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Locality: Uxbridge, Ontario

Phone: +1 905-904-1994

Address: 62 Brock Street West L9P 1P3 Uxbridge, ON, Canada

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Luc.y.ogi 28.12.2020

Don’t be afraid. Its going to happen anyway. Life always happens. I mean you can be afraid. If you want.... But I don’t think we want to live in fear. So choose faith. Easier said than done. But it feels good. So good. When you live with hope in your heart. When you let life unfold as it’s supposed to. When you show up as you. Just be you. You are enough. Darling you’re more than enough. . . . . . . . Now take a deep breath. . . . @everydaydeelights . . #smile #positivevibes #yogi #curls #naturalhair #naturalbeauty #genuine #authentic #faith #liveinlight #photography #naturephotography #lifestyle See more

Luc.y.ogi 11.12.2020

F.A.M.I.L.Y . . We don’t all have the same last name. .... We don’t all live under the same roof . . We differ in lifestyle and hairstyles . . . . But . . . . We all know how important communication is . . We all choose health and happiness . . We laugh a lot and even cry together . . We all believe in one thing.... . . . . F.A.M.I.L.Y. . . . . . . . #blended #blendedfamily #stepparents #lifestyle #family #compassion #communication #love #respect #stepfamily #fallphotos #gratitude #healthylifestyle #familytime #uxbridge #tinyseedlings See more

Luc.y.ogi 19.11.2020

Twisted. . . The tunnels may be long, twisted and dark; but we are supposed to go through them .... . Life: insisting I find comfort in the unknown . . Comfort is often found in routine, and knowing what is going to come next. . . When I plan and predict, generally wanting things to be just right... then faced with unexpected changes, roadblocks and challenges it certainly is uncomfortable. . . Needless to say this last six months has proven unknowing is a function-able state of being . . Noted; I am ok.... even when I don’t know everything and I’m not in control. . . So.... while I’m at home for another week (mandatory). I will relish in the idea that not all plans work out. That this is a time to rediscover what the future will hold. Time to dream and plan. An opportunity to create order where I can. . . This process ... the unknowing reminds me of my favourite prayer. . . God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference! . . Hope to see you all VERY soon. Working on (yet another) new fall schedule!! . . (Comment an emoji below that accurately explains your excitement for fall yoga) . . . . . . #yoga #yogi #forestyoga #outdoor #breath #freshair #mentalhealth #anxiety #covidanxiety #eagle #sobriety #cowfacepose #twisted #asana #therapy #healing #growing #lettinggo #recovered See more

Luc.y.ogi 02.11.2020

Hey!! Looking for something different and AMAZING! Check out this beautiful offering from my incredible cousin Candice Allen !

Luc.y.ogi 16.10.2020

Hey!! Just wanted to take a quick second (I invite you to do the same) and check in. . .... I know that __________ is challenging; it’s working itself out. . . I realize that your intentions are pure; it’s time to leave _________ alone. . . I noticed you have been _____________, well done; you know what they say hard work pays off. . . You really are an incredible ___________ and ____________. You are so needed. . . Don’t forget to ____________, and while we’re at it give yourself some time to ____________. . . Life’s too short and precious to worry about ____________. Let go. . . Repeat after me. . . I am safe. I trust my journey. My life is abundant. All is well. . . Deep breath. . . . . . . #yoga #inversion #naturephotography #yogaphotography #brandingphotography #lululemon #yogi #headstand #sirsasana #selflove #compasssion #respect See more

Luc.y.ogi 01.10.2020

It’s a journey watching you grow. . I know that it takes a lot of patience. . You’re worth every minute.... . I understand the wonderful moments of flowers and fruits. New beginnings. . You’re growing so quickly. . So tall and strong, resilient and abundant. . Growth. . You started from a tiny seed. . I can’t believe whAt you provide for me. . Fulfillment. Gratitude. Excitement. Joy. . I love to watch you grow. . . . . . (A note to the plants and the sweet boy) . . #plantlife #garden #raised gardenbeds #abundantlife #yogi #earthchild #backyard #kidsyoga #deepbreath #appreciation #goodnews #joy #happiness #simple See more

