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LunarFusion 13.12.2020

RAFFLE! Tickets are $5 each or 3 for $10. Raffle closes April 1st! Imagine winning this beautiful mala for a $5 or $10 investment! ... Aries season inspired mala created with Amethyst, Carnelian, Red Jasper and Bloodstone enhanced with a hand wire wrapped clear quartz point pendant. E-transfers accepted for your entry at [email protected] Please DM or comment to let us know you are sending a transfer so we can watch for it.

LunarFusion 26.11.2020

Sharing a short 7 minute meditation with you today. This is the meditation that went out with this month's Meditation by Mail. I wrote it at the beginning of the month, but how suitable it turned out to be with how quickly things have changed for us from the beginning of the month. I hope you find inspiration for having faith in new opportunities amidst this challenge. Dawn of a New Day. Take a few minutes for yourself and enjoy! ...

LunarFusion 23.11.2020

Music Monday! This is one of my favourites to listen to when I am feeling stress, anxiousness, overwhelm. "I release control and surrender to the flow of love that will heal me." ... This is one form of meditation - mantra meditation! If you have a hard time with meditation, chanting (out loud or within) to your favourite mantra is a great way to get started. Enjoy!

LunarFusion 18.11.2020

This past week has surfaced a lot of fear and uncertainty, endless posts, articles, breaking news about what is happening in the world right now. Reading soooo many threads and comments which are laced with fear and anxiety - it's mentally exhausting! At home, we are doing the best we can to make our children aware without coming from fear based thoughts and behaviours, but rather the importance of keeping our loved ones safe and to minimize the impact. Amidst all of the fea...r, anxiousness and uncertainty, let's give ourselves permission to pause and reflect on what good we can acknowledge and be grateful for in each day. Allow that gratitude to open your hearts to love based decisions and actions instead of fear based decisions and actions. It's a practice and may feel difficult to reach this mindset. Keep practicing and reconnect to gratitude and love. As much as fear is contagious, so is love and laughter. Sending everyone love and blessings as we maneuver through this phase.

LunarFusion 18.11.2020

Sun and feathered friends to the Rescue! Not gonna lie - last week I was in a funk, a pretty big funk. I know I am not the only one feeling this way. The world as we knew it rapidly changed a week or two ago. I am a small business owner- not only my yoga and Reiki offerings, but I also own a salon with 2 locations - one of which is relocating so we are in the midst of renovations too. ... I spent nearly every waking moment last week listening to news releases, reading articles, following other businesses to see how they were handling the situation, responding to concerns, and putting onto practice precautions, reduced services and business hours. My appetite has even been off and for those that know me well know how much I love food. It was mentally and emotionally exhausting! My head hurt for all of the thinking, planning, wondering and waiting to see what assistance was going to be available for my staff and to support small businesses- there's so many of us out there. Today, I danced in my house to some good old 80's music, took my lunch to the backyard, absorbed some sun, inhaled the fresh air and listened to the happy chatter of our feathered friends. The funk is lifting and I am already starting to feel some renewal. I thought I was losing all that I believed and all that drives my passion. What can you turn to if you're feeling the funk? What practices are helping you right now? Please share and have a listen to the song of the birds from my backyard.

LunarFusion 07.11.2020

**FULL** We had 1 space open up for our Candlight version of Reflexlogy Restorative Yoga practice for tonight at 7:30pm! Send me a message to make it yours! ... What better way to celebrate the woman that you are than by gifting yourself this time for wellness, rest and self-care.

LunarFusion 02.11.2020

Happy International Women's Day! Here's to us women creating ripples for hope, change, and transformation for ourselves, for our children, for our grandchildren and for those who have not realized the power within. Lead the way!

LunarFusion 16.10.2020

This weekend enjoy an evening offering by candlelight of our Reflexology Restorative practice! We have 2 spaces available - register at the ticket link to make it yours. We likely won't have another offering until June or July this year!

LunarFusion 08.10.2020

MINDFUL EATING - WHAT IT MEANS & WHY WE ALL SHOULD BE EATING THIS WAY. Mindful ~ Presence ~ Awareness Being mindful simply means to be present and aware of all of our senses as we live our lives. Truly, we can practice presence in all that we do, but how about starting with mindful eating if this is a foreign practice or term. ... A few years ago and for several years, I was anything but mindful. I skipped meals, ate lunches on the run IF I did eat and often from a drive thru. I was racing from one place to the next or so involved with completing tasks that I just wouldn't eat or I ate while tasking, but never really present or aware - more like a robot. In fact, if you asked me, I would often say I wasn't even hungry. Mindful eating allows us to slow down, step away from work, and to give ourselves permission to fuel our body without distractions and have more awareness of our intuitive self. What texture does your food have? What does it smell like? How does it taste? How does your body feel afterwards? Are you savoring every bite with slowly chewing your food and chewing it well? This process activates your digestive enzymes. People who eat quickly don't get the benefit of the natural digestive enzymes released to help break down our food potentially leading to gut issues from improper digestion. Eating quickly also has a tendancy to lead people to overeat. We eat so quickly that we aren't getting the cues from our body that it's full, so we continue eating. Stepping away from work or your desk to eat will also give your mind the break it needs to be more productive in the second part of your day. I am really happy that I have adopted this way of eating. Just a couple of weeks ago I tried to reintroduce a food and immediately afterwards I wasn't feeling well. A few days later, I tried again and my body gave me the same response. So, this food is not for my body. Having the awareness now, I can feel and make those choices. I just didn't have that knowledge or awareness before to know what foods were not working for me.

