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Kacho Sustainability & Wellness 06.05.2021

Monday IS NOT your enemy, you are. [Scroll to find out why ] Monday is the day that sets your mood for the entire week. If you fail to prepare yourself for the week, your mind is most likely going to automatically turn to Fuck Mondays. However, realistically you and I both know that’s not the case.... You and ONLY you set the mood for your day, week, month, and year. Blaming Monday for your shitty mindset is just a cover for your own negative self talk. You don’t have to go to work in the morning. YOU GET TO. You don’t have to go for a run or get exercise in today. YOU GET TO. Learn ways to stop being your worst enemy, and the rest will come. Today you get the opportunity to change your life, so take that opportunity and manifest the shit out of it. Happy Monday!

Kacho Sustainability & Wellness 27.04.2021

Things to think about when hiring a coach Do yourself a favour by doing research - there’s lots of online coaches but that doesn’t mean that they’ll all be the one for you! Write down what your values are and what your expectations are of your coach as they should be doing the same. ... Ask yourself what your purpose is behind your goals - your why. Plan your budget & figure out how much you KNOW you can invest in your health each month BEFORE inquiring so you can set that expectation early for yourself. Even though you resonate with one coach you’ve hired doesn’t mean that you are stuck with that coach forever. Everyone coaches differently, meaning that you can learn something new from anyone of different levels of expertise. I’m looking for 5 more ladies to join my team before the end of April. Follow the link in my bio to apply for coaching

Kacho Sustainability & Wellness 18.04.2021

Me going into last summer vs. Me going into this summer Imagine me waking up in the morning loving myself in the first photo as much as I do in the second photo. Oh wait.... I was.... My body then was not a representation of my self worth and value and my body now sure as hell isn’t either. If you’re wondering why you’re not reaching your goals, maybe start by determining how you feel about your own self-worth. I’ll tell you that exercising because you hate your body isn’t going to get you where you want to be. Maybeee physically but it definitely won’t be a benefit to you mentally. Where you’re at now is a representation of how far you’ve come, and what you’ve been through, with the tools and resources you currently have access to to help you achieve your goals. If you need help moving past these mindset blocks follow the link in my bio to apply for coaching

Kacho Sustainability & Wellness 08.04.2021

Proud of one of my clients Candace Kablak Hill for getting her routine set & on her way to success! You’re doing great, and I’m so proud of you

Kacho Sustainability & Wellness 27.03.2021

I hope each and every one of you is finding a way to smile today I don’t have a a lot to talk about today, just the fact that my life has been all over the place for the last three weeks between moving, going on vacation, working a few days here in there, then going to peace River for Easter. As wonderful as the time off has been, I’m so excited to get back into routine! ... I am an absolute creature of habit, so when things feel out of place, and I’m out of routine my life literally feels like a disaster and I HATE that shit. Either way, I hope you all are enjoying this beautiful Tuesday and that your week is off to a fabulous start

Kacho Sustainability & Wellness 15.03.2021

3 TIPS TO REDUCE STRESS R E A L I Z E what the root of your stress is. Realizing what the initial root of your stress is will not only help me move forward but it’ll also help you to trigger some emotions that might’ve been submerged. I’ve learned that dealing with your emotions even when they can be inconvenient will always work better than pushing them off and having your cup overflow in the long term. This only creates cycles in bad habits ... R E F R E S H your body by getting some movement in, meditating, taking a break, catching up on sleep, etc. One thing that I find I really struggle with as a business owner that also works full-time I have a very hard time setting boundaries with myself and with my clients. Learning how to set boundaries has been really helpful for me specifically over this last little while to get myself on track and avoiding another burnout. R E E B O O T your mind by listening to audiobooks, podcast, watching educational videos, taking a new certification or course that will help you grow and learn new things. Rebooting your mind will not only give you the opportunity to learn something new, but it will also help you thrive in the current market and situation that you are in. I hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend, and get the opportunity to rest and relax!

