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Madison Manathunga 19.10.2020

You’re new, I’m Madison, welcome to my world! A world FULL of Accomplished,... Childlike, Empowered, Free, Wonder. ( Which are my five core-desired feelings, FYI) I’m an Australian who immigrated to Canada by way of Mexico to pursue her online business dream almost 4 years ago. And BOY! Have I done some thangs since then! Like Birth a HUMAN! (Hands down best thing I’ve EVER done) Circumnavigate the USA on a 2-month road trip (during which I fell pregnant ) Start and fail at MULTIPLE businesses to FINALLY land on something I’m CRAZY passionate about. To name but a MEEEERE few. That business I landed on was thismemy name. I decided to package my 8+ years of Corporate marketing, Sales; and, Event Management experience with my 5 years Online business, Online course design and development, Launch strategy and management; and, Facebook ads strategy and management experience to help entrepreneurs truly take ownership of their lives and design the freedom they set out to achieve in the first place. If you’re into: LOTS of capitalisation (I write the way I speak - EMPHATICALLY!) Effortless (*not effort-NONE) business-building Course ownership and success - not just dreamin’ and creatin’ Motherhood mishaps, learnings, and triumphs Toddler spam (my true source of inspiration and daily joy) Human rights advocacy and support Everyday examples of how I’m crafting my freedom reality Then, welcome! You’re in the right place. BUT If you’re Not into getting part of the conversation Not into doing the work on yourself AS MUCH AS learning the business strategy Looking for the easy way out Not interested in hearing ALLand I do mean ALLI have to say on ALL topics (business and otherwise) You know where that Unfollow button is. Let’s put this into action RIGHT NOW Get those thumbs flying and tell me in the comments Why you? Why your business? Why do you care to be your own boss? See more

Madison Manathunga 29.09.2020

I don’t want an empire. (At least not right now) Which was news to me.... Through school, university and my corporate marketing and sales career, I was the UBER ambitious one. I started (or attempted ) my first business in primary school a zero-sales fruit stand selling oranges from my neighbours yard. I started my second business in university an event management agency for local non-profit organisations run exclusively by uni students. That one also didn’t really take off. Ok, it didn’t take off at all. But my ambition remained consistent. I had dreams of running a HUGE multi-national powerhouse business of my own creation. To be a CEO. So, you can imagine my surprise when I heard myself say to my best biz buddy, @emmaweatherall, that I don’t actually WANT an empire right now. That’s my old programming. Since having my daughter, my biggest goal in business has been to be in it as little as possible. As such, I’ve been making some big decisions around the way I create digital offers and how I structure my life. For instance, I was trying to put my daughter in full-time daycare (pre-Covid-19 ) so I could work full-time. Then, I realised that I don’t actually WANT to work full-time. And that I don’t have to in order to earn more than what I want to. I also want to see as much of my daughter growing up at home as I can before she’s off to kindergarten and school. That’s why I got into business in the first place. For my kids. For the last month, I’ve been somewhat forced out of my business as life priorities took over. Buying a car, House hunting, and, Moving house Have fully consumed my focus. And I’m actually grateful for it. I’ve been reminded what I want life to actually look like. Since moving into our new place, I’ve: Played with my daughter Gardened Read books Cooked And spent VERY little time with my phone, TV or computer. So I’m anchoring in these feelings and journalling like crazy to remind myself how this feels for when I try to make things busy again. I’m building my business to support that future. The empire can wait See more

Madison Manathunga 17.09.2020

3 years, 3 months, 21 days and 15 minutes ago I first spoke with Engel Jones on his podcast 12 Minute Convos. It was such a thrill to be his guest back in 2016 as it was one of the first podcasts I EVER got a chance to appear on. It was such a blast from the past to see just how much has changed in that time (in particular the tone of my voice ) and to be reminded of some of the things that were important to me back then.... Check out both episodes in the comments to get a real glimpse into the crazy changes that occur in this world of online business.

Madison Manathunga 30.08.2020

I'm LIVE now with Bryan! Come join us!

Madison Manathunga 16.08.2020

Chatting with Bryan Chamberland this afternoon and sharing my Entrepreneur Freedom Secrets! Come watch live and join the conversation!

Madison Manathunga 30.07.2020

Jamming on all things online courses and overcoming Perfection Procrastination with Ed Troxell Creative tomorrow! Hit that "Get Reminder" button below and tune in!

Madison Manathunga 13.07.2020

6-months investment with no ROIyeah, NAH! This is the LOOOOOOW end of the spectrum. Because, if you swipe that thumb left, you’ll see just how long some people are willing to invest in something that’s not paying them any of those sweet cash monies.... No shade - I recognise we’re all on our own journey and figuring it out. I’m just FAAAAAAR lazier and more impatient. Which means I’m ALWAYS looking for the path of LEAST resistance and where that juiciest low-hanging fruit is at! ( Freshly-fallen, perfectly-ripe MANGO anyone?! ) If you wanna join me in plucking that ripe and ready fruit and only putting your precious hours and effort into those endeavours you KNOW Like I mean know without a shadow of a doubt Because someone has handed over those all important 16-digits I’m talking credit card confidence! that your course will sell THEN! You’d best be navigating furiously to the comments and saving your seat for tomorrow’s FREE Masterclass: HOW TO GET PAID TO BUILD YOUR COURSE IN 30 DAYS WITHOUT ADS Evenif you’re audience is too small I’ll bring the mangos AND the magic! You bring those old, out-dated beliefs about course ownership cause I’m handling ALL the exchanges and refunds you can handle LINK IN COMMENTS GO NOW!

