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Magic Mind Alchemy Hypno 24.06.2021

Did you know hypnosis helps heal the bodies injuries? Hypnosis works with the subconscious mind And the body is the subconscious mind made manifest ... What lives in your mind also lives in your body While hypnosis isn’t a replacement for body work (still necessary baby get that body some healing hands), hypnosis is such a compliment to it Especially for injuries that linger or that won’t seem to go away Hypnosis is a tool to discover root cause And it’s super effective in helping you release frustration, irritation, confusion, disappointment that has built up around your thoughts and feelings toward an injury that forced you to change or reshape your life in a way that doesn’t fit your ideal Hypnosis helps to create more acceptance around the reality that your body is still healing Which enhances your bodies ability to heal itself, speeds up recovery time AND helps shape more positive helpful thoughts around the process of change you’re experiencing It can be so frustrating and feel like your body is failing you or working against you In hypnosis we can reestablish trust in your body’s ability to mend We can uncover and release what is getting in your way And we can replenish you with the vitality, desire and faith to restore your body’s mobility and balance And instead of fighting against your body as it heals we can create a healthy loving relationship where you support your body as it heals with kind thoughts and appreciation for all your body does for you I actually LOVE working on this stuff with people so I thought I would share about how hypnosis can also help with physical things... It’s all connected Send me a message if you’re curious or want to book a session

Magic Mind Alchemy Hypno 16.06.2021

Dropping identities like flies I was vegan for 6 years until about a month ago When I wanted chicken ... So I ate chicken And I liked the chicken So the next day I ate more chicken Then bacon Then steak Now this juicy, juicy bacon cheeseburger which I dreamt about last night and which kept coming to me during a healing today My body is so happy No forethought went into eating the chicken Nor any of the meat that followed I just did it in the moment it felt true It feels so good to honour what my body is asking for With no pushback from my ego (which is cause for celebration!!) I don’t regret my time eating plant based one bit I do wonder though if maybe my body had been asking for this sooner I just couldn’t hear through my identity as a vegan One thing that’s become clear is I no longer see food through victim consciousness I don’t see animals as victims and I don’t see myself as some saviour by not eating them I get my meat from the local grocery store where I know the animals got to chill and roam and eat a normal diet So I can feel good about that But it’s not about being a ‘good’ person I feel the cyclical nature of life and death and I don’t feel the need to interfere with the process I feel such a connection to the animals I eat I honour them by receiving every bite as nourishment which serves me deeply I feel the spirit of the animal and it feels like an offering It’s a beautiful exchange that I used to feel scarily disconnected from which was the catalyst that started my vegan journey I love being in a conscious relationship with meat now I love how easy it was for me to honour my body and let my identity fall away when it was time It was totally effortless The clarity just came and the switch happened with ease Everything adjusted accordingly because that’s alignment I enjoy and savour meat sooo much now because it feels like such a gift to receive From the animals, the farmers/butchers/grocers AND a gift from me to me Like here you go body, you hungry primal beast !!! I will never deprive you again Gluten can fuck off and die forever though (u taste good but u fuck me up n i h8 u ;))

Magic Mind Alchemy Hypno 30.05.2021

What am I a steward of? I sit and ponder In between the silence and crackle of the fire I built ... I created this, my inner child excitedly says I feel the warmth and I watch as the flames dance about before me I am so grateful to be here I feel a connection to my ancestors, for teaching me what fire is The wood that alchemises in flames has been drying out all winter long waiting to be burned And now here we are at this most anticipated moment It’s a simple and glorious pleasure Fire has a way of melting my mind and thoughts Of cultivating one of my favourite forms of presence I am grateful Grateful to walk this earth And I realize and I remember to ask myself What am I a steward of? It is in my nature to nurture What am I nurturing? What is my contribution? I must admit I feel guilt I feel ashamed because I’ve been hiding Away from my magnificence and being a participant, a conscious contributing one in this gift of life What am I tending to? I need something to care for beyond myself, I hear a gentle voice say I want to nurture the soil To plant and to witness growth My soul is calling me home to the land this summer It’s been two years of being without gardening or tree planting and my need to plant is ripe and ready I am looking for a way to honour this calling because I can’t do it alone If you need me, please call me and I will heed that call Opening to the opportunities I feel are out there yet beyond my current grasp

