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Marsha Vanwynsberghe 08.01.2022

Own Your Choices Own Your Life #354: The How is Irrelevant In this episode, I wanted to share a simple concept that I learned from another coach that hit home. It all comes down to the HOW and wanting to have the perfect plan in place before we start anything. ... 1) The how is irrelevant. We only ever learn the how in reverse. Try to think of one time in your life when the how was shown to you beforehand and you followed that roadmap to a T and it worked out perfectly. 2) The how is only seen in reverse, in hindsight and we know hindsight is 20/20. We are never meant to see the how ahead of time. We are responsible for seeing and owning the vision of what we want to create and then allowing ourselves to get into action to create and bring that vision to life. 3) The how is actually in the now. It is created by trying, taking an action step, falling down, course correcting, starting over, and applying those lessons learned to the next step. We are creating the how as we go. 4) We may learn tools and tips from other coaches about what their how was and how it worked for them, and it can be a shortcut for us in some way shape or form, but they can’t give us our roadmap. They can help us to see what’s possible and help us uncover what is blocking us from seeing our own how, but it is not their job to give it to us. It is ours to create. Join the Rising Leaders Collective https://marshavanw.com/rlcm Join the Values in Life and Business (a 6-7 day program starting at the beginning of February) https://www.marshavanw.com/offers/UAzksMtn Thank you for listening and sharing! https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/21821657

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 23.12.2021

Own Your Choices Own Your Life #353: Finding the Gifts in Our Adversities with Erin Paterson. Today we are speaking with Author and Public Speaker, Erin Paterson. Erin is a Canadian author and public speaker who tested gene-positive for Huntington’s Disease (HD). Shortly after she started suffering from depression, then received more crushing news, she was infertile. Despite those diagnoses, she was determined to have a family and live a joyful life. She is on a mission to... positively impact other people’s lives by writing and speaking about genetic disease, depression, and infertility. She shows that it is possible to live a meaningful life even when faced with unexpected obstacles. She is the author of All Good Things: A Memoir About Genetic Testing, Infertility, and One Woman’s Relentless Search for Happiness. Erin is also the founder of Lemonade Press, a local publisher focused on empowering patient communities by helping people write and share their own journey’s in specialized medical anthologies. In this episode we discussed: 1) The journey that Erin had to go through during her HD testing, infertility experience, as well as her work to move through a deep depression. Erin shares how at the time it was survival and stacking one small thing on top of each other to build herself to where she is today. 2) The concept of vulnerability hangover and how it is a process of checking in every single day with what you need or what decision you need to make to move you one step closer to where you want to be. Sharing our stories can be an incredibly taxing and vulnerable process, yet it leads us to a beautiful space of seeing the gifts in our adversities. 3) Learning to share her story of testing positive for HD and infertility, allowed Erin to control the narrative, unpack her story, and allow her to support others in seeing that they are not alone in their stories of struggle. Connect with Erin: Website: https://www.erinpaterson.com Publishing Company Website: http://lemonadecommunity.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/erinpaterson_allgoodthings Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ErinPatersonAllGoodThings LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erin-paterson Email: [email protected] Erin’s book is available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/All-Good-Things-Inferti//ref=sr_1_1 Thank you for listening and sharing! https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/21658535

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 07.12.2021

Own Your Choices Own Your Life #352: Core Values: Standards, Expectations & Boundaries - Part 3 In the 3rd part of this series on values, we are going to break down the word values, core values and see how this pertains to our life and business. The first episode focused on core values and helped you to identify them in your life. The second episode dove into are those core values in alignment in your life? Instead of looking outward at people, programs, or comparisons ...for what everyone else is doing for alignment, it starts with looking inward. In this episode, we will be discussing how your life is a representation of the core values that you say are important to you and looking for the gaps. We will also be talking about the things that you might not be recognizing such as expectations, standards, and the boundaries that might be missing to solidify these core values in your life. In this episode we discuss: 1) Identifying the gaps, and what is blocking you from living a life in alignment with your core values. 2) The difference between expectations and standards. Expectations are living in the future and are based on things you can’t control or predict. Standards are what you can control, and those are based on decisions you make every single day. 3) Where can you raise your standards? Raise your standards for what you do, say yes or no to every single day. How can you raise your boundaries, give back to yourself, listen to what you need, and receive all that is available for you? Raising your standards allows you to plan out your life accordingly to set yourself up for success. If you want a deeper understanding of standards and expectations, listen the Episode #122 Raise Your Standards Not Your Expectations, https://apple.co/32c6zaG 4) Boundaries are moving lines, like a bubble. Not a hard line in the sand with no negotiating and also recognizing that this changes every single day. If you find that your self-care practices are low, your stress is high, I guarantee your boundaries will be the next thing affected. Catch this before it happens and unravels. Join the Rising Leaders Collective https://marshavanw.com/rlcm Join the Values in Life and Business in presale right now for $222, will be $777 https://www.marshavanw.com/offers/UAzksMtn Thank you for listening and sharing. https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/21821540

