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Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 08.05.2021

Do you have a divorce mantra? This was one of mine. "You are resilient and brave." Because it takes courage to go up against a toxic ex! And resilience to stay steady through it all. It helped me to practice this thought before I went to court, to tap into my beliefs about myself. On Monday, I asked you all to notice if you were letting the negative talk track in your head overwhelm you. Today, I want you to think about what thoughts help you feel POWERFUL. ... Here are a few of my favorites: "I know and like my reasons for my decisions." "I have my own back 100%." "I can do hard things." These thoughts don't need to make you feel AMAZING, they just need to feel a little better than whatever you're thinking now. What thought will you practice this weekend? See more

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 28.04.2021

Let's talk about cleaning house after divorce. There are so many questions that come with divorce. What to do with the wedding photos? What about family pictures, scattered throughout the house? It can feel like an alternate reality. I'll be honest...after my divorce battle, I didn't have the energy to deal with those questions. Those photos got stucked away in the guest bedroom closet and I completely forgot about them. ... Until now. We're moving soon, and in preparation of selling our house, I uncovered these old photos. So what did I do? Read the blog post to find out See more

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 18.04.2021

When I was in the thick of my divorce battle, I felt completely broken down. I was fighting as hard as I could, but I kept thinking "It's not enough." And guess what? Pretty soon, I started feeling like *I* wasn't enough. ... The negative talk track that runs in all of our brains only gets amplified during divorce, when we feel like we have to be constantly refuting bogus accusations and managing crises. But thinking negatively about ourselves only makes the divorce battle harder, right? One strategy you can try is QUESTIONING your negative beliefs. Try asking your brain the question: "Is it POSSIBLE something else is true?" You got this warrior!

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 31.12.2020

YES to making the divorce process easier on yourself! Swipe to see what my client RB said about working with me and how it's made the divorce process easier Do you have someone you can call when you're in the trenches? For me, I had my parents and my bestie...but I wish I had had a coach.... A coach can be there for you throughout the entire process, and knows how to help you manage your brain. It makes the whole process much less scary and much more strategic. "But the money!" I hear you saying. And I understand! Sometimes that investment is too much when you're already stretched thin. That's why I offer multiple ways to work with me, including my Divorce Survival Kit course. It's only $197, which is sort of insane for the value. If you're ready to win your divorce in 2021 *without* losing your mind, go check it out! Or schedule a strategy call with me to figure out what is the best fit for ya. Link in my bio @stacey_mendelson See more

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 29.12.2020

2021 is right around the corner...are you ready to embrace discomfort this year? I know you're probably thinking "Um, Stacey, this year was uncomfortable enough." And I hear that! But here's what I want you to see: you made it. Even through divorce, even through a global-freaking-pandemic, you made it. ... And that's because you are a badass brain boss with infinite capacity to adapt So what do you want to do this year? What is the goal that would BLOW YOUR MIND if you achieved it by the end of next year? If you can embrace discomfort, I promise you can achieve that goal. Are you ready to do that? Tell me down in the comments!

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 24.12.2020

I don't usually get sappy on here, but today, I was overwhelmed with gratitude for these boys. I truly couldn't ask for a better son...or a better dog! I know for many of you divorce warriors out there, Christmas might feel sad or frustrating this year. And here's what I want to say to you: it won't always be like this. Eventually, there will be peace and joy and pup snuggles. You can make that a reality for yourselfjust keep going. ... If you're needing some extra guidance on how to stay strong during this time, I've got you. On my website, I offer a 911 call with me to strategize on getting you through the worst parts of divorce. Go check it out if you need it! And remember: you are a badass brain boss. You can do this! See more

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 21.12.2020

What is your word for the year? Last week I talked about how a client said she wanted to feel "untouchable." This week, as we get closer to the New Year, I've been thinking about how powerful choosing one word can be. Just one word can be your mantra to lean on when things get tough, your guide for making decisions, or your inspiration for creating the life you love. ... Here are some ideas from the Navigating High Conflict Divorce with Stacey group! If one resonates, feel free to claim it as your own... Trust Resilience Courage . Permission . Bold . Ease . Evolve My word is SIMPLIFY. What is yours? Tell me in the comments below & check out today's blog for ideas on how to implement your word in 2021! https://lifelinecoaching.ca/word-of-the-year-for-2021/

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 17.12.2020

The holidays can be a stressful time for anyone, but ESPECIALLY for you divorce warriors co-parenting with a toxic ex None of us signed up for this! I want to make sure you have ALL the tools you need to stay sane this year, so I compiled my top four tips for handling Christmas during high conflict divorce. My #1 tip? Follow your court order. Its the simplest decision and reduces ALL the drama of dealing with your ex.... Find the other 3 on blog right now! See more

