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Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 17.01.2022

Live & Love With Laura 181: Good Deeds Human connection is through the eyes, from the heart; with love and with kindness. Don’t forget to truly connect this holiday season and spread love and joy.... Do something kind today. #gooddeeds

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 13.01.2022

We all wear many hats. We have identified with it so much we don’t know the hat even comes off. The hats are the parts of us we identify as . The words that follow I AM... I AM a mother, a father, a friend. I AM a doctor, a nurse, an artist. To know if you have a hat, simply ask, , ? Do I still exist outside being a doctor? Yes. You may think you are a parent all the time, but the truth is you’re not. You’re not mom at work or dad at the grocery store. It’s one of the reasons why parents have such a difficult time when their kids grow up and don’t need parenting as much. ’ , ? Good question. If you disagree, that’s a sign of how much it has become your identity. It happens quite easily actually, and very subtle. Sure you’re always a mom or dad at heart, but do you exist outside of that? Yes. Often people retire from a position of 20, 30 years and have no idea who they are or what to do. Many get sick in their retirement. The amount of men I have supported with prostate cancer within their first year of retirement is astronomical. Why? They have identified so much to their career they don’t know their existence outside of that. But it goes deeper. Do you identify as the smoker? The people pleaser? The strong one? The victim? The artist? The fixer? The funny one? The serious one? The depressed? The anxious? The struggling? What hat box did you lock yourself in? Be mindful of the words that follow . Know your hats. Know how to take them off. . This holiday season I’ll be hanging up my hats so I can spend time with the one who wears them. To consciously hang a hat is true liberation. To know who am I? Is an ongoing exploration. ? Reach out for ways to explore.

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 25.12.2021

These eyes have seen it all. I recently went for an appointment with someone who stretched my eyes and worked my optic nerve. I had no I-dea the eye could be stretched! ;) I am consistently amazed by the body, how it works, and how much there is to learn. I believe deep healing is very multilayered. As my eye was getting worked on I was experiencing visions of different memories passing through. Some of those memories being significantly difficult scenarios I had seen over th...e course of my life. My eyes were exhausted after the session; but also, I felt so much come up. The things we see with our eyes! Great beauty, but also great pain. I had tears streaming down my face and I didn’t realize I was going to need time to process. We hold the memory of our experiences in our body, whether you want to LOOK at it or not, it’s there. It gets buried. Over time we often refer to the aches and pains of the body as ‘old age.’ Is it old age or is it our experiences stacked up, carrying a heavy weight? My eyes feel significantly better since the treatment. I’m grateful to have studied psychotherapy because I have been asking myself, if I were a client, how would I help this individual to navigate this process? I’m so grateful I studied childhood trauma. Fascinatingly, it’s the most applicable study I tap into daily with clients of all ages. It has also helped me as an individual to navigate my personal growth and truly heal on deep levels, not just go through life with no awareness of unresolved trauma, which many adults seem to do. I remember a psychologist defining childhood trauma as any time one feels unseen, unheard, and unloved. With that definition, I’m certain it’s accurate to say every human has experienced trauma. Who is to judge that your trauma is worse than my trauma? Many scenarios make for awful experiences you wouldn’t wish on any child, of course. In addition, every child deserves to be seen, heard and loved. For every moment that is missed, may there be healing. Many people refuse to do the inner work in fear of what they will find. If unresolved trauma is showing up in your adult life, just know, you don’t need to go in there alone. Reach out.

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 18.12.2021

Live & Love With Laura 179: Energy Healing I have been doing energy healing for almost 15 years now. Once upon a time, I was introduced to Reiki. I was intrigued. I was curious. I wanted to learn more.... My curiosity and openness to learn more has led me through a journey of energy healing that I never would have imagined. Yes today I have a practice that offers dozens of healing modalities, but the personal healing I have done through the learning and receiving of these modalities expands well beyond any therapy, personal development, yoga practice, or nutrition regimen I have learned or implemented through the years. All of these tools have had an important impact on my growth, but without the energy component, I wouldn’t be who I am today. In this video I share my own story and invite you to explore your own personal growth and healing with curiosity and openness. Please reach out if you have any questions. We can set up a free consultation to explore options that can support your own journey. Link in my bio.