LunarFusion 22.09.2020

CARD DRAW FOR THE COLLECTIVE! "May You Know Authenticity" Are you living your truth? ... Do your actions flow with your beliefs and values? Are you living a life that you want OR a life that others think you should be living? Do you make choices based on your dreams for a fulfilling life or are you consumed and influenced with "what others might think"? Authenticity Meditation May you know authenticity. May you be transparent and authentic and open in your life. May you stand in your own truth and tell your story. May you be willing to be raw and vulnerable and true. Wear what makes you feel good and sing from your heart. Stop following the rules. May you know the incredible freedom of blazing your own trail.

LunarFusion 05.09.2020

Happy Leap Day! The numerological significance it brings.

LunarFusion 17.08.2020

SOLD OUT! Finished mala in comments. We did get some tumbled celestite in that we can make one or 2 more of these malas with. LIMITED EDITION!! The next limited edition mala is being planned out with a focus on the Third Eye. ... The last one sold out quickly AND before I could get the rest of the teasers up! Send me a message to secure yours!

LunarFusion 29.07.2020

RELATIONSHIPS || COMMUNITY While I was in my "workaholic" stage of my life I had lost a lot of friends. I prioritized work and by the time the weekend came around, I was too exhausted and just wanted snuggles with my family. I love my family, but we were really missing being with friends and there was a degree of sadness hovering over us. Healthy relationships and being a part of a community helps us live a longer and healthier life. Support and connection - people to talk... to, laugh with, help each other out, hold space for and create experiences and memories with. There's various Blue Zones around the world that have the highest life expectancy. When analyzed, one of the things that they all had in common was the strong community connection and support of relationships - family and otherwise. We have expanded our circle over the past few years after we reprioritized how we were living our lives when I received my diagnosis. Yoga training, classes, the Epic Walk, Reiki courses, collaborations are just a few of the ways our connections and relationships started to grow and enrich our lives. What communities are you a part of? How would you evaluate your relationships? Are you fulfilled or are you craving connection? Do you know someone that might be lonely? If so, what would it take to extend an invitation or offer your company?

LunarFusion 22.07.2020

Tonight's class addresses forgiveness. Forgiveness is such an important part of living our life fully with peace, love and joy. We will discuss misconceptions, experience a forgiveness meditation, journaling and I will share my own story on how "not forgiving" manifested in various ways in my body, mind and spirit - gradually disconnecting myself from people that I cared about as I suffered in silence. Tonight's class is full, but this will be a class I will do again as I b...elieve so many people are suffering from buried hurt, pain, anger and resentment. Until then, I will leave you with this quote.

LunarFusion 03.07.2020

These are my Grandparents and this is one of my favourite pictures of them. Look at the way he is so lovingly and adoringly looking at my grandmother and they loved to dance. This is true love. They are no longer here in the physical world, but I know their Spirit lives on supporting our family. When someone has this much love to give, I open my heart completely to receive it. I miss them everyday, but I am reminded of their love today not only for eachother, but for everyone... they knew. Wishing you all love today and everyday - first starting with yourself. When you show yourself love, you open your energy to attract more love in return. Happy Valentine's Day.

LunarFusion 19.06.2020

My sister joining CTV Ottawa Morning Live discussing sleep aids, fads and facts! Sleep is such an integral part of our wellbeing and so many people are sleep deprived. There are some tools to help and Diane, Holistic Sleep Consultant is showcasing a few of them in this segment.

LunarFusion 30.05.2020

What's Happening at Lunar Fusion! -

LunarFusion 16.05.2020

EARTHING SHEET Since my back started acting up, I have been craving contact with the Earth and it was interesting in one of my healing sessions last week that it came up that my spleen and pancreas were storing some old energy that needed to be released and both fall on the meridian that is connected to the Earth element. Snow is covering up the Earth and a vacation to a beach isn't possible quite yet and then I remembered about Earthing sheets, so I grabbed one right away. ... The Earthing sheet is lined with thin silver thread throughout and connects to the grounding socket in your home. It offers a negative, grounding charge that provides the same benefits as though you are connected to the Earth. pain relief faster healing better sleep reduces free radicals (caused by positive charges in the body - devices, chemicals, poor air quality) which in turn reduces inflammation I just got it yesterday and while I didn't wake up pain free and didn't expect to, I did have the best sleep I have had since my back started giving me issues. I bought the sheet for sleeping, but there are also mats for under your feet - for those of you with desk jobs, mouse pads and pillow cases.

LunarFusion 12.05.2020

Lunar Fusion will have a new home soon - still in Richmond! Full details at the video link! WE ARE MOVING! ... We are thrilled to announce that we will be moving our McBean St location to Perth St - still in Richmond and just around the corner! Check out the video showcasing our new home and details!

LunarFusion 22.04.2020

SPINE HEALTH || YOGA This course was so informative and timely. Experiencing my own back pain, I was really intrigued to see a continuing education course focused on stability and mobility for the spine. Once my back is healed or at least at the point where I can do a regular yoga practice again, I will be integrating the guidance from this training into my personal practice.... I am also looking forward to sharing the information in my offerings in the studio! #spinehealth #yogateacher #ottawareiki #richmondyoga #balance #bernieclark #braceandspace #stability #mobility #strength

LunarFusion 12.04.2020

MID-CERTIFICATE I am a little over halfway through the program now...week 25 of 40 just started and I have earned my midway certificate. Great encouragement and motivation to keep going! I can do this! I am so excited to incorporate more of this into yoga, one on one sessions and some new offerings including group programs to build accountability and support. ... The offerings go way beyond the food on your plate. While nutrients from food are important, so is the way you're living your life. Supporting you in changes to bring you more balance and joy. #iinhealthcoach #intraining #reikimaster #yogateacher #ottawareiki #ottawanutrition #balance #ottawahealthcoach #ottawayoga

LunarFusion 24.03.2020

REVEAL! Card 1: Island/Solitude and Spiritually Fit You need to take some time, preferably in silence. Spend the morning afternoon, or even the entire day by yourself completely unplanned and unstructured. The bombardment of your senses by the noise and intensity of society leaves you on alert far more than is necessary. The vibration of millions of people's worry and fear throughout the world can impinge upon you and greatly affect you. If you do not honour your need to pul...Continue reading

LunarFusion 11.03.2020

CARD DRAW - FULL MOON IN LEO What boundaries and beliefs are limiting you on your way forward? What and how can you release and leave these old patterns behind, so you can evolve into the next version of who you are - free from the burdens of the past? This weeks cards are drawn from Earth Magic and Living Reiki. ... Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and choose the pile that you're drawn to. Reveal will be posted tomorrow evening.

