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Locality: Ottawa, Ontario

Phone: +1 613-824-3858

Address: 5929 Jeanne d'Arc Blvd. S. K1C6V8 Ottawa, ON, Canada

Website: mapphysiotherapy.ca

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MAP Physiotherapy 04.02.2021

What is this thing you must schedule in? Play. That's right - play. I know, you're thinking "who's got time to play?" but when you see the benefits you may just decide to find a way to make it happen. "I don’t think it is too much to say that play can save your life. It certainly has salvaged mine. Life without play is a grinding, mechanical existence organized around doing the things necessary for survival. Play is the stick that stirs the drink. Play is the vital essence o...f life. It is what makes life lively. But when play is denied over the long term, our mood darkens. We lose our sense of optimism and we become anhedonic, or incapable of feeling sustained pleasure. Stuart Brown Sound pandemic-like familiar? And here's a little secret - you don't need kids to have an excuse to play, although that certainly makes it easier. Our neighbours across the street have no kids and they went out and made a big snowman a couple of weeks ago. It made me smile just to see them having fun like that. Let loose and enjoy. You will never regret it.

MAP Physiotherapy 19.01.2021

Yippee! School is back on and you have survived four weeks of virtual learning. Pat yourself on the back, then book yourself an appointment to come in and see us. It's time to take care of YOU now. Book here: https://mapphysiotherapy.janeapp.com/

MAP Physiotherapy 07.01.2021

Jump for joy with me parents! https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/schools-in-ottawa-and-eastern-ont

MAP Physiotherapy 31.12.2020

This is an amazing company! Not only are their plates fully biodegradable, some of them have seeds in them so if you plant them things will grow.

MAP Physiotherapy 28.12.2020

Openings at 2:30 today and 11:45 tomorrow with Marie, as well as 5:00 tonight with Tamarrah. Get 'em while they're hot! Book here: https://mapphysiotherapy.janeapp.com/

MAP Physiotherapy 12.12.2020

With all that is going on around us, it's easy to fall into a "default life". What does that mean? "My resources are my money, time, and attention. If I’m not intentional in how I am spending them, then I’m living a default life. This happens so often in our culture. There are so many distractions that keep us from our purpose and goals. Breaking out of that takes a focused effort." Especially now when, in what little down time we have, we just want to numb out. Tap out of this craziness we are living. I've been doing it to, but I'm trying to make some changes. Trying to be just a bit more intentional with my time. We'll see where it leads.

MAP Physiotherapy 21.11.2020

It amazes me how early kids can get gender stereotypes drilled into their heads. The messages they are constantly bombarded with often escape our notice, but sometimes they are so blatant. One day our daughter came home and told us that the teacher who did phys ed with them told the boys to run x number of times around the gym but the girls only had to do half the amount. What??? This is 2020. We were happy that our daughter was questioning this discrepancy but we felt rath...er discouraged. Sometimes you feel like all your hard work is undone in an instant. But it's not. Consistently using gender neutral language like "firefighter" rather than "fireman", referring to the person over there with the red hat as opposed to the man with the red hat, and challenging statements like "only girls can wear dresses" can go a long way in teaching our kids to question stereotypes when they come across them. Anything you can do to help them see that the world is not binary and that we are all free to express ourselves as we see fit will go a long way to creating a better world for everyone.

MAP Physiotherapy 15.11.2020

11:45 is still available tomorrow. And now 3:30 as well!11:45 is still available tomorrow. And now 3:30 as well!

MAP Physiotherapy 11.11.2020

Tomorrow at 11:45 and 1:15 just became available!Tomorrow at 11:45 and 1:15 just became available!

MAP Physiotherapy 05.11.2020

As moms we put up with a lot. Too often we put ourselves at the bottom of the priority list. Well, maybe now is the time to put your own oxygen mask on first. What if I told you your exhaustion could be due to issues with your body alignment? Issues that could be addressed with treatment. Check this blog post out and then come in and see us. We can help you get that spring back in your step. https://mapphysiotherapy.janeapp.com

MAP Physiotherapy 29.10.2020

If ever there was a time to start practicing meditation it's now. Research has shown that as little as 10 minutes can produce positive effects, so it doesn't have to be a huge time investment. The benefits are numerous, but perhaps most pertinent right now is an increase in our sense of social connection. We could all use more of that these days. So try investing just 10 minutes in yourself in the morning before everyone else gets up. It could literally change your life.