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 29.11.2021

Live & Love With Laura 178: Breaking Patterns Disclosure Alert: Hot Headed Temper! We all have patterns. Some come from our upbringing; some genetic; some from our culture or society; some emotional; some mental; some addictions; some we aren’t even aware of.... Patterns are habits formed over time. Patterns are not who we are. They are problematic when they blend into our identity, way of being, and become how we react to life rather than respond. Today I share my personal story with my relationship to anger issues that I had to confront over many years. I could claim I’m just a passionate Italian that’s WHO I AM or I can honour the beauty of passion and let go of the fire that burns. Take a few minutes to hang out with me today to hear how I addressed anger issues, but more importantly, to consider what patterns are getting in your way and DECIDE TODAY, enough is enough. It’s time to break patterns that are no longer serving you. Want help? Reach out! It’s a journey, but there are many tools and techniques that can help you get to the other side and have your patterns be a faded memory. You are not your patterns So then who are you?! Let’s talk! Book a free consultation and we’ll see if I can support you on addressing what’s getting in your way and how you can heal these aspects. Send me a message.

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 19.11.2021

: 20. Learn from your parents, don’t become your parents. Sometimes they teach you what to do; sometimes they teach you what not to do. 19. Let the things you find joy in be the cookie crumbs to your purpose. Follow your joy.... 18. Stop and Five. Notice 5 things you see. Touch 4 different things around you. Notice 3 different sounds. Become aware of 2 different smells. Bring your attention to the taste in your mouth. 17. Every time you touch water throughout the day, take 3 cleansing breaths and be present. 16. Anger is information that a rule in your mind has been broken. Discover what the rule is and if it’s one worth keeping or changing. 15. Write down 10 things every day that you are thankful for and why you are thankful. Read the list out loud, visualize each, and breathe gratitude into your heart. 14. Become aware of what you need and communicate it. 13. When you spend 8 out of 24 hours of the day working, be sure to find work you love. You can always make money, but you can never get time back. 12. Forgiveness is the path to healing. Forgiveness is for-giving-more-love. 11. Decide consciously who you want to be in your life, rather than rely on the default of your subconscious. 10. Have curiosity in your relationships rather than draw conclusions. 9. Don’t waste energy on deciding if you can trust someone or not. Just trust yourself and know you’ll have the discernment in any given circumstance. 8. Peel back the person you had to become in order to get love. Then be the person to love who you truly are. 7. Be kind to yourself. 6. Breathe. 5. Don’t judge your button pushers. Thank them for revealing that you have a button to heal. 4. Align your feelings and actions daily to what you want. 3. Check in with yourself. Determine what you need and provide it for yourself immediately. 2. Discover the tools you need to come back to your centre and schedule those activities daily. 1. Love yourself. You’re the only one with you every step of the way and you’ll be the only one with you when you’re gone. Reach out to book a consultation for support. Send me a DM.

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 12.11.2021

Yes, I’m a Registered Psychotherapist. Yes, I believe in psychotherapy, of course! I offer psychotherapy programs for kids, parents, couples, and individual youth and adults. I have worked with people through counselling and therapy for almost 15 years.... I love to study psychology and I love to study the mind. These are two different things. To understand the mind you must go beyond psychology and into metaphysics. To understand human behaviour and mere existence, you must consider thoughts and emotions. When you look at thoughts and emotions you must consider energy. You know thoughts exist. You cannot see them, but you definitely experience them. It’s like the wind. You know there is wind, but you don’t actually see wind. In fact, much of what we experience we actually do not see. What is that? Energy. What is energy? Now that’s more of an empowering question than to ignore it exists. Energy changes how you feel, what you think, and determines how your life unfolds. Doesn’t that sound like something you might want to know a little more about? If you want to know more about why you feel the way you feel or why you behave the way you behave, psychology is a start, for sure. But to truly know who you are and what you are capable of in designing your life, I suggest you start to explore understanding energy. To explore both, consider booking a consultation and learn about your options of services to support you psychologically, emotionally, physically, and energetically. Services are offered in person and remotely. Send me a DM to chat.

