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Kristin Leeper, Holistic Nutritionist 15.05.2021

Hello! I'm Kristin, a holistic nutritionist with a passion for hormone balance, body positivity, and Friday-night pizza (not necessarily in that order). Welcome to my Facebook page, where we'll talk hormones, simple nutrition hacks, and healthy relationships with food - without taking ourselves too seriously. Be sure to like and subscribe to make sure you don't miss new blog posts, recipes, and simple conversations about nutritional issues in the context of real life. Bonjo...ur! Je suis Kristin, une nutritionniste holistique avec une passion pour l'équilibre hormonal, la positivité du corps, et la pizza du vendredi soir (pas nécessairement dans cet ordre). Bienvenue à ma page Facebook, où on parlera des hormones, des astuces simples de nutrition, et des relations saines avec la nourriture - sans se prendre trop au sérieux. Aimez et abonnez-vous pour ne pas manquer des recettes, des posts sur mon blogue, et des conversations simple des problèmes nutrionnels dans le contexte de la vie actuelle. Photo credit: Mission & Theory

Kristin Leeper, Holistic Nutritionist 05.05.2021

The birth control pill does not balance hormones. . Disclaimer: I’m not advising anyone to stop taking medication or judging their contraceptive choices. BUT as a practitioner who specializes in hormone balance, I gotta debunk this myth. . The pill is not a magic solution for hormonal imbalances that show up as acne, heavy periods, or severe PMS. It’s actually a band-aid fix. ... . The pill can get rid of hormonal imbalance symptoms, but it does that by suppressing the natural hormonal cycle. It’s not balancing anything - it’s actually shutting it all down. . Think of it as putting the menstrual cycle on pause - no ovulation means no hormonal shifts and none of the symptoms (like cyclical breakouts or painful cramps or irregular cycles) that come with them. . No ovulation also means there’s no egg to be fertilized by sperm, which is why the pill works to prevent pregnancy too. . There’s nothing wrong with a band-aid fix - but we should be calling it what it is. The pill is not a true solution to hormonal imbalances, and they will likely show up again if someone gets their doctor’s okay to stop taking it And because the pill masks hormonal imbalances, someone may also not know if those pre-existing imbalances are getting worse while they’re on it. Your menstrual cycle is yours to decide what to do with - if contraception and/or a band-aid fix is what you need, it’s great that the pill is an option But if you’re looking to get to the root cause of your hormonal imbalances, other options - and true solutions - are out there. If you’re looking to actually balance your hormones as fertility prep work or to give you freedom from PMS - let’s chat! DM me or head to the link below and grab your free hormone check-in https://savedbynutritionpreorderconsult.as.me/ #hormonebalance #hormonalimbalance #hormonehealth #menstrualhealth #PMS #periodproblems #menstrualcycle #menstrualcramps #hormonalacne #reproductivehealth

Kristin Leeper, Holistic Nutritionist 04.05.2021

Are you eating enough to keep your hormones happy? . If you're struggling with PMS, painful periods, or regular monthly breakouts - it's worth a look to see if you're getting enough food every day . Of course the type of food matters too - but no matter how healthy the veggies in this pic are, we need a lot more than that to fuel us. ... . If you're rushing around without much time for meals or going hungry before bed because we aren't "supposed" to eat late - it might be doing your hormones more harm than good. . We gotta eat. We need nutrients for energy, for creativity and focus - and to lay the foundation for a healthy menstrual cycle. (Think clearer skin, no more than mild cramping, and saying goodbye to severe PMS ). . The beauty of it all is that sometimes food IS medicine So here's your friendly reminder that it's okay to whip up a delicious meal and dig right in . If you need guidance on what to eat for happy hormones or you want help fitting healthy meal prep into a busy routine - let's connect! Send me a message to set up a free meet and greet . : @missionandtheory See more