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 12.12.2020

Hey! What are you doing tonight? I am teaching a class for Toronto Single Mom's called: Stop being triggered by your ex. Wanna come?... 8:30pm EST wine and jammies encouraged Here's the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89616957211 See more

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 29.11.2020

What's your epic goal for 2021? I love setting goals and I think it's important to have a goal that feels truly impossible. Where you think, "Holy ****, I did it" when you look back and remember where you were. When this photo was taken, my epic goal was to leave my toxic ex. ... A year ago, my epic goal was to be a full-time coach, helping divorce warriors through the battle. BOTH of those goals are now my reality And I tell you what, it feels awesome to be here. It feels great to blow your own mind! So what is your epic goal for 2021? Tell me down below! See more

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 15.11.2020

How would you like to feel around your ex? I recently asked this question to a client who was feeling terrorized by her ex and her answer was "Untouchable." I love that!... But how do you become untouchable? It's actually simpler than you think. Today on the blog, I want to talk about how to stop living in a constant state of fear by taking back control of your thoughts. Is your ex going to change their behavior? Probably not. But can you reclaim your power in the situation? Absolutely. Link is in my bio! Head there now for my four tips on becoming untouchable And while you're there, make sure you subscribe to the mailing list so you can get the Lifeline blogs sent straight to your inbox every week! See more

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 27.09.2020

Okay friends! I want to talk about a trend I've been seeing that might be a little controversial: divorce from arranged marriages. For so long, it seems that divorce from arranged marriages has been completely taboo. But I can see in my own work that that's changing! I currently have FOUR (4!) clients divorcing from arranged marriages. So far, the reasons are the same as you would expect from non-arranged marriages: infidelity incompatibility and different value...s BUT! There are some key challenges that seem to appear in arranged marriages and that's what I'm talking about on the blog today. If you or someone you know is in an arranged marriage and considering divorce, this is the blog post for you! See more

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 11.09.2020

Sometimes, when we start trying to change our thoughts, it can feel inauthenticour sneaky brains know we don't believe it yet. Enter my little friend: the bridging thought. A bridging thought is a thought that moves you towards your goal thought, but that you can believe RIGHT NOW. ... Here are a few phrases I love to start bridging thoughts with: "It's possible that..." "I'm opening to believing..." "I'm learning to..." "I'm in the process of..." So for your Monday #motivation, I want you to choose one thing you would love to believe...and then create a bridging thought for it. Ready? Set? GO. See more

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 23.08.2020

Here's a question: when was the last time you took time off from the divorce trenches? If you can't remember, I want you to look at your calendar right now and schedule some time in the next week to take a break Why? Because your brain is motivated by feelings. ... When I took this picture, I had had two really intense weeks in court with a client. My brain had been consumed with strategy, documents, and lawyer speak for days! So I took an evening to refuel. That break gave my brain the boost of dopamine it needed to get back into creativity and focus So. How are you going to give yourself a break from the trenches this week? Tell me down below! See more

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 16.08.2020

If I had a dollar for every time a client told me "I just want this to be over," I would be a very wealthy person. And I totally get it. It sucks. You want it to be over. But you DON'T want it to be over if you end up getting a crappy deal, am I right? And trust me, it PAYS to be ruthlessly patient in divorce. So what does that mean? Three things: ... Recognizing that it's not better there than here Status quo can be just fine You don't actually need it to be done And if any of that is blowing your mind, I HEAR YOU. I was you. I can teach you how to get from freaking out to calm & collected & ready to be ruthlessly patient. Schedule a strategy session so we can break you out of that panic cycle today You got this warrior! I am rooting for you.

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 14.08.2020

One of my favorite questions to ask is "so what?" I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out So what isn't about invalidating your experience. It's about SEPARATING the facts from the thoughts. ... And that, my friends, is the KEY to not letting your ex's actions trigger you anymore So next time you find yourself hyperventilating over someone your ex said (I've been there!) take a minute to slow down and ask yourself....so what? And if you're ready to be done with your ex's shenanigans for good? Then you're ready for The Divorce Survival Kit. Link in my bio to sign up!

