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Loretta Morrison 29.09.2020

It's been a minute since I posted here. I've been getting settled in this new time we are living in. It has been crazy, different and most of all lots of changes. What I have learned the most is that now is the time the world needs Coaches more than ever. Coaches who can get them results! In thinking about how I can serve you best I created a new group, Rise and Thive. This group is specifically for female coaches who want to make more money in their business consistently no ...matter what is happening in the world. When you join Rise and Thrive you will find loads of content for today and everyday that you can use to make more money. FREE RESOURCES that you can download, go to work, gain clarity and make more money: Ideal Client Profile Sales Conversations Overcoming Objections What Activities You Need to Be Doing Each Day DAILY LIVES (Coming Soon) Mon-Thurs 10:30am Teachings Mon-Thurs 03:30 Q&A Get Your Questions Answered. It is truly your time. Join me today to learn how to make more money consistently. Just click the link below. bit.ly/2Nk3BYK I can't wait to see you over there!

Loretta Morrison 18.09.2020

Being stuck has got to be the worst place I have ever been in my business! I'm sure you have been there, know someone who has been there, have a client who has been there or You are there right now....wondering what the heck just happened and how to I get out of this place of yuckiness?!?... I remember being in this place trying to figure it all out and simply getting nowhere. I didn't know..... What happened How to get out of that place What I should do next How to stop the yucky feeling And mostly.... I didn't want to listen to one more person telling what I should do I so get all of it. I've been stuck. My clients have been stuck. My biz friends have been stuck. My family have been stuck. My friends have been stuck. What exactly I have learned. The transformation I needed had to come from me...with in me! All the answers where inside of me. I just didn't know it because I was too stuck to see it. To know what I should do next. How to stop the yuckiness. How to move forward in my business. How to move forward in my life. How to forgive myself for whatever just happened. If you truly want to know what all the yuckiness is about being stuck and truly get moving.... THEN Join me Thursday at 11am EST. You will learn... What being stuck really means What you need to do now to get unstuck Where you need to focus to heal and start making money in your business. Join me here if you are ready to learn all. bit.ly/Unleashgreatness I guarantee you Magic will happen! Lots of Love! Loretta

Loretta Morrison 06.09.2020

MY POSSIBILITIES BOOK I wanted to share with you the plan I created and how easy and fun it can be to do the work. BENEFITS...Continue reading

Loretta Morrison 03.08.2020

It seems there is a lot of fear running wild! Tomorrow at 10am EST I will be doing a LIVE Audio about FEAR in my group.... Unleash Your Greatness. 2 Ways to Conquer your fears so you can kick it to the Curb!... Can't wait to share it with you! Save the date! P.S If you are a Coach and would like to hear this you can join hear. bit.ly/Unleashgreatness

Loretta Morrison 16.07.2020

HOW TO CONQUER FEAR So many Coaches are trying to overcome fear before doing anything. They think if they wait for something then the fear will just go away. It doesnt and it wont.... I love watching NCIS. During one of the episodes Palmer, who works in autopsy, was shot at while preparing a body to be removed from a crime scene. He was also the key to solving the whole case. But Palmer was so scared he couldn't remember what the shooter looked like. Palmer tried lots of things to figure it out but couldn't. (Please bare with me there is a point to this) Finally he talked to Gibbs. Gibbs is the Boss and amazing! Here's the conversation.... Palmer: "How do you do it" Gibbs: "Do what?" Palmer: "Conquer fear?" Gibbs: "You don't. It's what you do with it." Just like that. Very matter of factly. Gibbs is right! You do not conquer fear. Fear is a part of your business. It is a part of your life. It will always be with you. It is what you do with fear! Fear is your marker that you are on the right track. The thing that scares you most is the thing you should be doing right now. Here are a few tips to help you. 1. Identify what is causing the fear. Knowing is truly half the battle 2. Identify the truth about the fear. What lies are you telling yourself 3. Journal it out until you are right with it. 4. Do the one thing that scares you. So What would happen if you just told fear to sit in the back seat and watch you go? Go do the one thing that scares you most. What your business and life look like if you just took the leap of faith and did the thing that scares you most? Take your fear and channel it into something great! That new program you want to create That new membership you want to create Those new clients you want to sign on Whatever it is....Leap! What is fear keeping you from doing in your business? Comment Below! Loretta Business Strategist ________________________________________________ P.S. Are you in my group "Unleash Your Greatness"? Take a moment to join to learn how to make consistent money and call in consistent clients. bit.ly/Unleashgreatness I cant wait to see you over there!!