Luc.y.ogi 23.09.2020

It’s interesting. Becoming a woman. Moving from girl to lady. . .... . It’s interesting when you become. The phone call. The laugh until your belly hurts. The role model. . . . It’s interesting when you become best little friends with these radiant young women. . . The greatest gift has been watching you change from tiny little peanuts splashing in the pool, to intelligent , kind , charismatic Females. . . . Explore. Laugh. Love (yourself first). Be kind. . . . And girls.... thank YOU. . . . . . . #nannylife #yogi #yogis #naturephotography #uxbridgephotography #scrunchie #whitetshirt #lululemon #smile #laugh #bekind #compassionate #sisters #uxbridge #photoshoot #getoutside @ Uxbridge, Ontario See more

Luc.y.ogi 20.09.2020

This is my real. This is all I know. This is my privilege. . .... I don’t know if this is a thank you to my parents (and family). Or a declaration of unity. . . Let it be both. . . I can’t watch anymore violence. I can’t see anymore innocent humans being murdered because of their race or just pure ignorance. . . . This is my family. . . . I have never known any different. We were taught to love all humans as they are. . . I believe if you have internal organs, and some form of flesh capsule. You are human. You are worthy of respect. You deserve love. You deserve equality. . . It’s strange to me that doesn’t exist. That some people see the differences first. And maybe only the differences. . . Im not just talking skin colour.... I mean sexuality, level of cognitive or physical function, religion, gender, skin colour, partner choice, career (or lack of) etc... . . . We are all FUCKING HUMAN. . . . My challenge to you. My promise to you. My declaration is this... . . . DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU. . TREAT PEOPLE WITH RESPECT. . SPEAK UP. STAND UP. EDUCATE YOURSELVES. . BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE IN THE WORLD. . STARING ISNT CARING . And finally..... . . U N I T Y. . . You are not better than me. I am not better than you, nor my neighbour or my friends across the world. All humans deserve to be loved and honoured. So parents..... people with children in their lives this is OUR DUTY to heal this generation. To teach them unconditional love and ONLY draw attention to differences when a child inquires about it; otherwise lets treat each other the SAME. . . Let’s acknowledge the GOOD things in each other. Let’s teach this generation about unity. About standing together rather than standing apart. . . Don’t forget....children listen (to everything). The conversations you have with friends/family, no matter how light hearted...or what race or difference you’re talking about, energetically, that shit travels. . Change the conversation. Speak of unity. Imagine that. Imagine all humans effected by this problem were speaking of how do we unify. Maybe it’s not so simple. But maybe it is. . . . . #unity @ Unity See more

Luc.y.ogi 14.09.2020

Keep. It. Simple It’s fun Actually amazing Wait a second....... I’m feeling quite overwhelmed Did the weather(season) seriously change AGAIN..? I miss everyone Technology is so amazing how connected I feel I actually think I like teaching yoga online better Kidding I think that was a panick attack My head is going to explode No not migraines again.. Pardon me... what did you just say I guess I have to do this on my own Wait? You asked if I wanted help Didn’t hear you too busy catastrophizing every.single.thing. I love you I can’t stand this I wouldn’t have it any other way . . . Confused yet...? Things sound complicated..? Hard to follow. ** welcome to 1.4 seconds of a typical on of my thoughtstorms. Last week was a tough one for me. Everything seemed to be catastrophic. So hard to process even the simple things. I mean there were some seriously real things going on that contributed to these feelings of overwhelm! But the reality is I have the tools!!! I have the tools to fix any and every situation I’m in... it’s called perspective. . . This weeks goal is to keep it simple Everything My thoughts My expression Meals Games Workouts Just keep it simple. Not everything needs to be chaotic and complicated. . . . I think what happens is my pain body (read a new earth) is so use to feeding off / thriving from challenging situations. The calm, stable, easy going nature that I can attain when I am in alignment is far out of reach. . . . So here it is. The simplicity. Everything is what it is. All is well I am blessed and grateful. All of my needs and wants are being met. Life is good. . . . Life’s complicated enough on its own. Keep things simple . . . . . . #yogi #perspective #simplicity #simple #keepitsimple #guidedmeditation #meditation #freshair #hunterboots #hunter #forestbath #healing #anxiety #recovery #spiritualgangster

