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Locality: Guelph, Ontario

Phone: +1 226-706-9996

Website: LSFit.ca

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Lean Strong Fitness 14.01.2021

Greg has been with us since 2017 and while making amazing progress in the gym he was looking to add some solid habit change to support stress management outside the gym. It's been amazing to watch him implement so many great changes! Here's what Greg has to say about us! "Since working with Lean Strong on my habit changes I can report many good changes.... I now usually bring my lunch. I regularly mediate 3 to 4 times a week. I am sleeping better. I am eating whole foods 80% of the time which I intend to maintain. I’m now the lowest weight I've been in a long time and I see no reason why a downward trend would not continue. I’m also taking the stairs at work at least once a day. I’m doing more reading than before- trying to use the commute time as an opportunity to do something to self nurture (read, sleep, meditate, listen to a lecture on phone) I’m also getting my 10,000 steps in almost every day which also means working walks into my life which has had a good effect."

Lean Strong Fitness 01.01.2021

Coach Pam wants to introduce most of you to Taco. Some of you may know him already. He joined the team back at our old location. We thought he might be a comforting thing to offer to members if they were having a tough day. He has a shy smile and is soft and welcoming. He has indeed done that as well as helped out a few members who have had a child care dilemma.... He has also given members feedback when doing birddogs to strengthen their core. So you see he is truly a multi faceted team member. Since we are all maintaining appropriate physical distance, Taco hasn't been able to hug any of our members who are feeling down, which is sad, because we know most of us could use a hug these days! So we thought, we could at least share why he's always at our front door and suggest that if you are having a tough day (but you are like me and have a hard time asking for help) you could mention to your coach that you are in need of Taco and your coach can take that into account during your session! We all have days when a warm smile and a hug can make a world of difference so by letting us know that, we can do the best we can while keeping everyone safe. After all that is what family is all about. <3 See more

Lean Strong Fitness 14.12.2020

Coach Pam's immune system booster: If I feel a little low energy I will consciously warm up my body by having a warm shower, putting an herbal mixture of menthol, eucalyptus, turmeric and camphor on the bottoms of my feet and on my chest and put on a few layers of clothing including socks. For those of you who know me I much prefer being barefoot :) but in this case I put on some thick ones. I will also drink tea with honey, lemon, ginger. I will heat up my reheatable hot ...packs and slip them into bed with me for the night. Heating up the body helps the immune system function better. Please note that if you are taking medications it is best to check and see if any of the herbs etc mentioned above would be contraindicated for you. Our skin is our biggest organ and absorption into the body happens when we apply them to our skin.

Lean Strong Fitness 29.11.2020

Some Friday Inspiration for you! Rhonda joined us in 2019 as she was beginning to prepare for retirement - she wanted to make sure as she moves into this new phase in life that her body will continue to let her do all the things she loves! And we love the energy you bring to the studio!... Here's what she has to say about us at Lean Strong: "I'm 60 plus, an avid outdoors-woman - hiker, cyclist, paddler and yoga teacher. With that said, I knew strength training was important to muscle and joint mobility and overall ageing. The problem was that I didn't know how to get started. I knew I wanted support from a coach, however, the other gyms I looked at were too far out of my budget. I also wanted somewhere to go where I felt comfortable I really look forward to my workouts at Lean Strong Fitness. I have even bought resistance bands and weights for my home workouts. I now add some weight/resistance work into my home fitness practice and I'm also more focused on muscles & joints in my yoga teaching with my clients. I'm definitely getting stronger, as I can feel muscle mass development in areas I never noticed before, like my biceps, shoulders, upper back and hips. I enjoy setting new goals for myself, I always follow through, and I look forward to the next challenge. Inspired by Rhonda - Join Us! Comment Below and we can set up a time to chat to see how we can help you reach your own fitness goals!

Lean Strong Fitness 22.11.2020

I just wanted to share some things that I do to feel better if I am forgetting how very fortunate I am. If I am at home I put on some cozy clothes and enjoy a hot tea and a good book. Usually my beautiful tortoise shell cat "Ted" just knows how I feel and comes by my side to keep me company. Sometimes I put on some tunes and just dance that might happen anywhere- the parking lot, my lawn, in between sets during a workout. My amazing teammates at Lean Strong have been witness ...to that. I just have to remember that I am healthy and able to play with my grandkids and so very lucky to be almost 60. You see my Dad died when he was 41 so I have lived almost a third more than he did. Although you might think that we coaches are immune to having less than 100% days we are human. - Coach Pam See more

Lean Strong Fitness 16.11.2020

It's the weekend! What are your plans for the weekend? Do they include some quiet time? A pause to the busy-ness is even more important now as many of are navigating a type of busy that is very different then what we are used to. Some of us are having to balance working from home, some of us have children at home more than usual, others of us find we have more time alone and that might feel uncomfortable, some of us are battling an overactive brain that is full of a whole host of "what ifs". However we find ourselves in this busy-ness let's take a moment of pause, a moment to breath and to reset. What is your favourite way to pause?

Lean Strong Fitness 08.11.2020

Did you know that exercise helps your immune system function? When we raise our heart rate blood pumps throughout our body more efficiently and travelling with that blood are our immune cells. So think of exercise as a great way to get your immune system primed to find any bacteria or viruses hiding in your body!

Lean Strong Fitness 01.11.2020

We asked Coach Justin what he likes to do to stay positive and active when he's at home more in the colder months. Here's the list he gave us: 1. Kitchen dance party (alone or with family) 2. Play active games (Twister, Charades, NERF gun battles, etc.), even zoom charades can be fun!... 3. House cleaning (vacuuming, sweeping, doing laundry, cleaning behind/under fridge and stove, etc), you feel great when it's done! 4. Chase and play with your pets 5. Have a scavenger hunt in the house. (and not just for your lost keys lol!) What types of things to you like to do to have some active fun at home?

Lean Strong Fitness 28.10.2020

Kat snuck in one more fall hike before the snow hit this weekend. She has a quick message around some tips we will be sharing over the coming weeks!

Lean Strong Fitness 26.10.2020

How are you starting your week? What commitment are you making to your health this week? Whether it's to move more, to eat more veggies, to get outside or to get back on your supplement routine. Small changes today set you up for big wins in the long run....and even the smallest steps are wins worth celebrating! #motivationmonday #wins #smallsteps

Lean Strong Fitness 16.10.2020

Watching the News, as little as I can, I always find it remarkable that Mental Health seems quite firmly established as Physical Health’s tag-along little sibling. Be quiet, behave and let the big kids do their thing kiddo. Metrics! That is what physical health gets, the solid measurable indicators of improvements or deterioration. How many ICU beds have been taken up by COVID patients? That answer bears heavily on our income, freedom and interpersonal relationships. Metri...cs for Mental Health exist but I just don’t see that conversation as clear and up front when discussing our healthcare capacity. Physical health is of course huge and important, but for today I want to focus on how your mental health can get a boost from some simple things. Being a coach puts me in the front row when I work with members and witness mental health levels start low and rise considerably throughout a session. I have no solid metric but you know that feeling after you train with weights, walk, run or do Yoga - it’s great, it’s simple to get and it lasts longer than your Doom scroll through the news. :wink: Why is this? Exercise releases hormones that help regulate our moods. You don’t have to believe in it or simply have a positive mindset to get the benefits, the benefits flow through you! Do activities that open this tap to mental health and do them regularly. Exercise is such a big one but there are others that help too! Take a look at the Feel-Good list and pick a few things to try. Comment on what has worked or what you have discovered to work. Together we can pick each other up. Coach Jay See more

Lean Strong Fitness 14.10.2020

Grounded Gratitude wishing everyone one a happy thanksgiving this weekend! in a year when so much has seemed out of our hands, it may seem hard to find something we are grateful for. ... i want to encourage you to take a moment to practice grounded gratitude - so often we think that we have to be grateful for all the big things (don’t get me wrong i’m super grateful for a ton of big things!!!) however let’s start closer to home for this exercise, i want you to sit, close your eyes and take three deep breaths. now think about three things about yourself that you are grateful for. I’ll go first 1) I’m grateful for my brain, that despite some bumps it continues to be able to create amazing things! 2) I’m grateful for how i can feel joy even in the small moments like on a road trip with a hot coffee and a great playlist 3) i’m grateful for my smile and how it can light up someone’s day when they are feeling down now share yours! many blessing to you and yours this weekend and always!