Loretta Morrison 04.07.2020

THE MINDSET TO MILLIONS I want to talk to you today about where you stop. What that looks like, why you stop, and how to see the signs for you so you can keep going. It all starts with your unconscious mind. Or all the unlimiting beliefs you are holding there. The untruths you have been told when you were going up.... Let's start at the beginning... Your conscious mind is the part of your brain that does the thinking, reasoning and logical part. You are using your conscious mind to read this post. Your unconscious mind is the non-thinking part of your mind. What goes in stays in and you believe it. Everything you have been told before the age of 7-8 goes in there and stays in there. At the age of 7-8 is when you develop your reasoning part of your brain. That is when you can decide if what you are being told is the truth or not. Now the good stuff. So you're going along in your business, everything is going great then all of a sudden everything falls apart. I mean everything. You wonder..."What the hell!?!" Your unconscious mind is trying to stop you. It does not like that you are doing something different or new. It wants you to stay the same. It looks like this... Worry Doubt Procrastination Fear Stopping Over and over again until you just give up and quit. How do you stop this? CHOICE! You choose to keep going! You choose to take the next step! You choose to work on your inner self! You choose to sell! You choose to keep going! Why? YOU DESERVE TO LIVE THE LIFE YOU WANT! Your people are waiting for you! On the other side of all this is magic. Yes it does take some work but not as much as you think. It is not as hard as you think. YOU have to learn to TRUST in FAITH, that with each step you take another will appear, then another and another until finally you reach the place you want to be. I have been through this many times. My clients have been through this many times. Each time we go through this, on the other side is the FREEDOM you seek! The real MAGIC begins. Don't stop! Keep going! Your people are waiting for you to finally step up and simply arrive and ask them to work with you. They want you to help them solve their most burning problem. If you don't...you are robbing them of your greatness and most importantly you are robbing YOU of your greatness! Keep going! Do the work! Keep going! Make the CHOICE TO KEEP GOING! What choices are you making to keep going in your business? Comment Below. ~~Loretta P.S. Are you in my group "Unleash Your Greatness"? Take a moment to join to learn how to make consistent money and call in consistent clients. bit.ly/Unleashgreatness

Loretta Morrison 30.06.2020

YOU'RE BUSINESS WILL NEVER BE LIKE MINE! Yes! I actually said that! You're business will not be like mine. ... You're business will not be like anyone you meet online You're business will not be like anyone you meet offline You're business will not be like anyone else's You're business will be like YOU! What you want What you don't want You're business should be all about YOU! You should work with your dream/soulmate clients You should offer programs/services that you want to offer So....when you sit down to start thinking about what your business should, will or what you want for 2019 ask yourself these questions.... How much money you want to make Why you want to make this amount of money What you will buy with this money Who exactly you want to work with Who do you no longer want to work with What programs do you want to offer What services do you want to offer What programs and and services you want to let go How much do you want to work How many clients do you want to work with Pull out your journal and create your 2019 year. Focus on what will be - the vision for your business and the financial vision for your business. Write out your fears for all this and create a plan to change your mindset about your fears. Most importantly...Make some fun with your business! Lots of Love! Loretta Morrison Business Strategist

Loretta Morrison 24.06.2020

I want to talk to you for a minute about your business. A serious talk! You started your business to make money, help people, have financial freedom, time freedom, leave your 9-5 job or whatever reason it may be.... Right!?! So why are sitting there doing nothing? I mean....you want so much. You are.... Watching everyone else making money Creating new programs without launching Wondering what you should be actually doing Wondering when it is going to happen for you And some have Decided to wait until 2019 to actually start making money in their business. Seriously!?! Stop struggling! It doesn't have to take a long time to make money. You can literally spend a day, create a new program or tweak the one you have and sell it the next day. You just have to do the work! Then Ask someone to buy it! To be honest....YOU have everything you need right now to make the money you want and help the people you want. It took a long time for me to realize this. The very first thing I did was... INVEST IN MYSELF with someone who really got me, understood me and my business. Stop struggling. This drives me crazy. It doesn't have to be that hard. Sometimes it just takes another set of eyes and a new perspective on things. ____________________________________________ Do you want some clarity? Do you want some confidence? Do you want to know the very next step you can take in business? I can help you with all that and much more. Schedule a Breakthrough and Profit Strategy session with me TODAY! Just click the link below. bit.ly/ImINLorettaCall2 I can't wait to talk to you! Lots of Love! Loretta Morrison Business Strategist

