give yourself. You live and breathe it so, why turn to becoming a follower to your own path in life. Start becoming that author to your own book. Only you can write out the path you travel on. If you allow someone else to write it for you, it will end quicker than when you got started. I want you to ask you this. Are you being true to who you are Did you give up your journey over someone elses opinion Did you let words self-sabotage your dreams Are you being lead by someone else. If you answer yes to even 1 of these that's to much. You aren't in full control of your actions. Who cares what someone else is doing. Who cares what people have to say about you and what you're doing. We graduated highschool for a reason. To leave it in the past and to have our head held high, with such determination for our future. Follow your own dreams Draw the path of your own journey ( if there are a few humps, take a break and try again) The greatest woman like Mel Robbins Katrina Ruth Rachel Hollis Didn't allow peoples words and actions towards them make them change what they wanted to do in life. They worked even harder to prove those people wrong. We deserve to live our best life possible. - Kristal

Kristal Stievenard 20.12.2020

I was tired of people telling me my "niche" wasn't good enough I used to wake up super excited. I'd meet and talk to so many stay at home moms or single moms, even working moms. Everyday I'd wake up so eager to help them find a way to do what they've always wanted to do. ... More family time Husband home More income Stay home with their kids Travel with their family ;But they were lacking one important key to them achieving all those things or even if it was just the one. They lacked the confidence and belief in themselves. Being a mom myself i knew exactly how they felt. They got comfortable with their everyday life. Supporting their kids Kids came first Keeping a household together Time for themselves never existed I was trying to get them to step 10 without even step 1. For many months i didn't know what i was doing wrong. These mothers i could relate with myself. From being that food bank single mother to now growing a future for my family. It takes more then a few weeks to get that confidence and devotion within yourself before we can be successful. I was saddened everyday when i had to hear that most couples and families had to chose over having to... Have kids or keeping their job Rent or have a mortgage Savings or having a single holiday The list is endless and most of it I've been through. When i would ask my mentors how we can help and do more. Their reply was " let them go" Or "your niche is a broke market". The world is poor not just a certain amount. People and society are becoming more and more broke everyday. Jobs are becoming few and far between and century old companies are shutting down. My simple reply was who is going to help them. We are looking for "rich" , but our world is going in poverty. Mothers, stay at home moms and wives. They need and want this more for themselves then anyone else out there. We have begged within ourselves to once have something for ourselves. To feel good about ourselves once again and to contribute to our family, so our spouses dont have the full weight on their shoulders. That is why i stopped working for other companies who wouldn't listen. I stopped listening to the people who said im gonna be broke helping the helpless. They have no idea what it's like to be that devoted mother like i do. That is why i now work for myself and help woman become the best version of themselves. To be there when they want to give up and go back to why they started. One step at a time. Women will become strong again from self confidence to career. Stand proud of who you are. Know that im always in your corner Xox ~Kristal

Kristal Stievenard 01.12.2020

START PLANNING FOR YOUR FUTURE This Wednesday February 3rd @7pm mst. Our knowledgeable Sr broker Matthew Pearcey will be be going over how you can: ... Keep your cash flow or even learn how to increase it ... Eliminate your debts. Small or large Have an Emergency Fund ( times like this) Proper protection on you and your family Estate Preservation & Taxes Career Insights ( if your open to more income sources) DIRECT MESSAGE ME FOR YOUR PRESENTATION CODE TODAY