LunarFusion 27.02.2020

HEALING IS NOT LINEAR || HEALING IS NOT EASY For the last couple of months I have been dealing with some interesting back issues - for the first time in my life. A lot of people have "teased" that things fall apart once you hit 40. I respectfully differ - since I turned 40, I am falling together. But, it hasn't been easy!... I have cried A LOT I have been enduring muscle guarding and spasms I can't bend over My left hip has taken a lot of the "weight" causing limping and shuffling of my feet - this is better now My husband has been cooking all of the meals, keeping the house and doing the laundry I had to cancel nearly all of my yoga classes in January and I have not been able to do my own yoga practice I noticed myself holding my breath again, but now I have awareness and consciously have been guiding myself through breathing My body was greatly misaligned and I have been putting it back together and the process is not easy! I have found some wonderful therapies that are helping to bring me back into alignment. BUT, with each therapy, comes integration, reconnection, new pathways, realignment, detoxing as toxins are released through the sessions and it's not easy to sit with what is there. I have had to release expectations, be present with what is, and love and nurture myself and allow others to love and nurture me too. After each therapy, I move through the same post session feelings that have allowed me to process, be present, feel, see, hear, soothe, be soft as I feel my body recalibrating. It hurts. I had a session done today that took me back to age 6 - that's 37 years of holding patterns to release. No wonder it hurts. Healing is NOT easy, BUT so necessary to come into the full expression of who we are meant to be. I will come out the other side of this and I will shine brighter because of it. If you are going through something similar - I hear you, I see you, I send you love and I have faith that you will be on the other side of your healing too. #healing #journey #commit #ottawareiki #reikimaster #richmondyoga #ottawayoga #yogateacher #balance #selflove #bepresent #mindfulness #gratitude #compassion

LunarFusion 09.02.2020

We have been talking a lot about kindness in our home recently in various capacities - retaining friends, mental health, unconditional kindness - without expecting anything in return, loneliness, hardships. If you can reflect back on your day or week, how has an act of kindness made a difference for you - received or extended? What did you notice in your body as a result of that kindness?... How did it effect the rest of your day? How have you been kind to yourself this week? We are often hardest on ourselves and extending kindness to ourselves is often an afterthought. I was listening to a meditation this week and part of the guidance was to bring awareness to a part of our body that was suffering - whether physical or emotional and instead of focusing on why the suffering was there, it was to simply offer it compassion and kindness. I see you, I feel you and I am here for you. I would love to hear your thoughts on how kindness plays a role in your life.

LunarFusion 26.01.2020

We had such a lovely time creating our 2020 Vision Mini Malas last night and learning a bit about Japa Meditation and how to use their mini mala for their meditation practice. Even though we pre-selected the gemstones based on their chosen word of intention, it was fun and interesting to see how they visualized, grouped gemstones and created their mini mala. While there are traditional rules and do's and don'ts for Japa Meditation, it is acknowledged to see what resonates w...ith your practice so long as it is treated as Sacred and with respect and humility. Our next Mini Mala workshop will be in April.

LunarFusion 09.01.2020

Since it's the weekend, I am sharing this simple and delicious pancake recipe. If you choose to veganize it by using flax or chia seed "eggs" as a binder instead of real eggs, to add in extra protein, use your favourite protein powder. I have a plant based protein powder by Botanica that I love to boost my oats and pancakes with. Cinnamon is great for balancing blood sugar levels, so I will often add that spice in to oats, pancakes, and on my nut butter toast. You can also s...prinkle it in to your favourite hot beverage. If you don't love bananas, you can use pureed squash or pumpkin. Have fun experimenting! What's your favourite weekend breakfast recipe?

LunarFusion 05.01.2020

S U P P O R T Where do you need it? I spent many, many years trying to do all and be all to everyone else except me. I just kept going and just kept doing until my health suffered and not the first sign of IBS that I "managed" for about 6 years. I just got used to living with it, but it didn't change my behaviour, so I kept going and kept doing, neglecting myself in the process - then I got cancer.... I had a very big issue with asking people for help. I had people to support me and then I would get angry when they didn't see the signs that I was drowning and needed relief. I was angry at everyone else and I held on to my anger. But, I didn't take responsibility and ask. All I had to do was ask. I encourage everyone to do this exercise because we don't have to do all and be all to everyone else except ourself. Look at your day: What tasks do you enjoy? What tasks do you dread? Of those dreaded tasks, what can you delegate? What can you hire? What can you automate? Maybe your children can take on an extra task like dishes or vacuuming. At work, maybe you there are tasks you can delegate out. Maybe a house cleaner or ordering premade dinners twice a week like Hello Fresh. Maybe someone for snow removal or lawn maintenance. Maybe grocery shopping stresses you out - click and collect - shop from the comfort of your home and pick up your order when it's convenient for you like on your way home from work. Automate your bill payments to your credit card and then you can just make that one credit card payment. And, maybe the support you need is to just have someone that can listen to you and hold space for you when you need to talk. Who is your person/are your people? Who can help you be accountable for using the support tools you have chosen? Take the first step today to build your network of support. And, if you don't require support, you have created your balance, look around you - maybe someone you know needs a little extra help even if they haven't asked for it.