Loretta Morrison 10.06.2020

PLANNING FOR PROFITS 2019 IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE If you are a Female Coach or Consultant and would like to get a head start on your planning for 2019 click the link below to join my group and grab a copy of PLANNING FOR PROFITS 2019 IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE. bit.ly/EpicEmpireCreationFBGroup... Can't wait to see you over there! Lot's of Love! Loretta Morrison Business Strategist

Loretta Morrison 04.06.2020

Girl, Wash Your Face This is the new book I just started reading. I was so excited to get the book. It came, I opened it with so much excitement then.....I got so tired I just couldn't read it. This is what happens to me when I know I really need to be doing something.... I finally picked up the book and just started reading. I have only read the introduction but I swear this gal was speaking right to me. I shed a few tears and kept going. Her words are the words I speak to my clients and myself all the time. It is basically like this.... YOU are enough just as you are right now! YOU are smart enough! YOU are beautiful! YOU have all the knowledge and tools to start right now! YOU have everything you need right now to start! YES! It will be tough at times! YES! YOU will fail! YES! YOU will doubt yourself! YES! People will doubt you! Most importantly... It is all worth it! YOU are worth it! YOU have one life to live and you are in control of it. All of it! So what are you going to do to really make your life they way you want to see it? Sit on the couch and eat bon bons? Watch tv all day? Not ask that person to work with you? Not create that new program? It is a choice. YOU have a choice! Girl, get up and do the thing that you do best...whatever that is. Share your gifts and talents with the world. This is your life. You only get one of them so make it your best life ever! Stand up and just start doing. Take the one little step, then the next, then the next. When you are done you will be where you want to be! Go out and get this book! Your life will thank you for it. You've got this, girl! Lot's of Love! Loretta Morrison Business Strategist

Loretta Morrison 27.05.2020

If you are a female coach or consultant...would you like affordable 1:1 coaching. Just say "YES"

Loretta Morrison 08.05.2020

Loretta Morrison Just now THE POWER OF SAYING "YES" When you stand in your power and who you are and simply say "YES" a whole new world opens for you.... A world of opportunities! A world of abundance! A world of Magic! A world where everything is possible! Most importantly you really start to receive all the things you want, desire and need to build the life and business you have always dreamed of. YES opens your RECEIVING switch in you! Yep! It does! When you say "YES" and open your RECEIVING switch all the good things come in. Life looks so much better Magic happens You finally see all the possibilities that your life and business holds. Simply! "YES" is one of the most powerful words you can use. "Yes" I want more clients! "Yes" I want to make more money! "Yes" I want to help more people! "Yes" I want a successful business! "Yes!" "Yes!" "Yes!" What can you be saying "YES" to more? Lots of Love Loretta Morrison Business Strategist

