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Marrow Holistic Health 24.05.2021

This is not an exhaustive list of limiting beliefs but rather a few examples of some beliefs you may be carrying around consciously or unconsciously. These slides are meant to spark inspiration of your inner knowings and support you for your own journey of empowerment. If you find one (or more) that resonate, play around with the wording so it better reflects yours current limiting belief.... Learn from it. Feel into it and know that you can change with this knowledge. You can gain compassion and wisdom for yourself. You can learn how to support yourself to create a new reality & life Ask your self where did this old belief stem from? How did it serve me or allow me to move through childhood with the circumstances that I faced? We are fluid, every evolving beings. These limiting beliefs allowed us to survive and move through childhood but they are no longer serving you as a place to live from. And so you may create a new belief Embrace your new belief (again make it your own). Feel into this new truth Create a new feeling or essence into it Make it into a mantra that holds this energetic weight of knowing your new truth, what that feels like Use it and remind yourself of it when you are feeling triggered or down. Which one resonates with you? If you need a little extra support you can purchase the replay of Co-creating with the Universe where I walk you through a guided meditation to locate a limiting belief, transmute it and create a new one which you will use as a mantra for May through the link in my bio Or book in for a 1:1 sesh where we can explore this together You are worthy, deserving and damn well brilliant, don’t let anyone tell you differently. @ Sunshine Coast BC Canada

Marrow Holistic Health 13.05.2021

If moving into a new identity or way of being is possible then why is there so much resistance? Comfort. The reality in which you’ve created & lived your whole life from is comfortable even if it’s not exactly what you’re seeking right now. Knowing your limiting belief allows for a new perspective.... If you’re not sure what belief is holding you back or creating resistance in moving forward here are a few journal prompts to help get the ball-a-rollin I highly suggest free writing with at least one of them and see what comes up. Be sure to read over your work afterwards, sometimes when we’re in the flow we don’t even know what we wrote Further Qs you can ask yourself: where did I pick this up? Did it start with me? Is this even mine? When did I first feel this? And if this isn’t my truth then what is? Bonus tip before journaling ground by imagining roots coming out of your tailbone and into the earth and ask your higher self/soul to come in and drop some hot wisdom If I trust my intuition (body, knowings, gut reactions etc) then it would mean.. If I move beyond this diagnosis then who am I? Who am I pleasing to uphold this reality/identity/way of being? if I am broken/sick/wounded then I don’t have to be accountable for I can’t do this career/life choice or I wouldn’t be If I moved into my body what would it say? If I uphold this feeling/identity/wound/diagnosis what do I get out of it? If I step out of a victimhood then I’d have to take ownership of How is this creating a sense of love/acceptance/validation/being seen? These are meant to spark deeper insight into a limiting belief that you are holding Once you’ve found that belief you can create a new one! Examples of old beliefs and new beliefs to come Need extra support? You can purchase the replay of Co-creating with the Universe where I walk you through a guided meditation to locate a limiting belief, transmute it & create a new one Or book in for a 1:1 sesh Change is possible Shine bright my babes, you’re worth it. @ Sunshine Coast BC Canada

Marrow Holistic Health 08.05.2021

A snippet of channeled words from The Lemurians for tonight’s Collective Meditation & Belief Clearings: Co-creating with the Universe. The Lemurians are coming in hot and supportive (weird combo maybe?) but true nonetheless. Come join us in leaning into your shape shifting ability aka your transformational nature... Where we explore any resistance to shedding identity and move beyond your comfort zone to co-create with the Universe. Tonight we’ll be speaking about the energy of transformation discussing identity shifts creating a safe container to do this sacred and deep inner work hearing more channeled words from the Lemurians they’ll be aiding in guiding you through identifying & then transmuting an old limiting belief that is blocking you or creating resistance for the life that you’re calling in collective belief clearings close our collective space Purchase your ticket through the link in my bio for tonight, Tues May 4th 8pm PST on zoom. Replay is sent out within 24HRS & is just as potent as if you were here live thanks to the omnipresent encoded energy of The Lemurians & any healing energy. I’m really loving these monthly meet ups & can’t wait to create a collective connection with you all @ Sunshine Coast BC Canada

Marrow Holistic Health 03.05.2021

The Lemurians came in looking fairly unusual but their presence and energy are loving and grounded. In this month’s Collective Meditation & Belief Clearings the Lemurians are coming in to lend some incredible energy and support in our inner transformational journey Join us for this event on Tues May 4th 8pm PST for one hour on zoom.... All are welcome. If you can’t make it live the replay will be sent out within 24 hours but I try to do it that evening. Let me know if you want to hear more videos like this, sharing my encounters with light beings or even of experiences in meditations.

