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Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 18.12.2020

Seems the page has been getting a lot of views. Is it time to resurrect Boot Camp?Seems the page has been getting a lot of views. Is it time to resurrect Boot Camp?

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 01.12.2020

Today is one of those days where it feels like Winter is never going to go away. Don't dread...prepare to #SHRED

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 04.11.2020

Hey everyone! If anyone is still following this page, I'm thinking of resurrecting the good ole days of Boot Camp. Anyone interested once the snow melts? Would like to run a 4-6 week camp in March, super cheap!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 27.10.2020

It doesn't get much easier than this!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 10.10.2020

Friday Fit Tip: Top 3 Functional Workout Moves If you are doing to do any three, these are the ones to make sure are in your repertoire.

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 06.10.2020

Great tips on how to treat yourself with TEA!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 02.10.2020

Last day of the 30-Day Full Body Challenge! If you want to keep going or take on a new challenge, sign up for the "Back to School 28-Day F.I.T.T. Challenge starting Sep. 29th. With the Boot Camp option & clean eating, you are guaranteed to lose inches - what are you waiting for!?

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 23.09.2020

Here is a pre-Thanksgiving workout that is sure to kick your ass! Thursday H.I.T.T. Workout With Thanksgiving upon us, it is one of those weekends where it is easy to fall off the wagon. Let this workout be a reminder of how painful this will feel AFTER the weekend if you don't keep things in check.... This workout specifically focuses on full-body, functional movements meant for super duper cardio plus overall body shredding. You'll complete each of the 7 moves for 30 seconds, 4 times in a row (2 minutes total work time per exercise). Give yourself 15 seconds in between for rest (intermediate/advanced), or 30 seconds in between (beginners) Set your Interval Timer as follows: (30:15/28 Rounds) 1. Inchworm 2. Crunches 3. Ski Jumps/Moguls (jumping side to side, feet together) 4. Plank Pushups 5. Alternating Reverse Lunges 6. Burpees 7. Jump Squats This workout takes about 21 minutes to complete. Add that to your Active Warmup and you can be done in under 30 minutes!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 23.09.2020

Sorry folks, no Boot Camp started this week due to not enough registrations. LAST CHANCE for Fall Fitness will start next week with the 30 Day Fall Fit Challenge! This will be set up as a Closed Group whereby you will need to register to take part, and there will be some cool options to choose from.

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 14.09.2020

Hey everyone! We are nearing the end of the 30-Day Full Body Challenge! If you found it difficult to do the exercises on your own, or felt like you were getting bored and uninspired, have no fear! Stay tuned for details around the 30 Day Fall Fit Challenge!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 10.09.2020

Day 9 of the 28-Day F.I.T.T. Challenge and the group is going strong! Here is a little taste of what the gang is doing today! Tabata Tuesday! 4 moves. 12 minutes. #tabatatuesday... Set an interval timer (such as the Gymboss app on your phone) for 8 rounds of :20 work interval and :10 rest interval (see picture). If you use the Gymboss app, there will be a Tabata timer already there so all you need to do is change the number of rounds. Perform the set of 4 moves twice (8 rounds), rest 1 minute and repeat. Active Warmup = 1 minute Tabata Exercises: 1. Jumping Jacks 2. Squats 3. Push-ups 4. Burpees Cool-Down = 1 minute Tada! Tabata Tuesday is done :)

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 08.09.2020

We are at Day 3 of the challenge and it's not too late to join us! Register by tonight to get in on the fun! Our first group workout is scheduled for Saturday at 8:00am!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 05.09.2020

Join us for the "Back to School 28-Day F.I.T.T. Challenge". When: September 29th - October 26th REGISTRATION DEADLINE: SEPTEMBER 28TH!... Cost: Online Only $80 * Workouts, along with recipes and tips to keep on a clean eating plan will be posted DAILY * Sunday = Active Rest Day except October 26th * Four Group workouts to be held on Saturday October 4th @ 8:00am, Wednesday, October 8th @ 6:00pm, Saturday October 18th @ 8:00am and Sunday October 26th @ 10:00am Online workouts will be posted the evening before for those that are early risers and would like to do their workout in the morning. YOU MUST join the Facebook Group after registration and are encouraged to participate and share your successes and challenges! The F.I.T.T. principle focuses on a workout program comprised of the following components: Frequency Intensity Time Type Never experience the exact same workout twice and enjoy an online community for support, encouragement, and success!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 30.08.2020

Final day to register for the Back to School 28 Day F. I.T.T. Challenge! We need two more to run the camp so spread the word!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 28.08.2020