Loretta Morrison 01.05.2020

THE MINDSET TO MILLIONS- this post is long so bear with me. I want to talk to you today about where you stop. What that looks like, why you stop, and how see the signs for you so you can keep going. It all starts with your unconscious mind. Or all the unlimiting beliefs you are holding there. The untruths you have been told when you were going up.... Let's start at the beginning... Your conscious mind is the part of your brain that does the thinking, reasoning and logical part. You are using your conscious mind to read this post. Your unconscious mind is the non-thinking part of your mind. What goes in stays in and you believe it. Everything you have been told before the age of 7-8 goes in there and stays in there. At the age of 7-8 is when you develop your reasoning part of your brain. That is when you can decide if what you are being told is the truth or not. Now the good stuff. So you're going along in your business, everything is going great then all of a sudden everything falls apart. I mean everything. You wonder..."What the hell!?!" Your unconscious mind is trying to stop you. It does not like that you are doing something different or new. It wants you to stay the same. It looks like this. Worry Doubt Procrastination Fear Stopping Over and over again until you just give up and quit. How do you stop this? CHOICE! You choose to keep going! You choose to take the next step! You choose to work on your inner self! You choose to sell! You choose to keep going! Why? YOU DESERVE TO LIVE THE LIFE YOU WANT! Your people are waiting for you! On the other side of all this is magic. Yes it does take some work but not as much as you think. It is not as hard as you think. YOU have to learn to TRUST in FAITH, that with each step you take another will appear, then another and another until finally you reach the place you want to be. I have been through this many times. My clients have been through this many times. Each time we go through this, on the other side is the FREEDOM you seek! The real MAGIC begins. Don't stop! Keep going! Your people are waiting for you to finally step up and simply arrive and ask them to work with you. They want you to help them solve their most burning problem. If you don't...you are robbing them of your greatness and most importantly you are robbing YOU of your greatness! Keep going! Do the work! Keep going! Make the CHOICE TO KEEP GOING! Lot's of Love! Loretta Morrison Business Strategist

Loretta Morrison 25.04.2020

THE EXACT QUESTIONS I USE TO ENROLL POTENTIAL CLIENTS 8 OUT OF 10 TIMES INCREASING MY BOTTOM LINE BY 1000S Would you like to know the exact questions to ask during a Discovery Call to enroll clients easily? I simply ask 5 questions that lead to a potential client becoming a client 8 out of 10 times!... I have a list of questions, more like a check list, that I use during each call. It is something that I can visually see to keep me on point during the call and I can make notes along the way. The list of questions is called the I-CARE Formula. It works like a charm each and every time. I know how intimidating a Discovery Call can be if you do not know where to start or what to ask. I remember my first Discovery Call many years ago. It was a totally BOMB! I had no idea how to start the conversation, what questions to ask and most importantly when to actually ask for the potential client to sign on with me. It was the most awkward and embarrassing conversation I have ever had. And I never wanted to do another one. I want to share the I-CARE Formula with you today FREE! Comment below with a YES if you would like a copy of the I-CARE Formula to use during your Discovery Calls. Who wants one!?! Comment below.

Loretta Morrison 15.04.2020

1:1 CUSTOMIZED ROCK OUT THE END OF YEAR COACHING SESSIONS My favorite part of my business is working with gals all over the world 1 on 1. But ... Not everyone is ready for the 1 to 1 pricing. So many people want the help now, want to really rock out their business now. I created a 1:1 program that is customized to what you need now and what you can pay now. It's for everyone who is READY! NO EXCUSES! Here's how it works and what you will get.... Choose a budget that you feel right about spending: example: 750 total investment Choose a monthly payment you feel right about, it can be weekly $75 total investment $750 I will tell you how many weeks of covering your will get What you will get during our time together!?! 1:1 coaching sessions 45min in length Business Accelerator Jumpstart Session 90mins before we even start coaching to get clear about what you want and to create a plan so you can see exactly where you are going Unlimited access to me via facebook messenger, email, and my eyes on you and your stuff to ensure you are making the most impact Weekly accountability to actually get things done once and for all and start making consistent money in your business How will you know that you will get what you pay for? You won't/don't. That's why you put your trust in a coach. If your way worked then you wouldn't need to hire a coach. We will customized you plan to work for you so you get the most from out time together focusing on what you and you alone need right now in your business. Can I guarantee results? Absolutely not! Results are based on what you do and the work you put in to our time together. 1:1 coaching is not for everyone. This program works best for gals who are ready now to take action, stretch themselves, do the work and commit! I have 5 spots available for this program. First come first serve. I will not hold spots for anyone. If you would like one of these spots PM me for more details. Lots of Love! Loretta Morrison Business Karen Collacutt P.S. Let's rock out your business for the remainder of the year, make money and help more people!