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 21.11.2021

Own Your Choices Own Your Life #351: What Is Worrying Costing You? In this episode, I am diving into my understanding and lessons about the energy of worrying. According to Psychology Today, Worry tends to be more focused on thoughts in our heads, while anxiety is more visceral in that we feel it through our bodies. Our thoughts create our reality, and the continuous response and energy of worry are putting visceral stress on our bodies, so if we can change our thought...s we can manage, shift or change what is happening inside of our bodies. Thoughts of worrying are all future-based, focused on things we can’t control, and blocking us from how we can control our present circumstances. It is an avoidance of energy and actually a waste of our own energy, which is the only resource we have to create change in our lives. 1) Worrying is a habit. It is a response, a learned response to post-traumatic stress. It also comes from avoiding doing the healing work that our nervous systems require. It is living in the future, creating a false sense of belief of control and not living in the present moment. Sometimes the present moment is too difficult or painful to live in, so we avoid it. We use our energy to relive the past or try to control the future. 2) Healing requires us to focus on the present moment, what we need to be our best selves, and honouring what we need, including the boundaries that we may be missing. Look at what the triggers are, phone/screen use, lack of sleep, stimulants, people, social media, and take radical responsibility to change one small thing at a time. 3) On one side of the paper, write down all of the things you are currently worried about. The things that are taking up your energy, mindset, or thoughts all day long. Don’t edit this list, brain dump it out with no judgement. Then on the other side of the page checkmark the things you can control and then put the two numbers into perspective. Now script out the sentences that shift your thinking or are the exact opposite of what you are worried about. 4) The act of deep breathing (also called diaphragmatic breathing) is a practice that enables more air to flow into your body and can help to calm your nerves, reducing stress and anxiety. This can help your focus, attention span, nervous system, and help to promote healing. This takes work, but start with recognizing where these emotions are starting from. Join the Rising Leaders Collective https://marshavanw.com/rlcm Join the Values in Life & Business Program on Pre-Sale https://www.marshavanw.com/offers/UAzksMtn Thank you for listening and sharing! https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/21821381

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 03.11.2021

Own Your Choices Own Your Life #350: Let Your Audience See You with Jillian Murphy Today we are speaking with Business Mentor, Jillian Murphy. Jillian is a sales mentor and business coach for entrepreneurs. After 22 years in the corporate space, Jillian moved online after losing it all during the pandemic. At the beginning of the pandemic, Jillian dove headfirst into the online space growing her business from scratch. Over these past 6 months, while working through medica...l conditions, Jillian has had to dive into healing, listening to what her body needs, and trusting this process with her. In this episode we discussed: 1) What happens when we are forced to pivot, change in our business, and how does it come down to asking what your audience needs. Learning to speak to your audience and engage with them is different from talking to your audience or putting something together that they are not asking for. 2) What selling means, how selling is an act of service, and how we can make selling difficult or mean something completely different based on our own experiences with selling. 3) The importance of always being in mentorship, and how sticking with a mentor is important to see potential success. Sometimes it is easy to get distracted by what all the other coaches are doing and offering. Also, let your audience see you, it doesn't have to be perfect to be successful. In fact, that is not being authentic with your audience. Connect with Jillian Website: https://[email protected] Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thejillianmurphy Email: [email protected] 6 Guaranteed Tips to Attract Your Dream Clients: https://mailchi.mp//6-guaranteed-tips-to-attract-your-drea Thank you for listening and sharing! https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/21658199

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 31.10.2021

Own Your Choices Own Your Life #349: Assessing Your Core Values - Part 2 In this series, we are going to break down the word values, core values and see how this pertains to our life and business. A value is simply a way of being or believing that we hold important. (Brene Brown). Living into our values means that we do more than profess our values, we practice them. We walk our talk - we are clear about what we believe and hold important and we take care that our inten...tions, our words, thoughts, and behaviours align with those beliefs. Without having knowledge or understanding of our core values, we are not making decisions from a grounded position of knowing ourselves and what is important to us. Sharing my own personal story of values, learning and understanding them, and using them as the basis for major and minor decisions in our life. In this second episode, we are looking more closely into the core value words that speak to you. In this episode we discuss: 1) Values are individual beliefs that motivate people to act one way or another. They guide our human behaviour, choices, and decisions. Not right or wrong, just a clarification of what drives us and what we hold most important. 2) Speaking of alignment. Looking external instead of internal by knowing yourself. This is about choosing words that speak to you, that is important to you as a person. Now comes the harder part, looking at what you say is important for you, and asking yourself the hard questions of, am I living in alignment within myself with what I say is important in my life?. For example, if you have core values that you are not aligned to, yet you say they are important, you are already in a disconnect. Saying health is important, but not eating to nourish your body, drinking water or moving your body; or self-worth, but deep down you don’t feel worthy; trust but surrounding yourself with people you don’t trust or respectyou get the picture. 3) Don’t look for alignment externally, it all starts internally. Ask yourself the hard questions, why did you pick these words, are they your words, what is missing for you to live by them, what boundaries are missing, and where are you out of alignment? 4) What would life look like if you were living by your core values? What would have to change? Let your mind be open to the vision of what that would look like. Remember you are the master of your thoughts, and everything we do originates from our thoughts and beliefs, so this is where the work starts. Join the Rising Leaders Collective https://marshavanw.com/rlcm Join the Values in Life and Business in presale right now for $222, will be $777 https://www.marshavanw.com/offers/UAzksMtn Thank you for listening and sharing! https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/21658064

