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LH Massage Therapy 08.05.2021

This was written by Chief Dan George, in 1972.. "In the course of my lifetime I have lived in two distinct cultures. I was born into a culture that lived in co...mmunal houses. My grandfather’s house was eighty feet long. It was called a smoke house, and it stood down by the beach along the inlet. All my grandfather’s sons and their families lived in this dwelling. Their sleeping apartments were separated by blankets made of bull rush weeds, but one open fire in the middle served the cooking needs of all. In houses like these, throughout the tribe, people learned to live with one another; learned to respect the rights of one another. And children shared the thoughts of the adult world and found themselves surrounded by aunts and uncles and cousins who loved them and did not threaten them. My father was born in such a house and learned from infancy how to love people and be at home with them. And beyond this acceptance of one another there was a deep respect for everything in Nature that surrounded them. My father loved the Earth and all its creatures. The Earth was his second mother. The Earth and everything it contained was a gift from See-see-am and the way to thank this Great Spirit was to use his gifts with respect. I remember, as a little boy, fishing with him up Indian River and I can still see him as the sun rose above the mountain top in the early morningI can see him standing by the water’s edge with his arms raised above his head while he softly moanedThank you, thank you. It left a deep impression on my young mind. And I shall never forget his disappointment when once he caught me gaffing for fish just for the fun of it. My son he said, The Great Spirit gave you those fish to be your brothers, to feed you when you are hungry. You must respect them. You must not kill them just for the fun of it. This then was the culture I was born into and for some years the only one I really knew or tasted. This is why I find it hard to accept many of the things I see around me. I see people living in smoke houses hundreds of times bigger than the one I knew. But the people in one apartment do not even know the people in the next and care less about them. It is also difficult for me to understand the deep hate that exists among people. It is hard to understand a culture that justifies the killing of millions in past wars, and it at this very moment preparing bombs to kill even greater numbers. It is hard for me to understand a culture that spends more on wars and weapons to kill, than it does on education and welfare to help and develop. It is hard for me to understand a culture that not only hates and fights his brothers but even attacks Nature and abuses her. I see my white brothers going about blotting out Nature from his cities. I see him strip the hills bare, leaving ugly wounds on the face of mountains. I see him tearing things from the bosom of Mother Earth as though she were a monster, who refused to share her treasures with him. I see him throw poison in the waters, indifferent to the life he kills there; as he chokes the air with deadly fumes. My white brother does many things well for he is more clever than my people but I wonder if he has ever really learned to love at all. Perhaps he only loves the things that are his own but never learned to love the things that are outside and beyond him. And this is, of course, not love at all, for man must love all creation or he will love none of it. Man must love fully or he will become the lowest of the animals. It is the power to love that makes him the greatest of them all for he alone of all animals is capable of [a deeper] love. My friends, how desperately do we need to be loved and to love. When Christ said man does not live by bread alone, he spoke of a hunger. This hunger was not the hunger of the body.. He spoke of a hunger that begins in the very depths of man... a hunger for love. Love is something you and I must have. We must have it because our spirit feeds upon it. We must have it because without it we become weak and faint. Without love our self esteem weakens. Without it our courage fails. Without love we can no longer look out confidently at the world. Instead we turn inwardly and begin to feed upon our own personalities and little by little we destroy ourselves. You and I need the strength and joy that comes from knowing that we are loved. With it we are creative. With it we march tirelessly. With it, and with it alone, we are able to sacrifice for others. There have been times when we all wanted so desperately to feel a reassuring hand upon us there have been lonely times when we so wanted a strong arm around us I cannot tell you how deeply I miss my wife’s presence when I return from a trip. Her love was my greatest joy, my strength, my greatest blessing. I am afraid my culture has little to offer yours. But my culture did prize friendship and companionship. It did not look on privacy as a thing to be clung to, for privacy builds walls and walls promote distrust. My culture lived in big family communities, and from infancy people learned to live with others. My culture did not prize the hoarding of private possessions, in fact, to hoard was a shameful thing to do among my people. The Indian looked on all things in Nature as belonging to him and he expected to share them with others and to take only what he needed. Everyone likes to give as well as receive. No one wishes only to receive all the time. We have taken something from your culture I wish you had taken something from our culture, for there were some beautiful and good things in it. Soon it will be too late to know my culture, for integration is upon us and soon we will have no values but yours. Already many of our young people have forgotten the old ways. And many have been shamed of their Indian ways by scorn and ridicule. My culture is like a wounded deer that has crawled away into the forest to bleed and die alone. The only thing that can truly help us is genuine love. You must truly love, be patient with us and share with us. And we must love youwith a genuine love that forgives and forgets a love that forgives the terrible sufferings your culture brought ours when it swept over us like a wave crashing along a beach with a love that forgets and lifts up its head and sees in your eyes an answering love of trust and acceptance..." ~Chief Dan George was a leader of the Tsleil-Waututh Nation as well as a beloved actor, musician, poet and author. He was born in North Vancouver in 1899 and died in 1981. This column first appeared in the North Shore Free Press on March 1, 1972. https://www.nsnews.com//from-the-archives-chief-dan-george

