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La Vida Veda Holistic Healing & Yoga 12.05.2021

True love #miamor

La Vida Veda Holistic Healing & Yoga 02.05.2021

Not quite a believer in the mind body connection? Read on...and share your comments below I have been dealing with chronic acne for most of my adult life, with no improvement. I decided I wanted to explore some of the emotional factors that could be contributing to it. ... I’ve noticed a significant reduction in the amount of acne I get. I no longer get deep cysts, and when I do get any zits, they resolve quickly. I would recommend Jessica to those of us who take ourselves too seriously. Jessica is a breath of fresh air - she knows how to hold space for you, while providing a sense of levity to the session. Under her care, I felt like my issues were not as insurmountable as I had previously thought. The sessions I did with her were impactful and gentle. -anonymous Subconscious Imprinting Technique testimonial

La Vida Veda Holistic Healing & Yoga 16.04.2021

I’ve always thought surfing and yoga are so similar... Although, obviously surfing is way more extreme You have to be completely in the moment.... Keep deep, rhythmic breath. Be totally aware of your surroundings. Develop courage and strength + flexibility and balance. Find a sweet steadiness of consistency and surrender. . . . Holding my board as I warmed up today was quite nice. The added weight helped me strengthen and deepen. Who woulda thought? A surf board yoga prop #yoga #surf #balance #meditation #movingmeditation #naturelovers #yogateacherlife

La Vida Veda Holistic Healing & Yoga 13.04.2021

Su propio saber interior es su única brújula verdadera... En nuestro inmersión de Ayurveda y Yoga este MAYO, vamos a vivir en villas privadas @luavillas junto a la playa en el paraíso de Costa Rica. Vas a estar en una comunidad compartiendo momentos de por vida y también tendrás su propio espacio. ... Ven a comer y aprender cocinar la mejor comida, practicar yoga, aprender Ayurveda y a conectar más con esa brújula especial qué hay dentro de usted. Comenta si quieres venir! Encuentra el LINK en mi BIO o mándame mensaje! Your inner knowing is your only true compass... #compasspose . . . @pablovasquezj

La Vida Veda Holistic Healing & Yoga 31.03.2021

What have you been telling yourself you can’t do...consciously or subconsciously? Can you destroy and uncreate all that now; on every layer, every level and every lifetime? #selfhealing #subconscioushealing #subconsciousimprintingtechnique #mindbodyhealth #thetimeisnow #ayurveda #welness #lifecoach

La Vida Veda Holistic Healing & Yoga 19.03.2021

EASY & DELICIOUS CILANTRO CHUTNEY RECIPE Do you love or hate cilantro?? It seems to be one or the other with most... Although I’ve converted quite a few haters into lovers by sharing this recipe. Find it on my blog!... Did you know that cilantro helps clear heavy metals from your body? Yup! And what a better way to get a good dose?! So sure, slather this stuff on anything You can join me LIVE in my 100 hour Ayurveda Foundations course starting this weekend, to learn recipes like this and so much more to create a balanced diet and lifestyle. I also offer virtual cooking classes and ALWAYS have cooking classes in my in person programs. See link in bio for all the options to study with me

La Vida Veda Holistic Healing & Yoga 27.02.2021

AYURVEDA FOOD COMBINING RULES... Can be complex and simple. One of my favorites, that I find most vital is not combining fruits with other foods. Especially the melon family.... EAT MELON ALONE OR LEAVE IT ALONE. (you don’t have to BE alone though, you can enjoy it with friends) WHY? When foods (that are normally digested with ease and pass through the digestive tract with little delay) are combined with foods that take more processing (especially cheese and protein-heavy foods) They have to wait for the digestive tract to break down and digest those heavier foods. While the melon sits there and waits, it begins to ferment, creating gas and indigestion, amongst other digestive issues. This also inhibits your body’s ability to absorb the nutrients in the melon...not ideal at all! So, next time you are tempted by juicy watermelons or other melons, consider eating it first. Then wait 45mins to an hour before you enjoy the rest of the food. Or eat it one hour after finishing. #ayurveda #ayurvedalifestyle #foodcombining #friends #wellness

La Vida Veda Holistic Healing & Yoga 21.02.2021

How do you like to start your day? There’s so many ways to optimize your daily routine with Ayurveda. Perhaps you’ve heard of doing self Abhyanga; a warm oil massage before you bathe?... There’s so much more golden wisdom to dust into your life...for example. Did you know that you can also perform simple energetic healing on yourself as soon as you open your eyes and by exactly how you take your first step out of bed? You can also use specific colors, aromatherapy and gemstones to balance your subtle energetic body as well? In my upcoming course 100 hours of Ayurveda foundations, we’ll cover all these fun facts along with the principles of Ayurveda. In our live virtual classroom we’ll deep dive into the 4 pillars of life; Diet, lifestyle, sleep and the balanced use of sexual/creative energy. And don’t worry if you can’t make all live classes- it will all be recorded and provided. This vast science can be simply integrated into your life with ease. Especially with my guidance and support. Basically you’ll form a comprehensive reliable toolkit for life as well as a consistent daily routine (dinacharya) to solidify this knowledge into a somatic experience. Plus the confidence to share this with friends and family and even apply to your professional practice. Daily and seasonal routines including the deeper dimensions of yoga, meditation and pranayama breath work practices. Food and cooking classes- learn ayurvedic nutrition, the 6 taste theory, and how to cook easy family recipes and choose seasonal food ideal for your unique needs. Your kitchen will become your pharmacy! Energetic anatomy - koshas, gunas, vayus, chakras and self healing with oil massage & marma point therapy. Applicable Anatomy, Psychology & Physiology with Ayurveda

