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Maek it Happen Life Coaching 29.06.2021

Even though life seems slower in a lot of ways these days, it's also way more jammed. And when our days are jammed full of scheduled to-dos or we're just being pulled in a million directions (I'm thinking of working parents with kids out of school), it can get super overwhelming. And when we're overwhelmed, we don't have the capacity to think intentionally about we want and need not just for the day, but for the big picture overall. ... And if we don't spend any time ever thinking about what we want and need for the big picture overall, then we end up going through life on autopilot, reacting to and at the mercy of our circumstances, and one day waking up wondering what the heck our lives are all for and if there is even anything about our life that we're happy about. In my coaching work, I help people figure out what they really want to be and are meant to be doing with their lives so they can feel fulfilled and confident knowing they're living life to the fullest. But in order to do this, you HAVE to take mental time outs to think and reflect. But because I know that's hard to do these days, it's more than ok to grab just a few extra moments here and there. At least until the next time you get a day to yourself. You might not get into that big picture thinking within these few moments each day but they might help you become more aware of your needs in the present moment and will at the very least give you the opportunity to take some deep breaths. All of which will help calm the brain. So when will this be in your day? Right when you wake up before you get out of bed? When you're brushing your teeth in the morning and the door is closed so the kids can't interrupt? For me, I shamelessly have the kids watch TV first thing in the mornings so I can pull myself together before the day begins. Whenever you can squeeze in this time, try to make it a regular habit so it isn't the first thing to go when things get hectic. Do you feel like you have enough mental breathing room these days? What do you think you'll try to get more of it and how do you think it will benefit you? Let me know in the comments below!

Maek it Happen Life Coaching 27.06.2021

Read on for the answer! A - correct! You can’t get rid of a feeling by pushing it away and telling yourself not to feel it. You have to make it feel welcome before you can gently shift it. B - correct! Picking up a hobby or engaging in a passion that brings you a sense of flow and joy will bring inspiration back into your life, making the humdrum of life less obvious and creating excitement for new possibilities ... C- correct! Funneling your restless energy into a project of some kind (house reno, volunteer engagement, side hustle, self improvement) will give you focus and will help you figure out what you want and don’t want for your life. D- correct! I help clients feel grateful AND strive to live life to the fullest. We are better people and better to one another when we are living our purpose and feeling fulfilled. You’re not doing anyone any favours by feeling bored in your life!! Any one of these will help but all 4 together??? Powerful changes will happen when you focus on these things. And they’re all a part of my 4-step coaching process to help you figure out what you’re really meant to be doing with your life and make it happen. Which are you tempted to try? Tell me in the comments below! * * * * * #findyourpath #careerpath #designyourfuture #careerservices #lifedesign #lifedesigncoach #designyourself #lifecoachforwomen #successfullife #highvibetribe #followyourdream #changestartswithyou #pursueyourpassion #createyourhappy #dreambigworkhard #selfwork #findingyourfearless #spiritualentrepreneur #youareenough #styleyourmind #askbelievereceive #empowerher #raiseyourvibe #thisgirlmeansbusiness #thedarlingmovement #fueledwithheart #boldbraveyou #lovemybiz #buildalifeyoulove #businessbydesign

Maek it Happen Life Coaching 19.06.2021

Regret is one of the worst emotions. It’s hard to feel better about regret because we can’t do anything to change the thing we regret because it’s in the past. We can only try to accept it and show ourselves some grace.... I recently learned that humans get over failures more easily than regrets because our brains are actually quite effective at helping us forget failures over time. Regret on the other hand tends to stick. SO - if you’ve been holding off on trying or going for something because you’re worried it’ll be a mistake... NOT trying it is the mistake. It’s just like that saying - it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. So go out and love! Live! Try it! Fail! At least you’ll have something to talk about when you’re old other than the weather * * * #noregretsjustlove #businesscoaches #lifecoachingforwomen #lifecoaches #lifepurposecoach #intentionallife #encourageyourself #lifeonpurpose #courageovercomfort #everythingisfigureoutable #createandcultivate #intentionalbusiness #ledbyheart #9tothrive #madeformorejoy #gritandgrace #creativeatheart #ownyoureveryday #loveyourlifecommunity #herestocreatives #boldbraveyou #buildalifeyoulove #businessbydesign #failforward #youvegotthis #doitanyway #madeformore #calledtobecreative #dontquityourdaydream