Lean Strong Fitness 09.10.2020

*Repost* from our very own Miguel! Today I was greeted with this nice little notification to remind myself of the goal that I’ve set and been committed to 55 days ago! It was a baaad habit that I picked up early into college whilst working in the restaurant industry. The infrequent opportunities to take a break between understaffed lunch and dinner rushes gave me a <5 minute window to slip outside for some fresh air. Pair that with the stresses of being a student, I turned... to cigarettes to help with the stress. Fast forward a few years and I’ve been able to transition out of the food and hospitality industry! But Not without the bad habit of smoking that I’ve picked up on many moons ago. Having always had a passion for fitness (and sneakers as made obvious by my cellphone background lol), I’ve always known that smoking is a really unhealthy habit and will hinder myself from doing the things I enjoy doing - ie. playing basketball, going on hikes, being active etc I realized that I needed to do something about it. Not to mention the seemingly comparable end of the world Global Pandemic that we’re living through, now more than ever change was needed. So I reached out for help. With the help surrounding my healthy habits, and endless support of the team at Lean Strong Fitness, I’m able to look at my phone 55 days later and see a notification like this to be proud of and to push me to continue to work hard towards my goals! Thanks for letting me share this little win with you today! What’s a fun win that you’ve had recently that you’d like to share? :) I hope you have an amazing rest of your week!

Lean Strong Fitness 30.09.2020

I miss workin with ya, yeah YOU. You with the lame excuse for lower intensity that I made you forget about with some distracting story. YOU, the one who said you couldn't do it but did with style & grace and were statuesque. Hood ornament pose, that was you in the Pallof press. YOU the one I delivered heavier weights to, without request, just to see how they looked near you. You can use them if you really want to, but jeez I don't know - they may be crazy heavy! I clean now... on top of coaching, ho-lee I am almost a member of a large custodial union. I do this so YOU will come back for a laugh, a sweat, a laugh-sweat and get back at it. DO IT. Let's DO THIS! All the coaches have gotten smarter and I have gotten louder. Maybe funnier. You need to come back and get the structure & accountability that YOU KNOW works for you. Zoom sessions rock, studio sessions rock and the studio may be cleaner than your house, you'll have to visit to know for sure. YOU know this is your home, your house, your family. Let's get back in the saddle. Comment on this post, just for fun - let me know you are still out there! Coach Jay #fitness #healthylifestyle #cleangym #fitfam #motivation #squeekyclean

Lean Strong Fitness 26.09.2020

Once a month I have a Friday 6:30am meeting with a handful of other business owners in town in different industries. We jokingly call the group "Awesome, Nameless Mastermind", and share wins, challenges, learns, and most importantly support each other through challenges and hard times like these. One of the members shared this quote with us today, and it really resonated with me so I wanted to share it with you. Often we think we need to find ourselves, as if the ideal versio...n of us is out there and we just have to find and walk the right path hoping to come across our better self. This is totally fine, and you can chose to think this way. But as a business owner who believes in taking responsibility for my future and someone who practices daily, incremental improvement, I find it FAR more motivational to think of my growth as something I can actively create. Thanks to my affinity for construction and creating things, personally I imagine a messy pile of materials - wood, concrete, nails, screws... everything. My job is to actively develop the skills and tools to turn that Home-Depot-aisle of future potential into the human being I want to become to serve those around me. From my perspective, what better way to think about your fitness journey? We already have the materials (our bodies), and our job is to learn the fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle skills to develop our body into what we want it to become. We benefit from the fruits of our labour - both smart and hard work (don't settle for just one) - and get to enjoy the feeling of accomplishment of progress, and learn from our mistakes. Instead of feeling like I am walking an endless number of potential paths hoping the "right" diet, exercise plan, or routine will fall into my map, I chose to stop, think, and work on the areas I want to improve. One daily incremental improvement at a time. I hope this resonated with you as strongly as it did with me. Happy weekend! Ps. If you’re interested in joining our awesome mailing list, send us a quick Direct Message with your email and we’ll get ya added right away :)

Lean Strong Fitness 19.09.2020

A big thank you to everyone that came by over the weekend to return some equipment! :). But not only that, thank you so much for staying consistent with your goals and working with us throughout the past 4 months. We couldn’t have done it without the support from our members and friends over this lockdown. Gonna come back LEANER and STRONGER than ever! And in no time, things will SLOWLY start to feel back to normal... whatever thats going to look like. :)

Lean Strong Fitness 10.09.2020

Remember that pod system we introduced a few weeks back? Well this is a sneak peak to only some of the changes being applied to LSF for when we reopen (date tbd!). As we anticipate the updates from the Canadian Government regarding the transition into Phase Three of the Reopen plan for Ontario, we want to make sure we’re prepared and ready to go once given the green light to open! Are you ready for the gym to open back up?! . . . .... #fitness #motivation #podsystem #healthylifestyle #exercise #covid19 #reopeningsoon #phase3 @ Lean Strong Fitness See more

Lean Strong Fitness 28.08.2020

Our management team at Lean Strong Fitness @benjamin__pickard, @nourished.kat (off screen page2) and @mdelator22 we’re on a 350+ person worldwide Round Table webinar this week hosted by @businessforunicorns surrounding reopening fitness facilities after COVID-19! Its really good to see such amazing support in sharing tips and best practices that other professionals in the industry are currently using in states that are already starting to open up. There’s definitely going... to be plenty of challenges up ahead once we reopen our doors at LSF, but as a team we can definitely work together towards having a safe and healthy environment to exercise. We’re fortunate to have a large enough space for the number of members that we have in our sessions . We’ll be sure to keep you all posted with any changes to safety protocols at the studio . Stay safe! . . . . . . #fitness #covid19 #flattenthecurve #staysafe #stayhealthy #stayalive

Lean Strong Fitness 21.06.2020

Got that itch in your back that you just can't quite reach yourself? Noticing your sleep schedule has been off the past few weeks? Or are you working longer hours from home and just can’t seem to find that extra time to sit back and relax?... I know personally my routine and sleep schedule are mediocre at best, energy is "bleh", my old back injury is flaring up and all that computer work on top of it all isn't helping me feel good by any means. Plus some home schooling and a *bit* too much Netflix and I'm feeling it. And we've heard the same things from our wonderful, supportive community as well, so we wants to help out! Introducing our first ever "Lean Freely Yoga" hosted Virtually by Coach Pam with Lean Strong Fitness. We look forward to helping you improve your mobility, increase energy levels, de-stress from a long day’s work (or playing home school teacher, or Netflix-ing...) and have a better nights sleep all at the comfort of your own home. Our 30 minute FREE Virtual Yoga Session will be hosted via ZOOM meetings, and will happen from 8PM-8:30PM this Wednesday April 29th, 2020. Please come prepared with an open mind and muted mic 5 minutes before the Yoga Session begins, and feel free to invite a friend. Fill out the form below to register. ------>CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP https://docs.google.com//1FAIpQLSeefbxehXRd1gJBMf/viewform Once you’ve registered, you will be forwarded to the next page which will have the Zoom link for you to join the Yoga Sessions. Please save it and put it in your calendar :) Nama-stay-at-home and enjoy our virtual yoga! Miguel