Loretta Morrison 31.03.2020

SACRED SALES CONVERSATIONS I want to get really real about this topic..... Sales conversations!... I have been in business for about 10 years now. I have used facebook and off for business over that time. So this time when I returned I was quite shocked how people viewed sales conversations or discovery calls as they are now called. When I started business sales calls were sales calls and coaching calls were coaching calls. There was not many different names for calls with potential clients. No one likes to talk about sales calls because they are comfortable with the name. They are not comfortable with sales at all. Someone decided to change the name to discovery calls because that just made them feel better. But....Here is the truth about sales conversations. Sales conversation are very sacred calls that should be held in the highest respect. If the conversation is done correctly magic can happen. The person on the other end of the call can have major breakthroughs and ah-ha moments which leads them to have breakthroughs in their life and business. Sales conversations are the most important conversation you will ever have in your business. Learning how to have one and mastering the conversation will greatly change your business and the business of the person on the other end. Sales conversations are truly magic! Simple! I love sales conversations because I get to help so many people and change lives. Oh and yes, the important thing...YOU GET TO MAKE MONEY! And Help people!!! Love your sales conversations because there are no problems in business that a few sales would not fix. Lots of love! Loretta Morrison Business Strategist

Loretta Morrison 28.03.2020

Good Morning Ladies! I like to introduce to you my morning friend. This little guy joins me when I'm outside in the morning writing in my journal. Took me forever to get a good picture of the little guy!... Which brings me to how I start my day. I journal! And drink coffee. Journaling sets my day right. It sets me right. Do you have a morning routine or something you do that starts your day off right?

Loretta Morrison 09.03.2020

GET RIGHT WITH YOUR MONEY! So many people talk about mindset and money mindset. It sounds like the biggest task to deal with it. Some don't even know what mindset is.... Mindset is simply what you believe about a something. I like to put it even simpler. You have to feel right! I want to talk about getting right with your money. Money is so important in your life and your business. It effects every part of your life and business. Ignoring or not dealing with any money issues will only make it very hard to make money in your business. You have to get right about your money! Yeah, I know! It's not that easy, is probably what you are thinking. This is the problem with making money. Most people think it is hard. First mindset shift..."Making Money is EASY!" This is where journaling can be so effective. You write out what you feel about money. I mean everything! Here are questions to ask yourself if you are truly serious about "getting right with your money". What were you told about money when you were growing up? When a bill comes in, how do you feel? When you go shopping, how do you feel? When you have to spend money how do you feel? Who is in charge of the money in your household, why? How do you feel when you want to buy something for yourself? Spend some time with these questions and really think about them. Write about it. I have had clients that literally would not have money anywhere near them. They would spend the money as soon as they got it because it made them so uncomfortable. I told them to keep a clear glass jar on the kitchen counter and look at it everyday. If your comfortable with it, talk to your money. Learn to love all aspects of your money. Respect your money because it does work for you. You eat and have heat and hydro don't you. GET RIGHT WITH YOUR MONEY! This is so important! If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me. Now go journal and love your money! Lots of Love! Loretta Morrison Business Strategist

Loretta Morrison 06.03.2020

ROCKING OUT SEPTEMBER 2018 I've noticed that September 1st there were tons of posts about setting your goals. Now - Not one post. After the first does everyone just give up on their goals or do you build a strategy and really focus on your goals.... Or Do you simply fly by the seat of your pants? For me, September always gives me a burst of energy. The beginning of a new school year always makes me think of new beginnings and a fresh start. So....have you set your goals for September and built a strategy? If you haven't it is not too late. Let's get started! 1. Set your money goal for the month. This should be based on what you want to make for the year or the remained of the year. Simply take the number you want make for the remainder of the year or have left to make for the year divide by 4 (4 months left in the year). This number is how much you want to make for September. 2. How will you make this money? What courses will you make and sell? Do you want to add more people to your 1:1 program? Do you want to fill your 1:1 Program? 3. Price your programs. Pricing is personal and needs to feel good to you. It also has to be in line with the money you want to make. 4. How many of each program to you need to sell to make the money you want this month? 5. What strategy or strategies will you do each day to fill these programs. Here is a list of a few you get do immediately: Lives, email marketing, posting in other facebook groups, reaching out to potential clients, following up with clients who said they wanted to work with you. 6. Here is one that not a lot of people talk about or even know how important it is. What is your SALES RATIO? Your sales ratio is out of 10 sales conversations how many would you book? If you don't know that use 20% or 2 people. You have to know this number so you will know how many people you need to talk to each day to reach your money goal. 7. Commit to yourself and your goals. 8. Have lots of fun! Let's Rock out September 2018! I will be checking in with you to see how you are making out. If you have any questions along the way, please PM me for help. I hate to see women struggle when a different set of eyes on the situation is all that is needed. Lot's of Love! Loretta Morrison Business Strategist