Kacho Sustainability & Wellness 04.03.2021

HOT GIRL SUMMER IN COMING IN Check out this 12-week transformation with my client Hailey Developing better habits and consistent physical activity is all it takes to get results like this and I am SO PROUD of this new busy Mama for pushing through and putting the work in. Would you just look at her! Who’s ready for bikini weather?! ... .... and who’s not ready for bikini weather? If so: Did you put on some extra quarantine lbs? Do you not know where to start when it comes to getting into the gym? Are you nervous because you don’t know what to eat or how to perform exercises properly? Are you scared to eat carbs because you think they’ll make you gain weight? WELL, I’ve got the solution for you Since the last one was such a hit I will be launching the next KSW Spring Into Summer 8-Week Challenge on April 12th In this challenge you will gain access to: An easily accessible 8-week program tailored to fit your goals and lifestyle WITH written/video exercise tutorials Personalized Nutrition Biweekly 60 min Education & Accountability Calls ( Macro Guidance, Proper Form, Hormone Health, and Common Exercise/ Nutrition Myths) Weekly Check-Ins 1-1 Support via in-app messaging with me All valued at over $550 and of course YOU will get exclusive savings I am only opening up 10 spots for this challenge and 3 have already been filled. That means there’s only 7 spots left!! If you are interested in joining this challenge PM me Lets get summer ready! & I will send you a PM with more info OR drop a emoji in the comments and I will reach out to you

Kacho Sustainability & Wellness 27.02.2021

EXCITING NEWS Something about the mountains instantly calms me down. After a rough couple of weeks we made our way out to Cranbrooke,BC for a little get away!... We had home cooked meals every night, chilled tf out, worked a little bit, skied, and went to this beautiful natural hot springs When your body is telling you to take a break, listen I did not listen to my body, and I let myself fall off track because of it. Taking 2 weeks off from all things work and life truly made me think about what steps to take to make sure that I don’t keep letting my cup over flow. Between working 40 hours a week full-time, 20 hours a week on my own business, trying to get my workouts in and have a life it just wasn’t happening I’ve decided to take a small step back from my full-time job (30 hr instead of 40hr weeks) to further pursue my own business and HOLY SHIT am I scared but with the confidence I have in helping people and moving forward with this decision also excites me more than ever. I won’t be working 14 hour days between my day job and my business I won’t be staying up til midnight and waking up at 6 AM for work I won’t be stressed TF out 24/7 and my body will like me A LOT more Stay tuned for what’s next to come

Kacho Sustainability & Wellness 19.02.2021

Instagram Vs Reality swipe for a better representation of me. For those of you who don’t know, I’m a huge goofball. A lot of the time I can’t even take myself seriously, and am usually caught laughing at my own jokes ... I want to share a little bit about myself that a lot of people actually don’t know I’ve got some pretty serious social anxiety. Some people are probably wondering, how, you’re so extroverted and are a people person?!. I’m great around people that I know and feel comfortable around, not big crowds of people I don’t know - for example When I used to go to parties I would get trashed so that my social anxiety wouldn’t take over and leave me speechless I get very anxious when people in the grocery store that I don’t know get too close to me I went to a pub the other night to get food with friends and could feel myself picking at the skin around my nails because the space was so full of people I didn’t know. Even being a personal trainer, I still get anxiety when I walk into a new gym and don’t know anyone. You’re not alone here! Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE people. Which is why I am a fitness coach. I love watching my clients thrive. I’m great at talking over the phone and working in sales, when I am in 1-1 situations. However, I am not great when I’m in a room full of people and that’s something I’m working on overcoming Seeing and interacting with people all day exhausts the living heck out of me. 9x/10 I want to crawl into my cave and not talk to anyone for the rest of the evening. I just want to remind you that: Saying no to doing things with your friends and family after a long exhausting day is OK Wanting to spend time by yourself on your days off to recharge your battery is OK Not drinking at social events, and leaving your friends early because your uncomfortable is OK Share this with a friend that can relate