Maek it Happen Life Coaching 04.06.2021

Mamas, what do you need this weekend? These are all things I would be perfectly happy to have any day (but obvs especially on mother's day!) But when I take a second to really tune into what's going on inside my head, heart, body and soul, that's when I figure out the thing that will be the most nurturing and fulfilling. ... Right now it's a glass of wine and my book!! Some days it's quality time with my kiddos or a long phone call with my mom. Some days it's a challenging workout or a tall glass of IPA. Some days it's digging into my latest project with work. But I have to be really careful not to pressure myself into doing the thing I SHOULD do. SHOULDS suck all the energy out of life! They make it hard to feel good. Of course some SHOULDS are healthy, like eating well, exercising, thinking healthy thoughts. But you CAN have a balance. And when I get out of balance, that's when I know a coaching call could really come in handy. In fact, I recently overwhelmed myself with shoulds to the point where I stopped wanting to focus on my passions. I asked a friend to coach me and it was exactly what I needed to get back on track. I know you know all the right things to do when it comes to feeling good, happy and fulfilled. But if you're having trouble following through or figuring out what you need to do to feel that way, I can help. Indulge a little this mother's day and consider getting the support of a life coach. It's the best treat you can ever give yourself - it's pure healthy self indulgence! Let me know in the comments below what you need and want this weekend mamas! * * * * * #thisispostpartum #maternalhealth #momconfessions #newmommylife #postpartumprogress #mumadvice #mumfriends #mumsquad #mypostpartumjourney #thisismamahood #mommotivation #thatmummytribe #motherthemother #mamastrong #parentingstruggles #momsupport #motherhoodjourney #postpartumsupport #motherhoodinspired #motherhoodintheraw #mamahood #thatmomlife #workingmom #lifecoachinghappiness #lifecoaching101 #lifecoachesofinstagram #lifecoachformoms #lifecoachtips #lifecoachingworks #findyourpath

Maek it Happen Life Coaching 23.05.2021

Spring is really here!! Time to dust off your old dance shoes, paint or piano. What hobby have you been neglecting? What new interest have you been saying you'd love to try? Why not make spring a little more exciting by generating a sense of flow and some positive vibes - which we all totally need right now!!... Dust off an old hobby or explore a new interest (so many free online courses right now). Consider how you could share this new endeavor with others to boost your sense of connection. Reap the benefits you gain by engaging in your passions by staying present in the moment. Indulge yourself in new supplies, a mood-setting workstation or a full day spent. Forget the "go big or go home" attitude - find small chunks of time so you actually do it rather than just talk about it! Engaging in your passions and hobbies is so good for you. Not only does it make you feel good (which spreads across all aspects of your life) but it increases you sense of self, your confidence, and your sense of purpose - all of which are essential for well-being! What hobby do you feel inspired to try this month? * * * * * #hobbyhobby #passions #havefunwithit #havefuntoday #playallday #dowhatyoulovelovewhatyoudo #innergrowth #dowhatmakesyouhappy #dowhatyoulove #dowhatmakesyoufeelgood #dowhatmakesyoursoulhappy #weekendfuntimes #pursueyourpassions #passionprojects #lifecoachinghappiness #lifecoaching101 #lifecoachesofinstagram #lifecoachformoms #lifecoachtips #lifecoachingworks

Maek it Happen Life Coaching 01.02.2021

Do you need to have a little more fun in your life? Don't we all! As children, fun and play are important for learning and development.... But somewhere along the way to adulthood, it falls to last on our list of priorities. What a shame!! Life is a gift, why not enjoy it!! And when you enjoy life, the positive emotions increase exponentially AND broaden your perspective. So if you're looking to make a change to feel more fulfilled, change your career path or make small changes to live life to the fullest, you have to prioritize feeling good. According to Shawn Achor, happier people are more successful. So here's your permission slip to focus on fun instead of success. Fun doesn't have to be all laughter ha-ha. It can be engaging in your passions, experiencing flow, generating positive emotions, and/or feeling happy, good, fun and/or uplifted. It's easier said than done, I realize (especially right now when a lot of our outlets or ways we have fun aren't available). But here's a list of easy ways to have fun if you're fresh out of ideas: Go sledding play a game pick up a hobby or start a new one (like knitting, a puzzle, musical instrument, arts and crafts) reminisce and/or re-live a funny memory try laughter yoga -make a fort skip, hoola hoop or do a physical activity you don't usually do or that is usually for kids paint your face or someone else's explore somewhere new (a new neighborhood or coffee shop) build lego doodle/colour/try hand lettering. **I realize many of these are typically done with kids but you don't have to have kids to do these things!! The point is to do it for fun's sake, not with a purpose in mind - other than feeling good. Prioritize feeling good and watch the benefits it brings to your life. Flow & Passions are Week 4 in the 12 Week Plan to Maeking it Happen which you can download at the link in my bio! The 12 Week Plan gives you 12 weeks worth of daily actions, divided into weekly themes, to take you from stuck to living a life that lights you up. Comment below with simple ways you have fun . What are the benefits you've noticed in your life?

