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Life Sustain Fitness 08.05.2021

How I Stay Motivated to Consistently Follow My Training Routine I make things easy - So i’m more likely to do it.... I listen to my body - So I know when I need to take a break. I am comfortable with taking multiple days off - Because sometimes we all get busy or need a break, and all my progress won’t be lost after a few days or weeks. I am aware of my limits - So I don’t feel pressured to do more than I need to I have a plan - So I can push play on my workout and not have to waste time thinking about what to do #fitnessmotivation #mondaymotivation #fitnessprogress #buildstrength #oakvilleontario

Life Sustain Fitness 04.05.2021

What Black History Month Means To Me To me black history month is a time to reflect on the past and learn from our mistakes. I am grateful to those who came before me and sacrificed so much of their lives to make change, and create an impact on my future and the generations to come.... If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that ignoring the mistakes of history keeps us from progressing to a prosperous future. . . . . #BlackHistoryMonth #RememberHistory #ToABetterFuture #2021

Life Sustain Fitness 19.04.2021

Squatting is a great exercise and most are capable of performing it with the needed level of competency. However, it’s important to be aware and understand the basics of squatting (or any exercise for that matter) to make sure that you are set up for long term consistent progress. Without a base understanding of movement, people quite often end up in a situation where they need to either stop due to an injury, or regress to build up what they didn’t have in the first place.... If you can avoid these 2 situations you’re in a much better position for long term fitness progress and optimal health. Low back pain is a widely common injury that can range from constantly nagging to debilitating. If you are experiencing back pain when squatting it is obvious something is not working the way it should. However, avoiding back pain could be as easy as making a few minor adjustments. These are 2 common mistakes I have seen when people are squatting and experiencing back pain, and how you can adjust the exercise for less pain. These adjustments are probably not the fix for everyone however, they can definitely be helpful to many people experiencing back pain when squatting, and to those without back pain who want to avoid experiencing it in the future. . . . . . #LowBackPain #Squat #OnlineMovementCoach #OakvilleOntario #Movewell #MoveOften

Life Sustain Fitness 03.04.2021

I’m an anatomy nerd So much so that after 6 years of school studying anatomy, I chose to go back for another 4...during a Pandemic In April of 2020 I started my 1st year of studying Osteopathy. For those of you who are unaware of Osteopathy a quick google search gives you some insights however, having looked myself there seems to be a lot of information that I don’t agree with and makes Osteopathy seem kind of Quaky. ... The 1st thing I read after googling what is Osteopathy? categorized it as a pseudoscience! Being firmly rooted in anatomy and physiology, Osteopathy is far from a pseudoscience, as much as some would like to argue. Are bones, muscles, and other tissues of the body a figment of our imagination? Even before I knew what I know now, after one year of schooling I never felt Osteopathy ever could or should be categorized as a pseudoscience. To gain full context from that last statement, there would need to be a description the length of a novel which for one, no one wants to read, and second, Facebook doesn't allow that many characters in a description So to provide some context in a way that is much easier to understand and with significantly less characters, I figured I would share the 4 tenets of Osteopathy. This way you can learn the foundation of Osteopathy and make your own decisions on pseudoscience or not. 4 Tenets of Osteopathy 1. The body is a unit 2. The body has its own self-protecting and regulating mechanisms 3. Structure (anatomy) and function (physiology) are reciprocally interrelated 4. Treatment considers the preceding three principles . . . . #anatomy #physiology #osteopathy #movementcoach #manualtherapy #movementcoach

Life Sustain Fitness 26.03.2021

Building strength does NOT have to be hard. Too often we make fitness and building our strength more of a challenge than it needs to be. When really there are only a few things that we need to consistently do right to make progress and achieve results. The hard part isn’t necessarily knowing what to do, it’s actually doing the things we need to do LONG ENOUGH for the magic to happen. However, if you’re trying to do all of these things from the start, it’s likely you won’t st...ay the course long enough to get to where you want to be. Gradually adopting each of these habits overtime is the best way to make progress and achieve long lasting success. Try focusing on just one of the habits from the list above for 1 month. A lot of the time that can be enough for you to see noticible changes and progress in your overall health. Comment below with which one of these habits you’re going to focus on for the next month! . . . . #healthandfitnesshabits #buildyourstrength #strongforlife #fitnessprogress #consistencyiskey