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 14.10.2021

Own Your Choices Own Your Life #348: The Impact of Comparison In this episode, I want to share some thoughts on comparison and what it is doing to us in our lives and in our business. In this time of building our businesses online, especially this year when so many people are having to continue to pivot, shift, change or completely reinvent themselves in an unknown territory, it is too easy to stop and compare your progress to someone else’s perceived progress. Compari...son is the biggest block in your progress, and you are the one who keeps putting that roadblock up. So much of my understanding of comparison comes from my learnings from Brene Brown, and her book Atlas of the Heart is incredible. In this episode we discuss: 1) Comparison is a creativity killer. Comparison is the crush of conformity from one side and competition from the other - it is trying to simultaneously fit in and stand out. It is saying, be like everyone else, but only better. ~ Brene Brown. There is upwards and downwards comparison and both are equally blocking in our movement and success. Social comparisons (up or down), make us feel less than, not worthy, or better than or superior. All of the energy leads to the negative emotions of lack and lack of worthiness, fear, shame, anger, and sadness. No change is created in this energy space. 2) Comparison is the thief of joy ~Theodore Roosevelt. As soon as we fall into comparison to others, we are taking our eyes off of our own journey. We are losing sight of our own gifts, our own journey, and what we are capable of creating. We also are comparing our chapter X to someone else’s unknown chapter. When we think we know someone else’s story, I promise that we don’t. Think of all of the things on your own journey that you don’t share with the world. 3) The energy of comparison actually messes with our own perspective. It takes it all out of context. It starts with awareness and recognizing the emotions that drive us into that space in the first place. Celebrating another person’s success does not take away from your own, it actually is celebrating that another person is showing you what is possible. If someone is triggering you in a toxic way that affects your energy, then mute or unfollow. 4) Find the people who trigger you showing what is possible. The ones who expand you, and learn from them. Compare yourself to past versions of yourself and find ways to honour, love, and support your younger version who fought like hell to get you here. Join the Rising Leaders Collective https://marshavanw.com/rlcm Join the pre-sale of Values in Life & Business starting the beginning of February https://www.marshavanw.com/offers/UAzksMtn Thank you for listening and sharing! https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/21657920

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 30.09.2021

Own Your Choices Own Your Life #347: Living In Gratitude for the Journey with Jackie Serviss Today we are speaking with People Strategist, Jackie Serviss. Jackie is a seasoned Human Resource Executive and Certified Executive Coach (CEC) with over a decade of assisting leaders in aligning people strategies and talent acquisition best practices to scale their organization. As a business owner and people strategist, Jackie leverages her leadership and integrated approach to ...drive strategy around talent planning and forecasting organizational design, leadership development coaching, change management & staffing services. With a passion for driving sustainable business growth through the power of people, Jackie focused on strategic partnerships with leaders to drive results, build teams and create sustainable impact. In this episode we discuss: 1) Jackie’s health journey, her intuition, dealing with a brain tumour, and the changes in her personal life and business. 2) Human design, understanding and embracing who we are, and learning to grow and change in our lives and business. We talked about being recovering people pleasers and fighters, leaning into the masculine approach to business, and learning how we can build our lives by embracing the masculine and the feminine approach. It can be and, not just either-or. 3) How being grateful for the journey, for all of the lessons and bumps in the road, and how it truly does make us who we are today. Connect with Jackie Website: https://www.jackieserviss.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jackieserviss Email: [email protected] Thank you for listening and sharing! https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/21657464

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 20.06.2021

NEW EPISODE: Own Your Choices Own Your Life #261: I Had to Go First In this "Monday mindset'' episode, I am reflecting and sharing my thoughts from writing my upcoming chapter in the Great Canadian Women series, She Moves Mountains. This was a very emotional journey and vulnerable as I dove into my life over the past 15 months and what I have had to overcome to make it to this point in my entrepreneurial journey. I am being real and raw on this episode in the hopes of ins...piring you and sparking you to see that you have to choose to go first in your life too. In today’s episode we discuss: 1) How many times in our lives we have to go first, we have to step forward with no guarantee of what lies ahead for us. We do this because we know that we don't want to stay where we are and we don't want to go backward in our lives. 2) What this past year of the pandemic looked like for us, and how important it is to continue to practice empathy, patience, compassion, and kindness with ourselves because everything we do or create in our life, comes from us first. It all stems from the relationship and belief that we have within ourselves. 3) I share the experience of back surgery, my rehabilitation process, and how I had to learn how to put my needs, energy, health, and wellness first. This was an exercise in trust, empathy, and compassion like no other. Book your Storytelling Breakthrough Sessions with this promo code. https://www.marshavanw.com/offers/3SNdvYNH Pre-Order your signed copy of the Great Canadian Women, She Moves Mountains, https://www.marshavanw.com/offers/GhUox7is (shipping included) Thank you for listening and sharing! https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/19121210