LunarFusion 04.12.2019

How many times have you smiled today? Did you also know that smiling boosts your immune system sends neurotransmitters to the brain and releases serotonin and dopamine - our happy hormones! ... is universal AND contagious is mood boosting - try smiling for 30 seconds if you just came out of a tough meeting at work, are in a traffic jam or to just start your day! relieves stress and in turn contributes to that boost in immune system since stress weakens the immune - see the cycle? I make a conscious effort to smile more especially when waiting in line at the grocery store. It helps me be in the non-rushing moment and I am sure helps the cashier feel a little less stress - I don't look angry that I am waiting, so they don't have to try and rush through who they are helping.

LunarFusion 21.11.2019

SOLD OUT! We didn't get a chance to post all of the reveals and we are sold out of this limited edition heart essence mala for February. When @zenmalaman has a vision, he executes it beautifully! ... Watch for the next limited edition mala! #malamaking #meditation #intention #richmondyoga #ottawayoga #yogateacher #ottawareiki #reikimaster #followyourdreams #gemstones #grateful #heartchakra #emerald #aventurine #kunzite #greengarnet #vision #soldout

LunarFusion 11.11.2019

CUSTOM MALA || GIFT || WHEN A PLAN COMES TOGETHER - and just in time! I can finally share this beautiful creation now that it has been gifted.... This gift truly came from the heart of one caring friend to another - both that I am honoured to know and have in my circle of sharing yoga, Reiki, meditation and wisdom with at my studio. Now, I almost had a heart attack last week when she was looking very wantingly at another mala at the shop- I was praying so hard that she wasn't going to buy it. Saved when she asked if we could make her one. Deep sigh of relief - it was already done and actually just on the other side of the counter waiting to be picked up! Artistically created by @zenmalaman with lepidolite, Amethyst, African turquoise, rose quartz, lava, amazonite, black tourmaline and howlite. #malamaking #meditation #intention #richmondyoga #ottawayoga #yogateacher #ottawareiki #reikimaster #followyourdreams #gemstones #grateful #myhubbyhastalent

LunarFusion 27.10.2019

REVEAL! Card 1: Kanyini: In Eachother We Find Ourselves - There is a spiritual purpose that only you can fulfill. As you move forward on your journey, you create space for others to move along behind you, and as the ones ahead of you move forward, so too does room open up for your expansion. Upon this earth we are all building the sacred temple, each fulfilling our tasks as we assist and support each other in our collective divine mission. How can you help with your heart mos...t actively engaged? What can you offer which inspires and energizes you so much that others are uplifted in your presence? How can you receive from others joyfully, bringing them pleasure? Engage in giving and receiving deeply and with devotion. Your wisdom and openness to life generates healing for our Earth. Supported by: I can decide today to recalibrate my energy and commit to love and joy. Card 2: Alakoa: Spirit of the Warrior - Though you yearn for peace, you recognize that, without truth, genuine peace can never be. Even if it triggers an upheaval of transformation, the need to set things right is strong in you. This is the inner drive of the spiritual warrior, the compelling soul need to uphold truth, goodness and justice. You will fight for these things because that is your way, Spirit Warrior. Trust, see and feel the positive impact that you are making in the world. You are relentless and the Divine is within you. Supported by: My true safety lies in my capacity to align with the Love of the Universe. Card 3: Elhaz: Divine Might Foretold - You know what is correct. You understand that any gain which comes from denying your values and compromising yourself creates a loss soul. There are times when it may seem as though people who act without integrity are obtaining benefit without negative repercussions. Life can seem unfair if you limit yourself to a strictly human perspective. Yet nothing escapes the attention of the spiritual world. Restorative action and balancing fairness is always in action at a higher level, according to divine timing and wisdom. Stay true to your integrity, put your faith in divine justice, and you will win in a way that brings benefit to many. Supported by: When I'm connected to Spirit, I feel a sense of certainty, magnitude and ease that I've never known before.

LunarFusion 18.10.2019

CARD DRAW!! On the cusp of the New Moon in Aquarius, a new moon cycle, a new beginning, new intentions, but expect the unexpected with the influence of Aquarius energy! Creative thinking, thinking outside the box, setting aside what you thought you knew to be true and explore other "knowings" or "truths". Take a class or workshop on something you have never tried before! ... This weeks cards come from Earth Warriors - freedom, grace, positive energy, truth out of the shadows, replacing fear with love and higher consciousness- just what we need to support how we react to unforeseen changes in direction. Supported with cards from Super Attractor guiding us to connect to the Universe and live in alignment with Spirit. What miracles will be yours when you surrender and set limiting beliefs aside? Closing your eyes and taking a few deep grounding breaths, connect with your third eye chakra, your intuition and choose the card where you are guided. Reveal will be posted tomorrow.