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 06.11.2021

I never wanted to be a teacher. Yet somehow, teaching found me. It started with small gatherings I would invite people to called, Tea Tuesdays. I would facilitate topics to discuss. Participants would ask questions about things that were second nature to me. I didn’t realize I knew something to share that would help them. This inspired me to facilitate workshops.... Eventually I became a Kundalini Yoga Teacher. I started teaching retreats and bringing individuals through a journey of personal development and discovery. Soon after, I found myself studying metaphysics within the Lineage of King Salomon. At a time I was least expecting it, I was intuitively called to attend Teachers Academy during one of the programs. I cried all the way to class. I sat as far back in the room as I could, registering only minutes prior to the class starting. I didn’t want to be there, but my intuition always led my way. After sitting in the class for about ten minutes, tears of gratitude streamed down my cheeks. I felt like I was exactly where I was always meant to be. In the past, I never wanted to be a teacher, yet today, I teach every single day. There is nothing in my life that lights me up like when I’m teaching. I never felt like I knew enough to be a teacher. As a student of life you know there’s so much to know you couldn’t possibly know everything. Then I realized teaching was just about sharing something you found helpful. I found many tools, strategies, and practices that have helped me along this journey called life. My complete struggle in watching people suffer, combined with my innate desire to help people has made me the teacher I am today. I’m here to help in all the ways I know how. If it works for you, great! Maybe you’ll find yourself sharing too. I resisted my so called destiny for many years. Now teaching is part of everything I do and I love watching students from all over the world grow and shine because of something I’ve been able to share. We are forever students. The learning never stops. Just remember my lesson, there might be something you found that someone else is praying for. Share your gifts. Share the tools you find. Share the light.

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 27.10.2021

Modern or Ancient? I’ve been enjoying the study of ancient healing through esoteric and hermetic practices, as well Chinese and Auryvedic medicine. I’ve studied modern psychology and science, as well as reaped the benefits of western medicine and testing. In conclusion, I don’t believe one is better than the other or that one will replace another. Instead I really believe we need to open our minds to bring all of humanity’s best practices together for optimal health and well ...being. As a Registered Psychotherapist, I observe psychotherapy missing massive components to helping people due to the lack of understanding energy. However, energy healing as a stand alone cannot best serve the intellectual complexities of human beings. Again, we need both. If your goal is true health and happiness in life, open your mind to all possibilities that can bring you to that result. There is not one path. There is not one way, but many ways to serve your optional well being. Be mindful in thinking you know all the answers. I have been studying the happiness in humans for twenty years and I’m still learning! If you are interested in exploring options that will support you in bringing more joy and deeper healing into your life, reach out. Let’s book a free consultation so you can consider exploring different options. Just remember, the human experience is complex in many ways, yet simply put, you do not have to try and figure it all out alone. Reach out! Let’s chat. Send me a DM if you’re curious :)

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 20.10.2021

‘Tis the season According to society, ‘tis the season to consume, consume, consume! The season to eat and the season to purchase. Holidays are just around the corner The truth is, ‘tis the season to let go. The year is coming to an end and it’s a perfect time to let go of what no longer serves you so you can enter into a new calendar year feeling light and fresh.... Full moon is rising, let go and let in your intentions. What do you want to bring into your life? Make space for it! Three ways to let go this season 1. Write a list of traits, circumstances or relationships you want to let go of. Burn it the night of a full moon and call in new intentions. (Full Moon this Week!) 2. Book an energy clearing session. Receive an emotional cord cutting to break free from negative emotional ties and patterns. 3. Go through your closets, gather items and clothes to donate to shelters and make space for new energy. It’s been a long year for many Consciously choose what you want to let go of and what you want to carry with you. Want to test out an energy session? Sign up for a time during the cord cutting clinic for a discounted rate. This Cord Cutting not a visualization process. It is an ancient energy clearing. Try it out! Link in my bio. ***Limited time slots available***

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 17.10.2021

Now & Then It’s funny how and when certain people come into your life. It’s as though it’s all divinely orchestrated. Some people enter in for a moment and like the wind, they blow off into the distance. Some people come and go, while others leave a lasting impression.... I haven’t seen these two beauties for over two years. One changed my life introducing me to an an energy session called Life Activation. The other changed my life introducing me to a class called Empower Thyself. Back then, I walked into both of these experiences knowing absolutely nothing about them. Little did I know it was going to connect me to a deeper level, awaken a deeper awareness, and lead me to a deeper purpose in life. Now, I not only offer the Life Activation through Royal Arts Healing Academy, but also I’ve had the opportunity in the past year to teach others how to do Life Activations in Healers Academy through the Modern Mystery School. Now, I teach Empower Thyself and have clients around the world. I never would have imagined then, what has unfolded now. Then I was grateful to have crossed paths with @zuyapajackson and @maria_yoko_in_ny Now, I am eternally grateful for their love and for caring enough to share these remarkable tools that have changed my life in many ways and that I have witnessed change so many others’ lives over and over again. Some experiences last a moment. These experiences continue to unfold in magical ways words will never come together to describe. This first photo was after recently supporting a Healers initiation in 2021. This second photo was after I completed Healers Academy back in 1801. Time sure does fly! ;) If you want to explore how these tools can enhance your life, reach out and we’ll chat. In all the things I have learned, these are most definitely the most impactful. Forever grateful to have found them; forever humbled to share them.