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 14.06.2021

NEW EPISODE: Own Your Choices Own Your Life #260: Life is a Blank Canvas with Craig Stanland Today we are speaking with Reinvention Architect, Craig Stanland. After hitting rock bottom, Craig was forced to make a choice: give up or rebuild. He thought he had "it all" until he lost sight of what's truly important and made the worst decision of his life, losing everything along the way, including his own self-worth. Through the painful, terrifying process of starting over, C...raig ultimately discovered that when you have nothing, anything is possible. Today, Craig is an author, speaker, and Reinvention Architect. He specializes in working with people who want to reinvent themselves so they can create the extraordinary lives they've always wanted. He is celebrating the release of his upcoming book, Blank Canvas - How I Recreated My Life, releasing on May 25th, 2021. In this episode we discuss: 1) The difference between internal and external fulfillment. External fulfillment comes from outside of us and chasing monetary items or status in order to feel that fulfillment. Internal fulfillment comes from inside of ourselves. This was one of the most powerful lessons that Craig learned during his time in federal prison. 2) We always have a choice and learning how to own and exercise our choices is the path to our freedom. We can choose to change our story at any time. 3) Embracing vulnerability is the path to creating freedom. It can also lead us to the most incredible relationships and people who are meant to make a difference or an impact in our lives. Connect with Craig Website: www.craigstanland.com Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/craigstanland Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cstanland Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/craig_stanland/ Craig’s TEDx Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrkG9VQzqIo Link to Craig’s New Book: https://geni.us/LifeafterPrison Thank you for listening and sharing! https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/19121162

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 03.06.2021

NEW EPISODE: Own Your Choices Own Your Life #259: It’s Always in the Being, Not the Doing with Renee Manchester Dineen Today we are speaking with TedX & Keynote Speaker, Best Selling Author, Organizational Psychologist, Leadership & Team Performance Coach Renée Dineen. Renee is a recovering workaholic and doing addict who left her executive-level leadership role in biotech to give herself a genuine shot at doing work that mattered most to her heart without sacrificing th...e rest of her life. What drives her today is the opportunity to reduce human and organizational suffering and equip people from all walks of life, to live with more purpose, joy, and grace. As an international thought leader playing at the intersection of business, psychology, and well-being, Renée travels around the world coaching and advising leaders and teams how to best navigate risks, challenges and opportunities while fueling the soul of the organizations and cultures they shape. In 2020, Renée took her own story to the TedX stage. Her talk titled ‘Authentic Inaction: Undoing the Doing in a Do Crazy World’ is an account of her own trials and tribulations as a doing addict. Her talk has already reached over 500K views and supports her mission to revolutionize the way we work, play & relate to one another and our purpose. In this episode we discuss: 1) Authentic inaction - the crippling dependency on ‘doing’ is triggering burn-out, damaging relationships, and is resulting in a loss of our sense of self. 2) How being busy is honored, encouraged, and expected, so much so that what we do has become the definition of who we are. We put ourselves on a perpetual cycle of burnout until we learn to honour the inaction as being an important part of the process. Connect with Renee Website: www.reneedineen.com Website: www.authenticinaction.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reneemdineen/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/renée-dineen-1370452/ Email: [email protected] Renée’s book, The Art & Truth of Transformation for Women, is available on Amazon. Renee’s Ted Talk: https://youtu.be/aBzZ6rYDm2g Thank you for listening and sharing!! https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/19121105

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 31.05.2021

NEW EPISODE: Own Your Choices Own Your Life #255: The Road to Becoming Published Authors with Sara Glendenning and Ashley Seeley Today we are speaking with friends and clients, Sara Glendenning and Ashley Seeley. Both of these incredible women are about to become published authors in the upcoming collaborative book, She is Strong and Free by The Great Canadian Woman publishing house. This interview is an opportunity to speak to two women who share their journey on the road... to becoming published authors. Sara Glendenning is an author and registered nurse. Diagnosed with a learning disability at a young age, Sara began hiding from the world, afraid of not beginning capable or worthy of achieving her goals. Recently Sara has realized her worth and how truly capable she is. She now genuinely believes the life of her dreams is possible. Sara has made it her mission to inspire others to overcome the fear of others' judgment but primarily themselves. To ultimately show up as their true selves and live the life of their dreams. Ashley Seeley is a Registered Early Childhood Educator working in Kindergarten with a passion for working with children and thrives on volunteering with those that benefit from a little extra support. She is a fierce mother and protector with a gentle and compassionate heart. Through her challenges and experiences navigating life as a single mom, she knows the power of self-care, boundaries, and owning her choices. As a Self-Love Advocate, Ashley is on a mission to help others shift their experiences and their world regardless of their circumstances. She is here to show you that all change is possible. In this episode we discuss: 1) Why did both women decide to share their stories in a published book? 2) The challenges they faced during the writing process and what they learned about it. 3) The lessons they want to share with others about the process of writing and sharing your story. Connect with Sara or Ashley Sara Glendenning: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Sara.Hope.560 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saraghope/ Ashley Seeley: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ashley.seeley.54 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ashley__seeley/ Thank you for listening and for sharing! https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/18942257