Lean Strong Fitness 09.06.2020

Exercise doesn’t always have to be anything super hard or intense! You could have a full set of equipment, or zero at all. All that matters is that you’re able to dedicate a little bit of time to the goals that you’ve set for YOURSELF. It’s been a weird time having the studio closed I’ll be honest having a new routine, and trying to find structure. It’s mentally draining that’s for sure. But one thing I do know, is that after a nice walk, or a quick workout, I feel REFRES...HED and REJUVENATED to tackle the rest of the days challenges! For more tips and tricks check out our website (LINK IN BIO) to download our FREE e-book! :). . . . . #leanstrongfitness #fitness #healthy #healthybody #stayhealthy #washyourhands #exercise #kettlebell #skipping #skippingrope #sunnyday #niceweather #gym #fitspo

Lean Strong Fitness 23.05.2020

NOT TODAY CORONA VIRUS! This just in, our new CORONA KILLING CLEANER to help us keep a clean and healthy environment for our friends at LSF! :) . . . .... #gym #fitness #leanstrongfitness #LSF #cleaner #coronavirus #protectyourself See more

Lean Strong Fitness 21.05.2020

Hey LSF Fam! With the recent influx of information surrounding the new Corona Virus (Covid-19), we wanted to make sure we keep you all in the loop regarding some of our cleaning procedures and how we are staying on top of things :) Our janitorial team does a DEEP CLEAN regularly, paired with the consistent daily cleaning procedures that we follow - each coach cleans every shift (so multiple times a day) plus we have Jessie (our co-op) cleaning daily as well. We're bumping up... our cleaning to use a Corona-Killing cleaner that's safe for people, and we're going above and beyond cleaning all the things like door handles, mats, benches, etc. Since we’ve got a small, uncrowded space, unlike big box gyms where there is a big crowd (which is a no-no), combined with the fact that we have an absolute max of 4 people per coach per session we're low-traffic and low-risk - likely far less risk that going to the corner or grocery store. On that note, please check out the top 3 tips from the CDC to make sure we can stay healthy and support your health, fitness and immune system until this all passes: 1) Stay home when you are sick - Please don’t hesitate to call or reach out via email for any assistance regarding early or late cancellations through Wellness Living, or if you need to stay home due to illness and will be missing your session! We’ve even got some home programs that we can give you to keep you moving during this yucky time! 2) Wash your hands often with soap and water for at LEAST 20 SECONDS - Especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after coughing, blowing your nose, or sneezing, and make sure to wash your hands before and after your sessions. 3) Avoid close contact with people who are sick - Covering coughs and sneezes with a tissue before throwing it away, and if you have co-workers or family who are sick keep your distance (if possible to do so) and let us know if you may be contagious. We know this can be a scary situation to come across, especially if you watch the American news channels, but we wanted to ensure you all that we’re doing everything that we can to provide you a safe and clean environment to live that fit and healthy life style that you’ve been working hard towards :) The LSF Team

Lean Strong Fitness 10.05.2020

Join Ben and Kat today as they discuss the quote "Exercise should be a celebration of what your body can do instead of a punishment for something you ate" We share our take on that and some tips to help shift your mindset to get out of the negative thought cycle.

Lean Strong Fitness 22.04.2020

On episode 1 we talk about: - our backgrounds and how we got into the industry - the answer to the impossible question of "how much should I exercise?" (and how much cardio you should or shouldn't do!) - how Ben hates being on camera... - some information on hormones, cardio and menopause Take a look, and comment below with any ideas for future topics!

Lean Strong Fitness 09.04.2020

Happy Monday Everyone! I wanted to share a video from Ben today! In this video Ben talks about one of the biggest obstacles we see people take the first step of getting back to their fitness journey... Ben breaks it down into some simple steps you can take/why our business operates the way we do :) We try to make it as easy as possible for people to exercise with our scheduled appointments, 45min sessions, combination of different movement patterns, and most importantly meeting our clients where they are at! Watch the video to hear more! What is one reason you love exercise? Let us know #watchit #fitness #fitnessgoals #guelph #guelphontario #guelphfitness See more

Lean Strong Fitness 20.03.2020

It is true... having a workout buddy is important! It helps with motivation/accountability, that is why here at Lean Strong we LOVE our semi-private training style, it allows our members to interact with each other and build life long lasting friendships! Having someone with you through this journey is super important for self care/self love. On those really tough days you don't think you can get out of bed and get to your workout... it really makes all the difference... if you know there is someone waiting for your amazing smile at the door! We specialize in the 45 to 50 and beyond Crowd, typically a mother with 2 kids and a bad knee! We want to help YOU become your best self.... and help you make time to take care of yourself :) Join our team today and join the many, many women we have already set up for success! Comment below if you are interested in learning about what truly is the first step to self care/self love See more

Lean Strong Fitness 15.03.2020

Hey Everyone! Today I wanted to share a post written by Pam about how yoga is related to self care! "The Benefits of Yoga for Self Care... Giving yourself permission to be on a yoga mat, breathe and allow your body to be still can be one way to decrease your heart rate,stress hormone levels and learn a little more about yourself physically. Most yoga classes start and end with some stillness and breath awareness. For some this can be the most challenging part especially since we are programmed to always be "doing". The power of your breath is within your grasp and can be a helpful tool to aid in the intensity of a workout as well as utilized to reduce the "busyness" of your day and the level of stress you are feeling. Take three deep breaths and see for yourself how your perspective changes." Comment below if you are interested in learning more about Yoga from Pam! #guelph #guelphontario #guelphlife #guelphpersonaltraining #yoga #lowback #yogahealth

Lean Strong Fitness 13.03.2020

Happy Tuesday Everyone!! Here is an amazing success story from one of our clients Greg L! Greg has been working with Kat on habit changes.... and the results are amazing!! ... Greg is now bringing a lunch to work, practicing regular meditations, and eating 80% whole foods.... Greg is now the lowest weight he has been in a long time and he sees no reason why a downward trend would not continue. Greg your story is amazing! You are an inspiration to all!! Are you having difficulty changing your habits? Want to shed those extra pounds in time for summer? Try working with our amazing nutritionist Kat O! She will help you climb mountains and crush the obstacles that may be holding you back! Comment below to cheer Greg L on! Are you interested in working with Kat? http://lsfit.ca/greg-l-member-success/ #success #story #leanstrong #guelph #guelphontario #guelphpersonaltraining

Lean Strong Fitness 25.02.2020

Hey Everyone!!! We have an AMAZING new program starting soon!!! Get ready for it....... 4 WEEK CONSISTENCY CHALLENGE STARTING SOON! ... Your goals are important to us, let’s crush them together! The rules are simple: Book your FREE 1:1 Goal Setting Session with our NEW Studio Manager MIGUEL before MARCH 1 :) Lock in your Goal for the Month on the CHALLENGE BOARD Show up for ALL of your sessions ready to rock and roll! Please comment below if you are interested or email [email protected]!!! :) #consistency #guelph #guelphontario #guelphlife #guelphpersonaltraining #consistencyiskey #consistencyiskey

