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MindBody Wellness 01.12.2020

We are living in a time of great uncertainty and whether you are aware of it or not, it affects us on every level. I believe we change our world when we are living and feeling our best selves. What is Reiki? Reiki is a Japanese technique that is used to heal physical and mental trauma, and to support mental clarity and spiritual well-being. In Japanese, the word "rei" refers to a higher intelligence that permeates all living and nonliving entities and guides the inherent fu...nctioning of the universe. The word "ki" refers to the nonphysical energy that flows through everything that is alive, including plants, animals, and human beingsbecause of this, ki is also often called "life force energy," and is known as qi or chi from other lineages. The combination of these two words is what defines reiki as "spiritually guided life-force energy." What is it used for? The spiritual guidance enables the Reiki to flow through the affected parts of the subject's energy field and charges them with positive energy. It raises awareness in and around the physical body where negative thoughts and feelings are contained. This causes the negative energysuch as stress, anxiety, physical pain, grief, sadness, pain, confusion, etc.to loosen its grip, allowing the touch of the Reiki healer to swoop in and clarify the energy pathways. It balances the chakras, quiets the mind, relaxes the body and even after one session you feel uplifted, lighthearted and clear minded. I have spots open for this weekend and Monday. Newby pricing applies! If you have always wondered about Energy Healing now is your chance to check it out!

MindBody Wellness 09.11.2020

I am not a religious person but I remember this scripture from when I was a child and it always resonated with me. "Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends." #loveistheanswer #leadwithlove #whatwouldlovedo

MindBody Wellness 03.11.2020

Happy Monday! Through the roller coaster ride of the world right now, how are you keeping your mind, body and spirit healthy? Now, more than ever, our overall health is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING! Whatever your situation looks like, NOW is the time to be healthy, be present, be grateful and take joy in the little things. I know it sounds cliche but TRUST ME, its crucial...In my opinion, here are some MUST DO's... Being joyful and being present are like two peas in a pod and it ...is actually very simple....you just have to consciously do it. Make a list of everything that brings you JOY and do them everyday. You will notice that you already DO things daily that bring you joy but if you aren't present in that moment it will pass you by. Being joyful means spreading joy and the world needs that right now. XO Move your body!! We ALL know what moving our body can do but sometimes we forget. Go into nature (some say a walk in nature is a spiritual practice, just sayin'), stretch, practice yoga, get your sweat on, breath deeply.....ALL of these are game changers, or should I say mind changers. It literally changes your mind for the better. Just DO IT! Eat your veggies. I know, I know. Obvious right? But you need to eat more then you are currently eating. Guaranteed! Eating one portion of broccoli with your chicken breast for dinner will not suffice. Veggies create alkalinity in our bodies...since our diets mostly consist of acidic foods such as animal proteins, coffee, alcohol, processed foods, grains and STRESS.....we really need to add more life changing veggies (aka minerals) into our diets and let them work their magic. Start your day with a green juice, celery juice is my favorite. I also do a shot of turmeric, ginger, lemon and a touch of raw honey. Everything you eat just add a veggie! Add sea minerals to your water. Take magnesium before bed. Such simple things and your brain and gut will thank you :) Finally.....Read. Learn. Journal. One of them. All of them. Reading a fictional novel is important for creativity and imagination. Learning something new sparks ambition and curiosity. Write your thoughts down! Getting them out of your pretty little head will solidify ideas, solve mysteries and ease the mind. We have between 20,000 and 70,000 thoughts per day....80% negative, 95% repetitive. Getting them down on paper helps control and direct them making YOU the Captain of your ship. Just adding these few suggestions into your daily routine will improve energy, sleep, thought looping (the Worst), anxiety, depression, pain, mobility and on and on....its different for everyone. If you have something that works in making your world better, please share. Our journeys are individual but we are in this together. XO

