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Jacklyn V., Your Dietitian at Loblaws 30.04.2021

Hi everybody! This week’s Health at Every Size principle is: Respectful Care. This one’s a long one so get ready! This principle is focusing on providers acknowledging their biases and working towards unlearning these prejudices in order to end weight discrimination, stigma & bias. This is important because anyone seeking healthcare is deserving of respectful & equal care. Weight discrimination in healthcare & society is very prevalent. Research shows that the prevalence o...Continue reading

Jacklyn V., Your Dietitian at Loblaws 15.04.2021

It’s that time of the week again to talk about Health at Every Size! This week’s topic is the second HAES principle: Health Enhancement. This principle states that there are many puzzle pieces to a person’s wellness such as physical health, socio-economic status, spiritual & emotional well-being and other aspects to a person’s life. Healthcare systems should provide individualized support catered to each person’s unique needs & situation. ... Everyone deserves equal access to care and support no matter what their identities such as sex, gender, sexual orientation, race, etc. are. We must support and advocate for health policies that look at person with a global approach and free from stigma. Size is not an adequate indicator of health when people live such complex lives! It’s important that we elevate systems that care and treat others as human beings rather than just 1 piece of their puzzle. Your size is not the only piece that matters like diet culture has led you to believe. Health can be achieved by any person despite their physical appearance. You cannot read a book by it’s a cover & we cannot judge a person’s health status based solely on their size. Stay tuned to my next posts to learn more about this approach! Source: ASDAH #loblawsdietitian #yourinstoredietitian #haes

Jacklyn V., Your Dietitian at Loblaws 12.04.2021

Hello everyone! Camille again here to talk to you about Health at Every Size! This week I will be talking to you about the first HAES principle, Weight Inclusivity. The HAES approach defines this as acceptance and respect for the diversity of body shapes and sizes and to reject the pathologizing of certain weights. There is so much weight discrimination and stigmatization that is perpetuated by diet culture in our society. This can lead to body dissatisfaction and nega...tive impacts on mental health which can influence a person’s desire to lose weight. Many studies have shown that intentional weight loss methods are ineffective for long-term weight loss. 95% of people who follow any form of dieting will regain the weight they had initially lost and, in some instances, even more. So many of us have dieted only to be right back where we started, disappointed in ourselves & frustrated with our lack of success in trying to achieve the ideal body according to society. I want to reiterate that weight gain or being in a bigger body is not a bad thing, the problem is the diet industry preying on people’s insecurities for a profit. We must celebrate the diversity of body shapes & sizes. If you are interested or able to pursue healthy behaviors, it’s important to remember that this can be achieved regardless of the number on the scale. If and when you are ready to think about health matters, please remember that it is possible to do so without shrinking your body. Sources: ASDAH & Anti-Diet by Christy Harrison #loblawsdietitian #yourinstoredietitian

Jacklyn V., Your Dietitian at Loblaws 04.04.2021

Hi everyone! My name is Camille Levesque, I am a final year nutrition student at the University of Ottawa currently interning with Jacklyn & Isabel which I am very excited about! During my 6 weeks with them I will be doing a weekly post about the Health at Every Size (HAES) paradigm which I hope will be very informative & you’ll be able to learn a little something new about health each week! This week’s post is an introduction to HAES which is characterized by 5 princ...iples which will be my next few posts in the upcoming weeks. The HAES approach is a movement promoting size-acceptance in order to end weight discrimination & stigma and to lower the societal obsession with weight loss and thinness. The HAES paradigm puts into perspective that health is not determined by your body shape or size rather by health behaviours. The HAES approach teaches people ways to respect & love themselves in their here and now body even if it might not be their personal desired weight. The HAES paradigm focuses on behaviours that can be adopted by all in order to practice health in a gentle way without an emphasis on weight, it promotes self-care in people of all sizes and abilities. Thank you so much for reading & learning with me! See you next week! Sources: Association for Size Diversity and Health & Body Brave by Lindo Bacon and Lucy Aphramor #loblawsdietitian #yourinstoredietitian

Jacklyn V., Your Dietitian at Loblaws 29.03.2021

Free Plant-Based Myths Webinar! So looking forward to this workshop taking place next Thursday, March 11th from 7:00 - 7:30 pm. It is being hosted by Camille, who is currently interning with Isabel and I. She will be demystifying some common myths about plant-based eating! ... You can register here: https://dietitianwebinars.ca//myths-about-plant-based-eati

