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Living Loud Coaching 16.01.2022

Would you like help getting started? You know there is another way other than living life wired and tired but where to start? I developed my Living Loud Reflection Exercises to give you a place to start. ... I find reflection exercises are a great way to tap into our thoughts and emotions. Wrap yourself in self-empathy, get comfy, and dig deep. Feel all the feels. Getting clear on where we are, and how we feel about it helps us take effective action. I love it when I tap into the right action that propels me forward. It is especially important to me when I am struggling because I know it is through focused action that we achieve. Living Loud with purpose, confidence, and joy is what I want to bring you. Follow the link for the download. I cannot wait to hear what you think! https://www.livingloudcoaching.com/

Living Loud Coaching 31.12.2021

What would it mean to you to increase your promotability factor? My what, now? When I talk about your promotability factor I am not referring to if you send emails late at night, if you work more hours than others, or if you constantly say yes.... I am talking about clarity with how you want to live and lead. Understand and connect with self-awareness and motivation. Without clarity we struggle to achieve goals, communicate with presence, or help others win. When you anchor into self-awareness and motivation, you’ll not only live and lead in a state where you are always clear on your goals, but you will project those goals in a confident and powerful way to upper management. On a scale of 1 10, with 1 being not at all and 10 being living LOUD, how would you rate your clarity on how you want to live and lead? Living without clarity keeps us from reaching our full potential. It feels a bit like brain fog. I have noticed that when clients get clear on how they want to live and lead they create actions that increase their promotability factor by tapping into their talent. Have you thought about your promotability factor?

Living Loud Coaching 23.12.2021

Does it sound like your secret truth when I say positive vibes only isn’t the answer? Want to unload? Scream? Cry? Only to stop yourself fearing having the wrong mindset or attitude.... I understand that. I hear women confess to having negative emotions like there is something wrong with them. There isn’t. Negative emotions are part of our experience. Ignoring, diminishing, or wrapping yourself in those negative emotions like a sweater bad. Giving them permission to be felt, understood, and used as a steppingstone good. Adam Grant once wrote that Pressuring people to be positive turns emotional intelligence into emotional labor. I love cleaning up toxic positivity with clients, helping them find their way through and elevated because of all their emotions. Try harder and be more doesn’t necessarily work because it is often vague and without clear action. Instead, you are going to bravely own your emotions, set actions that include boundaries, self-care, and play. Soon not only will you be winning but you will be leading others to their own wins. If you are ready for more DM me to book a no-obligation Discovery Call with me to Start Living Loud Now.

Living Loud Coaching 06.12.2021

What if that constant tug-o-war on your time stopped? They just need two minutes, it’s only one email, a quick webinar, errands that only you can run, and oh dear, would you mind coming over? AAAAHHHHH! ... I have found that when I fiercely guard my time and put thought into how I am going to use it I elevate my outcomes. I achieve results, enjoy life, and grow. I do this through having boundaries. Based on goals, clearly communicated, and confidently kept. I am inviting you to challenge how you use, give away and spend your time. It’s both fleeting and yours; what do you want from it? Simply doing it all without challenging your reasoning keeps you spinning your wheels, exhausted and unhappy. Together we skip past managing your time by empowering you to use your time to be effective, happy, and resilient. DM me to book a no-obligation Discovery Call to learn how to Live Loud in 3 get promoted, love who you become, and gear up for more adventures.

Living Loud Coaching 16.11.2021

Give me a shout-out if you hard eye roll at platitudes and unsolicited advice. You say: I need support. They say: Keep your eye on the prize and have you tried yoga?... LOL In my coaching work, I avoid both. What do I do instead? I listen, respond, and uplift without making you feel less if you are struggling with the no negative vibes movement. I help you work on your mindset, inner self-talk, and ways of achieving goals without it sounding magical. I make it about your journey, what you want to achieve, and the joyous ways for you to get there. In short, there will be no choose your attitude or I think you shouldin our sessions. Book a no-obligation discovery call to learn how we will get you to your goals with no need to eye roll. p.s. I have also perfected the eye roll and am happy to teach it for free!