Madison Manathunga 04.07.2020

SAVE YOUR SEAT https://madisonmanathunga.com/masterclass In This Class We’ll Cover : 1 - The Secret to Selling a Course Without a Site, Slide Deck or Sales Page that Saves You Months and Gets You Paid FAST!... 2 - Why Running Ads to Build Your Audience is a Fast-Track Ticket to the Poor House 3 - How to Earn Easy Profit on Repeat Without Overly Complicated and Stressful Launches Get your course BOUGHT and BUILT in 30 days! https://madisonmanathunga.com/masterclass

Madison Manathunga 28.06.2020

Audience too small? I launched my membership, Launch Tweak Repeat with NO email list and only 200 IG followers. I never even talked about it to my 100 FB Page followers. ... And I still signed 4 MEMBERS!! 2 who paid for an entire year! This was a product that had... NO Sales Page NO Past Member Testimonials NO Lessons Recorded AT ALL!! I refused to see my small audience numbers or my lack of created content as an excuse or reason why I couldn’t have the membership I passionately wanted to create NOW! When you live in a world of when I... have 1000 people on my email list get the swipe up feature finish building my course () know more ...you’re constantly telling yourself that you’re NOT... big enough expert enough smart enough good enough ...to take bold, scary action - yet. As if that’s FUTURE YOU’S problem. The only way you’ll stop dumping on FUTURE YOU, start earning the money that would truly create financial freedom and begin crafting a lifestyle of abundance and joy is if you take responsibility NOW, quit the excuses and deeply believe you have all you need right now to be successful, joyful and happy. Enough Audience Enough Knowledge Enough Experience Remember: if someone is telling you, you can’t do a thing until you’re reached some level to check to see if it’s actually their own limiting beliefs trying to now hold YOU back as well as themselves. If a course is truly something you’ve been dreaming about NOW is there he PERFECT time for you to make that dream a REALity. SHARE THIS POST with a biz bestie who needs to know their audience is BIG ENOUGH to take action NOW! See more

Madison Manathunga 18.06.2020

Read Share Believe Save Repeat Who’s your biggest inspiration right now?

Madison Manathunga 09.06.2020

Which emoji are you?

Madison Manathunga 27.05.2020

YOU CHOOSE: Story or Excuse Do you think best when you’re moving? When you’re talking? ... I do. So you can imagine my pure, unadulterated DELIGHT at FINALLY being free of my apartment for a stroll after what felt like MONTHS (read: weeks, maybe only days) of uninterrupted drizzle here in Vancouver. My hubby, munchkin and I took a stroll by the water and dove into one of our very common and enjoyed (by me, mostly ) impromptu coaching-on-the-move sessions. After a couple of tight financial months and a tighter-than-your-baristas-jeans schedule over the last year, we caught ourselves saying... Perhaps in a couple of months, when bubba is a bit older and more independent, THEN things will be easier. Hands up (drop a in the comments) who’s been here? Looking for reasons WHY life isn’t what we hope it would be. Looking for EXCUSES outside ourselves to excuse and justify our circumstances and actions (or, often more accurately, inaction). I realized that by suggesting that the solution to our problems was just to wait for our daughter to be older... Made HER the problem Made us victims to this problem and time Took choice out of the equation - further perpetuating the victim mentality Had us choosing EXCUSES over STORY Here’s the thing. It can’t be denied that as our daughter becomes more independent our lives will become easier in certain ways. But relying on that time to be our saviour and answer to all of our problems makes her an excuse. Choosing to reframe our problems as opportunities and to act and create our reality ourselves despite any perceived problems or challenges forms our STORY. And your story. Is powerful. It has the ability to inspire others. To fuel your action. To give you an origin from where all your achievements were born. Excuses do not inspire. Excuses do not create action. Excuses delay, and delay, and delay your origin story from beginning. So I ask you again Will you choose to use your circumstances as your:EXCUSE or STORY? Vote in the comments. See more

Madison Manathunga 25.05.2020

Your message repetition fatigue DOES NOT equal audience boredom or irritation. Chances are, your audience hasn’t even noticed that you’re bringing up how important niching is for the umpteenth time. Or that your course is amazing and creating real, life-changing results for your students.... Or that you even HAVE a course that could benefit them. Message repetition is the difference between someone hearing you and someone LISTENING to and taking ACTION on the things you’re saying and teaching. Some marketers say that your audience needs to hear something three times for it to lock in. Other’s observe the Rule of 7. In 1885 Thomas Smith, in his book Successful Advertising, suggested that audiences needed to hear a message 20 times!! The 1st time people look at ad, they don’t see it. 2nd, they don’t notice it. 3rd, they are aware that it is there. 4th, they have a fleeting sense that they’ve seen it before. 5th, they actually read the ad. 6th, they thumb their nose at it. 7th, they get a little irritated with it. 8th, they think, Here’s that confounded ad again. 9th, they wonder if they’re missing out on something. 10th, they ask their friends if they’ve tried it. 11th, they wonder how the company is paying for all these ads. 12th, they start to think that it must be a good product. 13th, they start to feel the product has value. 14th, they start to feel like they’ve wanted a product like this for a long time. 15th, they start to yearn for it because they can’t afford to buy it. 16th, they accept the fact that they will buy it sometime in the future. 17th, they make a commitment to buy the product. 18th, they curse their poverty because they can’t buy this terrific product. 19th, they count their money very carefully. 20th, they buy what it is on offer. Whether it’s 3, 7 or 20 times is irrelevant. The MORE important message to remember is that you HAVE to be repeating your message - regularly! REMEMBER: Fewer messages, more often. Beware your own boredom. And stick to the script. SAVE THIS POST so you can remind YOURSELF the next time you feel message fatigue setting in. See more