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a little bit of truth can 07.05.2021

A few friends go to a pub and drink too much, enjoy, sing and dance and fight, and do everything that drunkards are bound to do. The pub owner is very happy because business has never been so good. When they were leaving, he asked the man who paid the bill, ‘When will you be coming again?’ The man said, ‘Just pray to God if my business goes well, we will be coming every day.’ The pub owner said, ‘We will pray every day for your business. But what is your business?’ He said, ...‘It is better if you don’t ask.’ But the pub owner said, ‘That makes me even more curious. I am going to pray for your business, my wife will pray, because if you come every day we are going to become rich very soon.’ He said, ‘I am a gravedigger. If people go on dying every day in big numbers, I will be coming every day with all my friends. That is my business.’ The gravedigger, naturally, wants somebody to die. The doctor, naturally, wants somebody to be sick. Things have to be changed: this is not a sane structure of the society. In China, Confucius made a very significant change. Every person had to pay the doctor if he remained healthy. If he becomes sick, he stops payment; then the doctor has to pay for his medicine, and has to take care of him. Now that seems to be a sane arrangement. Every person pays the doctor for remaining healthy. Now the doctor cannot pray that people should be sick; he will pray that people should be healthy. He cannot afford for people to be sick. He cannot afford epidemics; he will go bankrupt. But in our society, the situation is just the opposite. The more epidemics there are, the more the doctor’s bank balance becomes bigger and bigger. If everybody is healthy, then the doctor becomes poorer and poorer. If everybody remains healthy, then the doctor will be the only person who will be sick! A sane society will arrange things in such a way that the professionany professiondoes not go against the society. The judge should be paid because there has been no criminal case. The police should be paid and rewarded because there is nothing for them to do. The doctors should be respected and paid because nobody is sick. Right now we are doing something which is very suicidal. Osho (From Bondage to Freedom)

a little bit of truth can 25.04.2021

The people in the police department, the FBI, the CIA, KGB, these people, and the people who are in the jails serving long sentencesfor ten years, fifteen years, twenty years, great criminalsthey are of the same quality. A criminal employed becomes a police officer. A police officer unemployed becomes a criminal. It is only a question of employment. The police officer does crimes in the service of the governmentfor which he is paid. The criminal is doing crimes independent...ly. He is like a private detective, no government support. He is more courageous. But the quality of these people is not different. If you are not a criminal, you will not be interested in becoming a police officerbecause you have to deal with criminals continuously. And your having to deal with the criminals means your having to learn their language, having to learn their strategies. You have to be a little better criminal than them; then only can you catch hold of them. In a better world, there will not be criminals and there will not be any FBI, CIA, KGB. It is a very strange conspiracy against humanity. Just think: if there are no criminals, what will the magistrates do? They will be out of a job. What will thousands of advocates do? They will be on the streets, beggars. The police, the magistrates, the advocates, all need criminals. It is a question of life and death. They all live on criminals. It is a very strange society a great establishment of justice, thousands of people employed in itbut they should all be grateful to the criminals. Those are their real masters. Osho (From Bondage to Freedom)

a little bit of truth can 17.04.2021

The psychological fact is that the people who enter the police service are the same people who turn out to be criminals. Criminals are doing the same work as the policemen are doing; they belong to the same category, to the same psychology. They are two sides of the same coin. Criminals are a little more courageousthey are doing their business alone. The weaker criminals are not capable enough to do their crimes alone; they want the support of the government, firearms. But what they do is exactly the samesometimes even MORE criminal. Osho (The Messiah, Vol. 1)

a little bit of truth can 03.04.2021

‘Osho, would you please speak a little on witnessing and the heart. Can they be experienced simultaneously?’ Witnessing and the heart are one and the same thing. Witnessing is not of the mind; mind can never be a witness. When you start witnessing, mind becomes the witnessed not the witness, it is the observed not the observer. You see your thoughts moving, your desires, your fantasies, your memories, your dreamsjust as you see things moving on the screen of a film. But you ...are not identified with them. That non-identification is what is meant by witnessing. Then who is the witness? Mind is being seen, then who is the seer? It is the heart. So the heart and witnessing are not two things. If you witness, you will be centered in the heart; or if you are centered in the heart, you will become a witness. These are two processes to reach the same goal. The lover, the devotee, never thinks of witnessing; he simply tries to reach the heart, the source of his being. Once he has reached the heart, witnessing comes of its own accord. The meditator never thinks of love and the heart; he starts by witnessing. But once witnessing is there, the heart opens, because there is no other place from where to witness. The path of the meditator and the path of the devotee are different, but they culminate in one experience. At the ultimate point they reach the same peak. Osho (The Fish in the Sea is Not Thirsty)

a little bit of truth can 25.03.2021

Mind has two faculties: imagination and observation. Ordinarily we use only one faculty: imagination. That is the only difficulty for us, the only problemthe faculty of imagination that is within us. It has become completely unbalanced; it has gone insane. It must be balanced by observation. If you can observe yourself, then you can allow your imagination complete freedom. It cannot create any problem for you, it will be creative and helpful. But the observer must be there. ...Continue reading