LunarFusion 13.10.2019

How Gratitude is Helping me Shift Through Back Pain. I have been suffering - there's no other way to say it, but like it is. My first sense of back pain started to present back in Sept when I aggravated my sciatic nerve on the left side just by doing a gentle roll on my back. Since then, I have been on an interesting experience of shifting back pain. I had some Chiropractic work done on my right rib cage because I thought I had dislocated a rib in October. Turns out my right... side was just "tight and angry" according to the Chiropractor. By the end of October, my ribs were feeling fantastic, but the muscle along the right side of my back started tensing gradually. I eased up on my work schedule, lots of rest hopeful it would pass. By the beginning of Dec it had worked itself allll of the way up my right side and I knew it was time to get some help again. I started Physio with Acupuncture and was making progress - until my back decided to start spasming after Christmas. This past week has been challenging. Since last Saturday, the spasms have become more frequent and intense. I have cried out of pain and frustration wondering when I will see an end to this experience. I broke down Monday and saw my Dr for a muscle relaxant so I could sleep and an anti-inflammatory to help me get on the upward swing re-introducing movement. My back has been so guarded that it has been difficult to feel any comfort while awake. I noticed the other day how I found myself in this trap of negativity. All I could think about was how I was going to manage the pain, when I would feel good again, how I haven't been able to contribute very much at home and at work, crying, holding my breath when I was moving and in that moment of realization, I knew I had to shift my mindset. Gratitude - as I was walking around the house instead of focusing on the guarding and spasms, I started listing all of the things and people I was/am grateful for. I thanked my body for protecting me - because that's what my muscles are trying to do right now, I sent it love and now I focus my thoughts on breathing through movement, it's time to relax - sending that signal to my brain - because it's my brain that needs to reprogram my muscles actions that it's safe to move. While it may seem impossible, I am walking around with more ease today as I shift my thoughts to gratitude, my breath and relaxation. I still have my team that is helping me set all of the way through my healing and I must acknowledge all of my friends and family that sent recommendations my way. I know I will find the perfect cocktail of healers, myself included - mindset is a big one, with a healed outcome with ease and grace. How has gratitude helped you shift?

LunarFusion 03.10.2019

FIRST REVEAL: FEBRUARY SPECIAL EDITION MALA Only 3 of these limited edition malas will be made. 2 left! Heart chakra focused... Green Aventurine Gemstone Watch for more reveals on the special gemstones chosen for this mala! #malamaking #meditation #intention #richmondyoga #ottawayoga #energy #healing @zenmalaman #ottawayoga #ottawareiki #reikimaster #limitedquantity #specialedition

LunarFusion 29.09.2019

Spaces available for this specialty practice fusing 2 modalities, Reflexology & Restorative yoga, for the ultimate relaxation experience. Click on the link for full details and to reserve your space at the ticket link.

LunarFusion 19.09.2019

From my Facebook memories on this day in 2018. A great reminder and a little glimpse into what has brought me here today. "As I mentioned the other day, I was able to dig in and carry on with a Meditation Teacher Training course that I started a year ago and put on hold as of April 2017. This morning I opened to the chapter of "Healing Emotional Wounds with Meditation". This was an emotional read for me literally bringing me to tears by the end of it. I felt like I was a chapter out of my life called 2017: Time to deal with IT! All of it! 4 little words that my friend Lynn and I have used often is "There are no coincidences" With that in mind, had I reached this chapter a year ago, it would not have felt the same inside of me, it would not have resonated on the same level as it does today. I used meditation a lot moving my way through 2017 and all that it brought our way. What I know: This will make me a better teacher, a better facilitator, a better guide and a better overall ME to help myself and those that need meditation as a means to move through emotional healing. Everything needs to be in balance including the body, mind, emotion and spirit. I had been so out of balance for years and didn't even know it. Stress weakens the immune system - many people know that. Stress comes in all forms and can manifest in the body from not releasing emotions that need to be released. When your body is in a constant state of stress (you may not even be aware that this is what is happening - I wasn't), illness of varying degrees can set in. Simple and short daily meditation can help move out those emotions making room for joy, balance and a healthier you with a stronger immune system. Who better to see what is inside your mind than yourself? This is one way that you can offer self care for yourself. Make the time to truly take care of you, let your children and your spouses see you taking this time for yourself so, they too can learn about self care and self love. Something else that I read that resonated with the "old me" "If you don't have 10 minutes for yourself in a day, you need an hour." Turns out I needed approximately 8 months from delaying my own self care. Allow a shift in your routine to accommodate something for yourself."

LunarFusion 31.08.2019

REVEAL! Card 1: Bamboo Moon with Bloodstone Did you know that there are no mistakes in the Universe and all events, circumstances, relationships and situations are unfolding in perfection with the timing and intelligence of the divine plan? Any apparent delay is in your favour. If something is happening for you right now, then that is perfect too. Divine timing is perfection. It is safe to trust this now.... Bloodstone supports you by increasing your intuition and creativity. Yes, there's a divine plan and timing, but do you have yourself trapped in why things aren't happening for you? When we find ourselves in that trap, we aren't open to possibilities. Use bloodstone to keep yourself grounded, tuning in to your intuition and finding creative solutions for where you're feeling stuck and your energy will start to open and seeing the beauty of divine timing. Card 2: Ten Sisters of Light with Citrine You are an advanced soul and have lived many incarnations, shone your light through many different faces. Your soul has learned many skills in past lives, developed abilities and talents. This lifetime is a culminating lifetime in the sense that your soul is drawing together potencies developed over many lifetimes into unified expression. It is like drawing on the power of ten sisters, or more, into your one current lifetime. Be prepared to grow and shine, beloved. Citrine supports you by encouraging you to release the fears, so you can stand in the truth of who you are. It draws in motivation and stimulates the mind. It's time to shine by expressing who are and where you are going. What is your soul longing for you to do? Citrine is empowering you to explore the possibility without the attachment to fear and negativity. Card 3: Maiden Ma Gu with Amethyst The Maiden Ma Gu, Goddess of Spring, healing and transformation, brings you assistance now. You are asked to honour that light can come from even the darkest beginnings. In fact, sometimes we need to enter into the unknown parts of ourselves to find exactly what we need to grow in peace, creative self-fulfilment and happiness. The challenge can be to trust that we will arise from this darker place again. Just as the Spring always follows the Winter, so too will any inner work with the shadow preceding a beautiful rebirth for you. Amethyst supports you by easing stresses, fears and anxieties. It opens your intuition and creates awareness. What change are you considering that will bring more joy, creative freedom and fulfillment? Any change can bring up fears, stress and all of the negative reasons for not moving from thought to action. Amethyst is showing you the way through change by trusting your inner guidance. Is it not your inner guidance that planted that thought or seed for change?