Maek it Happen Life Coaching 15.01.2021

The first step to figuring out what you really want for your life is to take care of yourself. If you’re not doing this, you can’t possibly make decisions about what’s best for you. When I was feeling my most stuck at work, I just wanted the answer to what I should be doing instead. I didn’t consider self-care as a solution (even though many people suggested a stress leave), I just wanted the quick fix.... But I couldn’t find that quick fix (because it doesn't exist) and I burnt out. So I took a stress leave and it was necessary to slow things down, get perspective and heal. Only then did I find the answers I was looking for. A client of mine recently went back to work after taking a couple months of stress leave. When she got back to work, the first day, she knew what the right thing for her was. (She realized she did in fact need to quit and has committed to that decision!). The time away to take care of herself was essential to get the clarity she needed. Are you seeing a theme here?! You don't need a stress leave to find the answers you're looking for, but you do need to take care of yourself (and if that requires a stress leave, then I suggest taking it!) Taking care of yourself is the very first step to getting unstuck and figuring out what you’re really meant to be doing with your life to feel more fulfilled. If you’re ignoring your need for rest, fun or inspiration how can you possibly figure out what would make you feel more rested, happy and inspired? So these are 5 steps I recommend - and yes, in this order - to help you hit reset and get a clear perspective on your next steps. If you can check all 5 of these steps off in order on a regular basis, then you are in the right frame of mind to move forward Comment below - which one is calling you? And if you want to know how self-care fits into the bigger picture of getting unstuck and finding the right path for you, you can find a week’s worth of workday action steps on self-care in my FREE 12 Week Plan to Maeking it Happen (link in bio). Self-care is week 1!

Maek it Happen Life Coaching 03.01.2021

There are so many "right" lives you could lead ... Some of mine might've been: Journalist Zookeeper... Camp counsellor Broadway dancer/singer/actor Novelist Soccer player Social worker The components that go into determining the right path for you are your values, passions and strengths. You have lots of each. That means there are tons of different paths that would be great for you. So stop psyching yourself out and just start taking action in a direction that feels right, right now. You don't need to take huge action like quitting or getting a new degree (I'll share a secret: these things only psych you out!) Download my Get Inspired Now worksheet (link in bio) for some ideas of easy things you can try right now to get inspired and take small steps down a new more fulfilling path. What are some other "right" lives you think you might've led? Or still want to? * * * * * #personaldevelopmentcoach #personaldevelopement #personaldevelopmentjunkie #personaldevelopmentjourney #personaldevelopmentgoals #personaldevelopmentiskey #selfhelptips #selfhelptools #soulgrowth #personalgrowthjourney #innergrowth #careergrowth #intentional #livewithintention #intentionallife #setintentions #intentionsetting #lifeonpurpose #lifepurpose #purposedrivenlife #soulpurpose #purposefulliving #followyourdream #followyourpath #followyourownpath #followyoursoul #followyourpassions #followyourdreams #followyourheart #pathoflife

Maek it Happen Life Coaching 31.12.2020

What is coaching really good for and why would anyone want to spend their money on it? Well, if you want to better yourself in someway, tackle a problem or grow in a new direction, coaching offers a process, structure, and support to getting there. Which can save you a lot of time, stress and even money (that you would be spending on either trying to escape from your problems or trying to solve them unsuccessfully). ... Whatever you're hoping for, whatever your dream, a coach can help you get there faster by holding space for you, clarifying what you want and what's getting in your way, giving you support and encouragement and holding you accountable to action. In a nutshell, that's what a coach does. Do you want to achieve greatness? Do you want to make a change? Invest in a coach. It'll be the best money you ever spent. You know why? Because there is an infinite return on investment. A great coach will help you figure out how to support YOURSELF so that you grow as a person and build your resilience and coping skills FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Here are some of the specific takeaways my clients get after working with me: The ability to catch themselves trying to sabotage their own progress New habits and ways of thinking that serve them and help them grow and move forward. Clarity on who they are and what they want Effective habit design strategies The ability to observe their thoughts so they can consciously choose new ones Practice with feeling uncomfortable trying new things and being vulnerable Belief in themselves Want these things for yourself?? Book a free consult to learn more about what it's like to work together and how I can help you get unstuck and start living a life that lights you up (link in bio). If you're not ready to take that step, you can learn some of these skills for yourself with my 12 week plan to Maek it Happen! (Sign up at the link in my bio to get daily tips on how to 'maek' your IT happen in just 12 weeks.) Book that call! What are you waiting for? Type any questions or misperceptions about coaching you might have below so I can clarify!