Luc.y.ogi 31.08.2020

It’s been 5 years. 5 freakin years since I have had a drink(or other harmful substances). . 5 years of development and strenuous self work. 5 years of being lost and found .... . Its been an entire rebirth. . I remember being younger and thinking to myself... this can’t be it. This seriously cannot be the way I am supposed to be living... I believed that was my destiny; I was just meant to have no control, be sick all the time, it’s in my blood, I make shitty decisions, hurt people and myself, and yet appear to have a smile on my face. That’s just what people did. At least that’s what I had to do. . Fake it. Fake it till you make it. Until you realize you’re not going to make it. Until you realize there is no faking being happy when you can’t bear to open your eyes in the Morning! . Can you imagine(and if your answer is yes let’s chat) ..... imagine.... EVERY single morning being disappointed your eyes opened again. Being disappointed that you still exist. Imagine feeling like that on the inside , and smiling on the outside. Big. Genuine. Smiles. . The smiles were my last bit of hope. They were the part of me that made me believe there was more. The smiles were what let me hold on for so long. It wasn’t fake. It was hope. . So Please keep smiling. Please keep faking it till you make it.... it could save your life. Hold on long enough to give yourself a fucking chance!! Hold on long enough to have a rebirth. . . And then . . Learn to love. Learn to love so fiercely it makes you uncomfortable. Learn to talk to yourself how you would speak to a sweet little girl(or boy) who has all the hopes and dreams in the world. . Learn to do things that make you happy. Do things for yourself. Do things for others. Live with a compassionate understanding heart. . Learn to forgive. Learn to forgive yourself , and ANYONE (or anything for that matter) that has taken up negative space in your mind. LET IT GO! . . Believe in life . Believe in a better life. . Believe in a new way of living. . Just believe. . . I love you. Thank you. Keep being true to you (or start). Continue to dream. Continue to fight. And then surrender. And then heal. . . And now LOVE . . #recovery See more

Luc.y.ogi 17.08.2020

Studio classes are cancelled (cue sigh*) . . . It has been an overwhelmingly challenging decision to make.... . . Selfishly I’d like to stay open. I’d like to be the person for YOU that helps you escape. Guides you through movement. Sets an intention, loves and heals! I’d like to continue to support myself financially. I’d like to feed off of your energy which is the source of so much happiness and light for me. . . As a conscious human I understand that this isn’t about ME. This is about the health care workers(and other service people that aren’t given choice), the vulnerable, immune compromised, elders, people with anxiety..... this is for THE GREATER GOOD. . . I feel it is a social responsibility to not host group activities. . . Although this time is challenging and overwhelming in many cases there are some really beautiful things taking place in our communities and across the globe. . . Heal Mother Earth. Heal our hearts and our souls. Heal yourself with rest. Heal from the ground up. . . Let’s try not to forget .... with every rebirth comes loss. Everything in balance. . . Please go outside. Connect with nature. Teach your children how to make the best out of every situation. . . Please fall in love more than ever before with your family or whomever you may be graced with the presence of for the coming days.(imagine a life without them... because someone didn’t distance themselves appropriately...) . . I invite you to please share below something positive that you have witnessed over the last 48 hours. Acts of solidarity, courage, kindness, compassion , love, a small business hustling. Etc. We NEED to focus on the GOOD. I mean..... parts of China seeing blue sky for the first time in how long...? INCREDIBLE. . . . #covid_19 #stopthespread #flattenthecurve #socialdistancing #getoutside #freshairishealthcare #yoga #yogi #greatergood #yinyang #balance See more

