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Mind Body Glow 15.05.2021

Create more video content to go viral! Video content is trending in 2021 and it can be a really easy way to share your knowledge and valuable content! (Hello REELS) Here are 4 tips to create video content that actually works! 1) Keep it interesting... People are busy and the market is competitive. Create content that sets you apart from the rest. 2) Add Music Pick a trending song to get more views! 3) Provide tutorials How To's are perfect for videos. They're easy to consume and offer your audience real value 4) Keep users on your profile longer Create bingeable content. Offer several videos on a similar theme to keep people on your profile longer.

Mind Body Glow 13.05.2021

The reality is if you plan to be successful as an entrepreneur, as an executive, you need to fall in love with the daily grind, not just the end of the journey. You need to love it. Not tolerate it. Not occasionally enjoy it. You need to love it or else it will burn you out. SOO many people talk about wanting to win the lottery and move to a beach so they never need to work again. Of course, that sounds amazing but ultimately I don't agree.... I think we all need a purpose to identify with and live by. If we build a career or a job with true to meaning to us fueled by passion and inspiration then we will never work a day in our life. And I think that's the goal. And the problem is that we don't approach our goals, our jobs, or our business in a way that’s driven by our core values. So when things get difficult and this can really anything in life, our relationships, our mood, the weather, it can derail us and we become unmotivated. The things that were once really important to us get put on the backburner and something else takes a priority. In order to be successful you need to embrace the journey and the climb. Not just the view from the top. It's all part of the process.

Mind Body Glow 08.05.2021

Shifting your mindset with self love Self love is the state of appreciation for yourself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological, and spiritual growth. Self-love grows or changes by the things that mature us. When we do things that expand our self-love, we can begin to accept our weaknesses and strengths and feel less of a need to explain ourselves and our vulnerabilities to others.... The process focuses on finding personal meaning and fulfillment in our lives on our own terms. The more self-love you have the more you will attract those people or circumstances that will support a healthy well-being. Keep in mind the opposite is also true. Your vibe attracts your tribe. Work on yourself first and the rest will come.

Mind Body Glow 20.04.2021

Reintroduction Welcome Welcome Welcome to all new members of my high vibe community of self-love, gratitude, and entrepreneurial mindset and thank you thank you thank you for those who have stuck around and continued to support me Over the past year there have been a lot of changes to my life, my career, and my Interests. But it’s not just me, 2020 forced a lot of people to evaluate their life, values, and beliefs also.... Many of you know I started my journey as beauty enthusiast. It was a creative outlet I took interest in developing while overcoming some health issues. What I loved was the supportive community of likeminded people I was able to connect with online who to this day I now call my friends. I challenged myself to show up each day and to keep pursuing the thing that was bringing so much positivity into my life. When you’re passionate about something its EASY to run with an idea and continue to build on it. What I learned firsthand in 2020 is that there is so much more beneath the surface of running a successful brand online. I’m an avid learner so I took it upon myself to become an expert and uncover what it takes to successfully manage a brand (personal or professional) in order to make an IMPACT. As the year came to an end I gave some serious thought to the direction that I wanted to take my account. Although, I still love all things beauty, and will still share those posts occasionally, I felt the need to give back. So at the beginning of 2021 I shifted my focus to helping entrepreneurs and small business owners elevate their brands too. 2020 was a difficult year but it’s what you make of it. It led me to this new opportunity that I’m even more passionate about. I hope you find my tips helpful and I’m so excited to watch your biz grow too. Have any questions? Let’s chat! I’d love to hear about your biz and goals. Xoxo Lauren Ashley

Mind Body Glow 14.04.2021

Your brand is not a tagline or an ad campaign. It's a combination of your interests, beliefs, values, talents, skills - and everything else that makes you unique. Start to build an online presence that reinforces your qualifications on platforms where you know that people will want to connect with you. Personal branding is about taking responsibility over how you present yourself. If you want to position yourself as an expert or become an influencer within your niche, s...elf-branding can help increase your reputation as a leader. By showcasing unique character traits and having an active presence online, you can work towards building a personal brand that resonates with people and builds your credibility.

Mind Body Glow 03.04.2021

The Power of being Present ... Because human beings can not multitask. We can process information very quickly systematically, and we can combine some automatic tasks with manual tasks- like walking (robotic) and talking (manual). Too often, we're distracted by things in life that take our attention away from being present in the moment.... What can you do about this? Try time-blocking your day and allocating a specific period of time to channel your focus on a particular task. The key to time blocking is organizing the tasks that need to be completed and then set aside a specific timeframe to focus only on those items. This prevents multitasking and interruptions from dictating your day. As a result, you’ll cross-off items from your to-do-list faster and you’ll be more productive. Most importantly, it encourages you to schedule time for yourself. Whether if it’s five minutes or an hour, time blocking forces you to add that much-needed me time into your calendar so that you can reflect, exercise, read, or do whatever else makes you happy.