Kacho Sustainability & Wellness 14.02.2021

Who I was then is not who I am now & who I am now is not who I will be These photos are 1 year apart from each other. The girl on the left was on a path of treating her body like shit, partying, and down a road of addictive tendencies. When I started to realize that I made a change. The girl on the right is exercising and taking care of her body for HER, working with amazing people, and landing great opportunities.... We need to STOP wrapping our heads around the perfect body image or doing it to look good for somebody else. Do it for your OWN fucking self. The only person who is going to be there picking up the pieces after you’ve treated your mind and body like shit is YOU. So, stop now. Create a plan of action, don’t be afraid of losing friends over it, and don’t be afraid to make a change. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable because that’s when you’re going to see results and when your life is going to change. Let me help you take a step in the right direction of changing your life by following the link to apply for coaching https://kswtraining.typeform.com/to/WPPWtZ

Kacho Sustainability & Wellness 02.02.2021

I really want to get fit and become confident in myself but... I constantly have people coming to me saying things such as I really want to get fit, and feel confident in my body again BUT I’m not motivated and I’m too busy to get to the gym. If you’re one of these people you should probably keep reading this ... FIRST you are not too busy to prioritize your health if you watch Netflix for 2 hours after work everyday or go out drinking every weekend. If you’re a mom you shouldn’t be too busy to prioritize your health because if you’re not in good working condition how well can you take care of someone else? Same thing goes for students - yes you may have a full course load BUT did you know that lightly exercising before studying or wiring a test is proven to help you retain information? Being busy is an excuse. If you want something bad enough you WILL make it a priority. For example: If you want a new car, new leggings, to go to a music festival, etc. Will you put all your energy into making enough time/ money to get that thing? What about prioritizing the only body you have and making that a priority? Secondly, you’re probably not motivated because you don’t have goals. It’s not your trainers job to motivate you - motivation is an emotion, it comes and goes. Your trainer is there to give you the tools, and support that you need to accomplish your goals. When people tell me I wish I had your motivation I tell them that 70% of the time I go to the gym it’s not because I’m motivated. It’s because I’m disciplined and want to make my one body I have a priority. I have clients that are moms, I have clients that are students, I have clients that are entrepreneurs. They are all BUSY people that want to make their health a priority. Let me help you make your health a priority by applying for coaching via this link https://kswtraining.typeform.com/to/WPPWtZ

Kacho Sustainability & Wellness 17.01.2021

$100 LULULEMON GIFT CARD GIVEAWAY Every 1k followers I get I will be doing a giveaway - this is my way of giving back to YOU for supporting my journey & business Lulu is and always will be my favourite brand for leggings SO I figured why not do a giveaway for them! I’ve also partnered with @scrunched_with_care to giveaway a couple of beautiful hand made scrunchies - because who doesn’t like scrunchies right?! How to enter ... 1. Like @kswtraining & @scrunched_with_care Facebook pages 2. You must like this post 3. Comment your favourite kind of lulu leggings & tag 3 friends! 4. Share this and tag @kswtraining & @scrunched_with_care 5. BONUS ENTRY - tag more friends in separate comments & go join my Kacho Sustainability & Wellness Accountability Crew FB Group Winner will be announced on March 15th. Thank you all for following my journey and I cannot wait to share more experiences with you!

Kacho Sustainability & Wellness 04.01.2021

Hey everyone! I know I haven't been super active on this page, however this is something that I am truly working on to better serve you folks! As you can see, I have made some updates to the page and you may have also received an invitation to join my Kacho Sustainability & Wellness Accountability Crew. The main reason as to why I created this accountability group My mission as a coach is to help busy women gain confidence in themselves and their fitness mindset. This gro...up has been developed to create a kickass community for people to share experiences, hold each other accountable AND share progress with NO shame or self-doubt! We are here to lift each other up, talk about health and wellness, and share valuable tips and guidance with each other. If you have not received an invitation to join the Kacho Sustainability & Wellness Accountability Crew group yet, no need to worry - anybody can join! All you have to do is go to the page, answer a few questions, and you're in! I am going to try to be as active in the group as possible and would love to hear your thought as to how I can help YOU and and the community as a whole. Feel free to post questions about fitness, health, wellness, nutrition, etc. I would be more than happy to give you as much advice as I can and I want this to be a safe place for you to ask these questions! This group is also intended for you to meet other individuals who are on the same path but may be on different journey as you, so if I don't know how to answer a specific question anybody in the group is welcome to jump in and share their knowledge! Please be patient with me as I am human, work full-time with two jobs and... sometimes try to have a social life so my response might not be immediate. I am looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you!

