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Locality: London, Ontario

Phone: +1 519-663-9000

Address: 140 Oxford st east suite 101a N6A 5R9 London, ON, Canada

Website: www.guardian-ida-pharmacies.ca/en/ontario/london/london-care-pharmacy-7008224

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London Care Pharmacy 25.11.2020

Day#253, 37th week of #WeGotThisCanada #summonPeace Good morning everyone,... Today marks 1 year since the loss of my dearest mentors in healthcare. It was sudden, unexpected,& very sad. But I was so grateful that the last I got to see was a video of him smiling & laughing, that I spoke with him briefly..connected with his family including my class mate (Marwah Younis ) to get a bit of his kindness & grace through their words & even though I didn’t keep regular contact with him as life separated us by many miles..I always remembered what he taught me & put it to action & I pray for him every time I do..I feel that his constant generosity in providing care lives on through everyone he mentored..& I pray that he’s looking at us from a better place with a smile on his face knowing that his place here is filled with happy memories, valuable lessons, & ongoing action towards better patient care. Even though he’s not physically here, the seeds he planted in his short yet impactful life, are now strong trees with strong branches there for all who need the wisdom of uncle Murad Younis. So here is to all those we lost who are in our hearts always, thank you, we love you, pray for you and one day, may we meet again. . Stay strong, stay healthy, stay at Peace.

London Care Pharmacy 17.11.2020

Day#246, 36th week of #WeGotThisCanada #summonTrust Good morning everyone,... One of the main values of a family is trust, trust between individuals, that baseline understanding that we are all on the same page we all see the Value as Value and work hard for it even if in our own ways, we all want the same thing in the end... trust that we all have the best interest of each other at heart, love & respect each other, we all love to see others succeed & make a difference towards that value... & that inspires us... when we rise we rise together... when we fall we pick each other up... the best showcasing of this trust value is in the military, in battle a soldier trusts his brother or sister in arms has his/her back no matter what... is willing to put their own life on the line to protect the other... that’s part of why we thank them for their sacrifices and remember them with respect and gratitude. In life it may not be a battlefield at work or home or in the community, but the same trust is needed so we all rise together, we all succeed together, cuz it’s not a win, if on the same team, 2 people can’t have each other’s backs! Stay strong, stay healthy, and trust yourself and your teammates in life.

London Care Pharmacy 06.11.2020

Day#245, 36th week of #WeGotThisCanada #summonFamily Good morning everyone,... As we set out for change, we will meet people who are striving for the same goals... like standing together in a climate change rally or going as a group to volunteer to help the seniors in our communities... there has to be a sense of togetherness, we don’t achieve success alone in this world, we can’t be well on our own... everything we have in life depends on the actions and efforts of others, and our actions and efforts shape a piece of the puzzle to what others receive as well... just like in a house under one roof, everyone is your brother or sister mom or dad, in reaching for a change there has to be that sense of family... that shared understanding between people who are trying for the same things out of love, respect and compassion, if you fall I pick you up, if I lose my ground I’ll lean on you... because no one ever changed the world in all of history alone, even the greatest of us, were surrounded by their people, who believed in the goals and supported them, and each other with all they got! So stay strong, stay healthy, stay in Family mode Nothing can bring us down.

London Care Pharmacy 05.11.2020

Day#252, 37th week of #WeGotThisCanada #summonFaith Good morning everyone,... We covered in the last 10 days the 10 pillars of a successful movement... collectively and individually, and they are; 1- Understanding, the Value we are after, the what why who when and how, first always 2- Action, when we understand we start doing 3- Resoluteness, when we understand we are very dedicated to the value 4- Steadfastness, no one can shake us or push us backwards 5- Trust, in our selves and others 7- Brotherhood/sisterhood, if you rise I rise if you fall lean on me 8- Sacrifice, no pain no gain 9- Compliance, with rules to achieve the Value 10- Fight (Overcome)- for what you believe, even if no one else will With these pillars in place and active the only thing left is Tawakkul, an Arabic word that means having Faith in that only the best will come when we do our best even if it may not look like it at first! The things we don’t control about the universe will be lead for us to give the best outcome when we put our best foot forward! Stay strong, stay healthy, and have Faith!

London Care Pharmacy 23.10.2020

Day#251, 37th week of #WeGotThisCanada #summonACTION Good morning everyone,... After a journey of understanding and self calibration on a path to change, the only thing left to do now is the ACTION, is to be the change we want to see, work hard towards the VALUE we want to achieve, push forward with all the control measures we put together like perseverance, fight, trust and sacrifice... keeping an eye on the team around us and not letting anyone fall behind because we are a family... keeping an eye on the prize, in our darkest moments, remembering why we do what we do, why it matters, remembering the Value, and our Citizenship and loyalty towards it... Once the wheel starts moving, with all that in mind, it will never come to a stop. May slow down for speed bumps, but nothing can stop a team who understood and executed on the call to Action, who do what they say, and say what they do... simple as that. May we all be of them! Stay strong, stay safe, stay in Action.