Lean Strong Fitness 21.02.2020

Hey Everyone!! I hope you are all having a fantastic week!! Just a reminder that this coming Monday is Family Day and we will be CLOSED! ... If Monday is your regular session time please re-book online or if you are having any difficulty please email [email protected] :) Have a great LONG WEEKEND!!! HAPPY FAMILY DAY to our amazing Lean Strong Family!! x #family #gymfamily #gym #guelph #guelphontario #guelphpersonaltraining

Lean Strong Fitness 08.02.2020

Today I wanted to share a @ted about self care. Guy Winch talks about how it is so important to take care of our emotional health as well as our physical health. He draws on the aspects of loneliness, the fear of failure and rejection. ... "We'll go to the doctor when we feel flu-ish or a nagging pain. So why don't we see a health professional when we feel emotional pain: guilt, loss, loneliness? Too many of us deal with common psychological-health issues on our own, says Guy Winch. But we don't have to. He makes a compelling case to practice emotional hygiene taking care of our emotions, our minds, with the same diligence we take care of our bodies." It really opened up my eyes watching this video! We truly do need to pay more attention to our emotional health..... way more than what we do now! What do you do to increase your emotional health? List an activity below that really makes you feel happy! https://www.ted.com//guy_winch_why_we_all_need_to_practice #selfcare #selflove #love #february #tedtalk #guelph #guelphontario #guelphlife

Lean Strong Fitness 29.01.2020

Happy Monday Everyone!! I hope you all had an amazing weekend! One really important thing to make sure you do on the weekend to improve self love is..... practicing self care!... Some of you may be asking "what really is self care" Well self care is defined as the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health. This could be physical health, mental health or even spiritual health. All aspects of health are important and sometimes they require different things to become improved. This weekend I did quiet a bit of my own self care, I was able to watch a movie Friday night and totally zone out, then Saturday I had a girls spa night with my cousin which was totally needed!! Relaxing with friends is how I do my self care, as I am an extrovert and I feed off other peoples energy to bring up my own. However this does not mean that this is the right method of you! Some people require complete silence/alone time which is okay too! But it's knowing what you need for your self care that is truly important! And that it is noone else business or responsibility other than your own! Comment below how you practice self care! #selfcare #friends #guelph #guelphontario #guelphlife #guelphgym #guelphpersonaltraining

Lean Strong Fitness 26.01.2020

How will you be practicing self love this weekend? It is really important to take some time on the weekends to have some self care time! After a busy week we need time to rest and restore! Sometimes our weekends can be filled with activities/getting together with others/taking care of our families that we forget to take those few moments for self love/the restoration our body needs! ... One thing I will be doing for myself this weekend is taking some time to read a book for fun! I have started a new book and I will be taking some time on Sunday to sit down and truly enjoy some peace of mind/zoning out into my book Comment below how you will practice self love this weekend! #weekend #selfcare #selflove #guelph #guelphontario #guelphlife #guelphpersonaltraining

Lean Strong Fitness 07.01.2020

Testimonial Thursday!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As this is the month for self love I wanted to share a testimonial from Greg M! ... Greg M was a member with us and he states " I owe a lot of the wins in my life and changes to all of you." Greg has grown so much from the time he started with us and now has the confidence to go into the gym world on his own! Greg is more confident than ever and is a true example of what practicing self love really means. He rarely missed a session, always rescheduled if he did miss and made sure to get the work done while he was here!! Congrats on all your success Greg and keep practicing that self love!! Read Gregs story below and help cheer him onto his next victories! http://lsfit.ca/greg-m-member-success/ #victories #win #thursdaywin #thursdaytestimonial #guelph #guelphontario #guelphgym

Lean Strong Fitness 27.12.2019

Happy Wednesday Everyone!! Today I wanted to share a video from Kat! Kat is the self-care/self-love wizard! She has a lot of knowledge regarding how to practice self-care, why self- care is so important and how it can truly benefit your life! ... I asked @theevolvingalchemist to share her thoughts on self-love and what really self-love is! She does a great job describing that self-love doesn't have to be spending money on yourself it truly is about sitting with yourself and focusing on the things that bring you joy! Take a look at this video What is one thing that brings you joy? Comment below! #selflove #love #selfcare #february #february2020 #guelph #guelphontario #guelphlife #personaltraining #personaltrainingguelph

Lean Strong Fitness 17.12.2019

One amazing way to practice self love is to exercise!! As most of you know exercise releases chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins are amazing because they interact with receptors in your brain to help repress the feeling of pain! They also trigger positive feelings in your body which are similar to that of morphine. ... Exercising is an excellent way to practice self love and truly make yourself feel amazing! Like most of our clients here after I exercise I know I feel a spike in energy, self appreciation and self worth! So each time you have that feeling before you workout of "ugh I don't think I can do it" just remember how good you feel after its done and as @nike says " Just Do It"! Comment below one thing exercise makes you feel! Example " Exercise makes me feel inspired to eat healthy" #exercise #exercisemotivation #happytuesday #guelph #guelphontario #guelphlife #guelphpersonaltraining

Lean Strong Fitness 11.12.2019

With the start of February comes the month of love.... This month we want to focus on self love! What is self love?.... Self Love is the "regard for one's own well-being and happiness (chiefly considered as a desirable rather than narcissistic characteristic)". ... Self love can be expressed in multiple ways such as going for a nature walk by yourself, or painting your nails, or cooking for yourself! All of these activities are simple but also super important for expressing self love! It is important that during this next month we try to focus a bit more on self love and really finding ways to appreciate ourselves! Let's try this activities.... grab a scrap piece of paper and try to fill the paper with all the things you love about yourself, then keep the paper in your wallet for the next month and every-time you doubt yourself or are having a bad day take a look at that piece of paper! Comment below one thing you LOVE about yourself! #love #selflove #newmonth #newgoals #new #guelph #guelphontario #guelphlife

Lean Strong Fitness 29.11.2019

Well everyone that's a wrap.... our first ever monthly focus has come to a close. Although the monthly focus of new year new goals may be over that doesn't mean you get to forget about setting your goals for next month!! Make sure to get your new goals up on the white board and really focus on what you can do for the month of February. ... It is all about what you can achieve! Don't forget to always ask questions and talk to your coaches about what makes a good realistic goal. As coaches we also might have a good goal in mind for you as we do see you on a weekly basis! So ask the right questions, set a realistic goal and let's crush February!!!! Comment below what your goal for February is going to be!!! #newgoals #newmonth #newwins #guelph #guelphontario #guelphlife #personaltrainer #guelphpersonaltraining

Lean Strong Fitness 21.11.2019

Today I wanted to share a very special member success story from Mark E! Mark's success was definitely not an easy journey, he had a lot of obstacles working against him, however through strength and perseverance Mark reached his goal of biking up Kelso, is up 10lbs and his blood sugars are excellent. We are all so incredibly proud of what Mark has accomplished. Mark you are a true example of someone who never gives up and will do anything to achieve greatness!! ... Thank you for being such a great role model for our clients and our coaches!! Through working with Kat and finding what was exactly right for him Mark was able to shoot for the stars and truly reach them! Congrats on all your success and for absolutely crushing your goals Mark! Comment below to cheer Mark he really does deserve it! http://lsfit.ca/mark-ellis-a-nutrition-program-like-no-oth/ #success #successstories #guelph #guelphontario #goguelph #successful