Life Sustain Fitness 26.01.2021

There is a lot of information out there in regards to fitness. You’ll see a bazillion different exercises online, in group classes, or by the dude down the street. All designed specifically to make you stronger, increase your (glute size) , and make you less of a paperweight. Outside of choosing what exercises to perform, figuring out what weight to use, for how many reps and sets, and the number of days a week you should do them is another challenge on its own. Personally,... I like making things simple. Why add more complication when you don't need to? These 7 exercises are the fundamental base for an overall resilient and functional body. Almost all other exercises you see out there will most likely be a variation of one of these movements, because they check off all the boxes that are needed for you to progressively increase your strength and keep you strong for life. Make your life easy and follow the basics. Let me know in the comments below which one of these movements you’ve tried before. Do you have a favourite? #movementfundamentals #buildstrength #onlinemovementcoach

Life Sustain Fitness 06.01.2021

I’ve been making it more of a priority to spend time outside and go on walks the last few months. Not just because we’re stuck inside more than usual with it being colder and the covid lingering. More so because there’s something about being out in solitude that I find calming and relaxing. It seems to also settle my mind, which often leads to ideas that I feel I wouldn’t have been in the right headspace to come up with otherwise. Some are useful, some are interesting, and ...then some are just straight up crazy. Either way it is cool how thoughts we have can eventually turn into something real (more so the useful and interesting ones). In a way being outside, and walking on my own with no distractions has been powerful at helping me realize what’s important to me, and what I should or need to spend my time on. That being said, it’s not always an enlightening experience. A lot of the time it’s just a change of scenery which I know I need, and I can bet a lot of you would feel the same. Anyone else here scheduling time out of their day to be outside or go on walks? #mentalhealth #physicalhealth

Life Sustain Fitness 17.12.2020

I’m not a financial expert however I feel confident in saying most of us with retirement funds are investing for the long term. The idea that the accumulation of smaller consistent investments over time will in the end compound to a much greater financial goal. Giving you the ability to continue doing what you love, and maintain the overall comfort and quality of your life. Your fitness strategy should follow this same principle for your long term health and physical perform...ance. Along with the idea of smaller consistent investments over time, you would also want to make sure that your investments are dispersed among a number of strong reliable stocks. Ones that you can feel confident about standing the test of time, so that you can continue to see progress and reach your financial goals. The same is for your fitness strategy. Just like you want a base of strong reliable stocks, you want a strong reliable base of movement ability to carry your training over the long term. This strong base of movement is what allows you to take advantage of those long term gains. Without these two fundamental fitness principles, your fitness strategy is more like a run of the mill day trader, sporadic and inconsistent. Buying high and selling low on anything and everything shiny and new that comes in sight. This only leads to minimal to non existent progress, frustration, lack of motivation, and quite often injuries that continuously linger, further hindering your training performance and long term consistency. So invest in your fitness like you would invest in your retirement. Progress made over time with consistent and sustainable workouts, built on a solid foundation of movement ability. The future you will thank you. #onlinemovementcoach #movement

Life Sustain Fitness 14.12.2020

How Often Should I Workout? The frequency of your workouts will play an important role in your fitness progression. However, the mindset that more is better in this case, is definitely not how you want to go about planning your weekly workouts. Lifestyle factors will obviously play a significant role here. Fortunately, that doesn’t need to prevent you from completing multiple workouts a week, that will allow you to progress with your performance.... To stay consistent and make progress over time, there probably is a lot less you need to do when it comes to an effective workout than you think. If you're someone like me who wants the most out of your workouts, to cover all your bases to make progress, and do it all while still succeeding in the other areas of your life, make sure to take note of my 5 suggestions that will help you create the most ideal workout frequency for you. #onlinemovementcoach #fitnessbeginners

Life Sustain Fitness 06.12.2020

Our mindset will define the outcomes of the most important aspects of our lives. Our fitness mindset is no different, and will play a significant role in our long term health and overall experience of life. There has been a consistent trend within fitness that supports this go hard or go home mentality. I can imagine the reason being related to a few things, but there is one that jumps out to me. That being, most research and application of exercise was and is heavily focu...sed on athletes. Without going into a giant tangent, I just want to make the point that a go hard or go home, no pain, no gain mindset is meant for someone who competes at elite levels of athletics. I would be guessing, but roughly around 1% of the population. This mindset does not align with a regular person, who just wants to make improvements in their physical abilities, take care of their long term health, and have enough energy to do all the things they need to do. So even though these may seem contrary to building a better version of yourself, I would ask you to consider this question. Are you an athlete? If no one has ever said something to you like I would like you to play for my NBA team or are you ready to compete in the Olympics next week?, chances are you are not an athlete. So give yourself a break, lower the bar, and stay consistent. #fitnessmindset #onlinefitnesscoach