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Listen to your body school 09.01.2021

Did you know all of us have a superconscious mind, a "GOD SELF", that lives within to guide and support us? For a meaningful and fulfilling 2021, we encourage you to learn to communicate with it.

Listen to your body school 02.01.2021

This week, we take a look at how to have a peaceful, enjoyable 2021 filled with love. 1st step: choosing your direction, that is, choosing what you want to create.

Listen to your body school 16.12.2020

Last year was hard on you and you're looking to find harmony no matter what life throws at you? We've got just what you need, an online workshop from the comfort of your own home starting Jan. 12th: https://www.facebook.com/events/275993940228572

Listen to your body school 27.11.2020

Happy New Year! We wish you a year full of light, love and peace.

Listen to your body school 15.11.2020

At the end of every workshop, we ask our participants to share what they learned that will have an impact in their lives. It's also a good habit to have at the end of the year.

Listen to your body school 10.11.2020

2020 tested our resolve and it also tested our humility. With all that's happened this year, were we able to let others have different opinions than ours or did we fall in the trap of arrogance?

Listen to your body school 23.10.2020

From our family to yours, HAPPY HOLIDAYS! May they bring you a time to rest, to celebrate and to plan for the new year!

Listen to your body school 21.10.2020

Wondering what to work on in 2021? How about allowing yourself to be wounded...

Listen to your body school 08.10.2020

Sometimes, we think we have to make big changes in our lives when in fact, all we really need to do is to change the way we look at things, people and events.

Listen to your body school 06.10.2020

In order to experiment with concrete and favorable changes, you must DECIDE to do things differently in your day-to-day life...

Listen to your body school 26.09.2020

Procrastinating because you don't know what your next best move is? Redirect your attention to the intention. Instead of staying blocked wondering what the next best action is, remove the "best" out of the equation, focus on your intention and simply take the next step that is doable for you now. That way, you focus on what's important: doing what you can for what you want. Did you know the rest is not up to you?

Listen to your body school 26.09.2020

People are as perfect as they know how to be at any given moment. Each and every one of their words and deeds expresses their way of loving.

Listen to your body school 20.09.2020

When you read a self-help book or attend a workshop, what is your intention? Personal growth should be done for the pleasure of discovering ourselves. If it's not, it's probably a good idea to put on hold what we're up to and review our intention...

Listen to your body school 19.09.2020

Ever wonder what message the body is sending you when you have a headache? Since the head is the seat of four of the five senses, when it hurts, you are prevented from seeing, hearing, feeling and saying clearly what meets your needs; this distances you from what you want to be.

Listen to your body school 14.09.2020

Looking for a gift delivered on time this year? Offer the gift of harmony to someone you love: https://fb.me/e/Yju5yBl5

Listen to your body school 03.09.2020

Did you know laughter strengthens the immune system, therefore helping us to deal with various bacteria, viruses and diseases? This Holiday season, there're no restrictions on this prescription! Find ways - new ways if you have to (!) - to laugh and enjoy yourself. ;)

Listen to your body school 31.08.2020

Tired of putting up with life? You can use the wealth of personal power within you to create the life you really want. The rewards are far greater than could be imagined...

Listen to your body school 27.08.2020

Do you think your loved ones are selfish when they say no to your request? When you think about it, we are the ones being selfish when we get mad at them for saying no.

Listen to your body school 15.08.2020

Do you sometimes hesitate to share your feelings out of fear of hurting someone, or of possibly being misunderstood or laughed at? If so, that's a sign that your ego has taken over. When you do share, remember that you're doing it to free yourself.

Listen to your body school 12.08.2020

A big thank you to our distributor for talking about one of Lise's books!

Listen to your body school 08.08.2020

If you are a beginner on the path to personal growth, you may experience some distress and some discomfort on the physical and emotional levels. You might have the impression that your very foundation is crumbling as you let go of your old programming. It's only an illusion. You are ridding yourself of the shackles of the past - letting go of emotional baggage and preconceived ideas. YOU ARE BECOMING FREE!

Listen to your body school 07.08.2020

The end of the year is near, which means it's time to plan for 2021. Start the new year on a good note by participating in our most popular workshop and get the tools needed to be in harmony all year. For all the details: https://www.facebook.com/events/275993940228572

Listen to your body school 27.07.2020

BELIEVING is defined as HOLDING something TO BE TRUE. But what is true for someone at a given moment isn't necessarily true for the rest of their life.