a little bit of truth can 23.03.2021

‘Imagine spirit simultaneously within and around you until the entire universe spiritualizes.’ Shiva First you must understand what imagination is. It is condemned very much nowadays. The moment you hear the word ‘imagine’ you will say this is useless, we want something real, not imaginary. But imagination is a reality, it is a capacity, it is a potentiality within you. You can imagine. That shows that your being is capable of imagination. This capacity is a reality. Throug...Continue reading

a little bit of truth can 19.03.2021

‘Could you explain about the path of the heart and keeping balance, because when I am in the heart, sometimes I feel happy and sometimes sad. So I can’t see very well how I can follow the path of the heart and be centred.’ Nothing wrong in it. You should allow it. Both are good so don’t choose. Choice comes from the head. The heart knows no choice. Sometimes it is happy and sometimes it is sad. Both are natural and part of a rhythmlike day and night, summer and winter. The h...Continue reading

a little bit of truth can 10.03.2021

‘Why is it thought that thoughts interfere in knowing the truth?’ Because they do. A constant procession of thoughts in your mind makes you blind. You cannot see beyond them. They create a fog. You become clouded. It is just like dust gathered on a mirror; then the mirror cannot reflect that which is. The dust has to be wiped off, washed; the mirror has to be made cleanthen it reflects. Otherwise how can it reflect? The dust will distort. Thoughts are like dust. Thoughts are...Continue reading

a little bit of truth can 05.03.2021

Truth is one, but it can be approached in many ways. Truth is one, but it can be expressed in many ways. Two ways are very essential; all the ways can be divided into two categories. It will be good to understand that basic polarity. Either you approach truth through the mind or you approach truth through the heart. So there are two types of religions in the worldboth true, both meaningful, but both opposite to each otherthe religion of the mind and the religion of the hear...Continue reading

a little bit of truth can 18.02.2021

Many other questions are there, questions about making a synthesis of love and meditation, of heart and mind, of thought and feelingbecause many people would like to move on both the ways together. Synthesis comes, but you cannot make it. If you follow the path of meditation, one day you will attain to love as a consequence. If you follow the path of love, one day you will attain to meditation as a consequence. Synthesis comes, but you will have to follow one path. If you tr...Continue reading

a little bit of truth can 30.01.2021

‘Yesterday in your discourse you said that one has to choose the path best suited to one’s temperamenteither the path of meditation or the path of the heartbut I do not feel both paths to be totally separate. Can one travel a path that is somehow a fusion of the two?’ Never heard of it. A fusion is not possible and in the name of fusion only a dead compromise will happen. The directions are so totally, diametrically, opposite. If you love, you will have to use imagination, ...Continue reading

a little bit of truth can 27.01.2021

I have heard that Adolf Hitler was suffering from deep depression, melancholy, and psychologists were saying that it was due to some hidden inferiority complex. So all the Aryan psychologists were called. They tried but they couldn’t help, nothing came out of their analysis. So they suggested that a Jewish psychoanalyst should be called. Hitler was not ready in the beginning to call a Jew, but seeing no way out of it he had to yield. A great Jewish psychoanalyst was called. H...e analyzed, penetrated deep into Hitler’s mind, dreams, and then he suggested, ‘Nothing much is a problem. Simply repeat one thing continuously, ‘I am important, I am significant, I am indispensable.’ Let it be a mantra. Night, day, whenever you remember, repeat ‘I am important, I am significant, I am indispensable.’’ Hitler said, ‘Stop! You are giving me bad advice.’ The psychoanalyst couldn’t understand. He said ‘What do you mean? Why do you call this bad advice?’ Hitler said, ‘Because whatsoever I say, I am such a liar, I cannot believe it. I am such a liar, whatsoever I say, I cannot believe it. If you say: Repeat ‘I am indispensable,’ I know that this is a lie. I am saying it. I am a liar.’ Osho (A Bird on the Wing)

a little bit of truth can 23.01.2021

‘Yesterday while sitting in zazen I felt myself get hit with a stick on my head. But Pradeepa that time had not hit me. Also today during the lecture I got hit twice on the head but no stick-hitter was around. Is this magicless magic?’ It is sheer imagination, and on the path of meditation imagination is the greatest pitfall. Be aware of it. You can imagine so deeply and you can believe in your imagination so intensely that it can appear more real than the real. Imagination i...Continue reading

a little bit of truth can 17.01.2021

ANAND means bliss and MAYA means magic. And bliss is almost a magicit is not a science, it is not even art; it is just magic. If you want to be blissful you can be this very moment: just by desiring it, it is there. People are so miserable because they want to be miserable. That is their magical trick, that is the magic they are playing on themselves notwithstanding what they say. They may go to many peopleto the psychoanalyst, to the guruto find out ways to get out of th...Continue reading