MindBody Wellness 27.10.2020

How do you start your day? What is the first thing you put in your body? Just like our first thoughts of the day creates our day, what we put IN our body creates how we feel for the day and the days after that. Another, ‘so-called’, trend right now is celery juice. I always find these ‘trends’ so humorous because I was raised consuming these ‘trends’ and so were my kids. ... Like everything, juicing has it’s PRO and ANTI groups and positive and negative information. I believe the ONLY downfalls of juicing is the higher sugar concentrate and the healthy fiber IS removed. So I do a combination. I only juice low sugar produce and I freeze the fiber to throw into sauces, breads, muffins, even chocolate cake!! That is how I got my kids to eat extra veggies without them knowing THIS amazing juice consists of celery, lemon, ginger and parsley. It is chockerblocked in a high concentrate of vitamins, like B6, C and K and minerals, like potassium, magnesium and zinc and mineral salts. It’s an anti-inflammatory, stimulates digestion, boosts your immune system which fights off bacteria and viruses and is easily assimilated into our bodies because it’s already broke down and ready for absorption. Drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach for best results. Remember to share it with your kids. The younger we start our kids about knowing and committing to health, they will carry that gift with them for the rest of their lives.

MindBody Wellness 20.10.2020

Bone broth! It’s not a trend, our Grandmothers were Right all along! I have to be honest. The idea of bone broth kind of grosses me out as I am not a big fan of meat. BUT the nutritional aspect FAR outways my vegetarian-ish thinking. Just buy marrow bones from happy cows butcheries and your conscience will be OK. Add in some garlic, ginger, onions and veggies and your good to go! After travelling my immune system is always down. No matter how I try to make the best choices ...and keep close to my home routine, it always happens. But, seriously, after my second cup of bone broth I am feeling SO much better. It is literally my secret elixir! Now it’s yours. I’m not here to tell you all the crazy claims that the media tries to sell you on are true! I am just telling you that it works for me. Add some Real Salt and some Sriracha and it actually tastes pretty good! If you have an InstaPot (my favourite appliance), then it is the easiest thing to make. If not, stovetop is still an easy option or even a slow cooker. If need some details please PM me

MindBody Wellness 04.10.2020

When you wake up in the morning, how do you feel? Do you wake up excited for the day? Or do you wake up dreading the day? Maybe somewhere in between? We ALL have those days when we are tired and want to stay in bed for a few more hours and not face our responsibilities. BUT I mean MOST days, how do you feel?... I remember a time in my life where I was on autopilot. Not a negative or a positive attitude, just going through the day doing what needed to be done. I didn't realize it at the time but this is a sad place to be in! It's not truly 'LIVING'! Thankfully, I became aware that something needed to change. Living without purpose and mindfulness, not being present and living on autopilot is not truly 'LIVING'. We have to ask ourselves hard questions. Why am I here? What is my purpose? What brings me joy? What kind of human do I want to be? What legacy do I want to leave behind? PLEASE don't do what I did....I thought I had to answer with accomplishments like being the "Being the strength for everyone around me" or "Being the Best Mother to my Children" was my purpose. Of course, be the best you can be in all areas of your life BUT that is different then PURPOSE. This is a VERY personal journey which is different for everyone BUT living a life without purpose is a life not lived fully. Find something that gets you out of bed in the morning with energy. It starts with a mindset then morphs through your body and then seeps into your cellular membranes and becomes YOU. If you don't know where to start, start with this. Everyday do something for your: Mind- read, go in Nature, puzzles, hydrate, switch up your routine, clean up your diet. Body- yoga, hiking, cardio...just move it and Breath! Emotions- don't let words be left unsaid, say sorry, say I love you, laugh, hug, have heart to hearts, be vulnerable. Spirituality- meditate, pray, let yourself feel energy, have a gratitude journal, write, practice listening to your intuition. Check off those boxes everyday. Don't say you don't have time! Schedule them into your day like an appointment, get up earlier, start small. TRUST ME! These WILL Change Your Life! -xo