LunarFusion 25.08.2019

CARD DRAW! Full Moon Eclipse in Cancer. This full moon calls attention to our emotions and home life. With the intensity of the eclipse, we may feel the need and desire to see and speak the truth around these elements. ... Think back to July 2018 when we had a new moon eclipse in Cancer. What parts of your family and home life were you devoted to, nurturing and protecting? This full moon brings an end to that healing and from here, we claim some of our energy back to focus on ourselves. This weeks cards come from Kuan Yin - self-love, compassion and enlightenment. Card 1 brings support of Bloodstone, card 2 of citrine and card 3 of Amethyst. Connecting with the feelings of self-love and compassion, close your eyes, take a few breaths and choose your card! Reveal will be posted tomorrow!

LunarFusion 21.08.2019

Card pull is postponed until Friday for the first full moon and eclipse of 2020. In the meantime, are you ready to jump? . .... . . Or, maybe you already have! This hit me in all the feels in all the right ways and is such a great reminder to show your gift to the world. Thank-you Third Eye Reiki & Holistic Therapy and Taryn Watts, Certified Professional Coach for sharing this 5 minutes of heart centered motivation.

LunarFusion 03.08.2019

With the kids going back to school today, it felt like another mini version of the New Year! I took the opportunity to cleanse my entire house with white sage - a sacred practice that I haven't done for a while in its entirety. I would do "flash smudging" of myself or my work space, before seeing a client, before a yoga class, but not taking the time, presence with intention of resetting my living space. I traveled to all of the nooks and crannies, behind doors and could fe...el the heaviness of the old energy lifting away. I feeeel more grounded, relaxed, focused and present. Here is a great article on all of the benefits from this practice. My favourite experience with smudging is how it instantly lifts all of the stresses from my body and space, creating more room for even my breath. Even my kitty is sleeping so soundly now that she is snoring. I would love to hear if you smudge and what your favourite feeling or experience is with smudging.

LunarFusion 21.07.2019

Happy True You! -

LunarFusion 12.07.2019

REVEAL! It happens that this weeks messages and guidance are both found right on the cards. I truly love how these messages compliment eachother. Take a few minutes to see how the guidance can be implemented into your day and week ahead. How can these help to plant the seeds of where you are heading? ... Card 1: Do you have a meditation practice? Remember, meditation can come in many forms and it's ok if your mind is not still. This is the first and very big roadblock that keeps people from thinking they can meditate. The mind is supposed to be active - that's its job. The key is to not be consumed by the mind, be an observer without judgment. Art can be meditative, guided meditations, colouring, calming music. This is an opportune time to be aware of your energy and allows you the time to make shifts into the energy and mindset of what you do want to emit and attract. Card 2: Did you know that your heart has its own energetic field? It can emit up to 15 feet out from your body, so you can create an impact on someone you walk past without even making eye contact. What happens when we open up to being more free with showing and extending actions from a place of love? Think of the greater impact a simple smile can mean for someone - including yourself. How can you show more people the impact of your love and light? Card 3: I created a post that touched on peace the other day and this offers another perspective. Many times the focus of our existence is on the outcome, reaching that goal that we become consumed with it and if it doesn't get reached, we feel failure and disappointment. If we shift our perspectives to be present with how we want to feel rather than the outcome or end result, we will find more peace and joy in the process and our energy remains open to the possibilities of the Universe.

LunarFusion 02.07.2019

CUSTOM REIKI BRACELET This custom bracelet snuck right in at the very last day of 2019 post Reiki Healing & Coaching session. Graced with citrine, amethyst, howlite, amazonite, sodalite, smokey quartz and blue calcite. The feather symbolizes the feeling of lightness. ... The complete meanings and reasons of the chosen gemstones are kept for the receiver, but the general intention of this bracelet is to open up possibilities for her future with more joy. #malamaking #gemstones #ottawareiki #reikimaster #richmondyoga #ottawayoga #energy #yogateacher #healing #journey #chakras #iinhealthcoach #intraining #mindfulness #healthcoach #wellness #support #guidance #balance #intention #happynewyear

LunarFusion 22.06.2019

Happy New Year! Be sure to invite a friend to participate and you and your friend will be entered to WIN a Reiki for Change Coaching Session. Reveal and draw will be done tomorrow. CARD DRAW! New day, new year, new decade! With a fresh decade ahead, it truly feels like a new beginning on a much grander scale! ... This weeks draw comes from The Universe Has Your Back and Heart & Soul - turning fear into faith and love and providing nourishment and inspiration for mind, body and spirit, reminding us of our true nature! Happy True You! Someone used this term recently and I immediately fell in love with it. Let's make this fresh start by being our authentic and true selves, choosing what is true for us rather than what will please others, saying yes to you first rather than compromising our feelings and path by saying yes to others first. Take a moment, close your eyes, connect with your heart and ask which message will guide and support you to start the year being true to you. Open your eyes and see where you are drawn.