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 04.10.2021

What do you think? How do you think? Is it serving you?... Is the way you think in alignment to what you want to create in your life? Do you spend time on worrying? Do you think about things in a way that blocks you from communicating? Are you able to make confident decisions? Are you spending thinking time on things that have nothing to do with you? Do your thoughts paralyze you from living your life? Are your thoughts even yours? Do you contemplate life? Do you have a sense of wonder or curiosity? Do you use your imagination to create? Or do you use your imagination to worry about the worst case scenarios? Do you take time to notice how you think or are you zoned out? Do you think about the same things over and over? Do you spin out in your head? Are you tired of yourself in there? Are you ready to expand your mind and to explore different perspectives, tools and techniques? Are you ready to break your stinkin’ thinkin’? Book a free consultation to explore your options on expanding your mind and the experiences you have in your head. When you’re in your head, you’re dead. Sign up for the transformational ten week Compass Program. Get some direction on how to navigate your internal world. Only 3 spots available. Book a free consultation through the link in my bio to learn more.

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 22.09.2021

Do you ever find yourself in a moment thinking, Why is this happening again? Or I thought I learned this lesson already! It could be something in relationships. It could be something personal. It’s as if you are experiencing the same theme of events but in a different circumstance. Maybe it comes up in a friendship where you have the same issue that you had with another friend.... Maybe it’s at a new job and something comes up that’s similar to why you left the old job. Maybe it’s the same fight over and over again in your relationship. Essentially, you notice a theme. You are certain you already learned this lesson, yet here you are again. Is the friend the problem? The job? The relationship? Could be. However the hard truth is that YOU are the common denominator. Whenever themes arise, it’s important to get curious about it, rather than frustrated. This is revealing information. If you are the common denominator, than you can change you in order to change the theme. You may have a pattern. You may have a psychological belief. You may have something in your energy structure that continues to attract the same energy within experiences. The good thing is that themes give information. With that information you can begin to shift, change and transmute different layers of yourself in order to grow and to start to create new experiences. It is necessary to receive support in addressing this. Reach out, ask for help, and work with someone who can help you see blind spots you might not be seeing. If you are experiencing these themes, reach out. Let’s book a free consultation and talk about it. You don’t have to do it alone and more importantly, you don’t have to keep living these themes over and over again. Break the cycle! Book a consultation through the link in my bio.

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 08.09.2021

When you are addressing challenges in your life or you want to grow and enhance your life in different areas, it is important to address all aspects of who you are. You can address your psychology, mindset, and belief systems, of course. This will directly impact your emotions, perspectives and relationships. You can address the physical components through food, exercise and taking action. All of these pieces will positively contribute; however, if you neglect to address the ...energy component that makes up who you are, you will be missing a massive piece. Think about it. You have thoughts and emotions but you don’t SEE these things. You experience them so you know they are real. Your thoughts and emotions generate an energy. So do the thoughts and emotions of people around you. When is the last time you cleaned your energy structure? Do you clean it as often as you clean your physical body? What happens when you don’t dust a room for weeks or months or dare I say years? What would happen if you just never cleaned the floor of your kitchen or bathroom? Things build up. This build up in your energy structure affects your mind, body and connection to your soul. This build up creates a fogginess or fatigue. This build up can begin to affect the physical body. If you deal with physical challenges and you do not address the energy structure, you miss out on truly healing and enhancing your life to its fullest potential. Let’s talk more about. Book a free consultation and I can share options with you both in person and at a distance. Link in my bio.