MAP Physiotherapy 14.10.2020

Looking to buy local this Christmas? Here are some amazing products sold at local business Mint & Honey Tea and Gift Emporium. The flower design was done by my friend and local artist Barbi Defazio of Red Raspberry Studios. Proceeds from this line of products will be donated to local charities and to help rebuild Beirut.

MAP Physiotherapy 14.09.2020

As the weather starts to get colder COVID precautions are going to get tested. Once outdoor visits become much more difficult, what then? Having different comfort levels around socializing in the winter will likely set some of us up for conflict with friends and family. "When it comes to socializing, we have to set our own boundaries and stick to them." The most important thing is consistent communication. Tell people around you what you are and are not comfortable with an...d listen carefully to what they have to say on the matter. Be respectful even if your opinion differs from theirs. In the end though, maintaining your boundaries may come down making to some tough decisions. Our daughter has asthma and we have already had to say no to some invitations involving circumstances that we were not willing to accept. It is difficult to tell your child that you cannot accept an invitation to go play. Holding your boundaries is never easy but in our opinion sometimes the risk is just too high.

MAP Physiotherapy 11.09.2020

Over the past few years I have really been working on giving myself permission to ask for help when I need it, and it truly does take courage. We're afraid to ask because we don't want to bother people, because we think others are too busy, because we assume that everyone is as overwhelmed as we are. I've finally come to realize that it's not for me to decide whether someone is unable to help me. It's for me to ask and them to respond in a manner that works for them. "Askin...g for help and accepting it is empowering. When were able to admit our anxieties, stresses, insecurities, and personal boundaries we open up a dialogue that is essential to self-care. As Roger Ellerton eloquently put it, 'when we ask for what we want or demand what we need, we give other people the opportunity to say, yes and we stop saying, no for them.' " Exactly.

MAP Physiotherapy 02.09.2020

As the pandemic drags on, it's pulling some of us under. "Surge capacity is a collection of adaptive systems mental and physical that humans draw on for short-term survival in acutely stressful situations, such as natural disasters. But natural disasters occur over a short period, even if recovery is long. Pandemics are different the disaster itself stretches out indefinitely." 'The pandemic has demonstrated both what we can do with surge capacity and the limits of s...urge capacity,' says Masten. When its depleted, it has to be renewed. But what happens when you struggle to renew it because the emergency phase has now become chronic?" "While the phrase 'adjusting to the new normal' has been repeated endlessly since March, its easier said than done. How do you adjust to an ever-changing situation where the new normal is indefinite uncertainty?" Finally someone has put words to the struggle in my head - "indefinite uncertainty". This article has so many gems in it. I found it really helped me just to know that I'm not the only one feeling like I'm "trying to stand in a dinghy on rough seas, and not knowing when the storm will pass.

MAP Physiotherapy 14.08.2020

Let's face it - traditional schooling does not work for everyone. Have your kids been thriving with distance learning? It so, they're not alone. "Yes, students across the country are complaining that they miss seeing their friends, and many parents are struggling with the unsustainable arrangement that is working from home while supervising virtual learning. But amid all this, theres also a group of kids who, whether because of bullying, mental health issues or simple overs...cheduling and pressure, struggled at school in a way thats been made undeniable by the way theyre thriving at home amid the pandemic." "Lisa Kaplin, a psychologist, told me the kind of anxiety caused by this level of social pressure can be debilitating for children, seriously impairing their ability to learn. 'It would be like trying to memorize something in the middle of a construction zone,' she said." To each his/her/their own. Choice is a good thing.