Kristin Leeper, Holistic Nutritionist 26.04.2021

How old were you when you learned about the menstrual cycle? I mean really learned - not the basic anatomy lessons we giggled through in fifth grade. I’m talking about understanding the wealth of information the menstrual cycle tells us - and knowing that some of what we’re normally told is misleading. I took birth control for 3 years without ever knowing it wasn’t balancing my hormones (instead, it was suppressing my normal hormonal cycle). ... I was 24 years old before I knew that you couldn’t get pregnant any day of your cycle (it’s really only a week, max). I was 26 before I learned that PMS wasn’t normal (it’s actually a sign of hormonal imbalances). I’m almost 30 and I just found out that there are natural shifts in the menstrual cycle in things like energy, creativity, and libido - and that being aware of those things can help you work with your hormones instead of fighting against them. I aced my health classes. I took high-level university courses from two s3x therapists. I even wrote a thesis about women’s experiences with menopause - and I didn’t have access to basic information about what was happening to my body each month. Without proper education about the menstrual cycle, we’ve lost a sense of connection with our bodies. We’ve lacked the relevant information to make informed decisions regarding our health. And we’ve lost a natural wisdom that comes from honouring hormonal shifts - and knowing how to read the signs that our hormones are off so that we can bring them back into alignment. I was 9 in this photo - this is when I should have been learning all of this, so that when it came time to start having my period, I was fully informed and empowered. But - at 29 - I'm so glad that I’m learning it now, and I’m so excited to keep sharing this knowledge with all of you. If this is your first day learning something about the menstrual cycle - welcome! I’m glad you’re here. This is why I’m so passionate about educating folks about stress and hormonal health - so that we can all move forward with the knowledge we need to fix imbalances and take back our hormones for good. #holisticnutrition #holisticwellness #hormonehealth #hormonebalance #hormonalimbalance #femalehealth #menstrualhealth #menstrualcycle #reproductivehealth

Kristin Leeper, Holistic Nutritionist 06.04.2021

PMS is not normal Many of us have been taught that it is because it's so common, but intense PMS is not part of a normal menstrual cycle There are hormonal shifts that happen between ovulation (roughly the midpoint of your cycle) and getting your next period, so it is normal to feel a little less energy or a little more emotional - but the shift is minor ... Any other change is a sign of a hormonal imbalance, including: Total exhaustion Cyclical depression Cyclical anxiety Intense mood swings These are not an inevitable part of having a period. They're clues from your body that your hormones are off - and that it's probably time to take a look at your stress levels. When you're under too much stress, the natural balance between estrogen and progesterone can shift - and this often shows up like clockwork as absolutely brutal PMS Your hormones should not be running your life - making it hard to concentrate on work or causing friction in your relationships. And they certainly shouldn't be making you miserable every month If you're ready to learn how to beat stress, balance your hormones, and say goodbye to horrible PMS, click the link in my bio and get your free stress assessment! www.kristintalkshormones.com/services/ --- #holisticnutrition #holisticnutritionist #holisticwellness #hormonebalance #hormonalimbalance #hormonehealth #PMS #menstrualhealth #menstruation #femalehealth #stressreduction

Kristin Leeper, Holistic Nutritionist 21.03.2021

Is a nutritionist the same thing as a dietitian or a health coach? (No) Aren't you just going to tell me to eat more veggies? (No) And isn't nutrition for hormones just all about periods? (Definitely not - and we aren't talking about male hormones nearly enough! ).... Get the answers to all these questions and more in my new blog post "5 Things You Should Know About Seeing a Holistic Nutritionist" - link below! https://www.kristintalkshormones.com//5-things-you-should- : Photo by Farhad Ibrahimzade on Unsplash #holisticnutrition #holisticnutritionist #holisticwellness #nutritionblogger