LH Massage Therapy 18.04.2021

Found this gem on TikTok. I felt like it needed to be shared! Notorious Cree

LH Massage Therapy 07.04.2021

YOU HAVE A NEW MESSAGE FROM THE UNIVERSE TODAY Check our work at healingenergytools.com

LH Massage Therapy 30.03.2021

On Saturday July 4th we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 13 degrees and 37’ of Capricorn at 10:44pm. This is the very rare 3rd Eclipse in a season that ...usually only has 2 Eclipses, indicating the intensity and impact that 2020 will have on our evolutionary journey as the collective. With the Sun in intuitive and emotional Cancer, the Full Moon will be opposite the zodiac in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn. Eclipses bring about evolutionary change for each one of us and the collective that can be felt up to 6 months later. Capricorn is represented by the Sea Goat. It is sure footed and stubborn. It has strong boundaries, and is dependable, reliable, and caring. Capricorns are responsible, disciplined, and love structure and order in their lives. They love ancient wisdom, tradition, and family. Capricorns know good quality, and work hard to achieve it in their work. Capricorn’s life lessons involve learning to trust others and themselves, so that they can freely open their hearts to love and forgiveness. Capricorns have the ability to manage a crisis well - but this can also lead to expecting the worst in any situation and trying to plan for possible scenarios. Optimism and positivity are qualities to be cultivated in this lifetime through self awareness. There are a number of factors making this Full Moon quite a doozy: - Mars in Aries is squaring Mercury Retrograde in Cancer. This can bring up anger, aggression, blame, and revenge. Instead seek to understand and have awareness as to what is triggering in you. Prevent more misery with awareness and love instead of retribution. Seek out a win-win resolution. - Saturn in Retrograde has moved back into the last degree of Capricorn. This intense degree is bringing up where we may have been lacking responsibility to ourselves in our goals, and structure to obtaining our goals. This is also asking society to step up and take responsibility for each other by taking preventative measures to stop the spread of COVID. This pandemic is not over, and yet commerce and government are trying to keep the flow of money going. Is that where our responsibility lies? No. Our responsibility is to humanity and saving as many lives as we can. - Pluto and Jupiter are conjunct at 23 degrees of Capricorn. And although it is too far away to affect the Moon, it is close enough to also be affected by Saturn. What this all means is that old structures like outdated government policies (Capricorn) are being torn down (Pluto) and restructured (Saturn), so that it can support our growth and new laws (Jupiter) to usher in the age of Aquarius where humanity will be elevated and technological advances will help us make leaps in our evolution as a collective. We cannot get there with current systems, beliefs, and government policies. - Mercury in Retrograde in Cancer is traveling with the Sun at the time of this Full Moon Eclipse. Mercury is our mind, our cognitive ability, our communication, and our coordination. We may be feeling very sensitive. If we are triggered by the square to Mars (motivation/energy/aggression) we may either fight or flee. This aspect can be used in a more positive way by tapping into our intuition and channel wonderful creative ideas and nudges for how we should be moving forward. There can also be themes pulling us more into our family, nurturing roles, and even dealing with our mothers or our homes. Full Moons are an illumination, culmination point, and sometimes things that were hidden may be revealed by the energy of the Full Moon. You can look back at the intentions you planted on December 26, 2019 (which was the last Capricorn New Moon) and see what is coming to harvest now. 3 Ways To Use This Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Energy For The Most Positive Outcome : 1)Reframe Your Resolutions - We are now half way through the year. Capricorn is about our responsibilities and our ethics. What resolutions did you intention for yourself and your life at the beginning of this year? What did you want to accomplish this year? It is time now to reframe those intentions and resolutions and take the next positive action towards making your goals come to life. 2)What You Resist Persists - Feel the emotions that are coming up for you now. They may likely feel like frustration, anger, irritations, and triggers. These emotions will be flying around for the next 6 months as Mars parties it up in Aries. Feel it, breathe, journal about it, and get to the root of why this is an issue for you. Remember everyone you meet is a mirror for you. What you see in them is also rooted in you. 3)Recommit to Yourself - I guarantee there are ways that you can be doing better for yourself. We are so busy giving and doing that we forget to receive. We forget to celebrate the steps along the path. We forget to keep our word to ourselves. Recommit you yourself and your well being. Do the yoga, the journaling, the meditation, and move that beautiful body. Self care will be so important for you this year. Don’t let that be the first thing you cut for time. Wishing you a wonderful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn! If you would like to book your own private Astrology session with me, can book through my website at www.SheetalStory.com.