MAP Physiotherapy 01.08.2020

Do you journal? If not, now might be a good time to consider it for a whole host of reasons. " 'Journaling is one of the best methods of self-care therapy,' says life coach and author Dr. Stacia Pierce. 'Once the words and images hit the paper, you have now crystallized a thought or idea.' " "Through the process of populating a blank page with letters and words, writing can be a useful mental health tool that both records your experiences and allows you to work through them."... We could al use a mental health boost right about now, so why not try something that's easily accessible and free!

MAP Physiotherapy 12.07.2020

Do you have aging family members whose safety in the home is a concern to you? Often seniors want to stay in their homes despite issues like diminishing balance. People often think that making modifications to a home has to be a huge production that takes forever. BuildAble is a local family owned company that combines the expertise of health care professionals with that of construction experts. This is a winning combination and very rare in the world of accessibility modific...ations. Through a programme called RapidACCESS, BuildAble can provide services such as bathroom modifications within days. "A RapidACCESS package, which may include a tub cut-out, anti-slip treatment and grab bars, typically takes just a few hours to complete and can be installed in as quickly as 48 hours from the time a client books the service." "The first offering of its kind in Ottawa, RapidACCESS concentrates on simple, high-impact modifications that help people remain in the home they love, and can also ensure a quick and safe discharge home from hospital or respite care. RapidACCESS safety modifications are designed to help prevent falls and the possibility of rehospitalizations, while maintaining safety and continued independence at home." If you have concerns about your family members, give them a call.

MAP Physiotherapy 22.06.2020

Did you know that growing pains can be treated? Were you aware that even if kids get up and carry on after a bad spill they may still need treatment? ICYMI, here is a link to the interview I did with Kids in the Capital on pain in children. We may think kids are made of rubber, but even rubber doesn't always bounce back. Sometimes it goes a little sideways.

MAP Physiotherapy 04.06.2020

Whether you are sending your kids back to school in-person or having them learn online, please remember that all of the teaching staff are under tremendous stress. Everyone is doing the best they can in an other-worldly situation that is changing so rapidly no one can keep up. My mantra for the fall is this - It is what it is so just roll with the punches. The punches are just going to keep coming and all we can do is try to stick together as we duck and roll.

MAP Physiotherapy 29.05.2020

Lets talk about the effects of stress on the body and how you can help yourself.

MAP Physiotherapy 23.05.2020

The whole issue of whether or not schools should be opening can be very polarizing. I have seen people on both ends of the extreme on this subject. Of course there is risk associated with sending kids to school, but there are also significant risks for some if they stay home. Being a survivor of childhood abuse and trauma, I can tell you that if the pandemic lockdown had happened when I was young I'm not sure I would have survived, quite literally. For some children staying ...home means never escaping an abuser. For some it means never seeing that one caring person in their lives (perhaps a teacher or a dear aunt) who is the only one who makes them feel like they matter. For others going to school is their only chance of getting something to eat to start their day. "According to the statistics in this years report, one-in-five Canadian children live in poverty." "Suicide is now the leading cause of death for children aged 10 to 14 in Canada. One-in-three Canadians has experienced abuse before the age of 15." These are sobering statistics, and for some going to school is the only escape. So yes, there are very good reasons to get kids back to school.

MAP Physiotherapy 04.05.2020

To all of the amazing educators, our thoughts are with you as you navigate the start of the most challenging school year ever. We appreciate you. We recognize the uncertainty you are dealing with. We see your efforts. We support you no matter what lies ahead. You are valued and our children are fortunate to have you.

MAP Physiotherapy 01.05.2020

If your children are going back into the schools, they will be doing an awful lot of sitting in the same desk all day. This is difficult for kids at the best of times, but will be particularly challenging after almost six months of not doing so. If your child has been complaining of any sort of pain over the summer, it is likely to get worse when they are forced to sit for prolonged periods of time. Now is the time to come in and have this addressed, because getting up and moving around isn't going to be an option for a lot of students. https://mapphysiotherapy.janeapp.com/

MAP Physiotherapy 11.04.2020

If you think it would be beneficial to see a therapist or counsellor right now, don't hesitate because of concerns about COVID. Connecting by secure videoconference is now widely available. While it isn't quite the same as seeing someone face to face, I've found that you get accustomed to it and after a few sessions it's no longer a factor. If you need help, reach out. These are difficult times and we all need support sometimes.