SEPTEMBER BOOT CAMP - DATE CHANGE! Due to UNDERwhelming response for a camp starting September 9th I've decided to extend the start date by 1 week which will see us finish just before Thanksgiving. If you are interested in joining, please see the Events page and a FIRM yes is needed by Friday, September 12th. Fee is $96.00 for the 4-week camp and payment is now accepted by credit card!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 26.08.2020

DAY 17 OF THE 30-DAY FULL BODY CHALLENGE! For this next week, bump up that cardio with these Interval Workouts to coincide with your Challenge days: Set your Timer for :30 Exercise/:30 Rest - 4 exercises for 10 Rounds. You will do your Body Weight Exercise during the Rest time in reps of 10. This will give you your 100 Reps and an intense cardio workout! Monday + Thursday: 100 Push-Ups PLUS... 1. High Knees 2. Jumping Jacks 3. Skaters 4. Skipping Tuesday + Friday: 100 Squats PLUS 1. Mountain Climbers 2. Burpees 3. Skipping 4. Crunches Wednesday + Saturday: 100 Crunches PLUS ** Skipping for all 4 cardio exercises ** Sunday - REST DAY!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 07.08.2020

One more day to register for the ONLY public outdoor Boot Camp that I will be running this year. Please register by Friday, September 5th if you are interested. An update will be posted tomorrow evening as to whether or not there is enough interest to hold camp!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 05.08.2020

Well I'm sorry to say there is not enough interest in this camp so I am going to extend registration until Friday Sep. 5th! These camps are a great workout and tons of fun so sign up on the Events page today!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 27.07.2020

Last call for September Boot Camp! Registration deadline is August 31st for camp starting Tuesday, September 9th!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 19.07.2020

Hey Campers! We are on Day 6 of the 30-Day Full Body Challenge...how are YOU doing? If you are struggling to add cardio to the routine, here are some things you can do/1 Thursday, August 28 - take the workout OUTSIDE! Between sets of each full-body exercise (I suggest 10 of each per exercise performed all in a row until you reach 300 reps), try this on for size: Push-ups x10... :30 sec. skipping Squats x10 :30 sec. skipping Crunches x10 :30 sec. skipping Repeat this 10 times and your workout will be done!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 30.06.2020

STARTING TOMORROW, AUGUST 21ST - until the first day of Fall on September 23rd, join me in doing a 30-Day Full Body Fitness Challenge! Now, you will need to add other cardio activities to maximize your results, and I will add workouts here for you to use as well. See how this works for you over the next 30 days. The Fine Print for the 30-Day Full Body Fitness Challenge: 1. Pushups, Squats and Crunches are the most basic of exercises with oh-so many fun ways to mix them up! W...e will talk about it all month long, some are listed above, but share as you go. 2. You do not have to do all 100 of each move at the same time. You should break them into 1010, 520, 250 and so on. As you get stronger each week, you can increase the reps per set and decrease the total sets. Who know, but month end you might be doing 1100! 3. Be sure to use proper form and alignment to maximize results and prevent injury. Be smart! Break up the reps into sets of 5, 10, 15 whatever makes sense for your current level of fitness. You are responsible for your own health, so push yourself for improvement but not so far that you hurt yourself! Safety is key. 4. These exercises will strengthen and tone the major muscles of your upper body, lower body and your abs. You will still want to incorporate cardio vascular exercise a minimum of 30 minutes per day, 3 times per week to maximize results of this challenge. 5. At the beginning of the challenge you will record weight and basic measurements. At the end of the challenge, you will do the same thing to measure your progress. 6. Using a tracker or calendar, check off the days as you complete the activities and record the number of reps per set so you can measure improvement over time. 7. Sunday: Rest (no work). Repeat (pick your favorite day). Test (do them all for time!). 8. And as with any and all 30 Day Challenges, be sure to check with your doctor before you start any new exercise regimen.

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 24.06.2020

Here is your WICKED WEDNESDAY WORKOUT plus a little eye candy to help motivate you! Do 10 reps followed by a stair sprint (leave the weights behind) for a total of 3 sets.

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 08.06.2020

WORKOUT FOR TUESDAY, AUG. 19 MINI BOOT CAMP! Start today with a 4 minute active warmup like a brisk walk and a few walking lunges to get those legs primed up and ready for action!... Set a timer for 8 rounds of 20 sec. work followed by 10 sec. rest (this will make for 4 minutes). Do the set of 4 exercises and repeat up to 4 times for a max. workout time of 16 minutes! Including warmup you are done in under 30 minutes Interval Exercises 1. Burpees 2. Floor-to-Sky Jack Squats 3. Twisting Mountain Climbers 4. Skaters Have fun folks!!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 19.05.2020

Happy Monday to you all! Today's workout to start the week is simple. STAIRS!!! Find a set of stairs, indoor or outdoor and complete the following:... Sprints x3 Push-ups x10 Two-Foot Hop x2 Sit-ups x10 Burpees x10 Repeat 2 - 3 sets!! Enjoy!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 01.05.2020


Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 12.04.2020

SATURDAY AUG. 16TH = ACTIVE REST DAY Your choice of a leisurely bike ride, swim, walk, or combination thereof. Enjoy for a minimum of 30 minutes!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 04.04.2020

WORKOUT FRIDAY, AUG. 15 - SQUATS SQUATS = ASS TO THE GRASS!! Let's get down and dirty for today's workout!!... Reps: Beginner = 50 Intermediate = 100 Advanced = 150

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 26.03.2020

WORKOUT THURSDAY, AUG. 14TH: DUMBBELLS & PUSH-UPS! Okay folks, this workout you will need a set of dumbbells. Should be 8-12lbs for the ladies and go with the 8lb on the front raises! Active Warmup 4 mins: each exercise :30sec each repeat 2x... - high knee march on the spot - jog on the spot - squats - arm crosses See more

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 22.03.2020

I have to apologize folks for missing the last few days. I did a round trip to Merrit on Saturday to pick up some rescue dogs and then had company and my days got away from me! Thursday workout will be out tonight!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 19.03.2020


Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 02.03.2020

SATURDAY = ACTIVE REST DAY!!! This means find something leisurely to do. Go for a walk with a friend, a nice easy bike ride or cool off with a swim.

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 27.02.2020

T.G.I.F. Workout to kick your weekend into gear. Start with a 2 minute brisk walk followed by 2 minutes up/down a set of stairs to get the legs nice and primed!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 12.02.2020

Workout for Thursday August 7th is the 100 WORKOUT!!!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 29.01.2020

Workout for Wednesday August 6th: Active warm-up with a brisk four minute walk. 3 sets of the following with a 1 min rest between sets. Here we go!... 5 push-ups 10 burpees 15 sit-ups 20 jumping jacks 25 squats 30 seconds mountain climbers. Enjoy!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 14.01.2020

Workout for Tuesday August 5th. Enjoy!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 09.01.2020

Hey Campers! Just to let you know that workouts will be sent out each evening for the following day. That way whether you are an early riser or someone who prefers to work out later in the day, you will have enough time to prepare for your workout!! You can expect tomorrow's workout to be posted by 7pm tonight.

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 24.12.2019

August long weekend was a time for rest and enjoying these glorious days of summer. Back at it tomorrow!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 08.12.2019

Friday August 1 - FIRST WORKOUT OF AUGUST!! Here is a great outdoor workout that you will have to do first thing in the morning before it gets super hot. Find yourself a set of stairs outside (I love the ones at George Pringle) at a school or stadium. This is what I call the "Bottoms Up" workout because you will perform exercises from the bottom all the way to the top as follows: Active Warmup: 4-5 minutes... Bottom: - 10 push ups - 10 situps Sprint to top of stairs Top: - 10 squats - 10 jumping jacks Jog down to bottom of steps nice and easy and repeat 3 times

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 05.12.2019


Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 17.11.2019

Tuesday, July 29th 5 minute brisk walk or jog followed by 3 sets of burpees and 3 sets of jumping jacks BEGINNER = 10 each... INTERMEDIATE = 20 each ADVANCED = 30 each See more

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 14.11.2019

Monday, July 28th Brisk 30 minute walk!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 03.11.2019

SUNDAY = REST DAY!!! Enjoy your day off everyone :)

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 16.10.2019

Workout for Saturday July 26th Squats Reps: Beginner = 50 ... Intermediate = 100 Advanced = 150 See more

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 06.10.2019

I'm thinking TGIF = 3 sets of 30 burpees And a 15 min jog Sure it's Friday & we all love burpees

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 16.09.2019

Sorry folks the week got away from me big time! Here is your WOD for Thursday in the rain! Active warmup: 4 minutes No equipment needed!! ... Beginner: 5 Exercises, 10 reps each, 3 sets = 150 REP WORKOUT! Advanced: 5 Exercises, 20 reps each, 3 sets = 300 REP WORKOUT! 1. Burpees 2. Jumping Jacks 3. Push-ups 4. Jump Squats 5. Sit-ups Enjoy!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 12.09.2019

Saturday = REST DAY!!!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 31.08.2019

Workout for Friday July 18 This is what I call the 360 Workout and it will consist of 8 sets of the following: Total Time: varies per individual 15 push-ups, AND 15 squats, AND 15 Burpees

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 14.08.2019

Workout for Thursday July 17 It's going to get hot and sweaty and smoky so this will be a short one. If you can find some stairs indoors, use those instead. Hill/Stairs run ... Total time: ~ Approx. 10:00 - 15:00 Sprint up a steep hill/3 flights of stairs walk down, x10 See more