Kristin Leeper, Holistic Nutritionist 10.03.2021

Ways my life changed once I started to regain my energy: . My sleep-wake cycle normalized and I started feeling accomplished by 6pm instead of stressing out because I still had 10 things on my to-do list . I stopped needing constant caffeine as an energy source and my anxiety (and Starbucks bill) decreased as a result... . I started working again instead of having to take medical leave because I was so burnt out . I stopped having to say no all the time. When I couldn't even take care of myself - when I was constantly stressed about how I was going to push myself through the day when I was running on empty - there was a lot I missed out on. . I'd stopped doing hobbies I loved because I didn't have the spare energy. I hadn't been visiting my family as often because it would burn me out even further every time I had to travel. And I'd been feeling frustrated and discouraged and a lot like I was losing time I couldn't get back. . This picture is from when my partner and I went skiing one weekend in 2019. We didn't know then that it would probably be our last chance in 3 years, because last year we were busy moving into our new place, and this year we spent most of the winter in lockdown. . I was still pretty tired in 2019 - but I'd been working a lot on hormonal support to recover from burnout, and that meant I was able to go. I'm so thankful I did, and that I don't have to keep missing out on opportunities that I might not get again because I just don't have the energy. . Burnout (or adrenal fatigue) is very real, and totally exhausting - but it does not have to be permanent. Same with thyroid issues and sex hormone deficiencies that can leave us feeling equally wiped. No one should have to go through life feeling like an extra in the Walking Dead. . Our time is finite, and we should be able to make the most of it, even if that means letting your partner convince you to head out to the slopes when the air hurts your face . If you're ready to learn how we can use holistic nutrition to help regain your energy for good, click the link below and get your free discovery call! www.kristintalkshormones.com/services/ #adrenalfatigue #burnout #burnoutrecovery

Kristin Leeper, Holistic Nutritionist 07.03.2021

So many people told me I was fine when I knew that I wasn't. That my test results were "normal" and I didn't have a disease, so I was perfectly healthy even though I had symptoms that couldn't be explained. . I got my fasting blood sugar tested and was so dizzy I had to sit down with my head between my knees, but my blood glucose was normal so I was just sent my way once I could stand again. . I went in to my doctor and watched her react in total surprise saying "oh yo...u're really quite constipated" as if I'd lied to her about being in non-stop discomfort and sometimes excruciating abdominal pain. . I was prescribed higher and higher doses of anti-anxiety & sleep meds without ever understanding why I was constantly feeling "tired but wired" and so stressed that it was hard to function. . I felt broken, like it was my fault that my body and brain were suddenly defective. I never got the answers I was looking for, and I never felt like my symptoms were taken seriously even though I was the one experiencing them every day. . Tbh, I have a lot of respect for traditional medical doctors and what they do But way too many people have had experiences like mine and eventually - after years of not getting the help they deserve - they end up seeing a holistic practitioner . I can't tell you how relieved I felt when I explained my symptoms and was trusted at my word. I needed help from a trained professional to navigate them, but I knew my body was sending me signals that I couldn't ignore any more. . And contrary to what I'd been told, there WERE answers out there. I just needed a whole lot of second opinions to get there. . My blood sugar symptoms? Adrenal issues (stress hormone dysregulation) from chronic stress. . The constipation? Severe food sensitivities and bacterial imbalances in my small intestine that had just been getting worse. . All the anxiety and exhaustion? Also my adrenals, as well as a sex hormone imbalance called estrogen dominance. . YOU are the CEO of your own body - you're the only one who really knows how you're feeling. Trust your instincts, and work with someone who trusts them too. I'm so glad I did #healthadvocate #YourHealthIsYourWealth #adrenalfatigue #foodsensitivities #hormoneimbalance