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 25.05.2021

NEW EPISODE: Own Your Choices Own Your Life #258: Are You Keeping Shame Alive? In this "Monday mindset'' episode, I am sharing my thoughts on shame, what it is doing to us, and how we can literally change the story. Shame according to Brene Brown is, an intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging. Shame is one of the most powerful emotions that profoundly shapes, controls, and dictates the way we i...nteract with the world. In today’s episode we discuss: 1) We all have shame stories. These are the stories of struggle, the stories we feel mean that we failed or the stories we hope that no one ever actually finds out about us. They have a tremendous hold on us and we continue to feed the story and keep it alive by hiding behind it. The armour we carry represents the shame we feel and feed in our lives. 2) We give shame its power and its hold on us when we don't talk about the difficult things in life. We are feeding it, fueling it, and literally giving it all of our power. We are the only ones who can change the story. 3) The only way to change the control shame has is to give it a voice. When we give our story a voice, shame cannot survive. What we don't need in the midst of struggle is shame for being human. You are imperfect, you are wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging. Brene Brown. This co-dependent relationship we have with shame is what is keeping the shame alive and blocking us from the connections, relationships, joy, and fulfillment that we are searching for. 4) Courage gives us a voice and compassion gives us an ear. Without both, there is no opportunity for empathy and connection. If we can share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame can't survive. Brene Brown Book your Storytelling Breakthrough Sessions with this promo code. https://www.marshavanw.com/offers/3SNdvYNH Pre-Order your signed copy of the Great Canadian Women, She Moves Mountains, https://www.marshavanw.com/offers/GhUox7is (shipping included) Thank you for listening and sharing! https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/19121078

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 16.05.2021

NEW EPISODE: Own Your Choices Own Your Life #257: Stop Waiting for Permission In this "Friday Facts'' episode, I am sharing my thoughts on permission and how we get stuck waiting for permission to act in our lives. There is no one who can give you permission to create change, as it truly only comes from inside of us. We can’t ask and wait for permission to show up as ourselves. Whether it is about creating a small shift, a massive change in our lives, leaving something th...at isn't working for us, or choosing something different, we are the only ones who can step up and decide what step to take next. In today’s episode we discuss: 1) We tend to wait for permission because we don't want to disappoint others, yet we end up disappointing ourselves or living in resentment or blame when we don't take responsibility for our own choices. 2) This action alone gives others the power in our lives and this can keep us in a space of resentment or frustration as well. It is these actions that make us feel like we don't have any power in our lives. 3) This tends to come from years of people-pleasing and working hard to live up to the expectations of others. If you were not encouraged to fail or told that you don't have to please everyone, this could be an easy trap to fall into. If you live this way it can be very hard to learn to listen and honour what your body needs because you are judging yourself or you feel like the act of resting is not enough. 4) What is the one thing you haven't been acting on that you know deep down you want to give yourself permission to do. If there is anything this last year has taught us it’s that we can’t wait any longer. Don’t make waiting an option to follow through with what you are wanting to do, create or be in your life. Book your Storytelling Breakthrough Sessions with this promo code. https://www.marshavanw.com/offers/3SNdvYNH Pre-Order your signed copy of the Great Canadian Women, She Moves Mountains, https://www.marshavanw.com/offers/GhUox7is (shipping included) Thank you for listening and for sharing!! https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/19029425

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 12.05.2021

NEW EPISODE: Own Your Choices Own Your Life #254: Your Mission Doesn't Wait for You In this Friday Facts episode, I am sharing my thoughts on our life mission and how it doesn't wait for you. This one might hit home for you. There is this continuous loop of clients and people in general waiting for things to line up perfectly before they get started. Waiting for the timing to be right, to be ready, and to have it all set up perfectly to avoid failing. This is not the wa...y it works. We are meant to get started and learn as we go and to let it unfold as it is meant to. We are actually the ones who will open up the doors of opportunity, by getting into action. Don't make your mission wait for you, because it won’t. In today’s episode we discuss: 1) Every single person has a mission or a purpose that they are here to fulfill. Everyone has a purpose. Don't get so wrapped up in finding your purpose or understanding the meaning of it, because while you are waiting, you are not allowing it to come to life. 2) Waiting is wasting time, energy, and resources. We aren't meant to start with a plan all laid out because even if we did, that is not how it unfolds. Life doesn't go according to plan, that is normal. Life unfolds in the most surprising ways when we get into action and let it unfold. 3) Your mission is a phone call on your heart that screams louder than anything else. It is already speaking to you. If you listen, you can hear it. It doesn’t wait for you to figure it all out. 4) Your mission will continue to evolve and you become a living embodiment of it as you continue to show up for it. Thank you for listening and sharing! https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/18942200