Marrow Holistic Health 13.04.2021

Sometimes I forgot to express that I have been on this path of inner growth for a long time Yes, I had a spiritual awakening last year to get me back on track but I didn’t start there I’ve been at it for sometime.... I started consciously connecting with energy work & studying nutrition over 10 years ago. And I’ve been exploring it for myself for longer I did my reiki level I 8 years ago. Level II 2ish years ago. And I'll be doing my master in time. I started working intuitively in my teens but really brought it in over the last year. It's been a long and steady road which I love. I don’t feel the need to do all the things all at once. I know this is my path and I will accumulate knowledge in time as I need it I prefer to create a quality solid base then acquire quantity Which I can then build off of more and more and more. There is no race. I’ve also taken breaks and detours along the way. I wasn’t always working with clients or being in full alignment. But I do want to make it clear that these years/time were just as important for my learning In these times I have found greater clarity in myself.I have gone through massive life lessons. I have seen addiction full on, I have lived through horrible loss and grief, I know abandonment, rejection, self abandonment, pain, deceit, loss of power, abuse, I’ve made some damn stupid choices and excellent ones. I have risen from ashes Let me tell you with fullness that those learning come in big time in readings now. Also important to note, I can utilize these because I have done the inner work through much of it. I can discern between my shit and your shit. It allows me to relate. I can witness many things without judgment. I have been through most of the feels and emotions of life. I have been up high and down deep. Don’t doubt for a second that you are not given opportunities for your growth and expansion always. You may not see it now but trust that you are held and guided. Ask for help Rest Go slow Go fast It’s not to late or early to start your own journey Stop comparing Do you And integrate your past, there is so much wisdom there You have so much to offer Xx Nyla

Marrow Holistic Health 19.02.2021

Health shouldn’t be an elusive privilege for a few It should be accessible for many We can go on all the potions and do all the things. And yes in some circumstances targeted supplements and food are necessary.... But when it comes down to it some of the most impactful and underrated tools for elevating you - your physical body as well as your mind and soul - are free mama nature - she will hold you tight, nurture & nourish you, help you lower your cortisol, ground you, she will give you the best intuitive downloads, boost your gut microbiome, bring you into the present moment, she will love you. Plus you can move your body there for FREE. quality sleep drink water *I do recognize this is a privilege for some. There are some indigenous communities that still to this day feb 9 2021 in Canada that do not have access to clean drinking water and that is messed. meditation - 5 minutes a day. Walking meditation. chanting. Sit down and imagine a sea of black like dr Joe guides. Meet & hang out with your inner child. Witness your breath. Guided meditation. There are many forms and many free options out there if you don’t know where to start tap into your intuition - we are ALL intuitive beings, you know what you need set boundaries find & do the things that bring you pleasure stay curious and explore, we are ever evolving beings Anything else you’d add to this list?

Marrow Holistic Health 01.02.2021

Having a little dark night of the soul over here the past week After moving through my mother wound head on I was feeling a bit exhausted last week and took an unexpected hiatus from here. I had thoughts of ‘I need to be consistent and keep posting’. But it didn’t feel authentic so I did me and honoured where I was - uninspired & soul tired.... Last night I did a full Chakra Balancing on myself where I moved through and harmonized each of my 7 main chakras with the help of my Sirian soul fractal homie. And wow what a difference, I feel present again, energized & ready to take on life. Unlocking the darkest parts of me has lead to deeper healing. Last night we synched my sacral and throat chakras - each having its own memory and trauma held in those places of my body. The 2 memories seemed very different and yet when I distilled them it came down to fear, shock and loss of control. Coming back into and moving through these memories allowed me to hold myself with more compassion. The first few days I was dead exhausted but now the energy and creativity flowing through me is a torrent The unconscious beliefs and energy I was holding onto was like a self imposed prison that I was living out of but never realizing it. When I transmuted and moved through them the energy that had been stagnant for so long was released and alchemized into love & soul wisdom. All this to say, honour where you’re at - this work IS exhausting and terrifying at times But don’t give up, moving through it is worth it There is no fear or aspect that is more powerful than you You are a brilliant soul experiencing a human life I’m here with you working through my shadow and muck to find the magic. The idea of the wound is so much greater than moving through it. The freedom on the other side is palatable. Need guidance in your own journey? Booking for mid Feb onwards. DM or grab the link from my bio to book in : @withawildheartcollective