LunarFusion 17.06.2019

How do you want to feel? I stopped making resolutions a very long time ago, but I didn't really have any focus or goals as the calendar year turned over up until 3 years ago when I was so close to burnout. That was the first year that I said out loud, "I can't keep going at the pace I am going." For the first time in 7 years, I scheduled a day off and scheduled specific days that I would be at each shop. And, that's when I started practicing yoga...something for me. ... I was working 6 days/week not knowing what shop I would be at at any given time or any given day. I was late for everything, forgot about appointments, overscheduled my weeks I ate out at fast food drive thru's if I decided to actually eat lunch because I was always on the run. I barely had time with my family and never had social outings with friends...I actually lost touch with several friends when I put work as a priority. I couldn't get out of bed in the morning and when I finally did, I was so short on time that I didn't eat, was stressed and impatient. Now, I do set goals, but I also focus on how I want to FEEL while I make a plan on achieving those goals. I had a lot of anger and hurt in my heart for many, many years which made it difficult to have space for anything else. Which brings me to PEACE. Do you feel peace in your heart? Are you carrying bitterness, anger, resentment, pain? One of the biggest things I did for myself was acknowledge that I had a lot of forgiving to do. I needed to forgive my mother and I needed to forgive myself. These were my deepest hurts causing the most pain and holding the most space in my body. One of the biggest responses I hear from clients is they aren't ready to forgive. Forgiveness has a lot of misconception. Forgiveness is for you In order to forgive, you don't need to meet or talk to the person you're forgiving. Do it in meditation, do it by journaling. Are they worth holding on to your peace? Why should they have power over your joy? Why are they taking valuable real estate in your heart? Be specific - you can't blanket forgive. I forgive my mother for taking aspects of my childhood away. She was a hurting person and she was doing the best that she knew how. Offer them blessings- I send her love that she finds peace with her wounds, pain, trauma. you may have to do it more than once, but each time you will feel a weight being lifted creating space for more peace and love. If there's one feeling that you would like to connect with as you head into 2020, is peace that feeling that will create more space for you? To learn more about forgiveness and healing pain and imbalances, connect with me for a one on one Reiki and Coaching session. Photo: Jen Howard Photography

LunarFusion 03.06.2019

Have you started thinking about an intentional word for 2020? Take a moment to share and inspire others to find their word! The end of the year always has a sense of completion and getting ready to start anew, but this year that sense is even greater as we wrap up a decade! I look back at the last 10 years and I am amazingly grateful for the lessons, the opportunities, the growth and transformation and the shift in relationships and mindset. ... The last few months fear has snuck back in. I continue to see how I can extend the boundaries with ease and grace and so many doors have opened and with that brings next level fear (and excitement) for alllll of the new that is getting ready to launch in the first half of 2020. Did you choose a word in 2019? Mine was love and forgiveness and I can say that I was intentional with these feelings and practices most of the time. There were definitely moments, less than proud moments that I had to remind myself that I wasn't coming from a place of love or that I was being really hard on myself or others - namely my children and had to come back to love and offer forgiveness to myself. My word flew out of my mind as quickly as I asked "What is my word for 2020?" While the last few months of 2019, I was greatly reminded of patience, my word heading in to 2020 is "courage". Courage for everything that is coming that stretches beyond where I am right now and being present to find joy or find the best feeling I can in the process. What is your word for 2020? Watch for an upcoming workshop that will take manifesting your word to the next level in a tangible hands on, take home experience!

LunarFusion 01.06.2019

2 spaces open for our last Reiki Restorative practice of 2019. Tonight's 90 minute practice includes a custom take home essential oil blend. Reserve your space at

LunarFusion 13.05.2019

REVEAL! Card 1: Satya - Truthfulness You are moving towards your truth, peeling off all layers of inauthenticity that have been placed upon you by societal conditioning. Through this shedding, you are finally feeling truth's bare skin as you place your fingers upon your face, finally coming home to yourself. This truth, satya, has been dormant inside you all along, waiting until your awakening. Through this process of understanding, unlearning, and evolving, you become bodhi... - awakened person. Continue to step into this new paradigm of truth as you shed all false beliefs, narratives, and stories so you can emerge your true self. Ask: where and how can I show up more authentically in my life? What makes me feel like I'm living in my truth? Are my relationships in alignment with who I am at this moment? What marks am I still wearing to make me feel loved, secure or significant? Card 2: Pitta - fire, powerful, strong-willed and feisty. Fire and water are the two most powerful elements that can create and destroy anything - together they create Pitta which is empowering you today. You are in a determined place in your life. You know what you want, and a fire has been set under your seat to achieve it. You are setting goals for yourself and focused on the task at hand. Perhaps this is the time to emerge as a leader and teach others your strength and wisdom. You are transforming the world with your actions...just don't lose connection with the water within you and remember to PLAY! Card 3: Brahma - God of creation. It is time to create. Brahma, the creator of the universe and all beings, has come to you with the message that now is the time to bring that idea to fruition. What is that idea you've been sitting on but haven't taken action? Now is the time to plant that seed into the Earth and water it with intention so it sprouts to life, benefiting all those around you. Brahma's rosary symbolizes the time cycle through which the world moves from creation to sustenance, from sustenance to dissolution, and from dissolution to new creation. Which cycle are you on?

LunarFusion 29.04.2019

CARD DRAW! The last of 2019 and unveiling my new deck - A Yogic Path! I am so in love with the beauty of these cards - the artwork, the colours, the guidance, and even the ribbons and keepsake box. So much thought and care has been put into this sacred creation. Hold your hands to your heart, close your eyes and take a few breaths allowing yourself a few moments of tuning in to your intuition. Open your eyes and choose your card! ... Reveal will be posted tomorrow morning!

LunarFusion 15.04.2019

Merry Christmas! Sending many blessings to each of you for a present and peaceful holiday season. I was gifted this beautiful deck for Christmas and can't wait to share it with you for card draws AND in practice! Yes, we draw cards at practice too because what better way to start an introspective practice than to have guided intention.

LunarFusion 12.04.2019

I intended on taking some more photos of our Holiday edition set up of our Reiki Restorative practice last night, but I guess it was meant solely for our studio guests. I did bring out a new smoke blend last night to clear space that is centered on the heart. It smelled amazing - so much so, that I actually lit it 3 times before our guests arrived! I don't know why I waited so long to use it. See the rosehip petals? Heavenly! ... I think for next weeks New Year's edition, I will open up the Dream Smoke blend! There's still space if you would like to have a post Christmas reset and dream about all of the possibilities of 2020 with us!