Maek it Happen Life Coaching 29.12.2020

"Do scary things" | "Challenge Yourself" | "You've got to take action if you want your dreams to come true" These are things I tell my clients. But do I walk the talk?... I became aware of the opportunity to submit a story to this project with @winewomenwellbeing @winewomenwellbeingbookclub and was immediately excited. Then, enter: limiting beliefs and fears. Consciously I was thinking things like: My story isn't that special, why would they pick me? They know tons of cooler people they'll choose for this. I don't want to waste my time writing a submission that might get rejected. I'm tired of telling my story, no one cares. Subconsciously my inner critic was saying: You're not that interesting. People will think you're showing off. This led to me deciding I would leave the decision of whether or not to submit until the last minute (anyone relate to procrastination as a strategy to quiet your inner critic ??) Luckily I'm a life coach and I caught my inner critic and limiting beliefs just in time. I talked back to those negative thoughts and told myself: I DO have a story to tell, and it's important, even if only to me I am a great writer, and this won't take me long. This will be good practice in putting myself out there, even if I don't get accepted. I have nothing to lose. Why WOULDN'T they pick me? I got my submission in on the day of the deadline and GUESS WHAT I'm in this book! I found myself and now I help others find themselves too. I help them figure out who they are and what they're meant to be doing and THEN I help them take action to make it a reality - like submitting a story to a publication like I did. Can't wait to share this all with you and you can bet I'll be continuing to cheer my clients on as they take their big steps like this one too.

Maek it Happen Life Coaching 21.12.2020

Are you feeling stuck? A little lackluster? A little spark-less? Not sure what to do or what exactly to fix to make it better? Feeling purposeless, aimless, and unsatisfied sucks. ... I used to feel this way all the time. Now, I have a great family and a life I love and I still sometimes feel this way. But I have made big changes on the inside and out to feel more fulfilled, content and at peace with my life and I continue to strive for this every day. Unfortunately, the fact that New Year's is around the corner and Covid hanging around is having a field day on my motivation. And maybe you're struggling to find the motivation you need to feel better too? That's why I've laid out a clear process for you to follow if you want to get unstuck and start living a life that lights you up. It's my 12 week plan to 'Maeking it Happen'. In 12 weeks, you'll go from feeling stuck to feeling re-inspired, confident and sure of your path forward. Each week you'll get a new theme and daily tips to: Build awareness of what's important to you and what's missing in your life Get clear on what you really want your life to look like and Practice the skills you need to take confident action down your path to fulfillment. And it's all FREE. You can sign up at the link in my bio to get Weeks 1 & 2 right away and then watch your inbox to receive future weeks as they become available. No excuses! A clear plan to get unstuck and Maek your IT Happen in 3 months. Swipe to see the 12 week plan. Double tap if you could use a plan like this! And send me a DM if you want me to sign you up! * * * * * * * * * * #personaldevelopmentplan #careertransitions #careerchanges #personaldevelopmentblogger #careerchanger #personaldevelopmentcoaching #personaldevelopmenttime #fulfillyourdreams #followyourdreams #personaldevelopmentjourney #followyourheart #followyoursoul #pathoflife #followyourownpath #changeyourhabits #changeyourstory #personaldevelopmentjunkie #changemylife #followyourpath #pursuehappy #Personalgrowthjourney #Freedomlifestyle #followyourdream #purposefulliving #changeiscoming #Takecareofyou #fulfillment #lifepurpose #innerwork #selfcarematters

Maek it Happen Life Coaching 15.12.2020

My wish for you is that you continue striving for a sense of fulfillment on the inside Swipe to see the 7 key ingredients to inner fulfillment. 1 Abundance Mindset... Believing you have enough 2 Growth Mindset Not judging yourself or your life by external successes but by your inner growth 3 Grit Picking yourself back up and keeping on 4 Focus Being purposeful about how you move through life 5 Self-alignment Aligning your life with your values, passions and strengths 6 Non-judgment Accepting what is without judging it as good or bad 7 Belief/faith/hope A sense of reassurance that no matter what happens, you will be ok because you are in ultimate control over how you perceive the things that happen to you *************** While you may be working towards goals on your ‘outside’ life, these are the things you want to be strengthening on the inside. It’s a never ending practice but I’m here to support you and share with you - I’m always working on these things too! If you’re looking for a little more support on how to incorporate these things into your life, you can book a free consult at the link in my bio and I’ll tell you all about how 1:1 coaching can help you feel more fulfilled in your life * * * #personaldevelopmentcoach #personaldevelopement #personaldevelopmentjunkie #personaldevelopmentjourney #personaldevelopmentgoals #personaldevelopmentiskey #selfhelptips #selfhelptools #soulgrowth #personalgrowthjourney #innergrowth #careergrowth #intentional #livewithintention #intentionallife #setintentions #intentionsetting #lifeonpurpose #lifepurpose #purposedrivenlife #soulpurpose #purposefulliving #followyourdream #followyourpath #followyourownpath #followyoursoul #followyourpassions #followyourdreams #followyourheart #pathoflife