Kristin Leeper, Holistic Nutritionist 18.02.2021

What happens when you work with a holistic nutritionist? . I don't just tell you to eat your veggies (although it's still important to get your greens!). . Instead, together you and I dig deep to help find the root causes of your hormonal imbalances, and we start there to make long-term changes to get you feeling better for good. ... . If you’re feeling exhausted all the time - I help you find out why. . If you’ve plateaued at your workout goals or you can’t sleep or your libido has packed up and left town - I help you do the detective work so we can find a true solution. . I definitely help people who menstruate look in-depth at their cycles to troubleshoot all sorts of period problems, but don’t let that fool you - I love working on male hormone balance too. . I don’t give quick fixes because hormone balance is way too complex for that to work - but I do help you find long-term ways to remedy hormonal symptoms you may have felt stuck with. And while that doesn't happen overnight, you should still see plenty of progress along the way. . As for a timeline? It varies depending on how serious your hormonal imbalances are, but 3-6 months is a good general rule to make sure we lay a strong foundation for optimal health. I want you to be a hormone balance pro so you can keep feeling your best long after you reach your initial goals . And I love the idea that you might be just a few months away from things like: more energy better sleep improved stress management sex hormone balance (including improvements in menstrual cycle issues like PMS and PCOS) . Bonus: I work virtually and sometimes we're lucky enough to get photobombed by this cat He even walks on my keyboard if he's feeling particularly generous . If you’re ready to learn how we can use nutrition to give you more energy, less stress, and healthy hormones, let’s chat - click the link below and grab your free discovery call! www.kristintalkshormones.com/services/ #holisticnutrition #holisticnutritionist #hormonebalance #femalehealth #malehealth #stressreduction #lowenergy #YourHealthIsYourWealth

Kristin Leeper, Holistic Nutritionist 16.02.2021

Happy Friday! And Happy Easter to those who celebrate it . There's some new faces around here (welcome!) so I figured I'd introduce myself Here's some things you may already know - and maybe some you didn't! . I'm Kristin (Kris to my family), a holistic nutritionist with a passion for all things hormones and for helping people conquer chronic stress. ... . I'm queer, Canadian, an introvert, and definitely a cat person (which you can probably tell by my pets' frequent photobombs) . Being a nutritionist was definitely not my original career plan - before, I wanted to be a s3x therapist and before that, a translator . I've definitely pivoted! But I'm still passionate about s3x education and I'm keeping my language skills as polished as I can (feel free to message me en français o en español! ) . I don't work out anymore I grew up being influenced by a lot of toxic aspects of fitness culture and I can't seem to separate that exercise-as-punishment mentality from traditional gym workouts . But I am prioritizing finding other ways to stay active and bring joyful movement into my life - my post-pandemic goal is to start horseback riding again. . I'm a published author! Last year my story was featured in the Saved By Nutrition anthology, which you can see peeking out from my bookshelf - five-year-old me who loved telling stories is still freaking out about it . I'm honoured to have been able to share my story alongside other nutrition professionals We all struggled with inexplicable health issues until we discovered the world of holistic nutrition and became empowered to change our lives for good . If that sounds familiar and you're looking for one seriously inspirational read, click the link below to snag a remaining copy! . You can also see a flower in the background of the photo, but I can't take any credit for that one My partner is solely responsible for keeping the office orchid alive . I think that's enough about me - tell me about you! What will you be up to this long weekend? . www.kristintalkshormones.com/services/ #holisticnutritionist #holisticnutrition #myhealthjourney #gettoknowme #publishedauthor #burnoutrecovery

Kristin Leeper, Holistic Nutritionist 07.02.2021

Chronic exhaustion is not normal . Contrary to many of the hilarious memes I've seen, being an adult should not actually require being tired all the time. Unless there are short-term factors that explain it, like a night of poor sleep or a hectic work week, exhaustion or energy slumps can be a sign something is off - and it might be your hormones. . As for which hormones, that's where it can get complicated. It might be: ... . A change in the typical pattern of your stress hormone (cortisol) from chronic stress . A thyroid gland that's slowed down and isn't producing enough of its hormones to keep your metabolism as fast as it should be . Sex hormone imbalances like low testosterone or too much estrogen compared to other hormones, aka estrogen dominance (tip: this can happen whether you're male or female!) . If it's any of these things (or a combination, which is common), we can do something about it . I'm passionate about this because I missed out on a lot of my life when I was burnt out and exhausted. It felt like an uphill battle just doing the basics, and I was constantly stressed about trying to scrape together enough energy to get through the day. . It was a time of a lot of frustration and FOMO and the side effects of having way too much caffeine. . Now though - years later - I'm so glad I could get answers and find a way to start feeling better. It's been a slow shift (hormone changes usually are), but also so worth it to be able to fill my life with more things that I love again . Chronic exhaustion is not normal, but the good news is, it doesn't have to continue being your normal either . If you're ready to learn how we can use nutrition to give you more energy, less stress, and healthy hormones, let's chat - click the link below and grab your free discovery call www.kristintalkshormones.com/services/ #holisticnutrition #holisticnutritionist #holisticwellness #hormonebalance #hormonehealth #adrenalfatigue #thyroidhealth #femalehealth #malehealth #lowenergy #burnoutrecovery