Magic Mind Alchemy Hypno 14.05.2021

New moon musings It has the right texture for my skin and tastes like buttery anything It’s sensational it’s transformational ... The crusty idea that being a dreamer is a sin is in and of itself the sin I won’t put my belongings in boxes & I definitely won’t put myself in one That’s no way to live Yes, to live is to die and in between ask the question why But today I’m ok if the why wants to die So a new dream can be dreamt through my ethereal eyes and thunderous thighs that came here to be more than a 3 dimensional body that moves in habitual ways on days that are all the same That’s not the life for me I’m not certain of the dream as it weaves itself into creation I feel it It translates differently so if you don’t hear the meaning in my words as I depict the images I gather in vision quests I wouldn’t worry about it I don’t worry about the world understanding me when I dream In the middle of a million sided geometric cube I trip on divots in the fabric of the dreams I weave and free fall into a bed of leaves that hold me like a thousand droplets of moon juice When you receive the invitation and come to my party you can hear me while I dream weave along with you While I’m being woven you are too I narrate the threads as I watch them weave through you I articulate imagery in layered artistic receivable languages you may have forgotten you speak As they’re spoken you listen with your name beside you Because you’re more than what was given to you And you remember you’re a designer and as such a re-designer too There’s a lot you can do So we dream Dreaming requires rawness Logic hardens and calcifies dreams I want to witness your dream streams Fuck a bite sized dream if that’s not true Let the bigness come through Fuck a single facet fixation when behind the door you’re multi-faceted Do you want to go on this ride because I’ll take you Can you trust your own inner revealing? Do you want to unmask what you are concealing? Do you want to make it fun? Do you want to participate in the taste testing your soul experiences while you’re here sampling earth? Signal to soul Trust in ground control to keep your feet

Magic Mind Alchemy Hypno 01.05.2021

Getting real with what I’m actually available for We can use manifestation techniques all we want And if we’re not available to actually receive what we’re asking for, we are essentially creating fantasy ... Fantasy happens when there’s a disconnect between heart, mind and body The heart wants what it wants and that can be true But if we’re not in our bodies how can we receive it? Another reason why embodiment is so important Looking at the ways I block myself from receiving... My heart and my mind love to team up and create fantasies but I’m comfortable leaving it there Because sometimes what I fantasize about shows up in my reality And when it does, it’s often a rude awakening Because instead of receiving graciously with an open heart I sabotage it I experience a major shut down, I panic or freeze I close no, slam my heart shut and I retreat Or even get paranoid and untrusting.. I question the thing i asked for, fantasized about, longed for Can I trust this? Can I believe this? Because my heart is closed, my mind is hyper-active Creating delusions I fog my experience with stories to affirm that it is best/safest to close off There are so many ways I block myself from receiving, this is just one of them After last nights embodiment journey in Tierra Alma I journaled and unearthed many of the ways I do this As I was journaling I started off very vague and general and the more I wrote, the more detailed I became I realize the medicine for me is spending enough time with all the parts of me I’m unearthing for me to pin-point what’s actually going on Doing so by being factual Otherwise, I leave room for parts of the pattern to stay hidden Which is how the pattern stays alive There’s liberation in sobriety In being really real with yourself about how available you truly are for what you desire It’s not even that your fantasies are wrong or false, It’s that if you aren’t in touch with your current capacity to receive, how can you possibly have it? I’ve been getting honest with where I’m not available to receive And unpacking the ways I avoid it I can help you do the same