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Locality: Ottawa, Ontario

Phone: +1 613-808-8423

Address: Larkspur Drive K2H 6K9 Ottawa, ON, Canada

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LuLu & Me 08.01.2022

Just removed the scales from the bathroom... no-one needs that negativity!Just removed the scales from the bathroom... no-one needs that negativity!

LuLu & Me 23.12.2021

When I was wee...I mean under 5.. I was my mum's 'spotter'. I had the job of yelling out when the two blocks of lard, had melted in the chip pan, on top of the stove...I'll let that sink for a mo'. .... let me set the scene. We lived in a first floor flat, but it had two floors underneath, because it was built on a hill on a slope. That made it three floors up at the kitchen end. So, mum used to sit me on the windowsill, to watch said lard melt. We are "three floors up now"......oh, and the windows? Just a wee handle to open, and close again...nothing fancy. Could freefall at any time. Now, it was a decent size windowsill...because, my 4 year old arse could fit on it...the problem was (as if there was really only ONE problem), well, there was a big double stone sink below the sill. And on top of the bigger sink, was, a wooden board, with a hole in the middle, that could be removed for any washing to be done. It didn't fit wobbled...a lot. So, here I am, sitting on the windowsill, with feet planted on top of this wobbly board, watching 2 blocks of lard, melting in a hot, black cauldron. And I would shout to mum, "it's done!". She'd come back into the kitchen, after doing what she was immersed in, thanked me..maybe ...and we got on with our day. This would happen frequently in a week...after all, we are Scottish, and like to take chances with our health, and deep fry everything! Please don't call Children's Aid , Health and Saftey. Am sure my mum really did like me...just as much as my other siblings... Hope you all have a great weekend ...and, take care in the kitchen today! See more

LuLu & Me 12.12.2021

Uhm... And now for something completely different .. do watch till the end... you're welcome

LuLu & Me 05.12.2021

Yesterday was a beautiful day for me. Had a visit from Deborah, and her grand daughter.. sun was shining, and we went for a stroll, and the baby had a swing in the park. Early afternoon, Andrew and I went to Bayshore for a much needed haircut.. he looked like ALL of the Beatles, put together! I picked up some trainers... and then we had lunch. The mood was good. Then, we bumped into an old classmate from his high school, and at the same time, another one from primary school.... I loved seeing them, matured, healthy and full of youth. The day was sparkling. Andrew was over the moon. Smiling. Full of Bon Homie. We went on and picked up some much needed 'fripperies'! In one of the shops, he met an old rugby chum, who was so pleased to see Andrew, they were setting up another rugby team, and the coach was looking for Andrew's contact info. Boom. Done. At the same shop, the manager was taken with Andrew and they had banter and an exchange of cards, "when you're able to get back to work, would love to see you here, bro'." The sparkle was blinding. He was walking on air. And I was tip toeing behind him. My heart was full for him. Maybe some of you know that, Andrew had an accident in February. He cut off his left index finger, above the middle knuckle, and cut into the middle finger, with a bandsaw, at work. It was an accident. Nothing else. It's not loosing a limb, I know. And he managed admirably. But, it affected his mental health.. ever so slightly, but ever so noticeably. Remember that depressingly, long, cold, raw winter we had? It magnified itself on him. Couldn't get a glove on. Couldn't focus. Uni was hard. Sleeping was hard. Joy.. was hard. I still feel the heaviness when I write, and re read that paragraph. I have no.. "lesson for today" speech. No.."this too shall pass" advice. I just wanted to share my simply, special day... with all of you. See more

LuLu & Me 29.11.2021

I've always loved this piece. And this visual version. I love seeing all the faces. When that girl exhales that high note, I have goosebumps. When the chap in the back row, leans back, closes his eyes.. and bathes himself in the sound. And I also see them, looking, looking at the conductor.. for guidance, timing, beat, a parental nod, perhaps? When I was very young, I didn't look as much for all of that. I was wild, carefree, if I transgressed, I would accept correction, an...d move on. As I've aged..I can't always give myself permission to be as carefree and wild. Constraints of societal judgement hold me back. And when a wag of the finger is pointed in my direction, it crushes me. Sometimes I think, I can't wait to be that old lady, that has no stage whisper! It will be as freeing as climbing that tree in my good Sunday dress, and white shoes and socks! Don't misunderstand, the value of pulling together in unison... I get that. But some days ....Rebel, Rebel. Have a fab Sunday