MAP Physiotherapy 22.03.2020

I have been wondering about how separated parents are dealing with the back to school issue when they don't agree. Thank you Fresh Legal for the insight on this delicate issue.

MAP Physiotherapy 14.03.2020

Do you have a nagging pain you've been putting off dealing with? If so, now is the time! As the kids' summer vacation draws to a close, take some time for yourself before the craziness of school (whatever that may look like for your family) begins. We have openings next week! https://mapphysiotherapy.janeapp.com/

MAP Physiotherapy 23.02.2020

Whenever a new threat to human health rears its ugly head, with it comes lots of information on natural remedies. While natural approaches have existed long before pharmaceuticals, the problem comes when unproven things are touted as "cures". When people put themselves in danger going down this path then it is concerning. For example, thinking that eating a clove a garlic every day makes wearing a mask in public unnecessary. This article gives great advice on how to talk to loved ones about this issue, expressing concern without completely ruling out what they are saying. There is a lot of misinformation out there and navigating it all is complicated.

MAP Physiotherapy 05.02.2020

2020 has given us a lot to process and a collective grief is definitely part the pile. We mustn't forget that children are grieving too in their own way. They are grieving the loss of routine, of predictability, of their friendships and connections. My kids have squashed a few representations of the coronavirus with particular zeal. The virus has come up from time to time in their play and they have said through tears multiple times how much they hate it. This is all a healt...hy way for them to navigate the current circumstances. 'One of the functions that play serves for kids is it allows them to approach something that might be frightening in a way that makes it less frightening and more understandable,' he says. Through play, children 'control the tempo and the pace and the content' of a situation and gain the ability to anticipate what happens nextall of which can take the sting out of scary situations." So if you notice things like this coming up in your kids' play, just wait and see what happens.

MAP Physiotherapy 02.02.2020

With the beginning of school approaching life is about to get even more stressful for a lot of us. As moms the first thing we often push to the bottom of the priority pile is taking care of ourselves. Too often it seems we just don't have the time to do something for us. This article gives a great perspective on self-care as a state of mind rather than a huge time commitment. It's snatching small moments for ourselves every day, like doing something as quick as gazing out th...e window at the sunset for two minutes. When we renovated our bathroom I bought a set of LED candles and put them around the bathtub. It seemed a silly indulgence at the time but just taking one second to flick them on sometimes when I'm in the bath, or even when I'm in the shower just makes me feel good. And as a bonus our son loves them and often asks to put them on when he's in the bath. Anything that makes you feel good inside is self-care, even if it's only for a few minutes.

MAP Physiotherapy 26.01.2020

I know of several people who have lost loved ones in the past several months and I feel very deeply for how they must be feeling trying to cope in isolation. " 'Loneliness and isolation are a giant cause of suffering for grieving people,' explains Megan Devine, a psychotherapist and author specializing in grief and loss. 'And community is our best chance for survival when things go sideways.' " If you know someone who is grieving, reach out if you feel comfortable. We may feel that a virtual conversation just doesn't cut it, but it can still give a sense of connection and understanding.

MAP Physiotherapy 22.01.2020

If you're walking around in a zombie-like fog, you're not alone. "Fortunately, mental health experts say that some level of emotional numbness may be a good thing." " 'Numbing can happen for a lot of reasons, its a type of coping skill,' said Perri Shaw Borish, a Philadelphia-based licensed clinical social worker who specializes in treating anxiety among parents and described it as a kind of protective measure. She added that we are all of us in a moment of collective t...rauma that will have profound mental health implications for adults and kids." "So she urges parents, like me, to pay close attention to how long this kind of emotional numbing has been going on, and how it manifests itself. If numbing means that youre just not getting too worked up about fluid school plans or thinking too far beyond the next few days, thats probably OK. But numbing with drugs or alcohol is a red flag. Shutting down emotionally or feeling really unmoored from life is a warning sign."