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 10.05.2021

Do you have a therapist? Why not? Do you experience the ups and downs, twists and turns of life? Do you experience challenges, struggles, stress?... Of course you do! Do you dump it all on your loved ones Or better yet, hold it all in and then snap out of no where? Get a therapist! Therapy gives you the opportunity to vent, unload, talk, and contemplate with someone who has been trained to listen to you and support you through to the other side. People in your life have enough going on and it’s not worth you bottling it all in either. Talk to a professional. Let’s normalize the importance of having a therapist as part of your health team. You need someone in your corner and that someone can’t be a friend, a family member or someone in your life with an emotional attachment to you or the situation. Get help. Reach out for a consultation to determine if therapy is for you... PS if you are navigating life, therapy IS for you! ;) Reach out. Let’s TALK! www.lauralouise.ca

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 27.04.2021

Don’t just talk the change, be the change. This was a gift for my altar from one of my kid clients. It came with a piece of pyrite stone. Just another example of why I love working with kids!... They inspire me. They provide profound insight. They make me laugh. They remind me what love is. Kids have such deep wisdom and perspective. I love learning about how they see the world. Their curiosity, their wonder, their imagination. Have you spent time sitting and chatting with any kids lately? And I don’t just mean ask about school. I mean ask about LIFE. You might be surprised by their profound perspective :) Many kids are secretly struggling right now. They are holding back from sharing their worries because they see how stressed the adults are in their world. They do not want to be another burden. Be wiser, kinder, stronger and give them a space to share. Be comfortable in the uncomfortable and let them know it’s okay to struggle. Despite the challenges, we will get through it together. Bring them back to play. You might surprise yourself in how much you needed it as well. Need help parenting during a pandemic? Reach out! I’m no parent, but I’ve got a whack of compassion for parents and 15 plus years working with kids. Be the change ;)

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 22.04.2021

Do not take from those who are successful. Instead, become successful yourself. @lauralouise.ca I often hear people with a perspective that things in the world are unfair. Just like in a sport or a game, it usually comes from people who aren’t winning. Life is not a sport, but it can be considered a game. Similar to monopoly those who win have the most properties and the most cash.... I read this week if all the money in the world was divided up equally between all the people, eventually it would end up in the pockets of the same people who previously had most of it. It’s easy to stomp around and cry that life is unfair. Life is so unfair that you have less and someone has more than you. Truth? What a waste of energy to do that. We are living at a time of no excuses! Successful people share their success. Successful write books on how they got to that success. Do you read them? As Tony Robbins often phrases, Success leaves clues. Instead of complaining about life, become a student of life. Learn! Read! You don’t like to read? Listen to audiobooks. Watch successful people on YouTube. Develop their mindset. I never once met a millionaire or billionaire that complained about life or things being unfair. You might say, of course not, they have a million dollars. Sure- but there are characteristic traits of all successful people: work hard, persevere, never give up, keep going till you have what you want, ask for help when you need it. Amazing to see common traits isn’t it? Those traits are free. You can develop them. You can learn what successful people are doing and you can do it too. Do not take down the winner. Simply learn how to win. Remember, winning at life isn’t just the number in your bank account, or the properties you own. Winning is the joy, love, and giving heart within you. In the game of life, the only one to compete against is yourself. The reality is, everyone can win at life, it’s simply up to you. #win #life #successleavesclues #success

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 14.04.2021

Gentle reminder today to drink water! Seems like a silly reminder; however, in the colder months we just simply forget to drink water. When people start to feel symptoms of dehydration, they tend to do everything other than drink water. Dry lips- chap stick.... Headaches- Tylenol Foggy Brain- zone out Exhaustion- sleep Hungry- eat Thirsty- drink coffee These are a few of many ways that our body communicates with us that it needs water. If you explore how much water to drink you might hear 8 glasses of water a day, 16 glasses of water a day! No, no, that’s too much for your body weight and size! Do this! Drink that! Let’s keep it simple. Are you ready? Forget what everyone else is telling you, let your body tell you what it needs. Here’s how! When you go to the restroom/bathroom/washroom/toilet (depending where in the world you are!) try this! Sit on the toilet. Go pee. When complete, check to see what colour your urine is. If it’s dark, you are dehydrated and need to drink more water. If it’s clear, you’re doing well with your water intake. If it looks like apple juice, drink more water. If it looks more like lemonade, continue as you have, until your next visit to the toilet. Simple right? Yes! Keep it simple! Drink when you are thirsty! If you feel any of the symptoms above, try drinking water before the other remedies mentioned. Oh! And what do you need today? Anything! Hold your glass of water in your hands and imagine you are filling it with whatever it is that you need: love, focus, patience, peace, etc etc etc Then drink :) Your energy changes the molecules of the water and you drink that energy. Have fun as you build your relationship with water! After all, we are made up of more than 80 percent of water... getting to know water is getting to know you! Enjoy! #cheers #water #drink #drinkwater