Living Loud Coaching 31.10.2021

Figurative or Literal what is your commitment to your journey? Here’s the thing. You can talk, set goals, and plan but without action, you are only figuratively on your journey. When we work together in the Live Loud in 3 Program the aim is to move from learning to insight to action. ... Transforming from the inside out is powerful with the right actions. Here’s what a recent client had to say of her experience in Living Loud! As a mom of two, devoted wife, and Manager of a department with 30+ppl, I found myself in a place where I had success in many avenues but forgot how to take care of myself. My mind was busy, and I often felt guilty or selfish any time I needed time for myself personally or at work. I knew I needed more support and education in my journey. That's when I found Leighann Joseph's "Live Loud" module. Leighann's soft approach to guide me through my needs vs. dictating her expectations was exactly what I needed. She taught me the meaning of self-care, boundaries & self-regulation, and together learned what those actually meant to me, not only personally but also in my career. She supported me through the struggle of trying to understand and incorporate these new behaviors & thoughts and helped me to diminish the guilt I was feeling. She could relate while still making it about me and my journey. After 3 months, I found my mind calm, my self-talk positive & supportive, and I can better plan my days between work, family, and personal much easier without feeling guilty while respecting my boundaries. This was exactly what I needed in my life and I'm grateful for the opportunity. Thank you, Leighann. - T from British Columbia, Canada p.s. Enjoy the #WinterWonderLandDay

Living Loud Coaching 27.10.2021

Repeat after me. December 31st does not come with a pass or fail report card. It feels like that. That it will be the time to say, I only, or I didn’t, or I failed.... We talk journey all the time until we reach a day on a calendar and then we begin handing out failing grades. Sarah Blakely worked for 10 years to transform us with the amazing Spanx. Brene Brown talks about her continuing on her journey. I am diving into year 2 of my 8-year overnight success plan. Forget the end of December self-bashing and poor report cards. Instead follow my three tips to tap into Emotional Intelligence specifically, self-regulation, motivation, and empathy. When I need to self-regulate my emotions, I like to become Spock-like. I take a few minutes to remind myself what I am grateful for in the present. Then when I am feeling balanced, I conduct a SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats) Analysis of where I am at. Here’s what happens: You come to realize you accomplished more than you thought, you will want to commit to your journey, and you will gain energy as soon as you tap into opportunities. Motivation is an easy self-bashing topic. Instead try reframing it with what worked, what didn’t, and what got in the way. At times you will have gotten in the way, but bashing doesn’t get the job done. Consider what was different when you were last successful. When speaking with clients on this topic it is often that they had boundaries, made time for self-care, and lived their values. Here’s what happens: When you reframe it you are more likely to wrap it in self-empathy, reach out for support, and elevate a skills gap. Empathy is easily forgotten as applying to self. I use self-empathy to speak to myself with the same compassion as I would others, to expect reasonable progress, and to build my confidence to continue. Here’s what happens: Empathy is understanding feelings and needs. When we become clear on how we are truly feeling and what we need to implement to continue it is more likely that we will elevate on our journey. In Live Loud in 3, I will teach you how to tap into Emotional Intelligence to continuously elevate your journey. The next program starts in January 2022!

Living Loud Coaching 23.10.2021

need your advice! What is on your 2022 reading list? I am including titles such as Atlas of the Heart by Brené Brown, Promotions Made Easy by Stacy Mayer, and Reinvention by Arlene Dickinson. Tell me one that you cannot wait to read!

Living Loud Coaching 15.10.2021

Improving my mindset started with turning down work. Turn down work? It sounds absurd. We are supposed to do more, work harder, or my favorite suck it up. But when I did the opposite of what I was supposed to do... Those little whispers of scarcity disappeared. That feeling of being a powerful badass capable of doing what’s best for me lingered around for days. Energy increased and performance shifted up a gear. Here’s the thing. You do not need to say yes to everything. Having boundaries and being about to say no is incredibly powerful. It wakes up our motivation, taps into our energy, and improves our outcomes. Talk to me about how I went from turning down work to creating new opportunities and energy to do more! Book a no-obligation, free, Discovery Call to learn how to Live Loud in 3!