MAP Physiotherapy 06.01.2020

Going live at 10:30! Join us to talk all things physio and children.

MAP Physiotherapy 29.12.2019

Are you one of the many people working from home and wrecking your body with a less than ideal set-up? Don't wait until things really go sideways. Deal with the problem before it becomes a disaster.

MAP Physiotherapy 09.12.2019

Join me tomorrow!

MAP Physiotherapy 01.12.2019

This is something I struggle with daily being a childhood trauma survivor. But I keep up the effort because it is so important. "...previous traumatically stressful events that have not been fully resolved in the nervous system will disrupt a persons self-regulation, biasing their response to present-day events. Specifically, unresolved trauma causes the person to respond with excessive fight, flight, and/or freeze response relative to the current situation."

MAP Physiotherapy 23.11.2019

Do you talk to your children about race? Kids hear talk all around them but they often don't have the vocabulary to bring the subject up themselves. As parents staying silent about the subject is not necessarily the right choice either. "However, many adults white people in particular are not comfortable talking about race or ethnicity. So rather than engaging in conversation, they try to silence the children. But what happens when we silence childrens questions about ra...ce? Ironically, the result is not silent at all." "It sends a very loud message to the children that this topic is taboo. While the intended message may be 'Shhh race is a sensitive topic in this country, so be careful what you say out loud, because we dont want to offend anybody,' what the child is more likely to hear is 'Shhh theres something wrong with these people, so lets not talk about them." Talking about race and racism openly with your children is an important conversation to have in every family.

MAP Physiotherapy 16.11.2019

Research is repeatedly showing that women are bearing the brunt of the burden during the pandemic in every way possible - caring for children, caring for elders, schooling, keeping the household running, keeping the kids entertained, and all while many are trying to work outside of the home (from inside the home) as well. All of this results in stress. Unprecedented amounts of stress. When balancing so many needs, women often put themselves last, in particular disconnecting f...rom their physical bodies. While this might work in the short term, it can have serious long term consequences. So stop ignoring that worsening back pain, or those muscles in your shoulders and neck that are as hard as rocks. We are in this for the long haul, so it's time to take care of YOU. The better shape your physical body is in, the better you are going to cope with stressful situations. Come in and let us help you. https://mapphysiotherapy.janeapp.com/

MAP Physiotherapy 13.11.2019

I have to admit I've made this mistake myself when outdoors with the kids. The moral of the story? Let the kids stop and smell the flowers. You'll be amazed at what they discover.

MAP Physiotherapy 04.11.2019

One important investment we made as parents from early on, was to give our children plenty of opportunity to amuse themselves without the need for an adult to entertain them. And this investment has never paid off more than in these last several months. If you are wishing this could work for you, this article walks you through how to help your children achieve this in small steps. Believe me, it's worth the time and effort in the long run.

MAP Physiotherapy 21.10.2019

For many kids, the return to school (assuming it will be at least part in person) will be the first time since mid-March that they will be able to socialize with their friends. As parents we may be concerned about how they will do when thrown back into the social pool. As it turns out, they will probably be just fine. Even though this is unusual, most kids will come out of this fine because were biologically wired to adapt, said Dr. Jack Shonkoff, M.D., a pediatrician and ...early-childhood development expert at Harvards Center on the Developing Child. If we werent, we would have gone extinct like the dinosaurs. We wouldnt be able to survive because the environment is always changing. To reduce some of the strain, Dr. Pollak said, parents can help their children by trying to let go of their anxiety about temporary social deprivation. I think its really important for parents not to catastrophize and panic, he said. Theres no evidence that even a few months of social distancing is going to have a long-term effect on childrens development. Instead, parents can take comfort in the value of relationships within their own homes, Dr. Phillips said. Studies suggest that secure attachments with parents set children up to have stronger friendships. In households with more than one child, siblings help each other learn to negotiate, deal with conflict and resolve differences something parents can help facilitate by having conversations about the important roles each sibling plays in the family. So don't worry. The kids are probably just fine.