Loretta Morrison 25.02.2020

ave you ever stopped to just write "what you do" without worrying if you will get it right. The right words for your ideal client, the right marketing lingo or the right everything. I have. So here it goes... What I do. What I really do when a client comes to work with me.... First: I work with female coaches and consultants. It took a long time to give into this. I kept trying to serve everyone. The gals who come to me are: Really tired and frustrated She wants a clear path that is going to work for her not a cookie cutter approach to her business A clear path that she can she to get her to where she wants to go To make money - consistently To get clients - consistently She wants it easy, simple and direct Accountability She wants to work with someone who actually gives a crap about her and her life Most of all she wants someone to show her the way and believes in her There is more to this but I think you get the point. Second: How do I do all this? I immediately get immersed in who she is, what her business is about and where she actually wants to go. I give her clarity about: Her ideal client profile Her programs and packages Pricing How do actually sell so that it feels right for her Creating a plan and yes a strategy that works for her if strategy works for her Tons of mindset work Lots of love, understanding, compassion and a butt load of confidence to actually do everything she wants. As a Business Strategist I bring everything I have learned in the last 10 years of business along with my over 25 years of military experience so that you can really live and have the business and life that you want, that you dream of, that you have seen pieces of from time to time so you can have it all - all the time! I would love to talk with you to see how I can support you on this journey of entrepreneurship. You can DM me or click the link to schedule a Breakthrough and Profit Strategy Session. bit.ly/ImINLorettaCall2 Lots of Love! Loretta Morrison Business Strategist

Loretta Morrison 19.02.2020

Everyone wants to make consistent money and have consistent clients in their business. But, most people do not know what they should be doing on a daily basis to bring in the consistent money and clients. Here are the 3 activities that you must do each day:... 1. Mindset: Each day you have to work on your mindset and your money money set. Keeping the belief strong in yourself will make it so much easier to handle the nayer-sayers who will come along. I journal. I write my life everyday, my fears, my hopes, my dreams...everything. I also build myself up so I am unstoppable. If journaling is not your thing, you have to discover what will work for you: Tapping/EFT, visualizing, praying, meditating are just a few things you can try. 2. Messaging: Each day you have to let people know who you are. You have to share your message with everyone who will listen. Everyone will not love what you do. They are not suppose to. This is just life. This is also why we do mindset work. Share what you do, who you are, who you work with. The people who are supposed to come to you will. 3. Sales: Everyday you have to ask someone to work with you. This could be your free offering or your paid offerings. Giving away your stuff is something that will not make consistent money so make sure you are asking people to buy your products or services too. "A few sales can fix any problem in business" Take a look at these things. Where are you coming up short? Is there anything you need to improve on? Answer yourself honestly and then ask yourself why you are not doing these things? Make the changes you need and see how your business will change. Lots of Love! Loretta Morrison

Loretta Morrison 09.02.2020

Loretta Morrison Just now HOW TO CONQUER FEAR I just got back from a much needed vacation/break from business before all the craziness starts in September.... One of the things I did was watch re-runs of one of my favorite shows NCIS. During one of the episodes Palmer, who works in autopsy, was shot at while preparing a body to be removed from a crime scene. He was also the key to solving the whole case. But Palmer was so scared he couldn't remember what the shooter looked like. Palmer tried lots of things to figure it out but couldn't. (Please bare with me there is a point to this) Finally he talked to Gibbs. Gibbs is the Boss and amazing! Here's the conversation.... Palmer: "How do you do it" Gibbs: "Do what?" Palmer: "Conquer fear?" Gibbs: "You don't. It's what you do with it." Just like that. Very matter of factly. Gibbs is right! You do not conquer fear. Fear is a part of your business. It is a part of your life. It will always be with you. It is what you do with fear! Fear is your marker that you are on the right track. The thing that scares you most is the thing you should be doing right now. So What would happen if you just told fear to sit in the back seat and watch you go? Go do the one thing that scares you most. What your business and life look like if you just took the leap of faith and did the thing that scares you most? Take your fear and channel it into something great! That new program you want to create That new membership you want to create Those new clients you want to sign on Whatever it is....Leap! Magic happens when you do. I have done it myself. I have seen my clients do it. Magic is on the other side of your fear! Lots of Love! Loretta Morrison Business Strategist ________________________________________________ Meeting Monday I used to do these calls every Monday when I first started my business over 10 years ago. I have had the pleasure and privilege to help 100's of people around the world with their business and what the next steps for them to be. This is a 30 minute session to speak with me, a Business Strategist to help you figure out your next best steps in your business. I have opened 2 spots for the next 4 Mondays. Click on the link if you would like to claim one. http://bit.ly/MeetingMon Yes, this is Complimentary