London Care Pharmacy 22.10.2020

Day#244, 36th week of #WeGotThisCanada #summonSacrifice Good morning everyone,... Continuing with the theme of starting a movement, within ourselves, within our group from our own family at home or work to the whole planet, there has to be some qualities in place in order to achieve success, We’ve covered citizenship, understanding, perseverance, dedication, and sincerity... today let’s talk about sacrifice... When we believe in the value of a change, & fortify that with the true understanding of its impact... we have to be able to sacrifice some of what we like in order to conquer the change... even if there’s nothing wrong with what we are giving up in order to move forward... There’s nothing wrong with sleep for example, in fact we all need it, but if our life style change requires us to wake up early morning to workout because that’s the only time possible, then we must sacrifice the sleeping in, & the staying up late to make it happen... because there’s no gain without a bit of pain... Stay strong, stay healthy, and get comfy with sacrifice

London Care Pharmacy 19.10.2020

Day#243, 35th week of #WeGotThisCanada #summonSincerity Good morning everyone,... With an understanding of value, dedication to push forward, and perseverance to stand against any backward blows... next up is Sincerity, without sincerity with our own selves and others it’s tough to maintain dedication and perseverance... tough to remember our understanding... sincerity is the baseline intention behind the why and how we do what we do... it’s doing things because we are genuinely trying to do the right things, move with the good causes, not for any other gain or agenda... sincerity is from within...it radiates and inspires outwards... it’s the quality of being free from pretense, deceit, or hypocrisy... to say what we mean, and mean what we say... after all life’s too short to waste it in pretending to care Have a good weekend everyone! Stay strong, stay healthy, stay Sincere

London Care Pharmacy 13.10.2020

Day#248, 36th week of #WeGotThisCanada #summonFight Good morning everyone,... After calibrating our thoughts and emotions, setting out on a value mission with understanding, dedication, perseverance, & establishing trust & compliance... there will be times where conflict will arise, internally and externally... internally with our own selves dealing with weakness or temptation to give in to passiveness... externally with those who not only share a different opinion or point of view, but are oppressively standing in the way of progress because it’s not coming from them or because their values are contradicting.. we must be able to push through all these barriers, fight our own internal negative thoughts & doubts, & the external ones, starting with good advice, if that doesn’t work then distancing from the negative & if the negativity is still forcing itself in then we must hold the line & fight it back with wisdom. We must not be afraid to stand up for the good values we believe in in life, it’s our obligation to ourselves, to everyone else we love. Stay healthy, Stay safe and stay strong in standing up for what you believe in!

London Care Pharmacy 08.10.2020

Day#242, 35th week of #WeGotThisCanada #summonPerseverance Good morning everyone,... After establishing understanding of value and committing to putting our all towards it, comes the need for steadfastness in the face of challenges, both internally and externally... no one sets on a road to achieve great things without needing to deal with changes or with some negativity from the surroundings, conditions or nay sayers... for example if someone is trying to get into better health these days, has found their value in a life style change, dedicated time and resources to this change, they may be very discouraged by the lack of work out facilities given the pandemic or lack of professionals that can help with their specific needs in person... but though it may be more challenging, when there is a strong will, there’s always a way... when there is a constant reminder of what is on the other side of fear & obstacles... perseverance always becomes natural... Stay strong, stay healthy, and stay steadfast

London Care Pharmacy 05.10.2020

Day#241, 35th week of #WeGotThisCanada #summonDedication Good morning everyone,... After establishing understanding of the why and how one joins a cause or a profession or an organization, or works for a purpose, big or small, comes the active decision to dedicate what we hold most dear to that purpose, our time, our most valuable asset... then our effort.. if we don’t actively commit ourselves to the objective then we don’t feel the sense of investment in it, the sense of responsibility... not only would that make us lose contentment but it would inspire the same in your colleagues and fellow human beings who are trying for the same cause... this is why understanding the why is so important, because once the value has been established, dedicating everything we can to that value becomes a much easier process... If knowing that staying fit will help a father play with his young children and inspire them to look after their health, dedicating time for work outs and healthy eating becomes a much easier decision to make. Stay strong, stay healthy, stay dedicated..

London Care Pharmacy 27.09.2020

Day#247, 36th week of #WeGotThisCanada #summonCompliance Good morning everyone,... When we are part of a family & a movement with people we trust & goals we all share, it is important to comply with the rules put in place for everyone, just like at work there are policies & procedures, in a country there are laws & constitutions so in any group who’s on a mission to change the world, what ever rules are in place to be followed must be complied with... otherwise we get no results, no productivity, When Freedom is real, we choose to follow a code, it holds us accountable, allows us to share trust with everyone around us who’s striving for the same goal & enjoying the same freedom... intrinsically out of appreciation of value, not because it’s forced, Like not speeding because it’s safer, not because we can get a ticket... even if no one is watching.... Stay strong, stay healthy, stay compliant with what you commit to,