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Life Flow Wellness Directory 23.04.2021

Such a great durable product! Way to go Lukas!

Life Flow Wellness Directory 04.02.2021

FIXING THE WORLD We all want to fix the world, whether we are aware of it or not. Maybe we are driven either by a sense of altruism, a sense of desperation, or... it is our biological imperative (the drive to survive) speaking to us. I guess we inherently know that if the planet doesn’t survive, neither do we. Filled up with our good intentions, we ponder, where to begin? Heaped onto a planet rife with violence, starvation and malnutrition, economic collapse, global warming and governmental misbehaviour, we now face a worldwide pandemic! Each new crisis adds to our mounting despair, and we wonder how we, as individuals, could possibly help? When we combine the perceived enormity of the task (to fix the world), with how small and helpless we imagine we are, our good intentions fly out the window. Many of us accept our seeming powerlessness and frailty in the face of this monstrous responsibility. We resign ourselves to being mere mortals just trying to get through our days. We succumb to surviving instead of thriving. This is where many if us are today merely surviving feeling beaten down by bad news. Many beseech God or a higher power to step in and fix what we perceive as a messed up world and our own cluttered backyards. Alas - we forget. We forget who we are. We forget what we came here to do. We forget what we are capable of. Our powerlessness is triggered by outside circumstances, but it is not where we learned it. Why do some rise to the occasion and others fold like bad suits upon encountering rough times? It is because we have learned to be helpless and feel powerless. Again, thank you Dr. Bruce Lipton for your wisdom and common sense. Here is how we forgot: When a baby elephant in India is being trained, its leg is tied to a post with a strong rope. No matter how hard and how long the baby elephant pulls, there is no budging the post. The elephant ultimately comes to associate the rope with an all-powerful, immovable force. When the elephant becomes a twelve-foot tall adult, simply placing a rope around its leg causes it to stay put because it has already resigned itself to the all-powerfulness of the rope. Even though the adult elephant has the strength to break any rope or uproot nearly any post, the belief of limitation it acquired from past programming in its youth keeps the elephant immobile and docile." In light of the power of this developmental programming, we might ask: Which stories and beliefs acquired in our youth are keeping us unconsciously tethered, disempowered, and thwarted from expressing our true abilities? ( Dr. Lipton) This is a big question to ponder, especially in these times. Where do you give your power away and express your internal fear? More on this next time

Life Flow Wellness Directory 02.02.2021

Immune boosting goodness!

Life Flow Wellness Directory 21.01.2021

This reminds me of peeling back the layers of the onion. Once you think you have things figured out there’s another layer or tangle!

Life Flow Wellness Directory 13.01.2021

Sherry has been an inspiration and has helped shift my thoughts around eating in such a healthy way! I highly recommend her to anyone who is ready to dig deep and let go of the dieting traps.