Kacho Sustainability & Wellness 20.12.2020

3 REASONS THAT COULD BE CAUSING YOU TO NOT BE REACHING YOUR GOALS 1. You’re thinking about the big picture. Having an end goal in mind is a great starting point when goal setting! However I find people get so lost in their end goal that they forget to set small, attainable goals to eventually reach that massive goal. Start by setting small weekly, monthly, and quarterly goals. Put them in your calendar and get to work ... 2. You don’t have a proper, set routine. If you are waking up at different times each day, eating at different times each day, and constantly stressed you probably aren’t going to see results. Progress is a revolving circle of 3 very important things: eating, training, and recovering. If you are constantly in a stressful state you’re more than likely not sleeping well... or over sleeping and missing meals or over eating. If you’re not sleeping well you are not recovering well. Set yourself a steady routine and stay on track with it and I guarantee you will start to see the results you are looking for. 3. Your nutrition and training schedule is alllll over the place. This goes along with setting a routine of when you are going to workout & when you are going to eat your meals. If you work a 9-5 job and go out for lunch almost every day, you’re probably not going to see the results you want. If you’re training 2x/week one week then training 4x/week another and vise versa, you’re probably not going to see the results you want. If you are trying to lose weight but eating more calories than you are burning YOU’RE PROBABLY NOT GOING TO SEE RESULTS To summarize: set small realistic goals leading up to your end goal, and reward yourself each time you hit a small goal! Set a routine that works well for you in your current position. Set your training schedule and stick to it, and prep your meals! This might sound like a lot of work but I can promise you that it will be worth the reward What changes are you going to make today to set yourself up for success? #goalsetting #routine #training #personaltraining #nutrition #wellness #yegfitness #yegentrepreneur #yegbusiness #workout #fitness

Kacho Sustainability & Wellness 13.12.2020

GIVEAWAY TIME Feeling giving due to gyms shutting down all over Alberta. I want to help ONE lucky person get moving with at-home workouts and 1-1 support - let’s take control of what we can during this pandemic! This giveaway will run until January 1st, so you have plenty of time to get your entries in. 8 weeks of FREE online training!! ... HOW TO ENTER: 1. Follow @kswtraining 2. Like this post 3. Tag 3 friends (extra tags give extra entries) 4. Share this on your story and TAG ME Good luck and I can’t wait to share the winner with all of you!! #giveaway #giveawaycontest #localbusiness #onlinetrainer #onlinetraining #workout #yegfitness #fitness #motivation

Kacho Sustainability & Wellness 13.12.2020

Another KSW Crew 8 week transformation! Congrats @haileymusseau for absolutely kicking ass! Hailey was the winner of my online training giveaway & came to me with a goal of weight loss. She’s a busy mom working her ass off to prioritize her health & fitness AND be an amazing mother and partner. ... 13lbs down in 8 weeks and we’re on the road to 20lbs of weight loss. This is 100% proof that if Hailey can do it with her baby latched on to her 24/7, so can you

Kacho Sustainability & Wellness 23.11.2020

Long but worth the read post Straight cheesing because your girl is FINALLY mentally feeling better Loving your body is such a journey & I’m so in for the ride! A huge part of my results so far have come from mindset, stepping out of my comfort zone and and working with @queenofmean_ for the first year of actually being consistent. I have to give a huge props to her, even though we aren’t working together right now I have gained SO MUCH knowledge from having her by m...y side. I think that being a coach but also hiring a coach is the best decision I could have ever made! I have been diligently working towards a better mindset over the last 6 months and still have a VERY long way to go. Strength is a very powerful and uplifting trait to have and I am ever so grateful for to feel mentally and physically stronger than I ever have. I’ve switched my mindset from being #1 and having to win everything to absolutely loving and trusting the process without driving myself into the ground. Switching up my training style is a huge step out of my comfort zone. My body loves hypertrophy training (while still maintaining my compounds) but I never would have known that if I stuck to one thing. Not only have I stepped out of my comfort zone physically but also by having hard to have conversations, being expressive of my emotions, and openly talking about my mental health. DO NOT FEEL SILENCED - for the longest time I was scared to show emotion and express the way that I really feel. I’ve still got a long way to go, however the small progress I’ve made has made my sleeping patterns, eating, and generally the day to day anxiety and depressive traits are much lower To summarize: If you want to see progress take care of yourself, and your mind. The rest will come much easier DM me for coaching inquires, questions, or just to chat - I want to hear it all! #progress #personaltrainer #yegfitness #onlinetrainer #socialmedia #hypertrophy #workout #powerlifting #bench #deadlift #squat #girlswholift