Lean Strong Fitness 05.11.2019

It's Non-Scale Win Wednesday time!!!!! Let's focus on your goal for the month of January.... Comment below one non-scale win you had over the course of January! It could be something very small for example getting outside for a walk 1x/wk but it is these small success stories that make the biggest difference in your life! ... My non-scale win for this week is I have successfully been able to schedule in my workouts on a more consistent basis this past month! It takes a lot of drive for you to workout on your own and trust me I can relate to people who really just don't want to do it! Sometimes it really is not motivating to get up, and get yourself out the door to workout alone. However.... what I have found most helpful is to change your mindset around this habit. I treat every workout by myself as a date now.... yes a date.... a date by myself for myself! And I know if I cancel on that date then I am really letting myself down, not to say that things don't come up from time to time because they do but if they do make sure to reschedule your date like you would if you were meeting a friend for coffee. Setting a date up with yourself is really a better way to think of it.... pick your favourite playlist, put on the gym clothes you feel the best in and make sure to leave feeling the gym satisfied! Comment below your non-scale win for this week below!! SHARE YOUR SUCCESS!!! #success #guelph #guelphontario #guelphworkout #workout #workoutmotivation #guelphpersonaltraining #guelphgym #goguelph

Lean Strong Fitness 23.10.2019

Happy Tuesday!!! Last week was the beginning of Pam's yoga sessions!!!! Pam's Yoga classes are truly something you do not want to miss out on! She is constantly working hard to learn new techniques/styles! ... Pam demonstrates one of our core values Kaizen very well as she is always taking part in courses to get one 1% better each and everyday! She has recently just finished working on a course directed by Stu Mcgill the world renowned back specialist!! This yoga class will be full of new exciting exercises and we can't wait to hear how it goes! Comment below if you are interested in doing drop in sessions for yoga at a rate of $15/session! Come out and experience the magic of Pam!! #yoga #lowbackpain #yogaforbackpain #stumcgill #yogapractice #guelph #guelphontario #guelphyoga

Lean Strong Fitness 07.10.2019

Wow....... January went by so fast who else is with me?? It felt like January flew by!! And that is it the last week of January is here. Do you know what that means? It means that it is the last week to crush your monthly goal!!! ... Let's take a moment to check into those goals, how did your goal go this month? How would you rate yourself on a scale of 1-10, if you did not have as much success as you planned for... what do you think you can do differently next month? Sometimes it may have been that we set our sights a little bit too high, so for those of you who were a little bit too ambitious let's not just throw the goal away, let's reflect and revise the goal you have to work on doing better next month! Sometimes it could be a little change like how many times a week you committed to the goal or maybe instead of eliminating something completely out of your life maybe you need to take more of a moderation step Having some trouble of coming up with a way to make your goal for successful??? Let's set up a meeting with Kat!!! One of the most amazing things about Kat is she set realistic goals for people based on where they are in their life! Comment below what you think your goal will be for the month of February and how you can build on last months goal!! #goals #goals #goalsetting #goal2020 #guelph #guelphontario

Lean Strong Fitness 22.09.2019

Ever find that you start the month really focused on your goal and you are rocking your habits....but then by mid month you start to slip a bit, things get busy, life happens, things get off track. This week we've looked at how to get your workouts back on track if this slump happens :) Today I wanted to share another way you can help get your workouts on track..... here in the studio this week Pam posed the question of " do you have a workout buddy?" Having a worko...ut buddy is an amazing resource for getting workouts back on track because they provide you with some accountability to show up... not just for you but because they are counting on you to be there :) There's lots of love happening on the board with the answers! However if you don't have a workout buddy and want one feel free to ask a coach and we would be happy to find you another member who is also looking for some extra love and accountability of a workout buddy! Happy Friday everyone! #friday #friends #gymbuddy #gym #guelph #guelphontario #guelphgym

Lean Strong Fitness 10.09.2019

Today i wanted to share a success story written by our Coach Jay! " I didn’t think I was that out of shape. I was 310 lbs and I had high blood pressure, fatty liver disease and high liver markers. Somehow I always found a mirror angle I admired and well-meaning friends & family would compliment me on my husky build. I could bench 270 lbs, I could deadlift 405 lbs (terribly!) and I could eat like a king constantly. Seek the positive side right? Love your body right now ...right? That attitude was killing me, literally. My back hurt, my knees really hurt, my shoulders hurt and I could not easily tie my shoes. I hated videos and pictures of myself, I looked so fat unlike what the mirror was saying. At this time my business was fading away and money was tight. I was fat, broke and stuck in a prison of a body worried that I would break a diving board or give myself a stroke lacing up skates. I had a conversation with Ben that I owe my entire change to. I was looking to Coach for LSF and Ben had the courage to lay everything out as to how far my fitness had slid, an incredibly awkward conversation for us both. Something clicked Nov 10, 2018 that set the wheels in motion. My first workout at LSF was horrible, I only finished of it. Training barefoot hurt, I was out of breath and there was no bench press programmed!!! I forced myself to train twice a week and dust-off my calorie tracking skills, I had to, I had to share my progress with Ben and the team every Tuesday. Fast-forward a few months. The agony of start-up had faded and I was hitting 4 workouts a week religiously including 2km on the rower. Weight was falling off and calorie tracking was a solid habit. Positive feedback was pouring in which really lit my fire. Now at month 14 I am feeling and looking better than I have since my 20’s. I did all this because I love myself. I loved myself when I had the extra weight but I knew that it was time to give myself the gift of shed body-fat, something that had eluded me for 10 years despite being a trainer and knowing exactly what to do." We are so proud of you Jay and your journey!!! #goals #guelph #guelphontario #guelphlife

Lean Strong Fitness 23.08.2019

Happy non-scale Win Wednesday!!! For this non-scale win Wednesday I wanted to hear from all of you about how your workouts are going this week? I got back on track for my workout this week by scheduling in 5 workouts no matter what! Last week got a bit messed up for me as I was out sick and had to readjust my schedule. ... But admitted the fact that I got off track and was ready to start fresh again this week, working harder then ever to achieve my goals :) What is your non-scale Win for this week? Comment below and share yours to inspire others!!! #goals #goals #goalsetting #goalgetter #guelphontario #guelph #shareyourwin #winwednesday

Lean Strong Fitness 06.08.2019

One really important thing to realize if you have gotten off track with workouts is identifying that you have become off track. That is step #1! If you keep denying it then getting back on track is going to be next to impossible. I have a trainer story to share with you related to this today. I had a member who was falling off track during the holiday season, which happens in life (events, injuries etc), so I sent a follow up email to see how they were doing. ... First thing they admitted was that they had fallen off track. Which was amazing because recognizing that is the first step to getting back on the success train! So with a plan in place we were ready to kick start the month on the right foot! Fast forward to mid month and that member is absolutely killing it with goals, workouts, and has an action step in place for when they go away soon! It just goes to show that even when you are on a downward spiral there is always a way to climb back up! So don't get discouraged, make sure to admit to yourself that it is okay to not be perfect all the time, and get back on the train and get going! What are you going to do to get back on track this week? #backontrack #getbackontrack #getbackup #guelph #guelphontario #guelphlife #guelphbusiness