Mind Body Glow 25.03.2021

I get it we grew up thinking we had to accomplish certain things and follow our dreams. But what if we’re not sure if we’re on the right path? Or better yet, what if we feel like we’re on the wrong one? One thing I’ve learned this past year is that life is too short to be anything less than happy. But, even something so simple as being happy can be so tricky sometimes. Especially when you have your inner critic continually insulting you and stealing your confidence. ... Why can’t I be as smart as that girl? What am I doing wrong? I thought life would be different by now. I feel so stuck.. I promise you that you’re not alone in the struggle to figure out your next steps and that so many women who I talk to are fighting the same battles. But it’s possible! You can live a happier life full of love and success- and you don’t need to be perfect to make it happen. You just need to EVOLVE your mindset and follow some easy strategies to pivot your life. It took hitting rock bottom to figure out I was doing life all wrong. In the process of changing my life for the better, I’ve developed a system that works for me. Every. Single. Time. And I think it could help you as well! If you’re ready to level up then Book your free business strategy consultation with me today. Link in Bio. See more

Mind Body Glow 22.03.2021

5 steps to make BIG money online 1. Reflect on your passions and interests. 2. Identify customers' problems and needs.... 3. Research the competition. 4. Define your niche and its profitability. 5. Test your product or service. You can do all the research in the world but until you begin a hands on approach, and just start somewhere, you’re not going to know how your niche is going to respond to your product or service. It’s really important to stay flexible and continue to make adjustments along the way. Stay consistent, show up everyday, and eventually, you will crack the code that will open the door to that ideal niche market. Follow @laurenashley.ca for more tips See more

Mind Body Glow 14.03.2021

5 ways to love yourself 1) Treat yourself the way you would treat someone you love We’re our own biggest critics. We judge ourselves harshly and often don’t give ourselves the same empathy that we would give ton our close friends or loved ones. Easier said than done right? We’re quick to offer advice and show support for a friend going through a difficult time but we also need to actively show ourselves that same compassion and empathy as well.... 2) Listen to your intuition Do you ever get a bad vibe from someone? Your gut is not usually wrong. Surround yourself with people who fill your life with positivity and happiness. Have a jealous friend? In a challenging relationship? You deserve more. Trust your instinct. 3) Give back We often think that self-improvement is the way to better ourselves. A way that we can transform ourselves into this better human being who has more skills and is more well liked. While self-improvement is important it’s all for nothing if you don’t utilize the skill. Think about the last time you gave back to the community. This doesn’t have to be volunteer work but simply a way that you’ve showed support in your community. 2020 has given us many reasons to come together. Choose something where you can be authentically yourself. Gratitude is so powerful. 4) Don’t compare yourself to others social media Social media is the best version of someone. It’s a perfectly curated feed of the very best photos. It’s the story that we want to share with other. It’s often not the real-life difficult times people want to be known for- It’s the positive ones. Everyone has a story, struggle, or trauma in their life. Remember that we’re all just people trying to figure it out regardless of the number of followers or likes someone has. 5) Let it go I can hold a grudge for forever. I’m not proud of that but it’s something that I struggle with. It’s so easy to dwell on things but it’s not healthy. The best thing we can do for a happier life is to learn to let things go. I like to think of the 5 year rule. If it won’t matter 5 years from now then don’t spend more than 5 minutes being upset. See more

Mind Body Glow 27.02.2021

The goal is not to be successful, the goal is to be valuable. Instead of chasing success you want to attract it. The worlds most successful, influential, and wealthy people do not chase success. They don’t focus on the outcome, they focus on the process.... Here are 3 simple ways to begin attracting your own success 1. Diversify your skills. The more you know the more valuable you become. 2. Give back in order to get. Focus on sharing and generosity. In a world full of taking you’ll be rewarded by your actions. 3. Show gratitude for what you have. The more thankful for the ups and downs that both business and life throw at you the more positivity you’ll attract. What are you grateful for today? See more

Mind Body Glow 12.02.2021

Grow your business with these easy Instagram tips Niche Down You don’t want to try and attract everyone. Know your audience and what they want!... State your authority Share your credentials! Let your audience know why you’re an expert! Use searchable words Treat Instagram like a search engine. What is your audience searching for? Call to action Tell your audience what they should do with your post Follow @laurenashley.ca for daily business growth coaching and motivation See more