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 03.08.2020

Have you ever tried to convince yourself that you didn't feel the way you felt? I tried that a million times, and yeah...it never worked. The thing about changing your thoughts is that it is a process. And the first step in that process is finding a thought you can believe RIGHT NOW. ... Can you believe that things suck and believe that you have the capability to do something about it? Here's how you know you have a believable thought: do you feel just a little bit better? Can you take a deep breath with that thought? If not, keep brainstorming til you find one that can get you from panic to neutral. That's where the magic happens

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 27.07.2020

One of the things I get asked about most frequently is how to handle a loss in family court. And I won’t lie to you--my first loss in family court was devastating. I had been so sure I was going to win, felt so confident that I was right and the expensive lawyer I had hired would take care of everything. It didn’t work out that way. My number one tip for family court is this: know your why. ... Why are you showing up to family court? You could just acquiesce to whatever your ex wants. I’m *not* advocating for that, but I want to highlight that you’re making a choice. What is the reason for that choice? Never let yourself forget that you have power here. Here are the facts: family court is a circus. There are things you can’t control and you may lose. But there are three key things that you can control and THAT’S what I want to talk to you about this week. Everything you need to know is on the Lifeline Blog! https://lifelinecoaching.ca/managing-a-loss-in-family-court/

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 20.07.2020

Client WIN! Honestly nothing gives me more joy than seeing my clients evolve and come through their divorce battle stronger, smarter, and more connected to themselves & their life. Swipe left to see what my client M had to say about working together for the past eight months. She is truly re-claiming her life in this process and I am so proud of her.... P.S. If you want some of what she's having, head to my website to book a *free* strategy session with me. We can talk about what your situation is, your goals, and how you're going to get there. lifelinecoaching.ca Happy Monday divorce warriors! You got this! See more

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 08.07.2020

When did you last feel at peace? When I was in the thick of my high-conflict divorce it seemed there was no way back to my "happy place." Part of the puzzle that put me on track was finding the right lawyer for my divorce. I presented my lawyer with the goals I had in terms of custody, access, and support and we made an action plan for court. Now, I like to work with my clients to create this list of goals and put them in order of importance. ... One thing that can give you peace of mind is knowing you are ready for anything that comes your way in the courtroom. Here's to finding a little pocket of peace today, starting with getting the right lawyer! #lifelinecoaching #thelifelineblog #divorce #divorcedmom #divorcecoach #highconflictdivorce #custodybattle #arbitration #lifecoach #lifecoaching #lifecoachwisdom #lifecoachtips #divorcedparenting #anxiety #stress #singleparent #singleparenting #newnormal #createyourfuture #intentionallife #lifeafterdivorce #badassbrainboss #selfconfidence #custodylawyer #narcissist #childcustody #custody #divorcewin #communication #changeyourdivorce See more

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 29.06.2020

Knowing you are well protected in court is invaluable. That’s why hiring the best lawyer for your case is an essential part of your divorce game plan. But, how do you know you are getting the best lawyer with so many options out there? You have to have a process for interviewing lawyers that enables you assess if the lawyer has the chops for the battle.... Today on the blog I’m sharing my tips and tricks for how to choose the lawyer with experience in your particular obstacles. Let’s get litigating! #lifelinecoaching #thelifelineblog #divorce #divorcedmom #divorcecoach #highconflictdivorce #custodybattle #arbitration #lifecoach #lifecoaching #lifecoachwisdom #lifecoachtips #divorcedparenting #anxiety #stress #singleparent #singleparenting #newnormal #createyourfuture #intentionallife #lifeafterdivorce #badassbrainboss #selfconfidence #enneagram9 #custodylawyer #narcissist #childcustody #custody #divorcewin #divorcequotes #lawyerup #bestlawyer #court

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 12.06.2020

Choosing a lawyer is tricky business. In fact, this is the number one mistake that I see clients make. I like to consider myself a pretty savvy gal, but it took me three attempts to get the right lawyer! It's no wonder. We have no frame of reference for choosing a lawyer.... Where do you even begin?! Step one is having an interview process to compare lawyers. This way you can compare "apples to apples" and choose the best lawyer so you'll feel at ease in family court. Today on the Lifeline Blog, I’m walking you through what you need to know to pick the best lawyer for your divorce. There's no time like now to start your search! #lifelinecoaching #thelifelineblog #divorce #divorcedmom #divorcecoach #highconflictdivorce #custodybattle #arbitration #lifecoach #lifecoaching #lifecoachwisdom #lifecoachtips #divorcedparenting #anxiety #stress #singleparent #singleparenting #newnormal #createyourfuture #intentionallife #lifeafterdivorce #badassbrainboss #selfconfidence #custodylawyer #narcissist #childcustody #custody #divorcewin #communication #changeyourdivorce

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 03.06.2020

Would I wish a high conflict divorce on my worst enemy? No. But do I recognize that it's made me a stronger person? 100%. The thing that made the difference was learning to manage my mind. ... I know there's another version of my story where I never learned thought work and I am the broken, fearful person I was afraid of becoming. Instead, I get to be so grateful for the life I have now, where I know I can conquer any challenge life throws at me--because I'm not afraid of any emotion. What about you? How is your divorce making you stronger? If you're curious about learning to manage your mind, you can find all the info you need on my website. The link is, as usual, in my bio See more