Lean Strong Fitness 25.07.2019

Happy Monday Everyone! We hope you all had a great weekend~ During this time of the month/in January in general we see a lot of people start to lose momentum for their workouts. Life starts to get busy again and January tends to get a bit crazy!... So how do you get your workouts back on track or get back into the swing of things again? Well one really good tip and trick is to actually put the workout into your calendar on your phone and set a reminder 1 hour before the schedule workout time. This way your brain has 1 hour to mentally prepare for your session and finish up the work you might be in the middle of doing. Putting your workout into your calendar shows yourself that you are just as much a priority as everyone and everything else in your life. Another helpful tip for getting into the groove of working out is to pick your favourite pump up song and really get motivated to get moving! I find music is a huge thing for me before/during workouts. On days I really don't feel like moving I put my workout playlist on in the car and by the time its time to workout I am super ready to go! If you have trouble getting workouts back on track it is also an awesome idea to have a sit down strategy session with the AMAZING KAT! :) She is a fantastic resource to get you motivated/back on track! Comment below if you have any helpful tips and tricks that work for you for getting back on track! #backontrack #helpfultips #goals #goalsetting #goals #guelph #guelphlife #guelphpersonaltrainer

Lean Strong Fitness 18.07.2019

As some of you may have seen our friendly New Manager here at the studio, Miguel De la Torre has JUST been featured in the newest episode Pass the Salt on CBC’s documentary series ‘the Nature of Things’ where they dive into the correlation between salt in our daily nutrition, exercise, and much more! We’re excited to share a clip of Miguel’s spotlight moment here The rest of the episode can be viewed by pressing the link below!... https://gem.cbc.ca//season-59/episode-9/38e815a-0122947a376

Lean Strong Fitness 09.07.2019

Happy Friday Everyone!! Sometimes setting a goal is more of a journey then a final destination point. Lots of times we will take multiple ups and downs during our road to achieving our goal. Sometimes its taking those steps to maybe adjust your goal because it was too big for where you are at right now in life... which is OKAY!! ... When I got out of my regular routine of constantly being at sports practices, constantly being active and constantly being sore lol It was definitely weird for me to not have that balance in my life anymore because that was a schedule I had always known.... So at first my goals slipped, I started to put on weight, not eat as healthy and ultimately fall out of love with activity (which was also very weird for me) Then I started to realize that I just need to establish a new routine for the new lifestyle I had developed. What I found most helpful was scheduling my workouts in and finding workout buddies! Having someone waiting for you at the gym keeps you WAY more accountable then putting the pressure all on yourself. I started slow and eventually now till the day I am back up to 5x/wk of activity (making sure it is activity that I enjoy!) Through this journey I have also had lots of ups and downs ie moving to a new town (Guelph), starting a job with new hours/new schedules/ finding a new workout buddy. But through all that I have grown and achieved a lot! So it isn't always about the end goal you have in your head as my end goal for this is to be healthy for life (so that is a big goal lol) But it's about the action steps/the journey you take to get there Comment below some of your ups and downs and strategies you have used to overcome these struggles :) #goals #2020goals #gym #guelph #guelphontario #personaltrainingguelph

Lean Strong Fitness 30.06.2019

Recently our owner Ben was featured in a magazine with his family! Through the magazine Ben and Katja talk about the struggles and challenges they have faced in order to achieve their goals and where they are today. Ben and his family did face a lot of obstacles throughout life to get them to where they are today! Ben is a successful business owner and Katja is a successful real estate agent and of course their amazing son Liam who is currently in grade 3... It was a great privilege for Ben, Katja, Liam and Henry to be in this magazine and share their story of how they became who they are today! The best thing about Ben being our business owner/boss/leader is that he is just a regular guy with the same ups and downs we all have in life and it did take him a lot of goal setting to build Lean Strong from the ground up! We are all so proud of what you have accomplished Ben and we can't wait to see what goals you and your family crush this year! Here is a snapshot of the article for you all to read! Comment below to give our boss the love and praise he truly deserves :) @ Guelph, Ontario See more

Lean Strong Fitness 25.06.2019

If you are apart of the Lean Strong Family then you are aware of our Goal Board! Every month we ask our members to fill out their goal on the goal board, this increases their accountability as it is visible for everyone to see! When a member is ready to set their goal for the month it is our job as coaches to probe them to set up goals that are specific, attainable, and timely. ... So when trying to set your own goals on your own it may be important to ask yourself these questions: 1) what do you actually want to achieve this month? 2) Is this goal truly important to YOU 3) is this goal achievable in a month or do you need more time? 4) Is this an outcome based driven goal (ie I want to lose 5lbs)- think more about the action steps you need to take to lose the weight 5) how much time a week can you realistically dedicate to this goal 6) Is this attainable for your lifestyle right now 7) Is there a tracking system you can keep yourself accountable for the goal 8) Did you write the goal down somewhere you and others can see it 9) Do you ultimately like this goal? These are some of the techniques we use with members here in order to set them up for SUCCESS! Comment below if you have set your goal for this month and if it is specific, attainable, and timely! #goals #2020goals #guelph #guelphontario #guelphlife #guelphfitness #guelphpersonaltraining

Lean Strong Fitness 05.06.2019

Was your goal for the month of January to increase your low back health? Then this post if FOR YOU!! The lovely, amazing, extraordinary Pam will be running her yoga program again for 6 weeks! Low back pain is very common among most people because of our day to day life activities, in fact a lot of us favor our low back for doing a lot of the work. ... For example if you reach down to pick up a box instead of bending at the hips and using our legs a lot of us will favor to round out our backs and use that as the mechanism for lifting which actually causes us to use more energy and increase the risk of injury. Pam has been working on a low back yoga course taught by the very own Stu Mcgill to increase her knowledge on yoga for low back pain, and trust me you DO NOT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS YOGA SERIES! Here are all the details you need to know in order to sign up for Pams yoga Yoga for Low Back Pain 6 Week Series Fridays 7:30 to 8:30pm January 24 to February 28 $69 + HST for 1/$120 + HST for 2 Deadline for Sign Up-January 20 If your goal for January is to increase core strength, decrease low back pain and ultimately live a more pain free lifestyle then this program is the one for YOU! Comment below if you would like to sign up for this program!! OR email [email protected] for registration details! #yoga #lowbackpain #yogaforlowbackpain #guelph #guelphontario #guelphgyms #guelphyoga #signupnow #yogacore #core #strength See more

Lean Strong Fitness 22.05.2019

Happy Monday Everyone! This week we are going to be focusing on how to actually set goals that are right for you! Today I wanted to share a really great story from Ben! Last week he posted this to our Family and I thought it was a really great example of how to form goals that fit your best interests! ... "I always got confused when I saw "new year, new you". I mean I get that's it's catchy marketing and all but I already like me, so why do I want a brand new me? What if the new model is actually a let down, and like many things the old model is actually better built? They don't make em like they used to... Or maybe I'm over thinking it? Either way, I grew up following video games and board games, so when I think of my steps for 2020, I just want one thing... To LEVEL UP! I usually start the year strong with a great workout plan and all these elaborate goals and it's amazing. But fade around spring, don't do shit in the summer because "I'm active enough" (which is nonsense, unless you're a farmer you pretty much NEED dedicated strength work) and then the fall is always busier at work and tell myself I don't have time (which is complete bs). And turns out my elaborate plan is just that - elaborate and not effective over time. So this year I'm approaching things a bit different, I LOVE checklists and to check boxes, so I'm setting my habits up as a game I can win. Each week I have 3 habits as you can see below in my photo. When I complete a habit, I check it off for the day, and write my workouts on the paper underneath my little chart. If I don't complete a habit, I put an x. I leave my book open on my desk so I see it every morning and don't forget. At the end of the week I see my totals. If in 3 months I want to change, I change but my COMMITMENT is tracking what matters weekly - that's why we do check-ins at LSF after all! Simply put, I made it fun. I don't always want to do the thing, but damn I love to check it off to see how I'm winning. What do you want to commit to doing to level up in 2020?" Comment below how you will gear your goals to what interests you the most! #fitness #goals #2020goals #guelph