Kristin Leeper, Holistic Nutritionist 22.01.2021

Healthy eating should not be complicated . Seriously. It should be fun and tasty and feel achievable, even if it involves some adjustment the way creating any new habit does . I think there are 2 main reasons many people have trouble sticking to a healthy eating plan:... 1. It's not realistic. There aren't enough calories or carbs or everything tastes like sandpaper . 2. It's based on vague, generic guidelines that don't take into account our unique needs, tastes, and personal hangups. . We're not creating lifelong habits and long-lasting change because we haven't been given the tools to make it happen. . How are you supposed to get more energy from nutrient-dense meals if you're too exhausted to prep them? . How do you decrease your sugar intake when you find added sugars in everything and are too overwhelmed to start? . And how do you fit cooking into your routine when you're already stressed af and running on empty? . This is what I'm here for! I've been there - when I knew the way I was eating wasn't serving me but had no idea how to go about changing things. I knew I had to eat for better digestion, lower stress, sustained energy, and more stable mental health, but was totally lost at how to make that happen when I was already feeling so terrible. . I wish I'd known that I didn't have to go it as alone as I did. That I could have worked with someone who'd have taught me to honour where I was feeling stuck and helped me work around my hangups instead of trying and failing to fight against them . But, with trial and error, it got easier. And I learned - things like some days I just won't have the mental energy for cooking prep (nevermind the dishes), so instead I'll make smoothies that let me sneak in veggies and up the calories so I still get what I need. . Healthy eating doesn't have to be difficult. It just has to be designed with you in mind . If you're ready to learn how to make eating for more energy, less stress, and healthy hormones a breeze, let's chat - click the link below and grab your free discovery call! www.kristintalkshormones.com/services/ . Mission and Theory #holisticnutrition #holisticnutritionist #holisticwellness #hormonebalance #hormonehealth #adrenalfatigue #thyroidhealth #burnoutrecovery #healthyeatingtips #healthyeatingideas

Kristin Leeper, Holistic Nutritionist 03.01.2021

Pictured: the exact opposite of how I felt when I had undiagnosed hormonal imbalances . I've lost count of the times I sat in a doctor's office being told I was fine when I knew I wasn't. I was constantly exhausted, jittery with anxiety, in almost non-stop abdominal pain, and it felt like my digestive system hated everything. But my lab work was "normal" and I didn't have an obvious disease - so there was nothing to be done. . I felt frustrated and totally defeated. Th...e worst was a condescending specialist who suggested that because I looked great, I was fine, which was both creepy and supremely unhelpful. . After years of this, I just gave up. It felt like there was nothing I could do and I was tired of not being listened to every time I asked for help. . And then, I discovered the holistic health world and finally sat down with a professional who took me seriously. She trusted me at my word when I thought something was off. And ho boy were things OFF. . I finally had an explanation for everything, which included: -adrenal fatigue or burnout (stress hormone dysregulation from chronic stress) . -imbalances in my stomach and small intestine that were affecting my digestion of literally everything . -too little progesterone and not enough estrogen detox to create estrogen dominance (a condition that can affect men too btw ) . I FINALLY was able to start feeling better, and the improved energy, normalized sleep, and regular digestion were definitely a godsend . But just as important was the massive feeling of relief at finally being heard - at being able to work with someone who knew that not having a disease wasn't enough to mean I was okay. . I deserved to work with someone who validated how I was feeling and was willing to do the work to help me feel my best instead of just not diagnosable - and so do you. . If you think something's off, chances are, there is. . Chronic exhaustion is not normal. Constant digestive upset is not normal. And being repeatedly dismissed is not acceptable. . If this sounds like you, let's chat - you deserve to have your hormone health taken seriously, and that's what I'm here for Mission and Theory #holisticnutrition #holisticnutritionist #holisticwellness #hormonebalance #hormonehealth #adrenalfatigue #burnoutrecovery #myhealthjourney #healthadvocate