La Vida Veda Holistic Healing & Yoga 05.02.2021

I’m Jessica Kruse & my business name, La Vida Veda, was born out of my love for the Spanish & Sanskrit languages & the Vedas; the ancient scriptures of India that include Yoga & Ayurveda. I've studied, lived & admired these cultures for nearly half my life now & I feel like they're truly a part of who I am. The first time I moved away from my family home in Alberta, it was to Mexico with 2 amigas when I was 18. ... I was determined to learn Spanish & had just skipped out on a university Spanish course in the dead of winter. I decided a better plan was to immerse myself while living in the Carribean. I also seriously considered becoming a PADI instructor at this point, but wound up a Yoga teacher instead. One of the teachers I took that YTT with taught all his classes in Spanish & I really began to learn Spanish through the familiarity of my body and practice. So this is how I learned how to teach Yoga in Spanish from the beginning- of both my teaching and Spanish speaking journeys. Through a yoga class, I met a dear friend who provided great insight & helped guide me along my path with Vedic Astrology (Jyotish). That's how my lifetime of study on this Vedic path all began... She predicted I'd travel a lot that year & likely fall in love with Ayurveda along the way. I was already intrigued by a mention of this spiritual science in my YTT; so it seemed feasible. Little did I know it would become my life I travelled around Canada, Bali & Thailand. I originally went to Thailand to deepen my Muay Thai practice, as I was seriously considering becoming a Muay Thai instructor at this point. But wound up taking my first Ayurveda course "Ayur Yoga Massage" ....I was enchanted but not totally dedicated yet. Then I "randomly" ran into this same astrologer again after moving back to Mexico (I had totally lost touch) & we did another Jyotish reading. Now I was ready to study more, so she put me in touch with my first teacher of Ayurveda, Dr. Jaisri in Canada. I was fortunate to become her apprentice & continue to be. I’ve studied with many experts & I’ll forever be a student of the endless knowledge that is the Vedas...& latina (güerita)

La Vida Veda Holistic Healing & Yoga 31.01.2021

¿Tienes ganas de soltar, sanar y aprender? Ven este 1-22 de mayo 2021 a sumergirte en esta experiencia inolvidable donde respiraremos la Ayurveda y la Yoga. Estarás nutrido en mente y cuerpo en acomodaciones de lujo con apoyo de expertos y comidas orgánicas creadas con amor por nuestros chefs privados. ... Esta experiencia maravillosa que tendremos juntos, no solo sera transformadora sino que te hará volver a casa con un kit de herramientas para seguir los cambios y hábitos en tu vida que aprenderás durante nuestro programa. Nuestros villas de lujo ofrece seguridad, privacidad y distanciamiento social. Alojamiento junto a la playa en Santa Teresa para que puedas disfrutar al máximo con un grupo íntimo de 10 personas cumpliendo todos los protocolos de salud. Este programa es ideal para los aspirantes a profesores y estudiantes que desean profundizar su práctica en el Yoga y la Ayurveda. El equipo de maestros que tenemos para dar las clases de movimiento, anatomía y cocina vegana son del calidad más alta del mundo. La maestra principal Jessica Kruse, como practicante de Ayurveda y masajista, tiene un estilo de enseñanza que se basa en la anatomía, la alineación y la sabiduría del Ayurveda. Sus enseñanzas están entretejidas con inspiración que ayuda a los estudiantes de yoga a dominar eso que los hace únicos y canalizar la energía de ese maestro sanador que llevan dentro. Si cada quien conoce su propia constitución cuerpo-mente, entonces uno puede entender cuál es la dieta, el estilo de vida y las prácticas de yoga óptimas para uno y así poder clear una vida más feliz y equilibrada.

La Vida Veda Holistic Healing & Yoga 21.01.2021

Standing in my power with my sweetie by my side. Do you struggle with self worth? I can relate! I know, It’s not always easy to stand in your power. ... Just take it moment by moment amor. You’ve got this! And if you need some help to remember how freaking amazing you are, reach out to your support system. Don’t have that? Reach out to me and I’ll remind you. Need more help? Book in for a S.I.T. session or discovery call and we’ll work on those stubborn subconscious patterns. Asking for help is OK... at any stage in the game of life. Healing is not linear. And we’re here to help one another.

La Vida Veda Holistic Healing & Yoga 11.01.2021

Lighten up! Have fun, don’t take yourself too seriously and take time to dance and play. Is it difficult for you to stay present and content? ... Practice contentment day by day, moment by moment. I do this by moving my body and organic vital life force energy with deep breath, meditation, chanting mantra, yoga, dance and nature walks. Oh and of course playing and snuggling with Chelita What will you do to stay present, content and playful this weekend?

La Vida Veda Holistic Healing & Yoga 05.01.2021

DO YOU NEED TO FIND STABILITY & CONNECTION? Something that works for me is to take silence and touch the earth; ideally rocks, sand and water (or all of the above) with bare hands and feet Practicing balance postures and deep breathing exercises helps me to BE in the present moment, not worrying about future or past... I also feel connected and stable looking up to the never ending stars or down into the depths of the ocean; remembering how miraculous life truly is. As a student of Ayurveda, I’m fascinated to look at the macrocosm and how it reflects on us as the microcosm. We can understand this interconnectedness if we look to Jyotish, the science of lightto interpret the connections. One day I will study deeper and in the meantime I look to others such as @stefanialeonejyotishi to shed light on current sky patterns and what it means for us on Earth Jupiter will travel with Saturn for a year now. This is a stabilizing energy. Venus with Mercury in Libra and Mars with Mon in Pisces- remember silence is a powerful form of communication.