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 25.05.2020

800 pages of emails. Eight. Hundred. Pages. That’s what the first six months of my divorce looked like printed out. ... When I first separated from my husband, I was determined to be non-litigious and solution-focused. Which means communicating right?! Nope. All those 800 pages of back and forth got me were death threats, and a restraining order I wish I had known from the beginning what I know now about communicating with a high conflict ex. But even though I can’t go back in time, I don’t want you to learn the hard way. So today on the Lifeline Blog, I’m teaching the four things I wish I had known about communicating with an ex. Don’t sleep on this one! See more

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 12.05.2020

If you’ve found my page, I’m guessing you’re in the thick of a divorce battle. You might be feeling scared, angry, anxious, overwhelmed. That’s all totally normal. But it doesn’t HAVE to feel like that. Imagine this: ... Feeling 100% confident in your legal counsel and their ability to fight for you Trusting yourself to nail the custody assessment interviews Setting clear boundaries with your ex with zero drama about their reactions Having a trusted advisor & cheerleader to discuss everything with That’s exactly what you get when you work with me. When it comes to divorce, I’ve literally seen it all--which means I can help you figure out exactly how to address it. One client told me that her only regret is she didn’t start working with me sooner! I totally get that coaching can seem like an unnecessary expense when divorce (or the pandemic!) is already hitting you hard financially. But the first step is 100% free: booking a strategy call with me. Just go to the link in my bio to book a call & we can figure it out from there See more

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 25.04.2020

I love cycling. I got into cycling when I was going through my divorce battleit felt like freedom & control when I really needed that. Now it's just fun, even if my face might not show it here What are you all doing this weekend for self-care? I want to hear!

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 05.04.2020

On Saturday, I had dinner with a friend of mine. We’ve both been divorced, and he reminded me that I used to use the word "malignant" to describe my divorce. It was so interesting to hear that nowback then, it really felt like a disease, something incurable that was ruining my life! But now I think of it as a gift. Because of it, I found coaching, which totally revolutionized my life. Sometimes, our divorce stories help us get through the hardest parts of the divorce battle.... But eventually, they can start to cause unnecessary suffering. And we know that when we’re suffering, we never create positive results for ourselves. So how do you shift those painful stories? That’s what I’m teaching today on the Lifeline Blog. And if you need some personalized help, just book a free strategy call with me & I can help you break it down. You got this friend Let’s get to work.

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 27.03.2020

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I teach the model that our thoughts cause our feelings and our actions. So I’m curious--what set of thoughts, what STORY, are you thinking about your divorce right now? Later this week I’m going to do a deep dive into how these stories affect the RESULTS of our divorce. But for today, I just want you to notice today what sentences or words pop into your mind when you think about your divorce ... I’m genuinely fascinated by this! I would love to hear your answer in the comments down below See more

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 19.03.2020

Here’s a little brain hack: What would you do if you knew you weren’t going to quit? I swear that this question saved my life. When I was in the thick of my divorce, all I wanted to do was quit. But it just wasn’t an option! So I had to figure out what I was going to do instead. ... I decided I was going to do three things: 1 Take care of myself 2 Take care of my son 3 Fight like hell And then I took massive action. Massive action is the absolute KEY to moving forward during divorce. If you haven’t heard of it, today’s blog post is for you. I’m walking you through all the obstacles to massive action and how to conquer them. So what would you do if you weren’t going to quit? Let’s go do it. See more

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 11.03.2020

I heard a fascinating conversation on a podcast the other day. It was about how there are really TWO factors that affect our decision to go after a goal. 1) Your desire for that outcome. ... And 2) Your belief that that outcome is achievable. Isn’t that interesting? Of course, we all focus on the first one. But maybe it’s the second one that really matters. So. Do you believe that the outcome you want for your divorce is possible? Why or why not? Wherever you're at, let’s talk about it. Putting belief into practice & vice versa is literally what I DO. Link in my bio to schedule a free strategy call with me right now. You got this See more

Lifeline Coaching and Consulting 02.03.2020

Let's talk about triggers. What about the divorce has been triggering you lately? Is it the emails from your ex's snarky lawyer? ... Or the post on Facebook with the new fiance? Or the blatant lies and false accusations? Yeah. I've totally been there. Four years ago, I felt triggered literally every DAY. It felt like it was derailing my life! I was so tired, anxious, and overwhelmed that I finally dove deep into understanding triggers and what to do about them. And I found tools that actually WORKED. I use them on myself. I teach them to my clients. And now, I'm opening them up to you. Because seriously, enough is enough. You deserve a life that's not dominated by stress and anxiety. Link is in my bio! You'll see it right away. See more