MAP Physiotherapy 07.10.2019

SAVE YOURSELF NOW! Are you working from home at a makeshift disastrous excuse for a work station? I know a lot of people are and if you ignore it the cost down the road may be high. Here's what one of my clients has to say about it. "I was first treated by Marie in 2018 after I hurt my back and was unable to move. Marie sorted out my issues and had me walking without pain again. Like many people, since mid-March I have been working from home. My work set up at home isn't ide...al, and though I do have a desk and chair, I was working off of a laptop and spending longer stretches sitting down than I did in the past. I was starting to notice some twinges and mild discomfort. When MAP Physiotherapy re-opened, I decided that I needed to see Marie before things got much worse. When asked why I wanted an in-person appointment, my response was that I felt crooked. The new protocols in place were very reassuring and I had no concerns. During the assessment, Marie agreed that I was crooked and discussed some ways that I could modify my work space to prevent twisting and leaning over which could have been causing the issues. I felt so much better after seeing Marie, and hadn't realized how stiff and uncomfortable I had been. I am very glad that I booked an appointment for preventative treatment, instead of waiting for a crisis point. This past week I have been much more comfortable at my desk, and am less fatigued at the end of the day." Alison Jetté

MAP Physiotherapy 02.10.2019

Since this pandemic craziness began new mothers have been on my mind a lot. It is such a difficult time to be giving birth, given restrictions on who can go where when, services being temporarily unavailable, endless wait lists when services do reopen, etc. My concern is that through all of this, things are being missed. If you have concerns about your baby, then watch this interview I did with Jennifer Cameron from National Capital Doulas. We talk all things perinatal inclu...ding prenatal pain, colic (which by the way CAN be treated), torticollis, C-sections, and consequences many years after giving birth. Here is a link to the blog to which I refer in the interview where I talk about my approach to treating colic. https://www.nationalcapitaldoulas.com/colic-a-holistic-app/ If you have any concerns that something isn't quite right with your baby we are here to help. And we have openings immediately.

MAP Physiotherapy 18.09.2019

Looking for something amazing for your kids to do for a few hours a day? World-Changing Kids is offering virtual camps for kids aged 7 to 11 all summer. This organization helps kids become more environmentally and socially aware, as well as develop empathy and understanding of others. Check it out!

MAP Physiotherapy 11.09.2019

Even as an extroverted parent, never having time to myself has been very difficult these past months. But, apparently as little as 10 minutes to yourself can make a difference. Personally I like the strategy of getting up early before everyone else. That tranquil time while everyone else is sleeping has kept me sane so far.

MAP Physiotherapy 02.09.2019

HELP SMALL LOCAL BUSINESS!! Right now a lot of people are wondering how they can help out small local business. Obviously patronizing these places is a great thing to do, but if money is a little tight right now there is still something you can do. If you have been to the business before write a review. Reviews have a huge impact on people looking for services, so if you have the time and want to help out you can! Below are the links to review us on Facebook and Google. If yo...u could take the time we would really appreciate it! https://www.facebook.com/login/ https://search.google.com/local/writereview

MAP Physiotherapy 20.08.2019

If you are finding your kids super clingy even after four months of confinement, you're not alone. "One major reason why kids cling to their parents is because they are trying really hard to help themselves feel safe and comforted. Clinginess is an instinctual response to perceived threat and anxiety." "Many kids are really sad about all of the changes they've experienced in the past few months - no school, no friends, no sports or music classes. As far as in-person support ...and attention you're really all they've got." So while it is taxing on your patience to have someone following you around and hanging off you all day, it just means that you are their safe place to land.

MAP Physiotherapy 13.08.2019

We would like to thank all of our clients for being so very respectful of our policies and procedures when coming into the clinic. By doing so, you have helped to keep everyone as safe as possible. We appreciate you!

MAP Physiotherapy 28.07.2019

If this has been your office for the past four months, then chances are some part of you hurts. Don't wait until you bend down to pick up something off the floor and can't straighten up. Come and see us now while you can still move. The big one is avoidable. We have openings this week! https://mapphysiotherapy.janeapp.com