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 04.08.2019

Workout for Thursday June 19th Planks Total Time: Varies... Beginner = :30 plank, Rest as needed, x 5 sets Intermediate = 1:00 plank, 1:00 rest, x 5 sets Advanced = 2:00 plank, 2:00 rest, x 5 sets

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 25.07.2019

Workout for Wednesday, June 18 Run/walk Total Time: 30:00... 5:00 Brisk walk warm-up Two rounds of: 2:00 Run 2:00 Brisk walk 3:00 Run 3:00 Brisk walk 5:00 Brisk walk cool down

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 21.07.2019

Tomorrow is FRIDAY which means it's a REST DAY!!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 16.07.2019

Tomorrow's Workout (Tuesday June 17): Farmer Carries/Various Your max grip strength Shoot for 20 pounds in each hand to start using dumbbells, loaded grocery bags, buckets full of rocks, water, etc, the giant bottles from your water cooler, you name it. But long story short... even weight on either side. Walk for the specified distance, put down the items and perform the exercises listed, then walk for the specified distance, and so on. Do this often, and vary your weight and... distance. (Walk further with a lighter weight, and walk shorter with a heavier load.) Strive to go both further and heavier over time. You want grip, abs, glutes and the lung capacity of a Sherpa? Do farmer walks. 25 paces 10 pushups (20 for advanced) :30 REST 25 paces 10 squats (20 for advanced) :30 REST 25 paces 10 jumping jacks (20 for advanced) :30 REST 25 paces 10 lunges each leg (20 for advanced) :30 REST repeat all for 10 sets

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 14.07.2019

Hope you enjoyed your weekend off and took advantage of some outdoor activities. Here is your workout for Monday, June 16: The Power 30: Push-ups Try to increase your base number slightly. Keep it reasonable though. Quality is more important than quantity. Choose your number and have fun! ********************************... Total time: 29:00 ## Push-ups every 60 seconds for 30 sets See more

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 30.06.2019

Here is a great workout you can do inside or take outdoors for Friday, June 13 AMRAP Total Time: 9:00 You will need:... Pen and paper (or other means to record your results) A stopwatch or clock to time each interval A drink of water You have :60 (1 minute) to complete AMRAP (as many reps as possible) of each exercise. You then have :30 to take a break, record your results and prepare for the next exercise as follows: :60 AMRAP High knees :30 rest - record your results :60 AMRAP Push-ups :30 rest - record your results :60 AMRAP Jumping Jack Squats :30 rest - record your results :60 AMRAP Switch Kicks :30 rest - record your results :60 AMRAP Butt kicks :30 rest - record your results :60 AMRAP Burpees :30 rest - record your results Good luck!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 23.06.2019

Today's Workout, Thursday June 12 Walk/Run Total time: ~ 30:00 Your pace (including a 5 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down) Stay hydrated out there folks!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 03.06.2019

Ten days to the official start to summer! Here is your June 11 Workout: Workout for Wednesday June 11 Squats Reps:... Beginner = 50 Intermediate = 100 Advanced = 150 See more

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 26.05.2019

Great way to pack salads for "on the go" eating. Forget fast food and eat your veggies! http://allrecipes.com/video/858/mason-jar-salad/detail.aspx

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 24.05.2019

Private Boot Camps are available to be booked! If you have a special event (wedding, reunion, trip etc.) that you want to get in shape for and have a small group of friends who want to work out with you, then contact me to book your own private classes! Group sizes can be booked for between 4 - 10 people with flexible scheduling and locations in West Kelowna. Don't delay - summer will be here in 4 short weeks!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 08.05.2019

Kick April into high gear. Spring is HERE!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 18.04.2019

FINAL CALL FOR SPRING BOOT CAMP! If you are interested, please message me by Sunday, March 23rd. Thanks!!!

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 11.04.2019

Last day of Winter today everyone! I am looking for a couple more bodies to sign up for a Spring Boot Camp that starts on March 31 and will run for 7 weeks until May 14th. Get in shape for summer and join us! $175.00 for the camp only $12.50 per class! Final day to register is March 24th.

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 26.03.2019

Well here it is. Day 6 and going strong. http://youtu.be/eq4Jl_sknNc

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 22.03.2019

March Madness - Day 6. Decided to go a bit lighter on the green color and take a break from carrots. Yum Yum...this is so tasty with apples, celery and oranges! Will post more video tonight :)

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 15.03.2019

March Madness Update - Day 4 & 5...sorry I have not posted video for a couple of days, but just honestly forgot as I was tired at beddy-by time :) Week is going great, but have to say I'm a bit sick of carrots so I decided to mix it up. Here was yesterday's delicious concoction...before and after.

Lake View Boot Camp & Fitness 05.03.2019

March Madness Day 3 http://youtu.be/fKS8xrp20PA