Listen to your body school 21.07.2020

Regardless of the number of workshops you attend, self-help books you read or the amount of time you spend thinking about what you learn, YOU MUST ACT! Only through conscious action and repetition will you achieve your goals.

Listen to your body school 21.07.2020

One of the trickiest things to bring up in relationships is when you know something that might help a loved one get out of a problem. If you're unsure how to bring it up, here's a good way...

Listen to your body school 19.07.2020

Ever held a grudge against someone? When we do and stop talking to them, sulk and get angry, say harsh words and make demands that others change themselves to meet our expectations, it indicates that we believe we are superior to them, that we are GOD and that they are something much less. We are saying to them: I will show you how to be perfect, like I am. How else can we act, how else can we be?

Listen to your body school 15.07.2020

Did you know that it is as natural for human beings to create what they want as it is for leaves to grow on trees and turn green in the spring? Here's how Lise Bourbeau, founder of the school, puts it...

Listen to your body school 10.07.2020

Last chance to register for the Be in Harmony workshop.Tomorrow, we start! If you're on the fence, take a look at how we can help: https://ecoutetoncorps.com///all-our-workshops/be-harmony/

Listen to your body school 06.07.2020

We believe that chance and accidents are tools the Universe uses to get our attention. Emotionally, accidents are interpreted unconsciously as punishment. On a deeper level, we blame ourselves and accuse our inner self. We feel responsible for what goes on around us.

Listen to your body school 02.07.2020

Only 4 days left before the start of the Be in Harmony workshop. Next Tuesday, and for 4 Tuesdays in a row, we'll be live and online to help you find harmony within and with others in your life. If that's something you've been looking for, then come get the tools needed to achieve it. To register: https://ecoutetoncorps.com///all-our-workshops/be-harmony/

Listen to your body school 29.06.2020

Fear is a tricky emotion to track down because we don't always like to admit we're afraid. To help us see when we are, we can rely on our emotional body and the job it does. In essence, we attract with our emotional body the things, people and situations we need to fulfill our desires. If we attract the opposite of what we want, there's a good chance fear is at play within us...

Listen to your body school 19.06.2020

More and more, we hear that there are no accidents in life. What do you believe: is an accident a pure coincidence or is there something more to it? Let us know in the comments below and check back in tomorrow to find out how we view them. ;)

Listen to your body school 17.06.2020

Do you find it hard to see yourself as a victim sometimes? This month, in our monthly newsletter, Lise Bourbeau writes about how to catch ourselves playing the victim and how to get our power back when it happens. To read the article and subscribe to the newsletter: https://ecoutetoncorps.com//are-you-more-often-winner-or-/

Listen to your body school 12.06.2020

It's not rare to hear people say they've done work on acceptance and they've accepted the people in their lives. However, our ego can be very good at convincing us we have accepted them when in fact, we haven't yet. How do we know we've really accepted someone or a situation?

Listen to your body school 03.06.2020

Here's a quick reminder on the importance of acceptance...

Listen to your body school 16.05.2020

Ever been frustrated after asking a favor from someone you've helped in the past and that person said no? If so, it means you had expectations, conscious or not, when you helped that person in the first place.

Listen to your body school 28.04.2020

Did you know we offer a complete program to support you on your personal journey? It begins March 2021. Check it out right here: https://www.facebook.com/events/674494176504364/

Listen to your body school 14.04.2020

Going crazy today trying to do it all? Take a deep breath...

Listen to your body school 03.04.2020

Listen to Lise Bourbeau's charming French accent while she explains (in English) how to heal our emotional wounds. https://youtu.be/6B8XTXVEauI

Listen to your body school 30.03.2020

Within all of us exists both the feminine and the masculine. The question is, are these principles in harmony? To find out, pay attention to what principle you accept or resist in others. You'll know what you accept or resist in yourself...

Listen to your body school 26.03.2020

Do you sometimes wonder why you get along well with certain people while others trigger you?