Lean Strong Fitness 20.05.2019

Wrapping up our first week of goal setting... how did you do? My first week went really well. I set a goal to start a new program this month/start back on my eating better routine with only one indulging day! I completed the first 3 days of my new program and was able to stick to only 1 day indulging in not so healthy foods... YAY! ... Although I find the first week the hardest to get back on the wagon, it really is key to success! Taking the first few steps is what ultimately gets you into the groove/routine of your lifestyle changing habits! How did everyone else do? What are you going to do this weekend to stay on track? #stayontrack #goals #goalsetting #goals #gymgoals #gymgoals #guelph #guelphontario #guelphlife #guelphpersonaltraining

Lean Strong Fitness 14.05.2019

Today I wanted to share a very special success story written by a very special member Skye A. Skye is an inspiration to so many of our members! She inspires me each and every day to achieve my goals! No matter what life throws her way she never fails to give up and push herself hard to achieve greatness. One of Skye's biggest goals when she started here was to be able to wear a tank top/sleeveless dress in the summer. Skye started with us in July 2016.... fast forward... to April 2017 and Skye confidently reached that goal! Looking forward to today she is still consistently rocking it. Skye I can remember the first time I met you and I was immediately inspired! You are such a confident and beautiful individual who really is a role model for many of our members here! The reason I wanted to share Skyes story this week is because of her determination to set goals and never give up until she crushes it! Her determination is truly inspiring and fits right in with our theme for the month of Goal Setting! Can't wait to see what goals you crush this year Skye! Comment below to cheer Skye onto greatness this year! http://lsfit.ca/strong-confident-skye-a/ #success #goals #goskye #leanstrong #guelph #guelphontario #guelphfitness #personaltrainingguelph

Lean Strong Fitness 02.05.2019

Happy Wednesday Everyone Today I wanted to share some news from Ben! "As you know when we started LSF we wants to help people practice healthy habits, build strong families and lead remarkable lives. That also applies to us as a team. To me, leading remarkable lives is putting the right person in the right seat so they can excel in their zone of genius, serve others and live their best life!... When the business was just me I was in all the seats (and some I was baaaaaaad in). So we hired, grew, refined, hired, grew, refined and so on. The last year we've put a ton of time, money and energy into effective leadership training to help make our team into all stars. Part of that was realizing although Kat had the goal of being the General Manager, it wasn't her zone of genius and it wasn't what she loved to do most. She loves to serve others through nutrition, lifestyle and mindset coaching. And if you've had the pleasure of working with her, you know this is where she does her best work. :) So the last 6 months we've been quietly working on a plan to get her out of managing and into more service while bringing on someone who's zone of genius is managing LSF's operations and sales, and being the go to for all member needs. Enter Miguel! He's joined us officially as of Monday Jan 6th, and we're training him to take over as Studio Manager for LSF. His zone of genius is customer service, and once you have the pleasure of meeting him you'll understand why! Once his training is complete he will be the go to for any of your needs - membership, scheduling, logistics, and keeping the gym running in tip top shape - he's also got some great ideas to implement in 2020 for you all as well! Kat will then be fully into the role that she does best - doing the monthly/quarterly coaching meetings, weekly check-ins, monthly seminars and more to come. :) If you see Miguel in the studio give a warm welcome, and he's got some things planned to get to know you all as well. If you have any questions let us know, and thank you for your ongoing support, allowing our team to work in our zone of genius to serve you best :) #newteam #newpeople #guelph

Lean Strong Fitness 25.04.2019

Yesterday I mentioned S.M.A.R.T goals in my post! Smart goals are a really great first step for setting yourself up for success. It provides good framework to get the ball moving. However through more research I did yesterday I found this post very interesting! 12 TED talks that inspire you to achieve your goals. In the post the author talks about goals in a sense that there are many different ways to reach 1 goal. And that it is important to identify the goal, figur...e out how to get there, and also have a back up plan in mind in case things don't go exactly as planned (which usually they don't) One of Kat's favourite TED talks is actually featured in this post check out #7 for some really great inspiration on being really clear on the why behind any task you may take on! This post is also fantastic because below each video listed there is a description of "why you should watch" which provides a little insight to each video! Comment below if any of these videos look familiar and if you recommend any others :) https://positiveroutines.com/reach-your-goals-ted-talks/ #tedtalks #learning #2020 #goalsetting #goalsetting2020 #guelphontario #guelph #learningisfun

Lean Strong Fitness 17.04.2019

For the month of January we are going to be focusing on goal setting! It seems very fitting as the New Year has just begun and new adventures are in store! Our White Board is all re-organized thanks to the amazing @theevolvingalchemist ! She worked hard New Years Eve to get our white board all re-organized for the New Year, what better way to thank her other than filling this white board with new goals for 2020! ... A few of our members have started filling up the board already but there is a lot more room for blue marker don't worry Instead of focusing on yearly goals here at Lean Strong Fitness we find shorter month goals way more attainable for our members! It was proven successful when we made the switch to this system mid year! Being able to set shorter term goals, with smaller steps looks a lot less intimidating compared to a year goal! Don't get me wrong you could be working towards a larger yearly goal but with smaller monthly steps set in place. Today take some time to think of what you would like your yearly goal to look like... then think about what small steps you need to take to achieve that goal, pick one and make it your January monthly goal! Make Sure Your Goal Is S (specific).M (measurable).A (attainable). R (relevant). T (Timely)! more info to come about Smart goals later this week! What is your January Goal? #goals #goalsetting #january #january2020 #goalsetting2020 #2020 #guelph #guelphlife #guelphontario #guelphbusiness #guelphpersonaltrainer #guelphpersonaltraining

Lean Strong Fitness 07.04.2019

Happy Friday Everyone!! If this was your first week back to reality we hope that it went super smoothly! If it wasn’t and you still were on holidays.... ENJOY!!! We hope to see all of your next week as our gym will be open for regular operating hours :) ... With this new year, new decade, fresh start comes new goals and new aspirations Have you taken the time to think of what you want this year to look like and how you will make that happen? At lean strong fitness we actually have planned out what we would like our year to look like... and let me tell you it is super helpful to have an end goal in mind!! If you haven’t taken the time yet, try to take some time this weekend to think about how you want to make this year better than last... and what steps you have to take to get yourself there! Comment below one thing you want to happen this year! Let’s share our goals and inspire others! #goals #newyears #backtoreality #goalsetting #guelph #guelphontario #guelphlife

Lean Strong Fitness 01.04.2019

Today I wanted to share a very special story from Betty L Betty works so hard day in and day out and pushes herself everyday to greatness! She is becoming stronger than ever and really is seeing the differences in her day to day life activities ... We are so proud of all you have accomplished Betty and we can’t wait to see what the new year has in store for you! Happy 2020 everyone!! Comment below your goals for the month of January http://lsfit.ca/betty-l-member-success/ #goals #goalsetting #2020 #guelphontario

Lean Strong Fitness 26.03.2019

Hey Everyone!! I hope you all have wonderful plans with friends and family today!! Our gym is now closed until Thursday morning! ... Normal hours will resume Thursday from 6am-8pm :) CLOSED WEDNESDAY JAN 1st! Make sure to get out and be active in this gorgeous snow fall we are having!! Happy New Years Eve Everyone thanks for another great year at Lean Strong