Living Loud Coaching 09.10.2021

I love great conversations. Irma Vargas guides a great conversation. I had such a good time speaking with her. Her podcast Be Brilliant Enjoy the Journey highlights those who are ready to shine and share their insights with our audience about how to flex their brilliance despite their life or business obstacles. Do you dismiss how you are feeling repeatedly? Does the unhappiness, stress, or frustration come up too regularly? This is what Irma and I discuss in this episode.... I understand how hard navigating our way to happiness, purpose, and success can be. More importantly, I understand perseverance together we won’t give up. Book a no-obligation complimentary Discovery Call with me to learn about the Live Loud Coaching Program. https://podcasts.apple.com//be-brilliant-enj/id1523118286

Living Loud Coaching 07.10.2021

This was an inspiring and motivating evening! I am thankful to have had the opportunity to not only be present to listen to such an engaging speaker but also support the event. Thank you to VWBN Valley Women's Business Network for organizing this event.

Living Loud Coaching 28.09.2021

Incredibly excited to be attending and supporting this event. Have you listened to Tareq Hadhad's Ted X Talk in Moncton? Grab a coffee and enjoy! https://www.ted.com//tareq_hadhad_what_did_two_years_in_ca... Join the VWBN Valley Women's Business Network's annual fundraiser to learn more about this incredible journey!

Living Loud Coaching 25.09.2021

There’s no such thing as a false alarm. I worked with an engineer who used to say that. His reasoning being that your system was communicating something it was your job to figure out what. Your emotions are part of your alarm system. ... I am inviting you to sit and listen to stress, overwhelm, or fear. I understand how easy it is to fall into the trap of pushing aside difficult emotions. Unfortunately, pushing the hard stuff aside is like hitting the snooze button it’s just a matter of time before it rings again. I understand how easy it is to tell yourself you must do more, work harder, or be stronger. I also understand that this doesn’t work. Here’s the thing. No one got promoted because they sent an email at 11:42pm on a Wednesday night. No one elevated their confidence and happiness without self-care. No one felt ready to face the next challenge without learning how to heal from the last. When working with clients I help them learn how to use tools like boundaries, self-care and sleep to get what they want. How do I know this works? I have experience in both worlds. When I use the tools in my toolbox like self-care, I elevate. When I push aside and wait, I keep waiting. In my Live Loud Coaching Program, we dig into how you can use your talents and tools differently to get more of what you want. If you are tired of waiting? Let’s chat. No obligation. No cost.

Living Loud Coaching 11.09.2021

How I gratitude my way through energy-sucking emotions. My gratitude practice is little me in front of a Zoom screen talking to myself like it is a magic mirror. And at times I do feel it works a bit like magic because it can be sooooo effective. ... Our days can begin with any host of emotions. I find particularly on those days with stress, overwhelm or uncertainty committing to my gratitude practice is that much more important. I do not use the practice to dismiss or diminish my emotions. Rather, I use the time to breathe, wrap it in self-empathy, and focus my intention. I am not one to suggest to you that I become grateful for the emotional rollercoaster that is stress, overwhelm, and uncertainty when they creep up on me. Rather gratitude happens from listening to my emotions including the negative ones. I do become grateful when I listen to stress reminding me to get fresh air in my lungs. I do become grateful when uncertainty is dampened by belief. I do become grateful when overwhelm turns into a prioritized plan. That’s when the magic happens. You are allowed to feel all the feels the good, the bad, and the oh come on! If you swallow down the negative emotions like a bad penny they will repeat trust me I have been on the repeater merry-go-round more than once. The next time you are feeling negative emotions instead of combating them by trying to find other things to be grateful for try being grateful for the emotion and the chance to listen to what it is telling you. Sssshhh, what are those negative emotions truly trying to tell you? Let me know because I want to show you how to use them to step into happiness and success.