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 28.03.2021

When you discover the secret of joy, you have joy in everything you do, rather than do things to have joy. @lauralouise.ca Often people will ask, What brings you joy? Some might say dancing, singing, painting, or family. All wonderful aspects of life.... Traveling makes me happy. Food makes me happy. Art, music, a good movie, etc makes happy. When we seek outside of the self, we will never find joy. Joy is the deep essence of who we are. To embody joy in the physical is the ultimate way of living alive. To seek happiness, is nothing more than a feeling that comes and goes. It’s like a cloud passing through the sky. It is there, shape shifts, and moves on. Happy is temporary. Joy is a way of being. When you discover joy, joy becomes part of who you are no matter what you are doing. You can experience difficult challenges and be in joy. You can experience something sad and still be in joy. All of this is nothing but conceptual ideas until you actually experience the essence of joy. You can go on an adventure to discover what brings joy into your life. It will be a fun adventure. However, along the way you’ll get to know yourself more and more, and through that self discovery within, joy will be found. Enjoy the journey, in joy ;) #joyinthejourney #joyfulliving #joy

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 16.03.2021

Here's What's Happening in March! - https://mailchi.mp/d8c31f95a/heres-whats-happening-in-march

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 03.03.2021

Beauty is everywhere... When I look at flowers, there is such detail in every petal. The shades, the texture. It begins closed and voila! Opens into a tremendous work of art. When I look at animals, their fur creates such remarkable patterns, stripes, or different colours. Yet it’s just a single thread of hair that comes together with hundreds to create a pattern.... Leaves of plants- all different sizes, intrinsic detail, lines, colours, incredible design. The sun that rises and sets. The birds that soar through the sky. Seasons that change from one experience to another. All this is just happening. We don’t think about it. We too, were just the size of a bean at one point. We literally travel to earth through another human being! Our hands, our feet, legs, arms, eyes, nose, ears, skin. All of our organs, our brains, thoughts and emotions. How could we exist among all this beautiful creation, and then look to the mirror to criticize it? Don’t you see? You too are remarkable! You too are beautiful! You too are part of this divine masterpiece called LIFE. Appreciate it as so. Treat yourself as so. #beauty #appreciation #gratitude #art #plants #flowers #seasons #life #awe

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 23.02.2021

This is me making kindness cool. Come on, be kind... everyone is doing it. *Sigh* Truth: I wish everyone was doing it.... When I was traveling for the Good Deeds Project, I learned many lessons. One of those lessons came from traveling from one city to the next. I never had a plan. I would just show up! I needed to figure out where I was staying, where to eat, how to get around, and simply cover my basic needs. In these moments, I started to realize that if my basic needs were not meant I had a hard time focusing on doing good deeds or filming for the project. When you’re basic needs aren’t meant, it’s pretty difficult to think about anyone else. While the focus is on a vaccine, many people are struggling with mental health, financial issues, loss jobs, closed businesses, uncertainty, and a whack of stress. Sort of hard to think about doing good deeds... Yet, a time we could really use the concept of coming together to help one another out. Good Deeds don’t need to cost money. It can be as simple as holding the door behind you for the next person. It can be making eye contact and squinting your eyes to smile under your mask! It can be simply acknowledging someone else’s existence in the anxiety-filled chaos out there. You might be in your own little world at home; however, when you leave your house, other people are out there too! Let’s be kind to each other out there! And if you live with others, wouldn’t it make sense to be kind to the people you are closest to? I debated using this photo for this post because it’s not all that smiley, cheery, or good deed-ish.... it’s more of a cool, yet concerned vibe. Maybe that’s truth too- I’m concerned. At a time we need each other most, lets remember we are all in this together, battling our own fights, yes, but we are all in the war. Must it be a war to get to world peace? Nah... that’s silly! Let’s put down the judgement, criticism, anger, and frustration. Let’s pick up the love, compassion, patience, and, of course, kindness. Don’t struggle on your own. Reach out and get support. If your needs are met, reach out, there might be someone who could use a good deed. Much love! Let’s bring kindness back!

