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Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 17.01.2022

It doesn’t matter what your goals or values are in life, if you don’t trust yourself everything else is negatively impacted. One of the first steps in treating others with empathy, is being empathetic towards yourself. Getting to know yourself, understanding yourself, showing yourself grace, and then ultimately being able to trust yourself. This journey has given me much more than I expected. Knowing and trusting myself in this way has given me the ultimate freedom to exist ...in the world unapologetically. To pursue and be all I am, all I want. Without letting the naysayers impact my vision. It doesn’t get much better than that! How would your life change if you completely trusted yourself? #trust #empathy #knowyourself #beyourself #trustyourself #trustyourgut #youknowbest #lifecoach #canadianlifecoach #leadershipcoach #datingcoach #ellcoaching

Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 27.12.2021

Haaaaappy Spring!!! (Don’t @ me with dates lol) The sun is shining and I don’t need a jacket! ... AAAAND we got great news today, Kallie will be getting her picc line replaced in Thunder Bay, and very soon. #thankfulthursday #springtime #sunshine #lookonthebrightside

Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 20.12.2021

Never ending roller coaster over here, K’s picc line became infected yesterday and had to be taken out. Thank god for her oma who was able to take her to the hospital while I stayed home with J. She was finally settled back in bed with antibiotics around 3 AM. Kallie is still in the hospital every day for treatment which means IV’s for now, but we will be discussing another more permanent solution to be done ASAP. The IVs can be traumatic and are not ideal for her treatments ...at this point. Unrelated, we have been referred to pediatric nephrology at Sick Kids in Toronto for a second opinion (upon her nephrologist’s recommendation, as she is only the 2nd patient in his 17 years who has not responded to treatment at all). We just found out we may be able to have a new picc line put in at home, which would be THE BEST case scenario. Otherwise, I’m not sure if we will be going to Toronto or London for her next surgery, but we are hoping for TO as the travel is easier and we have people there. If you’re praying or manifesting, please ask that she can stay here for a new picc line, and continue to ask for a treatment that puts Kallie into remission, a medical team who will find her answers, and for her to be comforted and carried and encouraged as she faces another hurdle with barely a break from the last. As always thanks for your love and support. XOXO #kidneydisease #curefsgs #teamkallie #pediatrics #kidneyhealth #hospital #raredisease #mygirl #childhood #tbay #thunderbay #momlife #rollercoaster

Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 07.12.2021

An early #tbt post...tomorrow is an important day for our family. One that needs your thoughts and prayers and love and support and manifestations. We need it all. Especially K & J. My kiddos’ whole family needs your steadfast love + goodwill. They are blessed with 2 families who love them more than anything, and tomorrow is important for all of us. Thank you, as always, for holding us up. xoxo... #bettertogether #family #love #blendedfamily #divorce #coparenting #singlemom #kids #childhood #childhoodmemories #loved #gratitude #community #together #whatmatters #nobrokenhomes #justhappyhomes #kidsofdivorce #wecandothis

Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 04.12.2021

Happy Sunday Beauties! I hope you get to do something that brings you joy today! #joy #outside #ski #skiing #fun #freshair #weekend #thunderbay #tbay #ontario

Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 29.04.2021

Haaaaappy Spring!!! (Don’t @ me with dates lol) The sun is shining and I don’t need a jacket! ... AAAAND we got great news today, Kallie will be getting her picc line replaced in Thunder Bay, and very soon. #thankfulthursday #springtime #sunshine #lookonthebrightside

Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 16.04.2021

Never ending roller coaster over here, K’s picc line became infected yesterday and had to be taken out. Thank god for her oma who was able to take her to the hospital while I stayed home with J. She was finally settled back in bed with antibiotics around 3 AM. Kallie is still in the hospital every day for treatment which means IV’s for now, but we will be discussing another more permanent solution to be done ASAP. The IVs can be traumatic and are not ideal for her treatments ...at this point. Unrelated, we have been referred to pediatric nephrology at Sick Kids in Toronto for a second opinion (upon her nephrologist’s recommendation, as she is only the 2nd patient in his 17 years who has not responded to treatment at all). We just found out we may be able to have a new picc line put in at home, which would be THE BEST case scenario. Otherwise, I’m not sure if we will be going to Toronto or London for her next surgery, but we are hoping for TO as the travel is easier and we have people there. If you’re praying or manifesting, please ask that she can stay here for a new picc line, and continue to ask for a treatment that puts Kallie into remission, a medical team who will find her answers, and for her to be comforted and carried and encouraged as she faces another hurdle with barely a break from the last. As always thanks for your love and support. XOXO #kidneydisease #curefsgs #teamkallie #pediatrics #kidneyhealth #hospital #raredisease #mygirl #childhood #tbay #thunderbay #momlife #rollercoaster

Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 14.04.2021

Please take a few minutes to watch and really listen.

Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 07.04.2021

An early #tbt post...tomorrow is an important day for our family. One that needs your thoughts and prayers and love and support and manifestations. We need it all. Especially K & J. My kiddos’ whole family needs your steadfast love + goodwill. They are blessed with 2 families who love them more than anything, and tomorrow is important for all of us. Thank you, as always, for holding us up. xoxo... #bettertogether #family #love #blendedfamily #divorce #coparenting #singlemom #kids #childhood #childhoodmemories #loved #gratitude #community #together #whatmatters #nobrokenhomes #justhappyhomes #kidsofdivorce #wecandothis

Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 28.03.2021

Happy Sunday Beauties! I hope you get to do something that brings you joy today! #joy #outside #ski #skiing #fun #freshair #weekend #thunderbay #tbay #ontario

Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 15.03.2021

In honour of international women’s day this week, here’s a throwback from when this beauty I was only 10 and had some wisdom that everybody needs to hear. #iwd2021 #tbt #throwback ..................................... My daughter is one of the wisest people I know. And definitely one of the funniest. #mygirl When I was growing up, I was called ugly by other children somewhat frequently. Which, while not a good experience, is a very common one. And I don't know about ...you, but my response every time was to feel embarrassed and stay quiet. My daughter however? Completely different approach. One I think we should all take a page from. #sheshavingnoneofit K: *boys* called me ugly tonight. Me: WHAT?! (breathe) How did you respond? K: I flipped my hair and said 'Well, I don't see you having a modeling contract with Nike!' (Clarification: she doesn't) Me: What?! K: Yeah, by the end I had them convinced I had three different modeling contracts and they were begging me to give their parents my agent's phone number. Me: (laughing) oh my gosh what did they say when you told them the truth? Wait for it... . . . K: I didn't Me: Kallie Paige! They're going to go home and tell their parents! And they really believe you're a model! K: So? They called me ugly. We don't say that to anyone. *carries on with her life. Life Lesson: Do no harm, take no shit. #bekind #beautiful #insideout #happy #confident #strong #badass #likeaboss #whoruntheworld #kind #riseup #model #nike #ulta #proud #mama #love #family #kids #childhood #tbay #thunderbay

Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 26.02.2021

Don’t mind me, just documenting ANOTHER unprompted compliment from my 8th grader. My hair/headband/earring combo here is according 13 year old girls, so...you probably wanna copy it. Happy Wednesday Beauties! ... #momlife #teenager #middleschool #compliments #accessories #theonlyopinionthatmatters

Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 12.02.2021

We can do better than this friends. Every single one of us has a different journey that nobody else knows. Stop trying to help others without even considering how different their journey is from yours. Our thinly veiled criticism and judgement wrapped up in fake concern is rooted in fear. Our own insecurities. So I would challenge you the next time you want to leave a comment or drop a DM just to be helpful... ask your self, what is my end goal? What is my motivation? An...d could that energy be better spent on my own life? I will never stop asking myself these questions and I hope you do the same. #know #trust #be #free #mindyabusiness #eyesonyourownlife #speaker #activist #coach #community #letsdobetter

Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 02.02.2021

We live in a world of information overload. At the touch of a button we can learn almost anything we want. Which makes me feel 2 things: excited and utterly overwhelmed LOL. If we don’t know and trust ourselves, how do we know what is for us and what is not? How do we know what will help us and what will harm us? How do we know who to learn from? And why? Finding your community, and not wasting your time investing in self-help that is NOT helping you, are just two of the w...ins that come with deeply knowing and trusting yourself. The work to get there is hard, but I promise it’s worth it. What is a big win you’ve experienced when you trusted yourself over everyone else? #know #trust #be #free #informationoverload #growth #boundaries #values #priorities #leadership #leadwithintegrity

Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 29.01.2021

Thank you @glennondoyle Remember to rest Beauties. xo

Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 26.01.2021

Rare Disease Day. Also the 1 year anniversary of the last day of normalcy in our lives. Kallie was admitted to the hospital February 29 2020. Everything changed for our precious girl in an instant. Did you know that 2/3 of people who suffer from rare diseases are children? Head to my stories for some great info on both Kallie’s rare kidney disease and nephrotic syndrome, which comes with many kidney diseases. In K’s lifetime, we will have a cure. Sending love to all our fel...low rare disease warriors today and always. xoxo #rarediseaseday #kidneydisease #fsgs #teamkallie #curefsgs #kidneyhealth #canada #nephrology #nephroticsyndrome #lowsodium #parenting #pediatrics

Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 13.01.2021

'No' is a full sentence.

Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 09.01.2021

We are still in the hospital daily. Things feel scary right now, fluid is building up in her body steadily and everything that usually works, isn't. Please keep praying for K. ... My daughter Kallie was diagnosed with a rare kidney disease in early 2020 and we are still trying to find a treatment that works for her.

Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 05.01.2021

Hey Thunder Bay! With schools closed for the next two weeks, we have a real shot at yes I’ll say it...flattening the curve! However, it seems like our government and the people in charge of making decisions for the general population aren’t the most qualified for the task at hand. They have made the exact same decisions as they have been making, which is what got us into this mess in the first place. Arbitrary decisions that aren’t based on any kind of data showing us this ...is the solution. They have completely closed only salons and gyms (despite them having the highest sanitization standards and being able to operate safely at 25% capacity). I do not necessarily disagree with a lockdown or closing of these businesses, but I vehemently disagree with how poorly every single lockdown is being done, making them punitive and ineffective. This lockdown is once again going to do nothing to help our pandemic numbers, and just kneecap small businesses to the point of some having to permanently close this time around. Not to mention the impacts on our mental health collectively. SO! Since our leaders aren’t prepared to make decisions or implement policies that keep us safe, can we collectively agree to lock down as strictly as possible? Just for 2 weeks? Do whatever we can? 0 social gatherings, 0 close interaction with anyone outside your household, mask wearing in all indoor public spaces, only 1 household member going to the store once a week for essentials, don’t go to the mall or browse the clothing depts, etc? Can we do it for our community’s physical health, mental health, economic health? Can we do it in honour of those who have lost their lives, those who are currently ill? Can we do it in honour of the small businesses who are suffering at the hands of things beyond their control? If we each do the best we can (our family has to go to the hospital and we need grandparent help with our situation...all of us have limitations that only we can assess) maybe we can start heading in the right direction. #thunderbay #ontario #tbay #canada #smallbiz #community #together

Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 03.01.2021

Remember we cannot do it all. We are going to drop some balls, even some pretty important ones. Pick them up when you can and carry on. Finally. I'm picking up this ball and moving forward. Even if it's taking shortcuts to do it. Prioritizing our nutrition in 2021.... 2020 was a hell of a year, and I was doing everything I could to just keep my head above water. With Kallie's diagnosis, and any kidney disease, nutrition is a very significant component of one's medical care. With everything going on last year, including trying to learn a lifetime's worth of medical information, my personal nutrition fell to the bottom of the priorities list. And while my kids eat a good diet, with our new circumstances, good simply isn't cutting it anymore. I had moments of guilt throughout last year because I felt like I wasn't doing enough in this area for our family. But I'm choosing to move forward without guilt because I know I was doing the absolute best I could. And now that my head is farther above water, I can be intentional and move forward here. You are doing the best you can with what you have. No guilt. No shame. Ask for help. Pick up the ball when you can and carry on.

Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 24.12.2020

Hey America, my thirteen-year-old daughter is battling a serious kidney disease and her biggest concern right now is that another Black man is going to be murdered at the hands of the state. If Dustin Higgs is executed today, he will die as a murder victim. (If you think otherwise, please send me a DM so we can have a conversation. I can't have my post be used to normalize this in any way, but I believe this is a topic worth having real conversation about.) There already seem...s to be a lot going on, could we pause the state-sanctioned murder for a sec? #abolishthedeathpenalty #coldbloodedmurder #prisonreform #life #liberty #freedom #activism #kids #genz #changetheworld #mygirl #kidneydisease #teamkallie #curefsgs

Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 18.12.2020

My 13 year old told me she likes my outfit, so please excuse me while I SHOW IT TO THE ENTIRE WORLD BECAUSE MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS ARE THE ULTIMATE STAMP OF APPROVAL AND I WIN TODAY! #momwin #momlife #ootd #cute #casual #teenagers #girlmom #love

Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 11.12.2020

I don't take many pictures these days, but I am so grateful for this man. Steadfast, loyal, kind. He's my favourite. K is doing really well. Dad has gone home. J is at his dad's house. And mom and I are getting much needed rest. Grateful, peaceful, happy. Happy Valentine's Day Beauties! ... #love #lovewhatmatters #happy #rest #together #content #ValentinesDay #loveday #singlemom #weekend #longweekend #emojiobsessed #myman #boyfriend #partner #laugh #grateful #gratitude

Lauren Whitburn, Speaker & Coach 04.12.2020

I came thisclose to throwing my hair up, sweats on and being done with it today. Sometimes that's the answer. Today though, I'm glad I was intentional with my time and got ready, especially because it will make me feel better all day long. ... (and also maybe the fashion forward young man with a pink velvet scrunchie in his hair, who served my coffee this morning, complimented me and that's the only opinion I care about. ) What are you doing for YOUUUUUUU today?! #weekend #sunday #selfcare #grateful #calm #singlemom #momlife #speaker #activist #coach #love #family #hospital #kidneydisease #teamkallie #mygirl #warrior #curefsgs