Kristin Leeper, Holistic Nutritionist 24.12.2020

InstantAnxiety.jpg . Has anyone else ever felt personally victimized by a simple cup of coffee? BEEN THERE. . Shaking hands, stomach cramps, heart palpitations, the whole shebang. ... . To say it's not a fun time would be an understatement. BUT I'm also a firm believer that - unless you're super caffeine-sensitive - you don't need to completely break up with that delicious cup of Joe. . Context is everything! Coffee can be a soothing addition to your morning routine or an express ticket to a stress spiral - it depends on 3 things: . Whether or not you're having it with food. Caffeine spikes blood sugar, so having it close to a meal or snack with fat, fibre, and protein helps prevent blood sugar from skyrocketing so we can feel alert without also feeling like we just ingested pure rocket fuel . How much stress we're already under. There's a big difference between adding a stimulant like coffee to a relaxing Sunday spent reading and a hectic Monday where you're running late and rushing around in a stress whirlwind . And most importantly: the state of our adrenals (the body's stress management team). If we've been under chronic stress, the adrenals (glands that sit on our kidneys and make our stress hormone cortisol), have been putting in some serious overtime. . This can throw off cortisol production and leave us feeling "tired but wired" - where we feel like we need coffee like an IV drip but also get ALL the caffeine jitters . If this is you, you deserve so much more than constantly feeling exhausted while simultaneously vibrating with stress. You don't have to continue to struggle with other symptoms like insomnia or brain fog or mood swings, either . (And you definitely deserve to be able to enjoy coffee without feeling reliant on it to function ). . Coffee on an empty stomach is pretty rough for everyone, tbh. But if that "tired but wired" feeling resonates with you, tell me more! I've been there, and I'm so glad I had the nutritional tools to recover from adrenal fatigue and stop burnout from bumming me out . PS: no cats were caffeinated in the making of this photo (he is, in fact, just very dramatic ). #holisticnutrition #holisticnutritionist #holisticwellness #hormonebalance #hormonehealth #adrenalfatigue #burnoutrecovery #coffeememes #cutecats #wellnesstips

Kristin Leeper, Holistic Nutritionist 12.12.2020

Eating for hormone balance . As nice as it would be, there's no one way to eat for hormone balance. There are too many hormones to consider and too much variety in individual needs for everyone to be able to follow the same diet. . Maybe we're super stressed out and exhausted - but we'll need different things depending on if our stress hormone (cortisol) is too high or too low - and it can be hard to tell which!... . Maybe we have low energy - but that could be from low thyroid hormone (our metabolism controller), low testosterone (in both sexes), or high estrogen levels. And each of these situations is handled very differently. And then there's digestion! Everyone needs a different ratio of fat, carbs, and protein - I get more stable moods with higher fat meals, but my partner finds they doesn't give him enough energy. And legumes and soy tend to leave me super bloated so I usually stick to animal protein, but other people may have no issue loading up on lentils. . So this meal is definitely hormone-balancing and nourishing for me - but it might not be as great for someone else. . There's no one size-fits-all, but the cool part is, we can each find out what exactly we need to thrive. . Sometimes it just takes a little deeper digging - and that's when it can help to work with a nutritionist who can do the detective work, get to the root of your hormonal issues, and tailor a protocol just for you . If you're curious, I do free discovery calls where we can chat more specifically about what you're dealing with and what a tailored protocol might look like - link below! https://www.kristintalkshormones.com/services . And bonus: I do have one general tip that often applies to promoting hormone balance - stay tuned! . #holisticnutrition #holisticnutritionist #holisticwellness #hormonebalance #hormonehealth #adrenalfatigue #thyroidhealth #femalehealth #malehealth #lowenergy #healthtips #wellnesstips

