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Marion Langford 26.05.2021

This week.'s inspiration

Marion Langford 28.04.2021

I love this woman’s work in the world. She is a passionate advocate for our planet. I’m having more days like the 12 year old in her post. To hope in the dark.

Marion Langford 07.09.2020

2020 - Love track on a wintery path.

Marion Langford 02.09.2020

I love this womans work in the world. She is a passionate advocate for our planet. Im having more days like the 12 year old in her post. To hope in the dark.

Marion Langford 22.08.2020

Thoughtful, insightful article on PTSD. There is so much food for thought. Ill mention only one here: she proposes a new definition of mental health which is: retaining the ability to think critically and to maintain your capacity to empathize. Brilliant. https://qz.com/1521806/

Marion Langford 11.07.2020

Me: Oops. Forgot. Just leaving now. Will be there in 7 minutes. Sorry!! Him: :( You forgot about me... :(... Childhood memories are returning...Im slipping into a black void. *Shaking in a corner* Is it wrong that I laughed out loud?

Marion Langford 01.07.2020

Love this woman. Blessed to call her both my friend and one of my guides.

Marion Langford 27.06.2020

Choosing empathy does not mean choosing to be positive. Or even optimistic. Telling people to be positive is saying that their sadness or their anger or their grief - that their emotions - are unwelcome. That unless they can show up and be positive, they are unwelcome. What we need to make unwelcome are not the emotions themselves, but the lack of knowledge about our emotions and how to be with them. ... Weve been blaming the emotions when in fact, its our resources for containing and receiving and processing our emotions that have been shortchanged by our lack of empathy for our emotions and the insistence that only positivity it allowed. This article is old, but the research it was reporting is an indicator that at last the wind is changing direction on understanding emotion and the links to our thinking. We cant be simpletons about these questions. When the wind changes directions towards a more favourable direction, as anyone who sails knows, then the boats bow can be pointed more directly towards where you want to go. At the moment, our understanding of emotions and positive thinking has been taking us wildly off course. These new winds are the helpful course correction we need. https://www.newsweek.com//positive-thinking-myth-498447.ht

Marion Langford 12.06.2020

This is everything and the only thing we need to know.

Marion Langford 28.05.2020

Below, Ive posted Ari Mahlers full FB post about his experience of being the emergency nurse that cared for Robert Bowers, the mass killer in the Pittsburgh synagogue. Ari Mahler chose empathy and to have compassion. In my explorations of this arena of our human experience - both personal and professional - increasingly I can only see empathy as a choice. Once its made, it stops the arguments and the weighing of who deserves what. Its not something, at its heart,... that is only for "deserving people". There are only people. The choice is either yes or no. Ari says it better. "Love. Thats why I did it. Love as an action is more powerful than words, and love in the face of evil gives others hope. It demonstrates humanity. It reaffirms why were all here. The meaning of life is to give meaning to life, and love is the ultimate force that connects all living beings. ...love is the only message I wish instill in you. If my actions mean anything, love means everything."

Marion Langford 13.05.2020

I am The Jewish Nurse. Yes, that Jewish Nurse. The same one that people are talking about in the Pittsburgh shooting that left 11 dead. The trauma nurse in the... ER that cared for Robert Bowers who yelled, "Death to all Jews," as he was wheeled into the hospital. The Jewish nurse who ran into a room to save his life. To be honest, Im nervous about sharing this. I just know I feel alone right now, and the irony of the world talking about me doesnt seem fair without the chance to speak for myself. When I was a kid, being labeled The Jewish (anything), undoubtedly had derogatory connotations attached to it. Thats why it feels so awkward to me that people suddenly look at it as an endearing term. As an adult, deflecting my religion by saying Im not that religious, makes it easier for people to accept Im Jewish especially when I tell them my father is a rabbi. Im not that religious, is like saying, Dont worry, Im not that Jewish, therefore, Im not so different than you, and like clockwork, people dont look at me as awkwardly as they did a few seconds beforehand. I experienced anti-Semitism a lot as a kid. Its hard for me to say if it was always a product of genuine hatred, or if kids with their own problems found a reason to single me out from others. Sure, there were a few Jewish kids at my school, but no one else had a father who was a Rabbi. I found drawings on desks of my family being marched into gas chambers, swastikas drawn on my locker, and notes shoved inside of it saying, Die Jew. Love, Hitler. It was a different time back then, where bullying was not monitored like it is now. I was weak, too. Rather than tell anyone, I hid behind fear. Telling on the people who did this would only lead to consequences far worse. Regardless, the fact that this shooting took place doesnt shock me. To be honest, its only a matter of time before the next one happens. History refutes hope that things will change. My heart yearns for change, but todays climate doesnt foster nurturing, tolerance, or civility. Even before this shooting took place, theres no real evidence supporting otherwise. The FBI and the Southern Poverty Law Center note that Jews only account for two percent of the U.S. population, yet 60% of all religious hate crimes are committed against them. I dont know why people hate us so much, but the underbelly of anti-Semitism seems to be thriving. So now, here I am, The Jewish Nurse that cared for Robert Bowers. Ive watched them talk about me on CNN, Fox News, Anderson Cooper, PBS, and the local news stations. Ive read articles mentioning me in the NY Times and the Washington Post. The fact that I did my job, a job which requires compassion and empathy over everything, is newsworthy to people because Im Jewish. Even more so because my dads a Rabbi. To be honest, I didnt see evil when I looked into Robert Bowers eyes. I saw something else. I cant go into details of our interactions because of HIPAA. I can tell you that as his nurse, or anyones nurse, my care is given through kindness, my actions are measured with empathy, and regardless of the person you may be when youre not in my care, each breath you take is more beautiful than the last when youre lying on my stretcher. This was the same Robert Bowers that just committed mass homicide. The Robert Bowers who instilled panic in my heart worrying my parents were two of his 11 victims less than an hour before his arrival. Im sure he had no idea I was Jewish. Why thank a Jewish nurse, when 15 minutes beforehand, youd shoot me in the head with no remorse? I didnt say a word to him about my religion. I chose not to say anything to him the entire time. I wanted him to feel compassion. I chose to show him empathy. I felt that the best way to honor his victims was for a Jew to prove him wrong. Besides, if he finds out Im Jewish, does it really matter? The better question is, what does it mean to you? Love. Thats why I did it. Love as an action is more powerful than words, and love in the face of evil gives others hope. It demonstrates humanity. It reaffirms why were all here. The meaning of life is to give meaning to life, and love is the ultimate force that connects all living beings. I could care less what Robert Bowers thinks, but you, the person reading this, love is the only message I wish instill in you. If my actions mean anything, love means everything. Respectfully, Ari Mahler, RN.

Marion Langford 11.05.2020

Im thrilled to be part of the 3rd Annual International Womens Day Conference happening in Peterborough on March 8, 2019. The theme this year is Connecting Women, Inspiring Action and it is the brainchild of Louise Racine of Thirteen Moons Wellness. Ill be co-leading a workshop on womens friendships with Colleen Carruthers. There is an early bird ticket sale on for anyone wanting to make the commitment now. https://www.iwdptbo.ca/conference/workshops/

Marion Langford 25.04.2020

Simple and direct action.

Marion Langford 20.03.2020

Peterborough is an wildly community minded, kind place to live! One of my favourite things about it is the Womens Business Network. Last week, I attended the Christmas Gala by sitting at the Israel table (of course!!) with these lovely women, while we raised money for the YWCA and the program for abused women and children. (This photo was taken by Snapd)