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Lands to Travel Through 05.05.2021

We bid farewell to Operations Coordinator sophia bartholomew! sophia bartholomew joined Alberta Association of Artist-run Centres in the summer of 2019 as the Lands to Travel Through working committee was on their way to organizing the next national artist-run gathering in Mohkinstsis/Calgary. sophia has been an integral contributor to the operations and visioning of the gathering, supporting the process of creating a platform for an extensive program of artist-led projects a...nd conversations. All their hard work will continue to be recognized as an integral contribution as we move forward with the gathering in 2021. We thank sophia for all the incredible work they have done, as they leave the team of Lands to Travel Through to continue their studies at the University of Guelph; we wish them the best of luck in their future endeavours! _________________ Au revoir à notre coordonnatrice des opérations sophia bartholomew! sophia bartholomew s’est jointe à l’AAARC à l’été 2019, alors que le comité de travail de Terres à traverser était en train d’organiser le prochain rassemblement national de centres d’artistes autogérés à Mohkinstsis/Calgary. sophia a joué un rôle essentiel dans la gestion des opérations et la conception du rassemblement, en soutenant le processus de création d’une plateforme destinée à un vaste programme de projets et de conversations dirigés par des artistes. Ses efforts et son immense contribution seront pris en compte dans la préparation du rassemblement de 2021. Nous remercions sophia pour le superbe travail qu’elle a accompli, alors qu’elle quitte l’équipe de Terres à traverser pour poursuivre ses études à l’Université de Guelph. Nous lui souhaitons la meilleure des chances pour la suite! ___________ Photo credit: Emmanuel Osahor @eosahor

Lands to Travel Through 02.05.2021

DELEGATE FEEDBACK NEEDED to inform our approach for Lands to Travel Through Dear delegates and followers,... A working committee of the Alberta Association of Artist-Run Centres (AAARC) has continued meeting throughout the year to discuss the impacts of COVID-19 on the gathering, and begin to reimagine Lands To Travel Through. AAARC remains committed to centering practices of care, especially during these trying times. Due to the shifting circumstances that accompany the pandemic, we are looking to our communities to better gauge and understand interest and capacity for gathering and participating in Lands To Travel Through in August 2021. Opening up to possibilities of in-person, online, long-distance, and hybrid models of programming, we humbly ask for your feedback to inform our adapted approach, so that we might make plans that fit your needs at this time. In answering the following questions, you are helping us take these crucial next steps, and we could not be more thankful for your generous feedback and continued support! Please take the survey here: https://forms.gle/pKfHxTq7rQ4Egez39 For any questions, please contact Emily Peterson, Communications Coordinator at [email protected] Responses are collected by January 21, 2021. _________________________________ NOUS DEMANDONS L’OPINION DES DÉLÉGUÉS pour guider notre démarche concernant Terres à traverser À nos délégués et abonnés, Les membres du comité de travail formé par l’Alberta Association of Artist-Run Centres (AAARC) ont continué de se rencontrer tout au long de l’année pour discuter des répercussions de la COVID-19 sur le rassemblement Terres à traverser et envisager les façons de repenser celui-ci. L’AAARC tient encore à axer l’événement sur les pratiques de soins, un thème d’autant plus pertinent vu la période difficile que nous traversons tous. Compte tenu des changements imprévisibles que la pandémie continue d’entraîner, nous nous tournons vers nos communautés pour mieux évaluer et comprendre la volonté et la capacité de chacun à se rassembler et à participer à Terre à traverser au mois d’août 2021. Comme nous ouvrons désormais la porte à différentes possibilités pour adapter le programme (rassemblement en personne, en ligne, à distance ou hybride), nous vous demandons humblement de nous fournir votre opinion afin de guider notre démarche, et ainsi planifier un événement adapté à vos besoins actuels. En répondant au sondage, vous nous aiderez à mieux exécuter les cruciales prochaines étapes. Nous vous sommes extrêmement reconnaissants de prendre le temps de nous fournir vos commentaires et vous remercions du fond du cœur de votre fidèle soutien! Utilisez ce lien pour accéder au sondage : https://forms.gle/MVdUL8YTXCfDTyJG9 Pour toute question, communiquez avec Emily Peterson, coordonnatrice des communications, à l’adresse courriel [email protected]. Nous recueillerons les réponses jusqu’au 21 janvier 2021.

Lands to Travel Through 30.04.2021

If you missed the live launch of Alberta Association of Artist-run Centres and CMagazine's latest issue "GATHER" last night, you can see the recorded event here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qde_taON56c To read the digital issue or purchase a physical copy, go to: https://cmagazine.com/

Lands to Travel Through 15.04.2021

Have you received the latest issue of CMagazine yet? We're excited for tomorrow's online gathering to mark the launch of our Autumn 2020 issue, Gather. You can catch the live stream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qde_taON56c The evening event will include readings from contributors Mackenzie Ground and Rob Jackson, Henry HeavyShield, and Jenna Swift in concert with musical performances by Matthew Cardinal and Tracey Kayy.

Lands to Travel Through 11.04.2021

CMagazine, in partnership with Lands to Travel Through and the Alberta Association of Artist-run Centres(AAARC), invites you to join us on Thursday, October 29th (6pm PDT/7pm MDT/9pm EDT/10pm ADT) for an online gathering to mark the launch of our Autumn 2020 issue, Gather. The evening event will include readings from contributors Mackenzie Ground and Rob Jackson, Henry HeavyShield, and Jenna Swift in concert with musical performances by Matthew Cardinal and Tracey Kayy.

Lands to Travel Through 28.03.2021

We’re excited to announce that we will be collaborating with CMagazine on Issue 147, GATHER. Feature and column pitches are being accepted until May 31, 2020. https://cmagazine.com/about/submissions We’ve been told that we cannot gather, and we abide because the cost of disobedience is human, and incalculable. And yet, we gather still, but otherwise, because we must. Zoom meetings, telephone calls, FaceTime, texts, virtual dance parties, online exhibitions, live streams, Ins...tagram performances, email, Google docsall interim gatherings. Can a magazine and its circulation be a form of gathering too? What are the sensations at the core of gathering physically? Reading facial expressions, reacting to physical cues, responding to smell, catching significance in another’s eyes? What is lost and what is gained in attempting to transfer these interactions into unbodied spacenot a new phenomenon but one that now carries different stakes? How is gathering being reimagined within these contexts and who does this benefit or exclude? In what ways have artists and arts communities cultivated alternative forms of gathering in the past, and why? And how are we devising new ways now? What responsibilities do artists, arts organizations, and culture workers have to each other within these digital gathering spaces? How are Indigenous Protocols and ceremonies, as well as mentorship, intergenerational, and peer learning affected by our inability to physically gather? How might the accelerated evolution of gathering in these spaces in turn impact patterns of gathering IRL? Along with our inability to physically gather right now, we are also precluded from travelling; instead, we are growing roots, grounding in our localities. With that in mind, how are relationships to land connected to ideas of gathering? Why do we gather? Image credit: Tamara Lee-Anne Cardinal: Mekinawewin, to give a gift, 2017, Untitled Art Society. Workshops, paper, medicines, pulp, history. Courtesy Untitled Art Society and the artist. Photo: Katy Whitt -Photography-. Alberta Association of Artist-run Centres SNAP - Society of Northern Alberta Print-Artists Stride Gallery Ociciwan Contemporary Art Collective TRUCK Contemporary Art in Calgary Untitled Art Society The New Gallery M:ST Performative Art Alberta Printmakers Harcourt House