Jacklyn V., Your Dietitian at Loblaws 23.03.2021

My fave part of brunch this morning #DutchDutchBaby Starts out as a simple liquid batter, and turns into a puffed, golden, custard-filled beauty We topped this one with lemon and icing sugar, but these are sooo many delicious topping options. ... I had never heard of this dish before a couple years ago. Makes me excited to think of all the delicious foods I hopefully have yet to try in my life Are there any of your favourite foods that you hadn’t tried until later in life/recently?! . . . . . #LoblawsDietitian #BrunchSoHard #RiotsNotDiets #OttawaDietitian #IntuitiveEating

Jacklyn V., Your Dietitian at Loblaws 23.12.2020

Hey pasta thanks for being amazing!! Sorry people say mean things about you sometimes. I hope we can change the narrative and soon everyone will be able to realize how great you have been all along Giving you the low-down in my stories about how I make this beyond meat sausage pasta bake! #employee #loblawemployee #yourinstoredietitian #ditchdietculture #dietculturedropout #intuitiveeating #antidiet #foodshouldtastegood #antidietdietitian #ottawanutrition #ottawadietitian #foodfreedom #normalizenormaleating #riotsnotdiets #pastalove #eatthepasta

Jacklyn V., Your Dietitian at Loblaws 17.12.2020

Every client’s journey with me looks different, but one thing I talk about a LOT is snacking And I’ve started to realize that I can’t really have a discussion about snacks, without acknowledging the fact that when we talk about incorporating more snacks / bigger snacks, the food police may be shouting at you that you should be eating less other times of the day to make up for it. This is not true! ... You may notice when you add in more snacks that your appetite feels different at other times of the day. Or you may not notice a change, and that’s cool too. Sending so much compassion your way if this is something you struggle with - you are doing amazing Here’s to snacks and letting the food police know who’s boss #employee #yourinstoredietitian #ditchdietculture #dietculturedropout #intuitiveeating #antidiet #foodshouldtastegood #antidietdietitian #ottawanutrition #ottawadietitian #foodfreedom #normalizenormaleating #riotsnotdiets #snackingqueen #snacksonsnacks

Jacklyn V., Your Dietitian at Loblaws 29.11.2020

Been thinking about how at a certain stage of my life, a significant portion of my day would have been spent thinking about how many Halloween candies I had had so far, feeling guilty about it, wondering if/when I should allow myself another. At the time I thought there was something wrong with me. Now I realize that’s the brain’s reaction to restriction, to help make sure we get enough of the good stuff Here’s to unconditional permission to eat the Halloween candy, and al...l the beautiful headspace that makes way for. #employee #yourinstoredietitian #ditchdietculture #dietculturedropout #intuitiveeating #antidiet #foodshouldtastegood #antidietdietitian #ottawanutrition #ottawadietitian #foodfreedom #normalizenormaleating #riotsnotdiets #eatthecandy #halloweencandy

Jacklyn V., Your Dietitian at Loblaws 22.11.2020

When given the choice, 95% of the time I will choose a dessert that has chocolate in it I asked my partner what type of dessert person he considers himself, and he was very offended at my attempt to limit him to one category Noted. But these chocolate-less apple cider donuts (recipe by @sallysbakeblog) have really been hitting the spot for me this weekend (also if you don’t have a donut pan, she provides directions on how to make them into muffins at the bottom of th...e recipe!) Hope you get your hands on some sweets that are sounding amazing to you this week #employee #yourinstoredietitian #ditchdietculture #dietculturedropout #intuitiveeating #antidiet #foodshouldtastegood #antidietdietitian #ottawanutrition #ottawadietitian #foodfreedom #normalizenormaleating #riotsnotdiets #donuts #fallbaking #appleciderdonuts

Jacklyn V., Your Dietitian at Loblaws 03.11.2020

Ohhh the many ideas that can affect how much we feel we should be eating [that we may or may not even be aware of!] Whether your partner is hungry for a snack yet How many slices of pizza other people at the table are having The serving size of pasta that was allowed on that diet you tried 10 years ago... These thoughts create sooooo much noise but don’t actually give us any insight about what our body needs or wants today. As a starting point, how would it feel to just start taking note when those thoughts pop up and to acknowledge they are coming from the outside - not from your body. These ideas probably had years to flex their muscles, so be gentle with yourself if they don’t go away overnight. But keep calling them out, because once they realize they’re not the boss anymore, they will get quieter and quieter Hope you have the loveliest of weeks! #employee #yourinstoredietitian #ditchdietculture #dietculturedropout #intuitiveeating #eveningsnack #antidiet #foodshouldtastegood #antidietdietitian #ottawanutrition #ottawadietitian #foodfreedom #normalizenormaleating #riotsnotdiets