Loretta Morrison 01.02.2020

Join me tomorrow! This is going to be so much fun!

Loretta Morrison 21.01.2020

Most morning I pull a card from a deck called "Post Cards from Spirit" This is what I pulled today.... "Dear You,... There are times in life when taking a risk is better left for another day. Other times are perfect for taking that leap, no matter how dangerous it might seem. Well, hold on to your parachute strings- for today is leap time! Realize that no matter what, we will not let you fall down, get lost, or hurt yourself in any way on this one. Even if it may feel like you are in a free fall, we are here for you, and you can stop freaking out about getting hurt and relax into this transition to something new. All elements are in place, and your soul is ready for a new experience. No matter what you're asking about, it's time to take the risk and do that thing that scares you. No matter what happens, you will land softly, right on target. Don't worry about the outcome-Spirit's got you covered. It's taking the leap that's the point" We love you courage! Embrace it" The point here ladies is that it is time to stand in your God- given gifts and talents! You are ready Now! You are perfect Now! You know enough Now! You are enough Now! Just start! Do the one thing that scares you the most right now in your business. Invest in yourself Reach out to those potential clients who need you Send that email Create that new course Do that live Fear will always be with you. Just tell it to take a back seat. Thank Fear for showing you that you are on the right path to your dreams. ______________________________________________ Ready for the Leap!?! Schedule a Break Free and Profit Strategy Session with me Today to see how I can support you. bit.ly/ImINLorettaCall2 Lots of Love! Loretta Morrison Business Strategist

Loretta Morrison 06.01.2020

Most coaches are looking for the magic sauce or secret pill to bring in consistent clients and income. Well There is no magic sauce or secret pill to this. Taking action every single day is what will bring in consistent clients and income. I know...lots of coaches do know what actions they need to take each day.... Here is what I do and my clients do to bring the clients and income we want. 1. Mindset work and money mindset work. I do this through journaling. 2. Morning message. What do you want to tribe to know today 3. Check bank account. Money likes attention so pay attention to it. Even if you are not consistently receiving income. You will already be in habit when you do. 4. Contact 5 people each day to talk to about your services and ask to work with you. 5. Follow-up with potential clients who have mentioned they wanted to work with. Ensure you keep a list of these people so you do not lose track of them. I call this my Love Em Up List. 6. Ask 5 people each day to schedule a discovery call with you to see how you can support them with the problem they have and you solve. 7. Have Discovery calls each week. The number of calls you should book will be determined by how many people you want to coach and your sales close ratio. 8. Post at least 2 - 3 sales posts each day 9. Post 3 - 5 times a day your content, quotes, value and sales posts. 10. Ask for referrals from current and past clients. 11. Sell more! 12. Actually ASK people to buy from you. All this action should be in alignment for what you want in your life and business. It should not feel hard but should have ease to it. There is a Daily Activities Planner in the File section of my group Empic Empire Creation for Highly Successful Coaches bit.ly/EpicEmpireCreationFBGroup I use this and my clients use this to ensure they meet their goals each day, not to miss anything and for tracking to ensure the activities they are doing are actually working for them. These activities will bring in consistent clients and income IF you do the work each day. I promise! Lots of Love! Loretta Morrison P.S. Dont forget to jump over, join the group Empic Empire Creation for Highly Successful Coaches bit.ly/EpicEmpireCreationFBGroup and grab a copy of the Daily Activities Planner