Marrow Holistic Health 30.01.2021

A few weeks ago I had an amazing experience doing Yoga Nidra, thank you @emilywikel for walking me through this I haven’t been able to get it out of my mind. You guys, during the Yoga Nidra I was birthing myself.... It was WILD. Absolutely wild. How do you even put into words the feeling of being the pregnant mother, working so hard, opening this portal for a new being to come in, perfect and whole. So loved and excited to meet them. But I am the new being coming through too, starting a new life! This experience stunned me and I’m still in awe of it I am the creator of my own life, every moment of each day. Period done, no questions about that. But there was more. A friend of mine told me that yoga Nidra is a tool for reparenting and my mind got blown. I guess that’s what I’m calling in. I can literally be the parent for my inner child. And with this the creative possibilities are endless. Way back in the summer I remember saying that this crazy birthing energy was coming in but I wasn’t sure what it was for. And now I find myself here, rebirthing myself. Since that experience I have walked myself through some of my deepest shadow wounds to date. I have gone deeper into me than I thought possible; I am consciously connecting with my Higher Self at a greater capacity than ever before (as a continual unfolding event). I am opening my heart and finding more light and activation within me & on the other side of these shadows than I thought were obtainable for me in this life. I am rebirthing myself into so many new possibilities and realities. My potential for magnetism, manifesting, going deeper into my own wounds & thus holding space for others to do so increased dramatically since this Yoga Nidra event. These parts of me always existed, (they exist within you too) but I am bringing to light dormant parts of me, activating deeper parts of my truth. It’s terrifyingly wonderful and expansive. Please tell me, has anyone experienced anything like this before.. or am I the only weirdo birthing myself?

Marrow Holistic Health 11.01.2021

I hold the mirror up, hold the vision of your brilliance until you can know it and see it yourself. There has never been a time when I connected to someone (with consent always) and didn’t see their brilliance. It is within each and everyone one of us.... Sometimes we come into life asking to learn deep lessons Human life happens We forget how wonderful and infinite we truly are But it is there You are there all along You are source energy You are a soul experiencing a human life You are brilliant You are love You are lovable You are loved Here are a few of the newly submitted testimonials in which I had the great honour to hold the mirror up for these lovely humans in Intuitive Readings. You can check out more testimonials on my website marrowholisticheath.com @ Mother Earth

Marrow Holistic Health 04.01.2021

I talked to a tree today which in turn become a full conversation with the forest. The message shook me. It was simple yet hit me to the core. It spoke of death... Of endings Of having reverence for the cycle that allows death and subsequently rebirth to unfold The forest spoke of the grief that can occurring through this process And how this grief is not to be feared but rather to be enjoyed as part of the process It also spoke of starting anew That there is no true ending only a turning of the tide A wash of what was to what will be With each death comes a new beginning Because when we become fully present with death, with sorrow, with endings it opens up joy and moving through to journey to a possibility. We ask for change and yet we fear the process Why do we resist change even when we have been given glimpses of what is possible on the other side? Change is scary. And it’s uncomfortable and with change there is often a death - of identity, a way of being or perceiving the world, a death of relationships(s), a death of ego. This message was for me, a reminder to continue moving through this process even when I feel resistance and make a new excuse each day for why I shouldn’t move through the pain and identity of it. When I step back from resistance and step into alignment the forest showed me how held I was, how held I am. That there is so much more available to me if I choose it. And even though it’s scary af I choose it, little by little. I choose it, I choose me. I am held. I am worthy. If you’re feeling this too I see you. It’s not easy. Let me know if this resonates and we will move through it together. Join us for Collective Meditation & Belief Clearing: Self-worth to help you step into your power and move through all the changes that you’re calling in with grace & an open heart. Because you ARE worthy BB. Change is uncomfortable but it doesn’t mean you gotta do it alone. Link in bio for tickets See more