Listen to your body school 10.03.2020

Fear is the barrier between us and what we want. Knowing this, how can we look at fear in a good light? Here's an article on it written by Lise Bourbeau: https://www.ecoutetoncorps.com//New_Consciousness_Review_S

Listen to your body school 04.03.2020

It's the end of the week and for many, it’s time to recharge. Sometimes, all we need to regain our energy is to stop trying to be the cool kid in the room, just drop the act and show ourselves as we really are. And who knows, we might just like it ;)

Listen to your body school 18.02.2020

Are you struggling to find harmony with all that's happened this year? If so, join us this weekend for a workshop designed with this exact purpose - to help you be in harmony: https://www.facebook.com/events/304381104041236/

Listen to your body school 01.02.2020

Thank you Marlene for your testimony!

Listen to your body school 16.01.2020

Looking for harmony? We've got you covered! ;) https://www.facebook.com/events/304381104041236/

Listen to your body school 05.01.2020

When the people we love have fun without us or in a way we disagree with, we can be quick to think: they must not love us enough! We associate it with a lack of love for us when in fact, they're simply enjoying themselves.

Listen to your body school 26.12.2019

Do you know the difference between remembering and holding a grudge?

Listen to your body school 12.12.2019

To be healthy and strong, what is the most important thing the physical body needs? People are often quick to think of food or exercise or even sleep, but did you know air then water come first? Few people forget to eat when they're hungry, but how many will stop to breathe deeply? That's what the body needs most...

Listen to your body school 28.11.2019

How is a pandemic explained metaphysically? When the same disease affects millions of people, do they all have the same thing to learn?

Listen to your body school 15.11.2019

Our upcoming Be in Harmony workshop is only 2 weeks away! Make sure to check out the details in the event below and join us on Nov. 21st-22nd to learn how to be in harmony no matter what's going on in or around you...Yes, it's possible! ;) https://www.facebook.com/events/304381104041236/

Listen to your body school 07.11.2019

A good sign that acceptance is on its way is our ability to laugh about the aspect of ourselves or others that we judged...

Listen to your body school 30.10.2019

The main reason for the presence of any mental/emotional wound comes from our inability to forgive ourselves for what we do to ourselves or others.

Listen to your body school 17.10.2019

As we near the end of breast cancer awareness month, here's a radio interview Lise Bourbeau gave on her book, Cancer - A book of hope: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0g8QZVnTic0

Listen to your body school 13.10.2019

What if you could be in harmony year round, not just on vacation? https://www.facebook.com/events/304381104041236/

Listen to your body school 08.10.2019

Did you know that when you deny yourself chocolate (or any other treats ), you're not just controlling yourself physically ? Since we can't dissociate our 3 bodies, it's a sign that you are also trying to control yourself mentally and emotionally. All forms of control have a negative impact on you.

Listen to your body school 20.09.2019

Letting go through forgiveness doesn’t mean that you agree with the offense; rather, you see beyond the offense. You are able to look into the other person with the eyes of love, compassion, and understanding.

Listen to your body school 17.09.2019

Challenge for the weekend: Choose a current situation in which you feel someone else is responsible for what's happening to you. Determine your own responsibility in this situation, and write it down. What commitments have you made regarding your responsibilities? ... Now, get in touch with that person and go over, in detail, what is expected of each of you until it's clear for both of you.

Listen to your body school 15.09.2019

Has 2020 taken its toll on you? We can help by teaching you the tools needed to be in harmony no matter what's happening in or around you. https://www.facebook.com/events/304381104041236/

Listen to your body school 07.09.2019

As you reap what you sow, doesn’t it make sense to sow as much love as you can?

Listen to your body school 31.08.2019

A couple of weeks ago, we posted a few resources on the metaphysical nature of diseases. Hear about it from the founder of the school herself, Lise Bourbeau, in this interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVE_y-RHrvo... Full personal growth program Workshops and private counseling #online Reach out to us right here on Messenger: m.me/listentoyourbodyschool

Listen to your body school 27.08.2019

There are no experiences without mistakes and no evolution without experiences.

Listen to your body school 14.08.2019

Be supportive of yourself. Observe how you open up to the way others can support you.

Listen to your body school 02.08.2019

We want to hear from you!

Listen to your body school 13.07.2019

Find out what some of our participants had to say after attending our Be in harmony workshop: https://www.ecoutetoncorps.com//all-our-worksh/be-harmony/

Listen to your body school 28.06.2019

With breast cancer awareness month under way, what if you could see it as a springboard for inner peace? Aiming to help people liberate themselves from the control the word cancer has over them, Lise Bourbeau wrote a book on it. For her book and more, click on this link: https://ecoutetoncorps.com/en/books/books-2/