Lean Strong Fitness 12.03.2019

Our Holiday Hours continue this week! We are open from our regular 6am-730pm today Tomorrow we are open from 6am-10:30am... New Years Day CLOSED Then we will be back and ready to rock it in the New year with our regular hours on Jan 2nd!!! See you all then and HAPPY NEW YEAR #happy #happyholidays #newyears #newyearseve #newyeargoals #newyeargym

Lean Strong Fitness 22.02.2019

Hey Everyone!! We hope you all had a great holiday! Today is the perfect day to start thinking about what your major goals are for the New Year ahead. ... We have a new feature on our Instagram page.... LinkTree is now available for LSF and we are so excited for it to finally be set up! Let's put it to good use today and give it a try..... Kat is in our office all day today and available for phone calls to chat about how we can help you achieve your goals in 2020! Are you interested in connecting with her today? Click the link below to register for a phone call with her https://linktr.ee/LeanStrongFitness #linktree #contactus #callus #goals #2020 #newyearnewyou #gymgoals #guelph #guelphgyms #guelphlife #guelphfitness #guelphontario

Lean Strong Fitness 15.02.2019

Happy Holidays Everyone!! We hope you are all staying safe these holidays and are able to spend time with your family/friends We are open today from 6am-11:15am so please pop by for a workout! ... Stay safe over the next few days and make sure to let yourself indulge a little over this holiday season you all deserve it! #weareopen #holidayworkout #guelph #guelphontario #guelphlife #happyholidays #comeworkout

Lean Strong Fitness 27.01.2019

Hey Everyone!! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! Just so you know we are OPEN today for our regular session times Monday 6am-7:30pm ... Tuesday 6am-11:15am Wednesday CLOSED Thursday CLOSED Friday 6am-6:45pm So please feel free to register for your sessions and come in to get your workout on before your Holiday Dinners!!! Happy Holidays! #HappyHoliday #holidays #greenandred #holidayhours #weareopen #guelph #guelphontario #guelphgyms #personaltrainingguelph

Lean Strong Fitness 24.01.2019

Happy Friday Everyone! Today I wanted to share one of our recent chalk board questions Pam posed the question " What do you love about life?" Our Lean Strong community wrote down some really amazing responses!! ... We absolutely love this new chalk board... we find that the chalk board is a way for our community to connect with each other and really just write down the first thing that comes to mind. It also works as a good way to brighten up other peoples day, if they come in feeling not great then look up at the chalk board see a funny response, or maybe one that makes them smile, that could make all the difference in their day. It is a good thing to focus on while warming up/be able to get your mind out of the business of day to day life. As staff the reason why I love it so much is because sometimes it is a good way for us to just take a 2 second mental break and write our answers on the board as well. It gives us a sense of connection with our members/community/ What is your response to this question? What do you LOVE about life? Comment below! #community #communitybuilding #communityfirst #communitylove #guelphcommunity #guelph #guelphontario #guelphfitness #guelphbusiness #guelphpersonaltraining

Lean Strong Fitness 17.01.2019

Hey Everyone!! As the holidays are fast approaching and you may be looking for a way to stay active over the holidays, I wanted to share a quick little workout you can do at home! This workout requires no weight and just well.... YOU!! ... Instructions: Set a timer for 20 mins and go through the complete list of exercises consecutively. Once you've reached the end of the list go back to the top. Take minimal rest between exercises and try and see how many rounds you can complete in the 20 mins of work. Record the number of rounds and try to beat it next time! Exercise 1: plank 10brths Exercise 2: Squats X15 Exercise 3: Pushups X10 Exercise 4: mountain Climbers X8each Exercise 5: lunges X8each Exercise 6: Jumping Jacks X30sec Exercise 7: Glute Bridges X15 This workout is only 20mins which is no time at all! I hope this workout helps you get through your holidays :) Comment below if you want more posts like this one/if this is going to be your holiday workout!! #workout #workoutmotivation #holidayworkout #guelph #guelphontario #guelphlife

Lean Strong Fitness 09.01.2019

Today I am sharing a success story from Courtney R! Courtney is one of those people when you first meet her you know she is destined for greatness! Being Courtney's Coach and having her as a member has been an absolute honor. She works hard and busts her ass no matter what I throw at her no matter what crazy sandbag exercise I come up with. Her determination and willingness to learn is inspiring!... I have a very distinctive memory of when I took the time to step away from the session for a few minutes to truly admire how far Courtney has come. It actually made me smile from ear to ear because of how proud I was of her. She has become a person other members look up to and aspire to be. Courtney you are a true example of why I love what I do! Congratulations on all of your accomplishments thus far and I can not wait to see what this year has in store for you (probably more chin-ups and push-ups haha!) But in all seriousness the Canadian Armed Forces are so lucky to have such an amazing, brave, strong, hard working person like you. Comment below to help cheer Courtney on and show your support for her!!!! http://lsfit.ca/courtney-r-found-the-program-she-was-looki/ #strongwomen #strongher #strong #fitness #fitnessmotivation #canadianarmedforces #guelph #guelphontario #guelphlife #guelphwomen #guelphstrong

Lean Strong Fitness 25.12.2018

Happy Tuesday Everyone!! To some of you these exercises in this picture may look familiar. That is because these exercises are Stu McGill's big 3 for low back pain. Unfortunately low back pain is common among a lot of people, however please don't be discouraged because..... Ben P (owner and operator of LSF) studied under the world-renowned back specialist Stu McGill and he has shared is tips and tricks with our team to ensure we are specialized in fixing low back pain.... However low back pain (depending on the severity) does take some time to heal. It is also important to note that not moving (not exercising) is one of the worse things you can do for low back pain. Movement provides blood flow to the body which promotes heeling! It could be as simple as performing these 3 exercises 3 times each in the morning along with some other stretches to help your body promote the heeling process. Having a stronger core (which is promoted by doing the exercises in the picture) helps to minimize back pain, because if your core is working more efficiently then your low back is doing less work in your day to day activities. We also work with our members to build healthy movement patterns in order to avoid injuries in our day to day lives So do you have low back pain (I hope not)? But if you do please comment below for more info and we will be sure to help you get started on the right path to minimizing low back pain! If you are a member already and have no done these exercises yet talk to a trainer to learn more during your next session :) #lowbackpain #lowbackpainrelief #uwaterloo #stumcgill #drstuartmcgill #backpainexercises #backpainsupport #guelph #guelphontario

Lean Strong Fitness 07.12.2018

Happy Monday Everyone! Today I wanted to share a post I saw on a friends facebook wall "Some thoughts as we enter the holiday season. It is important to remember that not everyone is looking forward to Christmas. Some people are not surrounded by large wonderful families. ... Some of us have problems during the holidays and are overcome with great sadness when we remember the loved ones who are not with us. For many it is their first Christmas without a particular loved one and many others lost loved ones at Christmas. And, many people have no one to spend these times with and are besieged by loneliness. We all need caring, loving thoughts right now. If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my friends wherever you might be, to kindly post this status for one hour to give a moment of support to all those who have family problems, health struggles, job issues, worries of any kind and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us, for nobody is immune. I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support. I did it for a friend and you can too! (Hold your finger over this to copy & paste this one, NO sharing!!!" I really do think this is important to remember this holiday season. And with our amazing community make sure to give some extra love to the people in your sessions, say hi, introduce yourself, hold the door open for them because that truly could make all the difference in their day Our community is so important so let's make sure that all the Lean Strong family is feeling loved this holiday season Comment below a heart to show some love for our family #showthelove #love #lovelovelove #christmaslove #sharethelove #community #guelphcommunity #guelphgym