LuLu & Me 17.11.2021

Having struggled with body image most of my adult life...but do practically nothing about it.. lol.. I have been working on something. Am not reinventing the wheel here, but bear with me. Deborah Barlas and I talk a lot about different subjects ... and tend to laugh hilariously at ourselves too.. but, we have a passion for the, 'make do and mend' philosophy. Using what we have... and enjoying it. There are so many parts to our conversations.. Another conversation I have, is, ...with Morna Foan. When I buy a piece of clothing, or shoes, say. I always think on, how much value I will get from the purchase? How many seasons/months? How many outfits can I combine/add to it? Same with shoes and boots.. et al.. so, I wondered, if my purchase reasoning would work, with what and how I eat! Say, I have my oatmeal and banana.. what value is it giving my body? Will it last? Is it a good fat? Sugar.. etc.. my bread and cheese and wine nights... that tends to be shared with David. So, I'm gaining all the pleasure in the combination of bites and tastes.. but also, conversation too.. because it is shared. I'm not trying to dissect all my choices. I love food. I want to be more selective and thoughtful about it. My appetite has shrunk as I've got older .. but I still have the craving of, different and satisfying. I have lost some jigglies.. so am going to stick with it for a while. Sorry if this was a little rambling. Stick with me, and I'll keep you posted.. and, let me know what you think. Got to dash .. my McDonalds just arrived... See more

LuLu & Me 14.11.2021

This most beautiful picture was stitched by Christine Beelen. And she kindly gifted it to LuLu and me. Isn't it perfect? Christine is a talented knitter also. She just finished a fab pair of socks.. I don't have a picture. Maybe she'll post one? I am not talented in these fields. And it amazes me how Christine can knit.. and watch the telly at the same time. I find it stressful. And I can't concentrate on the tv AND knitting... or whatever. A while ago, I started in on the colouring book thing... I also found that stressful... was I using the right colours? Would I waste the picture? My face was firmly in a knot! Suffice to say, I'm not a good multi tasker. Is multi taking good for us, I wonder? It doesn't work for me. How about you?

LuLu & Me 01.11.2021

This came up in my feed today.

LuLu & Me 25.10.2021

Hello all! Yes, it's been a while... apologies. I guess a few things have been keeping me off kilter for a while. Initially, things were very quiet on the retail side of things. I was finding it hard to balance the buying of goodies, and the re-sell. I just couldn't justify the money going out .. as opposed to coming in. After that, a little incident kicked my confidence in the shins. So, my enthusiasm for LuLu waned...I am on the other side of that, it has taken a while... ...until I realized I was using it as a crutch. An excuse. I dealt with a lot of blaming, anger and bitterness generally, until I found a path that could care for me, and that I trusted. As with everyone else, this winter has been a bugger! We've had a few health issues, in the house, which again, we are in the other side of now. Am really not sure what path LuLu will take now. I've had suggestions of doing a blog. Am not sure that I have a thick enough skin for that. But, having a Good Scottish Tongue in my head, am sure I'll survive. Are we all tired of all the blogs, and clickbaits and general social media frenzies? Has it saturated itself.. and us? Do we need more physical get togethers? Physical interaction? Back to basics? Because, as I am writing this, I feel.. and have noticed on other sites, that the actual response to a blog is low.. to zero. And I'm not pointing fingers at this wee gang. I just think.. we are done with it all. Let's maybe move on to something more tangible. Less words, more action. Thanks for reading. And all your support See more

LuLu & Me 10.10.2021

A wee Thursday chuckle. Totally love Emma Thompson. Funny, smart, self deprecating... and is quite lovely. I love when she cocks up in front of a camera! This is just over 9 mins long. And I've never heard the story before. Obviously she has a cracking Scottish accent because of her mum. And she knocks this out of the park. If you ever get a chance to see, 'A Winters' Guest'... do it. With a bottle of wine and funeral sandwiches! She and her mum are great in it... as they are in, 'Much Ado About Nothing'. Anyone know of any other movies they are in together ?

LuLu & Me 05.10.2021

I still have the dress and palazzos for sale. Fantastic asymmetrical dress. Locally made in Almonte, by Avenir designs. It has sheer sleeves, stretchy and can be reversed. The pants are quite wide legged and as you can see have a green, burgundy and black pattern. Quite reminiscent of the 30's. Wear them together or separately. I wore the dress with leggings and boots, or with black pants. The palazzos... little black cardi? Or and elegant tunic to elongate the body. Another bonus.. they don't crush! Perfectly packable! Dress priced at $50 pants priced at $20 Both size large