LunarFusion 31.03.2019

Nothing like a weekend of creating to find the calm in the holiday season. NEW malas available!

LunarFusion 19.03.2019

**FULLY BOOKED** We had ONE space open up in our SOLD OUT 90 minute Holiday Edition Reiki Restorative practice for this evening at 7:30pm. Reserve your space at the attached link. :) This is our second last practice of 2019. Spaces still available for Sunday Dec 29th - our final practice of the year. ...

LunarFusion 16.03.2019

Winter Solstice: Dec 21st - Acknowledging and honouring the patterns of the natural world!

LunarFusion 12.03.2019

Today's Intention - carry this with you today during a season where we may feel like we are being pulled in 100 directions at the same time, we may feel extra demands and pressures from others - real or perceived, and we may not feel like we are fully present in our body, mind and spirit. Each moment we have a choice. Choose with your whole being, without compromising the truth of who you are. Slow down and remember your wholeness. "May you know wholeness. May you know that ...mind, body and spirit are intricately interwoven to create the whole of you. Love and nurture these powerful elements and find that the whole really is much greater and much more vast than the sum of its parts. They are like a beautiful and powerful symphony. Wholeness is a powerful and healing state of being. It is self-acceptance and self-love. It creates the opportunity to fully stand in your truth and be the fullest expression of who you really are." See more

LunarFusion 08.03.2019

Another beautiful and very peaceful sound healing event tonight with the ever fabulous and graceful Rebecca White Raven. Thank-you to all that attended this evening - we feel so blessed each time with the beautiful group of people that grace us with their presence. Our next event is Feb 11th! Visit the events tab for the direct ticket link or visit and find it under Yoga Classes. ... We are also down to the final 3 practices of 2019! Dec 19th, 22nd (sold out I believe), Dec 29th! I will then be enjoying a short break and resume classes on Jan 9th.

LunarFusion 05.03.2019

**SOLD** L U C K O F T H E D R A W B R A C E L E T S... My husband has a process when he's building malas and often if the energy of the stones aren't flowing, he will pop out a couple of beads and sub in some new ones. The beads he pops out hang out on his bead board to potentially use on another creation or he will sort them back in. This season has been so busy creating that he has ended up with an abundance of extras and it was more efficient to create some bracelets that we have named "Luck of the Draw" rather than try to sort them back to their homes. There are most definitely some premium stones in these bracelets too - pink opal, lepidolite and apatite to name a few! The result is 6 unique bracelets for just $15 each. Great gifts if you still need a little something special for someone! #luckofthedraw #bracelets #braceletmaking #gemstones #crystals #ottawayoga #ottawareiki #lovetocreate #giftgiving #feathers #treeoflife #moon #energy #gowiththeflow

LunarFusion 27.02.2019

REVEAL! Card 1: Healing with Smokey Quartz: The challenges of daily life can throw you out of balance with the truth of your being. It is easy to get caught up in the daily grind, in a feeling of lack. Remember that you were created from the perfection of of divine light and love - your physical body is simply a shell that covers your soul. True healing is only possible when you take responsibility for your own wellbeing on this Earth and your self-empowerment. See yourself complete, healthy and whole. Ganesha prompts you to believe that you are truly capable of handling any matters of health and relationships without blame, and with integrity and grace. The healing power of Smokey Quartz neautralizes negative energy, calms emotions and relieves stress and anxiety and dispels fears. Embody the vibration of smokey quartz this cycle to assist in slowing down the daily pace, honouring gratitude for your ability to be empowered and healthy and healing yourself first. Take some time to slow down your breathing and feeling your body return to a calm and relaxed state. Card 2: Clear Your Energy with Rose Quartz Ganesha is here to help you clear away obstacles that have been blocking or slowing your progress. This will create a shift in consciousness. Embrace the opportunity to change and move into a positive phase of freedom. You will experience a major shift personally or spiritually and a key life change is around the corner. It is time to move outside of your comfort zone. There may be challenges that lie before you, but keep in mind that some of them may be on a subtle level. Believe in yourself and your ability to overcome obstacles. One of the challenges as you move through this shift is to clear unwanted, lower vibrational energies from your body, your aura and environment. Take a sea salt bath, clear your space with incense or sage or essential oils. Regular meditation will provide stillness to ensure you are hearing messages and to bring a greater sense of calm. Embody the power of rose quartz offering unconditional love, opening your heart centre to offer love, self-love, peace and harmony. As you clear your energy, it will allow more space for the vibration of love to radiate and attract the same in return. Card 3: Achievement with Blood Stone Ganesha wishes for you to realize that by actively developing your spirituality and consciously working with the Divine, you will experience positive flow in all areas of your existence. When you stay connected to your spiritual nature, you have a more serene mind. Develop an accepting perception of yourself. This attitude will help your heart open to spiritual matters. A high level of self-mastery with a high ethical practice will increase the likelihood of enjoying material success. Embody the energy of bloodstone to keep you grounded, to draw out negative energy, to heighten your intuition when working with your Spirit team or the divine.

LunarFusion 08.02.2019

CARD DRAW & Happy Full Moon in Gemini day! I reached out to my Ganesha deck today that will guide us through any obstacles in this full moon cycle. Some reminders through this cycle is to be mindful of the information you receive and how you respond to it. Respond with respect and empathy rather than in a way that creates conflict. Energy and stresses are high this time of year and it comes as a great reminder for us to slow down our responses, be present and if you need to it out with someone before responding, take the time to do so. The cards this week are supported by smokey quartz, rose quartz and bloodstone! Reveal will be posted tomorrow morning! Have a beautiful day everyone! I am off to Le Nordik for some relaxation in the mountains!