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Website: self-loveiswhereitsat.com/

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Margo Fosbery Coach 27.01.2022

Shaking in your boots when you need to have a difficult conversation with someone is completely 100% normal. Humans are wired for connection and so it makes sense that speaking up would be terrifying and something you wouldn’t want to do. Your brain provides plenty of evidence of why this is a bad idea. You could lose the friendship, the relationship, career, client etc. ... It’s scary. But you know what’s even scarier? Keeping it all inside, letting all the worry, judgment, stories of what the other person is going to think or say swirl around in your head. It creates havoc on your nervous system and crushes you a little bit more each time you don’t say what you really want to say. The grudge gets bigger, the relationships become more difficult. I know it’s scary, I spent most of my life avoiding them. In fact, I would sometimes get my older sister to speak for me. I had plenty of evidence I could ever speak up and use my voice. I was wrong. That evidence came from my thinking and false belief about myself. If this is you. Know that as scary as it may seem, you will gain so much from doing it. The Confidence you gain with each conversation will only fuel the fire to do more. The Self-Trust you will gain by actually following through on something for yourself will have you loving yourself so much more. The Evidence you will find that vulnerability actually brings people closer and not farther away, is priceless. Will it be easy? No Will you fuck up? Yes Will it be worth it? %100 One of the fastest ways to feel empowered is using your voice. You’ve got this. * * * * * #selflove #impostersyndrome #confidence #selflovecoach #itstarstswithyou #loveyourself #lifecoachingtips #highvibes #focusonthepostive #recoveringperfectionists #beyourself #findyourvoice #speakup #yourbestlife #abundance #ceoofyourlife #selfacceptance #peacejoylove #failup #lifecoach

Margo Fosbery Coach 22.01.2022

Is it time to move up to Intermediate or Advanced? I went to the beach today and put my feet in the water for two minutes, it was cold. Like 8 celsius cold. I did it because I want to start cold water swimming and I don't like the cold. I’m a beginner and I’m taking baby steps. That makes sense, I’ve never done it before. ... I also use an APP to workout, I started with the intermediate and then decided to go down to the beginner. Nothing wrong with that but I’m not a beginner, and it’s not challenging my fitness and I’m not seeing the results from the intermediate workout. I let my brain tell me it was too hard, instead of making adjustments to what I was doing, I started back at the beginning. My comfort zone became to comfortable.. Is there somewhere in your life, you're doing this too? Maybe it’s: Not speaking up and saying what you really want to say. Staying a beginner at setting boundaries so you don’t have to have difficult conversations and risk disappointing people. Hiding in a group of people because you don’t want to be noticed but you really want to be seen. 100% listen to your inner wisdom, AND ask yourself is it time to move it up a notch or two? Is my fear holding me back or am I still truly a beginner? Get curious and be compassionate with yourself for wherever you're at. Want to find out? Try this tip, tell your brain you’re just experimenting. You can even put a timeline on it. I’m trying out being an intermediate or even advanced for a month, I will decide after that. That will sooth your lizard brain and get you stepping into where you want to be. Commit to the month and see what happens! Give me a YES below if you’re ready to up-level! * * * * * #selflove #impostersyndrome #confidence #selflovecoach #itstarstswithyou #loveyourself #lifecoachingtips #highvibes #focusonthepostive #recoveringperfectionists #beyourself #findyourvoice #boundaries #yourbestlife #abundance #ceoofyourlife #selfacceptance #peacejoylove #failup #lifecoach #coldwaterswimming