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 04.05.2021

NEW EPISODE: Own Your Choices Own Your Life #256: Letting it Be Easy with Rachel Joy Today we are speaking with Certified Trainer & Master Success Coach, Rachel Joy. Rachel is a board-certified Trainer and Master Practitioner in NLP, EFT, T.I.M.E Techniques, Clinical Hypnotherapy, and Life & Success Coaching. Along with a background in health coaching, personal training, and addiction counseling, Rachel takes a unique approach to generate freedom in her clients' lives. Wh...ile she focuses on online marketing and business strategy, she stresses the importance of the mind-body connection, and that being the foundation for anything you want to create in life and biz. She is a powerful facilitator of transformational change and certifies and guides other women to do the same, through her signature program, Transcend Academy; an immersive accredited certification program, designed with the high-level support of a business mastermind, and the immersive experience of a spiritual retreat. She is extremely passionate about helping women claim their power to become unstoppable in pursuit of their dreams. In this episode we discuss: 1) All things NLP and using the tools of NLP to set ourselves up for success. NLP is literally the user manual for the mind. 2) All of Rachel’s transformations and how she continues to learn, grow, and share those lessons with others. Her team and business continue to grow and she shares these experiences in her new podcast, Speak Louder Podcast. 3) We are not a product of our circumstances. We are always a product of our decisions. Learning to live at cause in our lives is how we take ownership to set ourselves up for creating the change we desire. Connect with Rachel Website: www.theracheljoy.com Email: [email protected] Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theracheljoy1 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/transcendacademy.NLP Transcend with Rachel Joy Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/204768603921367 Listen to the Speak Louder Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com//speak-louder-podc/id1548021891 Thank you for listening and sharing!! https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/18942302

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 23.04.2021

NEW EPISODE: Own Your Choices Own Your Life #252: Why Storytelling? In this "Monday mindset'' episode, I am sharing my thoughts on storytelling and why I am now calling myself a Storytelling and Business Coach. Storytelling encompasses everything I embrace about our stories, how they shape us into who we are, how they teach us lessons that we are meant to share with others, and how powerful our stories are. Our stories can help us to support, impact, and make a differenc...e in the lives of others. In today’s episode we discuss: 1) Storytelling is so important because it is how we see and recognize each other, through our pain, experience, and emotions. It is also how we realize that we are more alike than different, and it is how we connect with others, and build relationships as well as learning how to share our stories through vulnerability is the birthplace of joy, fulfillment, belonging, authenticity and relationships. It is how we find our people. 2) Storytelling is learning how to objectively look at your stories, your life experiences, and then pull the lessons out of your story to understand how it shaped you to be who you are now. It is also looking at the stories and understanding that you wouldn’t be the person you are today without those stories. Through this process, you learn how to stand ON your story instead of IN it. This is where you see the impact of your story in helping others and serving a much bigger purpose. 3) We go through this process, by revisiting and breaking down our life stories, then looking for the repeated patterns or stories, and then looking at the 4 - 5 lessons or themes that you have lived through. These are the key things in your wheelhouse that make you who you are, the expert of your life, and the main areas that you could stand up and speak without any notes. It is also important to learn how to build yourself to share your story. 4) What if diving into your story helps you to see your story and your circumstances differently, and what if this is the path to actually turning your pain into your purpose to help you to create the impact that only you are here to make? Thank you for listening and sharing! https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/18942053

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 13.04.2021

NEW EPISODE: Own Your Choices Own Your Life #251: Vulnerability Needs Boundaries In this Friday Facts episode, I am sharing my thoughts on vulnerability and why it absolutely needs boundaries. I heard a podcast with Brene Brown and Simon Sinek and this topic of conversation came up, which is no surprise since Brene Brown is the queen of talking about vulnerability. Her work helped me immensely years ago come out of my shell and learn that vulnerability is a strength and n...ot a weakness. Now let’s take it one step further and talk about how vulnerability absolutely needs boundaries. In today’s episode we discuss: 1) Vulnerability without boundaries is manipulative. People need to earn the right to hear your story, you decide, it isn't for everyone. Without boundaries, the intentions are unclear and can definitely create muddy waters. It’s important to know who you are talking to and why you are sharing your story, without those things it can be manipulative. 2) Vulnerability is having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage. 3) In our culture, we associate vulnerability with emotions we want to avoid such as fear, shame, and uncertainty. Yet we too often lose sight of the fact that vulnerability is the birthplace of joy, belonging, creativity, authenticity, and love. Brene Brown. Thank you for listening and sharing! https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/18845150