Loretta Morrison 01.01.2020

MAKE MONEY NOW BOOTCAMP READY TO GET YOUR BUSINESS OFF THE GROUND? Are you overwhelmed with all the things you need to do ...Continue reading

Loretta Morrison 28.12.2019

If you are a coach or consultant and you are not calling in consistent clients and money that you deserve, I would love for you to schedule time to chat with me to see how I can support you! bit.ly/ImINLorettaCall2

Loretta Morrison 17.12.2019

FOR MY COACH AND CONSULTANT FRIENDS This is something I'm doing this week in my group and I thought it would be great to share it with as many biz gals as possible.... Money Monday - CHALLENGE!!!... I wanted to change this up a little this week with a money challenge. I hope you gales are in!?! It's pretty simple. LET'S SET A MONEY GOAL FOR THIS WEEK! 1. Set a money goal you would like to reach this week. 2. Make it realistic. One you can reach but can stretches you too. 3. Write the money goal down 4. Why do you want this money. It has to be positive. Do not make it to pay the bills. 5. How do you feel about this. Notice any resistance or fear 6. Let go of the resistance and fear. 7. Give it over to the Universe and forget about it. Now put it in a special place. And Take action on it. 5 things you can do each day to bring in that money. If you are in simply say "IM IN" in the comments. If there are enough people I will do more than this post. Have fun!

Loretta Morrison 01.12.2019

Its 3am in the morning....you wake up sweating, terrified....the rent is due tomorrow, your son has a class trip that needs to be paid, car insurance is due and the list goes on. You have tried everything to make your business work, free programs and challenges, group programs even a 1:1 Coach that just did not cut it for you. Why hasn't anything worked for you? ... Because...you haven't the right voice, the right strategy for you! Most importantly you still lack in clarity about your ideal client, programs you offer and pricing. Even more important you need and want accountability to get things done once and for all. You want consistent clients which brings you consistent income. And you want it now or even better yesterday! This is why a created a 1: 1 coaching program called ACCELERATE This program will give you CLARITY around Your ideal client you love and who loves you The services you provide that will have her raising her hand to work with you Pricing your services that feels true to you How to sell your service with ease and true to your soul A strategy that is designed just for you ACCELERATE IS DESIGNED YOU AND YOU ALONE! I invite you set up a time to speak to me to see if this program is right for you Especially if you are not calling in your ideal client and income consistently. Click the link below if you are ready NOW! bit.ly/ImINLorettaCall2

Loretta Morrison 21.11.2019

Ladies! Ladies! Ladies! I know you are working your buns off to get consistent income and consistent clients in your business. Some days it just seems nothing is working. You have tried everything... Reading books Free challenges Free programs Paid group programs You have even paid for a 1:1 coach but it just didn't work for you. I bet you are wondering if this is supposed to happen for you!?! Well, I'm here to tell you that it is. Your gifts are needed in the world! You are needed in the world! You just need....CLARITY! About your ideal client About your services and programs About your pricing The right plan for you The right voice that believes in you and knows you can do it And Accountability to finally get it done I would love to speak with you to see how I can support you in your business! Click on the link to schedule time to speak with me. bit.ly/ImINLorettaCall2 Ladies, I can't wait to help you get consistent clients and make consistent income! Lots of Love! Loretta

Loretta Morrison 03.11.2019

There is a lot of talk these days about the results clients are NOT getting with their Coaches. This really gets my blood boiling. Some results my clients receive........ Increased revenue by 100% in the first month How: teaching authentic sales conversations that work for her Created a plan to increase revenue 200% in the first year How: Clarity on ideal client, creating packages and prices that resonated with her ideal client Increase revenue while working 1/2 the amount of hours How: Clarity on what she wanted and cutting out what she didn't Started her business and got her first client in the first month of working together How: Clarity and aligned action If you are not seeing these types of results in your business....isn't time you do something about it? Isn't it time to just stop the struggle? I deeply believe business and life should be easy! I would love to speak with you to see how we can get these results for you in a Break Free to Clarity and Profits Strategy Session.... bit.ly/ImINLorettaCall2