Kristin Leeper, Holistic Nutritionist 03.12.2020

Thinking back to this time last year, when we'd just gone into our first lockdown and were reminiscing on our recent road trip . We had no idea that we might have taken our last vacation for a long time, or that it might be over a year until my partner could see his family again, or that "Wallet. Keys. Mask." would become our new checklist leaving the house. . We got very lucky living in a region that's sparsely populated enough not to be hit hard, but it's still been a ...very strange and stressful 365 days. . An extra weird bit for us is that in some ways, our health has suffered, but in others, it's improved. . The extra time at home has helped me to rest up and recover from burnout, but the isolation caused by stay-at-home orders was horrible for my mental health during my partner's deployment. . Working from home so much has given us way more opportunities for meal prep, but I've been struggling with motivation for exercise without classes or lessons to attend. . And as for our hormones? It's a strange dichotomy between knowing how important it is to make health a priority and dealing with the chronic stress of the pandemic . This stress can throw off adrenal (stress management), thyroid (metabolism controlling), and sex hormones (estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone) in both sexes. That's because we need our stress hormone cortisol to be in balance (aka not constantly produced from chronic stress) to keep these other hormones from shifting too. . This is why I'm such a big advocate for stress management, but this past year has been one serious stress curveball. So maybe it's gone well for you in terms of health goals, or maybe it hasn't - and that's okay. But if you suspect you're dealing with a hormonal imbalance and need some support (for anything from PMS to fertility to low energy to poor sleep), remember that I'm here to help . Team Human has not had it easy, and unfortunately we aren't out of the woods yet. Hats off to you for getting this far, no matter how this year has gone for you . For now, we'll be testing some new recipes, implementing self-care where we can, and planning our next (far-off) road trip #holisticnutrition #holisticnutritionist #holisticwellness #hormonebalance #adrenalfatigue #thyroidhealth #femalehealth #malehealth #mentalhealthadvocate #vacationmemories

Kristin Leeper, Holistic Nutritionist 01.12.2020

I have clients sign a waiver saying that if anything I recommend makes them feel like they're about to puke, faint, or die, they should discontinue it immediately, but go off I guess . This quote is an extreme one, but I think it encapsulates "hustle culture" at its finest, along with the potential problems and even dangers that can result from constantly pushing past our exercise limits. . As a nutritionist, I can tell you that from... a hormone perspective, over-doing it at the gym can do us a lot more harm than good. . And that's because exercise is a sneaky stressor on the body (remember, our nervous system isn't wired to know the difference between doing a HIIT workout and running away from a wild animal in a panic). So in spite of the many wonderful ways exercise can help to decrease our stress levels (like releasing calming endorphins and improving sleep quality), it still has to be used in moderation and alongside stress management practices that promote overall balance. . Without that balance, we can risk pushing our stress hormone (cortisol) too high, can run into issues with low levels of testosterone and thyroid hormones, and even (for female exercisers before menopause) risk amenorrhea, or the loss of periods, which is a major health red flag. . And like anything we approach holistically, there is no one-size-fits-all. A workout that would push me (someone who's recovering from chronic illness and just getting back into any exercise) way past my limits might be an easy warm-up for my partner, who's in good health and a frequent flyer at the gym. The same goes for us if we've lost sleep, skipped a meal, felt super stressed all week, and a ton of other factors that might impact what type and intensity of movement we need. . If you want more on over-exercising and our hormones, the full post is up on my blog - link below! https://www.kristintalkshormones.com//too-much-of-a-good-t #holisticnutrition #holisticnutritionist #holisticwellness #hormonebalance #adrenalfatigue #thyroidhealth #femalehealth #malehealth #nutritionblogger #selfcaretips #newblogpost