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 30.03.2021

NEW EPISODE: Own Your Choices Own Your Life #250: Become the Person You Needed When You Were Younger with Rachel Weinstock Today we are speaking with Transformational Coach & Speaker, Rachel Weinstock. Rachel works with pre-teens and teenagers who are struggling with being bullied, low self-esteem, chronic stress, and anxiety. She is the Creator of Enough Is Enough: Getting To The Heart Of Bullying Prevention and Virtual Club for Pre-Teens - an online program that helps... young people to lower their anxiety through heightening their mindfulness and expressing themselves creatively. For 17+ years, Rachel has traveled the world teaching, speaking, and storytelling, and today she is on a mission to create a world where every child feels happy, confident, and safe to be the truest, most creative version of themselves. Rachel holds Degrees in both Visual Arts and Education and was awarded the James W. Fair Leadership Award from the Ontario Institute For Studies In Education. Her philosophy to working with children is deeply impactful because of her lived experience of being bullied as a child and teenager. More than 17 years ago Rachel decided that she would always show up as the teacher she dreamt of having as a child, and ever since has been known by her students, colleagues, and fans as the one and only, Miss Rainbow Fairy. In this episode we discuss: 1) The importance of sharing our stories to help others realize that we are not alone. 2) We can become mentors for others that we wish we were at the beginning of our journey. 3) Hurt people hurt people. It is up to us to break the patterns that are keeping us stuck in cycles of pain, anger, frustration and resentment. Healing ourselves allows us to step into the roles that we are here to be in and use our gifts to impact others. Connect with Rachel Website: http://www.rachelweinstock.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RachelWeinstock Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rachelweinstock_/ Facebook Groups: https://www.facebook.com/groups/222936935471538/ Website: https://virtualcampforkids.com/fallclub Email: [email protected] Thank you for listening and sharing! https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/18844955

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 15.03.2021

NEW EPISODE: Own Your Choices Own Your Life #248: Take the Pressure Off In this Friday Facts episode, I am sharing my thoughts on the pressure valve that we create for ourselves. Pressure is a normal part of being a human. We all have deadlines and we have times that require more push than others. But this doesn’t have to be nor should it be an extended period of push and pressure time. There are times that it is important to take the pressure off. This was inspired by r...eading in Melody Beattie’s Journey to the Heart. In today’s episode we discuss: 1) Intense pressure doesn’t get the job done any faster or better. It tends to make us more tense or fearful and does not allow any creative juices to flow. This energy also takes us out of the present moment which stops our own flow of life and energy. Typically this amount of pressure actually creates so much noise in our own head that we can't hear our own intuition, guidance, or heart. 2) The most difficult and urgent decisions are best made when we are rested, in the present moment, and not spiraling with all the things that can potentially go wrong. We cannot force ourselves to move faster, think faster, and be efficient all at the same time. The more pressing the situation, the more present we need to be for ourselves and for the present moment or situation. 3) Learn to let off some steam, release the pent-up emotions, and let the answers come to you in the easiest and beautiful way. Thank you for listening and for sharing! https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/18755582

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 14.11.2020

I am so grateful for this 90 second video as it captures my purpose and my vision. Thank you to incredible teammates who are truly in their zone of genius. They are helping me on this venture more than they realize!! <3 Thank you to my coaches and mentors who are gently nudging me to grow, share my message and serve the people I am here to serve! I am in massive gratitude <3 ... https://youtu.be/ETBTQI646C4

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 26.10.2020

NEW EPISODE: Own Your Choices Own Your Life #185: Moving Through Doubt In this Friday fact episode, we are talking about the concept of doubt and how much we let doubt stop us from moving forward on our goals. We give doubt so much power instead of just calling it an emotion and not giving it so much energy. The opposite of doubt is action or confidence and we can only increase our confidence by doing. We either feed the fear and doubt or we feed the faith that we can mo...ve forward. Here are a few tips to move through the feelings of doubt. Fill out the Owning Your Story Application to book your Discovery call. This is the last week to join, link in bio to apply. https://forms.gle/cce5RZXV9MLyEC1M9

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 09.10.2020

NEW EPISODE: Own Your Choices Own Your Life #184: From Cubicle to CEO - The Entrepreneur's Secret to Success with Ellen Yin Today we are speaking with Podcast Host/CEO, Ellen Yin. Ellen is the founder of Cubicle to CEO, an online membership teaching service provider that teaches you how to attract consistent clients so they can make their first $10K month, without a large audience or posting every day. Through her social media agency, Ellen Yin Media, Ellen has worked wit...h multi-million-dollar brands, Fortune 500 executives, and best-selling authors. She has been featured on MTV and in publications like LA Style, Authority Magazine, The Penny Hoarder, Disrupt Magazine, and Her Campus. Ellen is also the host of the award-winning Cubicle to CEO Podcast, which features weekly interviews with top business leaders and successful entrepreneurs. Connect with Ellen Instagram: https://instagram.com/missellenyin Instagram: https://instagram.com/cubicletoceo Podcast: Cubicle to CEO https://cubicletoceo.buzzsprout.com Website: https://www.ellenyin.com Email : [email protected] Free Masterclass: https://www.ellenyin.com/class Thank you for listening and for sharing! https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/16868015