Maek it Happen Life Coaching 10.12.2020

Is this a transition you’re facing/have faced? Whether maternity leave is long past or about to come to an end, if you're feeling unsure about what to do next with your life, this is the workshop for you. We'll talk about:... 1 Releasing the resentment or other stuck feelings you have about what to do next 2 The excuses you might be making holding you back from doing what you want 3 How to figure out the right path for you at this time in your life. 4 Some key action steps to get more confident and comfortable with the decision you've made This workshop is hosted by @mommyconnectionsyyc as part of their Bump and Beyond virtual show. It's FREE and my workshop is **January 25th from 10am-11am** Attendees will be entered to win my Find Your True Path coaching package (link in bio) valued at $197. If you’re wondering: Do I go back part-time or full-time? Do I go back at all? I feel like I'm giving up on my working life but I'd rather stay home I don't know if I'll be happy staying home but I don't want to go back to my old job I have a side hustle, should I just go for that? I want to work but don't have a job, what should I go for? Let's get you some clarity on these questions and get you feeling good about what's coming next for you Send me a DM if you want more details or if you're interested but can't attend and I'll send you some content and tips! Tag a friend who might need this right now! * * * #mcyyc #momandbaby #momandtot #yycbaby #yyctot #yycpostpostpartum #yycsupportlocal #yycmoms #momlife #calgarymoms #yyclifestyle #yycmom #yycfamily #yycsmallbusiness #yycevents #wellnessworkshop #workshoplife #wellnessthatworks #wellnesstips #wellnessgoals #yyclifecoach #yycblogger #quarantineactivities #positivewellbeing #positivepsychology #careercoach #careerchange #liveyourtruth

Maek it Happen Life Coaching 28.11.2020

Do you feel restless? Unsure of how to spend your time? Feel unsatisfied at the end of the day? This has been my life's struggle! As a kid, I always complained about being BORED. ... As a teenager, I sought EXCITEMENT. As a young adult, I was restless. And I had to figure this out because as a parent in my mid-thirties, I had to learn that curing my feelings of boredom, restlessness and unfulfillment doesn't have to be about the next big adventure. It's about doing things purposefully. So I decided to share these tips with you - they've made a huge different in my life! What do you think? Do you do these? Are you interested in trying them? * * * * * #successhabits #habitsofhealth #healthyhabitspayoff #healthyhabitsforlife #behaviourchange #makeachangetoday #makeachangeforthebetter #youcandoanything #youcandohardthings #youcandothistoo #youcandoanythingyouputyourmindto #makeithappen #habitdesign #nailgoals #goalcrusher #changeyourmindsetchangeyourlife #changeiscoming #intentional #livewithintention #intentionallife #setintentions #intentionsetting #lifeonpurpose #lifepurpose #purposedrivenlife #soulpurpose #purposefulliving #followyourdream #followyourpath #followyourownpath

Maek it Happen Life Coaching 17.11.2020

Who doesn't love a good worksheet?! If you're feeling stuck, unfulfilled, and searching for MORE, try my 3-step formula to feeling more purposeful and aligned. AND if you're wondering what you're really meant to be doing with your life and what life path is truly the right one for you, I've got a fun exercise to kick start your brainstorming.... Figure out what you're really meant to be doing with your life by downloading my **Get Unstuck Formula & Find Your Purpose** FREE Worksheet (link in bio). And if you want help taking the first few steps, free consults are always available too! Book at the link in my bio and get clarity on what's keeping you stuck and what you should do next! * * * * * #personaldevelopmentcoach #personaldevelopement #personaldevelopmentjunkie #personaldevelopmentjourney #personaldevelopmentgoals #personaldevelopmentiskey #selfhelptips #selfhelptools #soulgrowth #personalgrowthjourney #innergrowth #careergrowth #intentional #livewithintention #intentionallife #setintentions #intentionsetting #lifeonpurpose #lifepurpose #purposedrivenlife #soulpurpose #purposefulliving #followyourdream #followyourpath #followyourownpath #followyoursoul #followyourpassions #followyourdreams #followyourheart #pathoflife