Kacho Sustainability & Wellness 04.11.2020

I’m really starting to feel like myself again - HUGE shoutout to Destiny, one of my 8 week challenge ladies. This girl has been absolutely killing it & putting the work in. Working a full-time job and being a mom is NOT easy but that is 100% not stopping her! Not only has she been shredding fat but also getting stronger & now is interested in competing in powerlifting.... Seeing these results & hearing client feedback always reminds me of why I do what I do. I’m so proud of my team! #clientprogress #personaltrainer #onlinetrainer #progresspicture #workout #athomeworkout #yegfitness

Kacho Sustainability & Wellness 18.10.2020

Steps to how you can kick this lockdown in the ass Let’s take a second to reflect on the last lockdown we had here in Edmonton. How did you feel coming out of it? Quite honestly I think most of us were just surviving through it. I definitely was, and I’m 100% guilty for putting my health on the back burner ... Now that we know what to expect we are better prepared ( I would hope). We may not be able to control gyms being closed, however here are a few things we can control: 1 Make your health a priority. Do not tell me for one second that you can’t control your eating while in lockdown because we both know that’s a terrible excuse No equipment? Go buy a couple bands, 4L water jugs, and fill your backpack with books! 2 Take this time off to learn something new. What’s something you’ve always wanted to do but never had time for? Now is your chance! There is going to be TONS of free content coming out - take advantage of it!! 3 Develop a routine that WORKS FOR YOU. Set a routine that is ATTAINABLE and will not discourage you. Google calendars is my best friend for staying on routine, set reminders and hold yourself to it! These next 4 (or more weeks) will fly by before you know it if you have a routine in place. 4 Don’t let the media consume you. Try to limit your time on social media if COVID updates give you anxiety. Set a timer to limit yourself watching the news, and find things to preoccupy you! The reason why I am posting these tips is because I know that if they were able to help me get through the last lockdown, they will help at least one person go through this one. You don’t have to fall off routine this go around! I am offering $25 OFF of my regular price online programs for you guys until Jan 1st. Let’s keep you in a steady routine and on track AT HOME! DM me for more details What are you going to do to come out of this lockdown strong? #yegfitness #yegentrepreneur #onlinetrainer #yeglifestyle #athomeworkouts

Kacho Sustainability & Wellness 07.10.2020

FOLLOW THESE TIPS TO REACH YOUR GOALS Put your hands up if you’re bad for.. Making shitty fucking excuses for not getting your work done and not reaching your goals Telling yourself it’s okay to miss today because you’re going to work extra hard to do better tomorrow... Waiting til Monday, or January 1st to set new goals I’M GUILTY TOO But I’ll tell you one thing, is these past couple months this girl has pushed herself despite being tired, working 11 hour days between two jobs, being unmotivated, getting a puppy, setting new routines, and not enjoying one bit of physical exercise. Now I’m once again reaching the best shape I’ve been in my damn life. No excuse is good enough to put your own health on the back burner. You have one body and that’s it, so you best take care of it and love it for all that it’s worth. Now you’re probably wondering: Well how do I stay motivated, hold myself accountable and prioritize my health?. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and drowning in self pity Take action for your decisions Set a routine that is attainable FOR YOU IN THIS MOMENT Set attainable goals with a timeframe and put them in your calendar Get a coach if you have accountability issues or reach out to a friend These small tips are the thing that I’ve been doing for myself, and for my clients. Take them and do what you please with them DM me with questions or coaching inquiries, 1-1 and online training available