Luc.y.ogi 12.08.2020

Check out March schedule! Let me know if you have any questions

Luc.y.ogi 30.07.2020

I choose a compassionate heart. . I trust that your journey will unfold in due time. . I trust mine will as well.... . I choose to treat each human with respect and equality. . I allow the universe to provide me with what I need. . I choose to accept things as they are. . I choose peace. . I choose happiness. . . . . . . . . . #yoga #yogi #dancer #dancerpose #lighthouse #caribeansea #jamaica #yahmon #uxbridgeyoga #uxbridge #poweryoga #strength #healthybody #healthylifestyle #compassion #love #peace #equality #vacation #travel #negril #spiritualawakening #spiritualgangster #lucyogi #journeytowholeness See more

Luc.y.ogi 08.07.2020

And then you see the light. And you let it shine. You feel it hit your spirit. Everything shifts. .... . You see without darkness we would never know true light. And in those moments of pain and confusion, hurt and discomfort.... You must trust. Trust that very soon all will be revealed. All will be well. . . The secret? Let faith be stronger than fear. Seek for the meaning and the lesson. ALWAYS. Be open to growth. Question your behaviour and reactions to life. Welcome the discomfort. Relish in the unknowing. Feel all the feelings. Be self aware. . . And then..... . . Let that shit GO! All of it. That which no longer serves me a purpose. I thank you, I learned from you, I choose to move forward. . . What I know, I know that the universe is wise. And waiting. For me. To be ready. To welcome change and growth. To shift my perspective. And to lighten the *f* up. . . Don’t take things so personally. It’s not always about you, or me! Everyone. Like literally everyone.... has a story, a journey, and a challenge they are working through. Whether you know it or not. So just hold space. Hold space for you and for them. . . I see you. I hear you. I feel you. I love you. . . . . #yoga #yogi #toesquat #peace #love #growth #change #trust #trusttheprocess #evolve #niyama #yama #handstoheart #uxbridgeyoga #uxbridge #ashtanga #vinyasa #letitgo #lucyogi #spiritualgangster #spiritualawakening #healthylifestyle #journeytowholeness See more

Luc.y.ogi 27.06.2020

Joy. Pure. Raw. Joy. . . .... Don’t ever forget to laugh until your stomach hurts. . . Don’t forget how fun it is to pretend fall in the snow. . . Remember what it feels like to look up a monstrous hill and feel as though it’s impossible to climb. Climb the hill, look back and remember how far you’ve come! . . Remember to stop, lay in the snow and find something beautiful to look at for just a few breaths. . . Climb the tree. Jump off the log. Throw the branch in the river. Break the icebergs. Make safe choices. Watch each others back. But also throw snow at it. . . Go outside. Play. Tell people they are awesome and make you feel good! Say yes to adventure. Allow yourself to feel. To connect and embrace. To be kind and authentic. . . I love you little’s. You never stop teaching me. . . . . . . . . . . . . #freshair #freshairishealthcare #getoutside #active #activelifestyle #healthykids #healthylifestyle #activekids #yogis #movingmeditation #lifelessons #uxbridge #durhamregion #adventure #laughter #positivity #love #joy See more

Luc.y.ogi 25.06.2020

Hey!!!! Welcome to luc.y.ogi page! There is still time and space to register for October 7-31st session ... Classes available; Tuesday’s Beginner series 4:30-5:30 (few spaces left) Power flow 6-7pm Yin yang 7:30-8:30pm Thursday’s Power flow 10-11am Yin yang 6-7pm ** 17th and 31st only CHILL 7:30-8:30pm Sunday’s Yin yang 10-11am Chill 11:30-12:30 pm Yin 1-2pm Pre registration of at least 4 people per class is required in order to run. $20 drop in $72/4 classes $136 /8 classes Please try to plan and use all passes within the session. If you do not I will honour the pass and get you into another class for a make up ! If you have ANY questions do not hesitate to ask!! Xox Namaste Ps don’t forget to like and share this page