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 12.02.2021

We may all be in the same ocean, but we are not all on the same boat. Some are coasting in yachts, others lucky to be floating on a raft. The reality is, it’s always a good time to do Good Deeds! I hope you care to join us!... These Good Deed Bags are here for you to fill up with goodies! Here are some suggestions. 1- You might know someone having a hard time. You can fill the bag with all their favourite things and some uplifting items to brighten their day. 2- You can call your local shelters and ask them what items they need right now. Don’t bother dropping off what YOU THINK they need, just call them and ask. Fill your bags up with the goods and drop it off. 3- Fill the bag with generic items anyone can use and love. Hit up some drive by deliveries and enjoy the joy of random good deeds! Are you feeling down and out of sorts? The secret to living is giving. Watch how quickly you light up when you do something kind for someone else. Don’t believe me... just test it out yourself and let me know! If you would like to support the Good Deeds Project, you can purchase 3 bags for $5 and go out and make some deliveries! We would love to share the joy of giving with you! Do something kind today #thegooddeedsproject #gooddeeds #gooddeedsmovement #gooddeed #kindness #joy #livingisgiving #bekind

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 24.01.2021

This photo is such an oldie, but my, do the words hold strong for today. Hope. #courage #brave #hope #beauty

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 18.01.2021

I would always hear my mom say the phrase, when it rains, it pours. She would also often say, this too, shall pass. As a kid I would wonder, what too shall pass? I never really understood that phrase. I didn’t understand it because I didn’t have enough life experience to know that challenges happen, struggles happen, or as Forest Gump steps in it, shit happens. I didn’t have enough life experience to live through those dips to know that it’s only a matter of time before it... passes. Like a cloud over the sun. It might get cold and shady, but it too, shall pass. When it rains, it pours... one thing after another, like being in a fighting ring taking one too many blows to the head. You think you have a moment for air, and the wave will take you back under. Life. The greatest illusion we have is to think there are no problems and every day should be sunny with rainbows, but no rain! It rains. It rains and it pours. If during the storm you have an umbrella, be grateful. Otherwise, learn to dance in the rain. Acceptance and gratitude will take you on a highway to joy. #whenitrainsitpours #thistooshallpass #danceintherain #gratitude #acceptance #joy #life #love

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 06.01.2021

Shhh! What’s that? Silence. I must sound like a barbarian rummaging through these trees. When I stop and be still, I can here the crunch of tree trunks as they subtly move in the wind. The sound cracks through the silence like nature’s boom box.... The wind moves through like a spirit in the sky, bringing sylph along for the ride. Snow falls like fairy dust, seeming slower than gravity tries to meet it with earth. The birds chatter. The water trickles through ice. The sound of my breathing seems so loud. All of this is what breaks the silence; for in between, there is nothing. I hold my breath just to make the silence last longer, to be held in the void. Then there she was. A deer just ahead. I have been watching them every morning from the window. This time, no glass between. I stood still, honoured to be in her presence. She looked directly at me, her eyes piercing my soul with the divine. I thought she would run, but she didn’t. Instead others came to join her. I felt so blessed. In this world of chaos we stood together in the silence of nature. I could feel nothing but pure love. I stood and watched. They nibbled at the ground through the snow. With grace, and strength, their sleek and slender bodies continued to stroll through the woods. I watched until I couldn’t see them anymore. All that was left were their hoof tracks in the snow, leaving me to wonder where they were, leaving me to smile knowing they were once here. My heart holds that silence. When I close my eyes, I am there again... lost in the woods. This video has no music, but may it’s silence touch your heart. #silence #stillness #breathe

Laura Louise: Sarnia Reiki, Meditation, & Yoga 31.12.2020

Grounding into a dream Holding a world of peace In my mind In my heart...... I used to dream about sitting by a warm fire, in a cottage surrounded by trees. I imagined I would be a writer, writing books and anchoring my imagination into words of expression. It’s good to dream. To imagine your life, later today for dinner; later this week, this month, five years from now, ten years.... Dream a little. One day you just might find yourself awake in your dream, surrounded by all that was once just merely your imagination. Your environment is everything. The most impactful environment is the one in which you call home. What thoughts are home in your mind; your go to beliefs. Where do you live in your imagination? Is the environment in your mind filled with an inspiring imagination? Is the environment in your mind filled with worry? Worry, which is still the use of imagination. What fills your home? Love, peace, chaos, pain... The home of your mind. The home of your heart. The home in which your mind and body dwell when you take a break from the world. Create the environment you want to live in. It begins in your imagination:)