Margo Fosbery Coach 17.01.2022

You’re doing enough. In fact there’s a very good chance you're doing too much. Too much:... Self-judgment Worry Working Comparing Shaming All the things you think will help move the needle closer to who you want to be. I know because I’ve done them all and instead of getting happier, healthier and wealthier, I just stayed in a vicious loop of groundhog day. Until I discovered it’s not about being perfect, and it’s not about finding my worthiness outside of myself. It’s an inside job. A job for self-compassion, self-trust and loving what is right now, AND knowing there is so much more on it's way. So instead of shooting for perfection, for getting it all done, how about shooting for: Acknowledging what you’ve already accomplished. (Really, when’s the last time you did that?) Then celebrate yourself. Like you would celebrate your bestfriend. Candles, music, big hugs, high fives in the mirror. Then, after you're done. Get quiet, listen, go for a walk or meditate. You're inspired action, whatever your next move is supposed to be is already playing on the station you just have to tune in. Let it play, let yourself play. Turn it up LOUD, turn your own volume UP. Want some help dialing don’t the unhelpful noise? Send me a message and I will share my 1-1 program I take my clients through to show up fully in their lives. * * * * * #selflove #impostersyndrome #confidence #selflovecoach #itstarstswithyou #loveyourself #lifecoachingtips #highvibes #focusonthepostive #recoveringperfectionists #beyourself #findyourvoice #boundaries #yourbestlife #abundance #ceoofyourlife #selfacceptance #peacejoylove #failup #lifecoach

Margo Fosbery Coach 06.01.2022

Are you living your life waiting for happily ever after? Missing out because you’re so focused on the end goal and how you’re going to feel when you get there. If you are, and you know you are if you’re constantly in hyper-achievement mode, rarely resting, and turning your back on fun, you won’t find happily-ever after. ... There’s no such thing, it’s just a goal post that keeps on moving. This was a hard lesson for me to learn, or should I say unlearn. I was convinced if I just worked and pushed harder all my dreams would come true. They didn’t, I just worked harder and the goal post kept moving. Instead of happily ever-after everything suffered. Relationships, business, my well-being. I was pushing and achieving from a place of I’m broken and I have to prove my worthiness. Things changed when I really started to believe the truth that I’m not broken. And you’re not either, and you don’t have to push yourself to prove to yourself or anyone else that you’re good enough. You just are. Learning and choosing to live in the happily ever-now will change everything for you. This is what I help my clients do. Uncover the limiting beliefs driving the over-achieving. Process the emotions and build new beliefs that have always been true but you just can’t see yet. Hold the love and compassion until you can pick it up yourself. Learn to laugh, play and have more confidence every dam day. Improve your relationships and make more money. It’s all possible. Are you ready? Message me to set up a 1-1 consult.

Margo Fosbery Coach 27.12.2021

I was at the bank on New Year's Eve, getting some cash out of the bank machine. One of the 20s had a tear in it and I decided to go inside and exchange it. When I got up to the teller, I explained my request and the young clerk was happy to help me. As he was doing his thing I noticed that he had a snake ring on his finger very similar to mine but not exactly the same. What followed was a great conversation about snake rings, where he got his, where I got mine etc. I sh...ared with him a little joke I have with my partner about how he can know what mood I’m in depending on whether my snake head is facing towards me or out towards the world. We had a lighthearted, fun conversation about something we both love. Something a little different, something not everyone is into, something some people might think is a little weird or a lot for that matter. It was random, spontaneous and joyful. Why am I telling you this story? To remind you that joy can be found anywhere. And that joy doesn’t have to come from some big event or gesture. It can come in random, obscure, fun ways. It can show up at any moment and there are no rules. Well maybe a few rules. Desire it. Watch for it. Expect it. And tell me where you think you’re going to find joy this year? * * * * * #selflove #impostersyndrome #confidence #selflovecoach #itstarstswithyou #loveyourself #lifecoachingtips #highvibes #focusonthepostive #recoveringperfectionists #beyourself #findyourvoice #joy #yourbestlife #abundance #ceoofyourlife #selfacceptance #peacejoylove #failup #lifecoach #joy

Margo Fosbery Coach 15.12.2021

Each year just keeps getting better and better. My heart is full of love, gratitude and wonderful memories. Wishing each and every one of you Peace, Joy and Love for 2022 and beyond. ... Happy New Year! #2022

Margo Fosbery Coach 10.12.2021

My Christmas Wish for You. My Christmas wish for you is that you Always see your light and beauty. My Christmas wish for you is that you look back on this past year and see all the ways you rocked it. ... All the ways you Failed Up. All the growth that happened. My Christmas wish for you is you see and feel how truly Powerful you are. My Christmas wish for you is that your Christmas is exactly as you need it to be. May it be gentle, joyful and full of self-love. Xx M