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 07.10.2020

NEW EPISODE: Own Your Choices Own Your Life #183: Be the Leader You Wish You Had 1. Identify what you need to do on a daily basis in order to be the best version of ourselves. ng to lead ourselves first. If you are someone who has craved learning about leadership, or leading others, it is most likely because you wish that someone had been there to lead you on your journey. Leading yourself means owning the habits, rituals, mindset, actions, and programming that make you t...he best version of you. f you. In this mindset episode we are talking the concept of leadership and how we start with learning to lead ourselves first. If you are someone who has craved learning about leadership, or leading others, it is most likely because you wish that someone had been there to lead you on your journey. Leading yourself means owning the habits, rituals, mindset, actions and programming that make you the best version of you. In this episode, we discuss: 1. Identify what you need to do on a daily basis that in order to be the best version of ourselves. 2. Leadership is a turning point and solving a problem that exists. 3. The answers you have learned on your journey are not basic. They are valuable for someone else. 4. Leadership is using your voice and finding your courage to stand up and go first. It can be a very lonely journey in the very beginning. 5. If you feel called to be a leader it is most likely that you wished someone had been there to lead you. What would it feel like to be the leader for someone else? Join us for this round of the Owning Your Story -- Creating a Business with Your Story -- be the first to hear all about it! https://www.marshavanw.com/owningyourstoryacademy Link in Bio to apply Thank you for listening and for sharing! https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/16797863

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 27.09.2020

NEW EPISODE: Own Your Choices Own Your Life #181: Face Everything and Rise with Sandra Rinaldi Today we are speaking with Certified Life, Health & Youth Coach, Writer, Speaker, Sandra Rinaldi. As a former live entertainment marketing executive for the biggest independent promotor in Eastern North America, Sandra Rinaldi made the huge decision to part with the rock and roll world after 20 years in 2019. Back to school at 41 years old, she embarked on a journey of self-disco...very and completely started over as a Life Coach. Living through her own struggles with insecurities and fear, she is now helping people with what she says is the base of happy living: deep and unwavering self-confidence. Connect with Sandra Website: https://www.sandrarinaldi.com Sandra offers: One on One Coaching: a 12-week program called Total Transformation Group Coaching: 6-week program called Discover, Realign & Thrive Thank you for listening and sharing https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/16777913

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 16.09.2020

NEW EPISODE: Own Your Choices Own Your Life #180: What You Know Is Valuable to Someone Else In this mindset episode, we are talking about the lessons that we learn and how we judge what we know as basic information. We are far too critical of ourselves and believe that what we have learned is basic. It wasn’t basic to us when we learned it and it is still not basic to us as we continue to learn and embody these lessons. I always promise you that someone, somewhere is pra...ying for a solution that you have, that you have learned, and that you can support them within their life. The doors open for this round of the Owning Your Story Academy -- Creating a Business with Your Story -- be the first to hear all about it! https://www.marshavanw.com/owningyourstoryacademy Fill out the Owning Your Story Application to book your Discovery Call, we launch again in November. https://forms.gle/cce5RZXV9MLyEC1M9 Thank you for listening and for sharing! https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/16730054

Marsha Vanwynsberghe 01.09.2020

NEW EPISODE: Own Your Choices Own Your Life #179: What Your Triggers Are Telling You? In this Friday fact episode, we are talking about the concept of our triggers. We are all triggered by people, situations, behavior, stories, relationships, you name it, we all experience triggers. Here are a few of my thoughts on triggers and how to see what they are really telling you. I love this quote, Just like the first breath of life, any engine must be triggered in order to turn... it on. Toba Beta. In this episode, we discuss: 1. Triggers always teach us something about ourselves that is unhealed that needs to be healed for us to move forward. 2. Triggers are causing us to react to a situation instead of us living in intention. They are showing you something you don’t like. 3. Listen to one of my past episodes on triggers. Episode #129, Celebrate The Triggers, https://apple.co/3p4Ckv2 4. Start with being aware of what your triggers are, you know who triggers you. Learn to recognize and celebrate your triggers. What boundaries can you put into place to protect this trigger of emotion, reaction, and energy? 5. Recognize it when it happens, don’t fight or resist it. See it, smile, and let it be as it is. Don’t be attached to how someone else is behaving or showing up. 6. Join me live starting on November 1st for 10 days as I dive into each of the blockages that you are experiencing on Owning Your Story. Join the waitlist for the next round of the Owning Your Story -- Creating a Business with Your Story -- be the first to hear all about it! https://www.marshavanw.com/owningyourstoryacademy Fill out the Owning Your Story Application to book your Discovery Call, we launch again in November. https://forms.gle/cce5RZXV9MLyEC1M9 Thank you for listening and sharing! https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/id/16706864