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Martin Rooney Surrey BC Community Advocate 15.10.2020

So what if all of this was a hoax? A hoax perpetrated by a US President. Yes, a hoax. This is an administration that has lied at every turn about most things, especially Covid 19. So suddenly, with lagging polls on a Friday evening (after ALL major markets are closed for the weekend), he suddenly had a positive Covid test and had to be shipped to THE preeminent medical centre in the world, airlifted on Marine 1 none the less.. With absolutely no proof or disclosure of any m...edical information, test and scan results we are supposed to believe that a president of the United States was treated with 1. An experimental therapy only used on 275 people, then 2.remdesivir and dextamethazone (only given to those with Covid as a last resort due to being intubated.) Now as if that was not enough, he took a road trip to greet the cult gathered out front of the Walter Reed medical facility if a hermetically sealed SUV with 2 Secret Service agents in the front of the vehicle. ( Which conveniently too place about 45mins before the markets opened in Asia or trading) Posting a least 2 videos from the facility in an attempt to show there was nothing wrong with him and he was in fact making a miraculous recovery, beating all the medical science outcomes for a male his age and weight. Something just doesn’t meet the smell test. As much as I follow the protocols to ensure my own safety, I truly hope this was not a hoax to scam the American people into believing that a super dose of 3 treatments (not available to ANYONE else) has cured him. Outrageous. This deserves an FBI, CIA and outside counsel investigation. If you thought this administration was bead up to this then get your depends and ass wipe ready, coz you ain’t seen nothing yet this is truly concerning and should be to ALL citizens of planet earth. And I have never been into conspiracy theories, but really America? See more

Martin Rooney Surrey BC Community Advocate 27.09.2020

Now that we have a Provincial election I ask everyone to vote and to consider the state of affairs NOW and vote to keep us steady in this time of Covid. Thank you Premier Horgan for making sure we ride this through

Martin Rooney Surrey BC Community Advocate 11.09.2020

As I reflect on my first 59 years on this plain, I realize how fortunate I have been. To have been raised with morals and ethics by loving parents, being taught... to Irish dance, swim, sail,(among other things) to have been raised in a country that was always on the edge of war over a united Ireland, to having to come out at age 22 I am blessed. History thought us about WWII and facism, communism and socialism. To have had the opportunity to travel when I was younger gave me the urge to take risks again as I aged, and got to live the dream and achieved many bucket list items. Living in Vancouver, BC from the mid eighties through now, I survived what was then referred to as the gay plague. Having lost so many friends and acquaintances I decided that I had a voice and it was time to use it. In our community at times a title is the best platform to engage others, raise awareness and fight for those less fortunate. In times of despair (and there was many) there is always someone worse off than you. Having survived 3 shingles attacks and 3 bouts of pneumonia, I grew stronger. (At the age of 10 I had to have heart surgery, which back then was a big thing living in Southern Ireland). From those rough times in life there was always a golden sky. I was told to not do something (about 1998) and they learned to never tell me I can’t do something. I created Pride for Surrey, I held the title of Emperor 1 and then twice since, I have been blessed to be able to travel a circuit full of love, respect and awareness for others. Yes I received awards, and as nice as they are, they are not the reason we do what we do. In 2007 I was refused entry into the U.S. because of my HIV status and told to never try to renter the U.S. again. So I did what I would do for anyone, I spoke out, held rallies and online campaigns in an attempt the take down that ban. I was successful, (January 4 2010), along with all the other organizations and I am now once again a free citizen of the world. I was the first openly gay man to run for public office in Surrey (2014). I have the most awesome and supportive partner, a bio and chosen family that loves and respects US. I was asked in a recent interview what advice I would give to my younger self - - - my response, don’t let ANYONE tell you, you can’t do something. You are a valid human being and you will achieve great things and will leave a legacy behind you, the likes of which you would never understand. Never in my wildest nightmares did I ever think that America would have a President that denied the Covid crisis, robbed from the poor to embolden the rich, embrace such racism and hatred and be responsibly for the deaths of over 200,000 of his own people. Read your history books this has all been laid out for you, the have the fortitude to look in the mirror and ask yourself, honestly, Am I, in any way, responsible for what is happening in America? VOTE THIS FUCKER AND HIS REGIME OUT! And make sure that the results are not even in question. This needs a resounding repudiation or we are ALL doomed. So I embrace heading in my 60’s with the same flair, hope and wishes that I entered all previous decades and understand that at this moment in time the simple philosophy of wearing a face mask, physical distance and good hygiene will get me half way into my next decade. In this decade I hope to catch up on the last of those bucket list items. Thank you all that have travelled this journey with me thus far and no, it is not over, we will just continue with the same passion and love for everyone! 60 comes tomorrow and I am ready!!! See more

Martin Rooney Surrey BC Community Advocate 25.08.2020

Don't want to vote in person? https://eregister.electionsbc.gov.bc.ca/ovr/welcome.aspx#

Martin Rooney Surrey BC Community Advocate 05.08.2020

There is absolutely NO justification to call an election in the middle of a global pandemic. Be careful what you you ask for. This voter is unimpressed.... Focus on what has to be done to maintain and ultimately recover from this - and then make it so we do not have to go through this turmoil all over again in a couple of months! This voter is PISSED!

Martin Rooney Surrey BC Community Advocate 23.07.2020

Howdy folx - sorry for not being active for a while. I have had to make many self life decisions and begin the retreat back into private life. I realized couple of months ago that in less than a week I will hit the big 60. It also reminded me that for the last half of my live has been lived in public working for and with marginalized communities that needed THEIR voices to be heard, and in times of need - mental and financial support. Anyways - I hope you are all taking care of yourselves and others during this Covid pandemic, which I am sure, for me, like it this is causing major concern and mental health issues. Anyways - please do me a favour and sign this petition... thank you all in advance

Martin Rooney Surrey BC Community Advocate 06.07.2020

Thank you. Please seriously consider this as a permanent fix

Martin Rooney Surrey BC Community Advocate 22.06.2020

3 tires 4 sale. Used in good condition. PVT message if interested.

Martin Rooney Surrey BC Community Advocate 19.06.2020

Well howdy folx it has been a while since I posted to this page. A lot has gone on in my life since January. I managed to contract Covid in the early days when there was no testing, and no travel restrictions or CDC health guidelines. I only divulge this as there was NO access to tests for Covid at that time. It knocked me off my feet for almost a month, and I still bear residual effects to this day. It is believed that I attended an event in San Diego, early Feb, where we f...ound out multiple people tested positive. Anyways needless to say I have been very cautious since. Then coronation here (my final stepdown Emperor XV ) which was planned to be a grand event, was cancelled. Pride in a live space was cancelled, but we did manage to produce an amazing virtual event. So, for someone who has been fairly publicly active, the time has come to review all aspects of my life and retreat into some level of privacy. I have reduced my personal social media footprint until at least after November 3 ( or when 45 is ousted from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave) and have now 2 public figure pages you can all follow this and Emperor Martin of Surrey. All of this hate, negative energy has caused me to rethink my social media imprint at every level. I hope you all keep safe, mentally, physically and spiritually. We CAN get through this together - See more

Martin Rooney Surrey BC Community Advocate 03.06.2020

Here is Pride 2020.

Martin Rooney Surrey BC Community Advocate 15.05.2020

Good morning FOLX World Pride (virtual is happening ALL day in our timezone). The 21st Annual Surrey Pride Festival streams today from 3-5 pm our time zone. Again - this is being streamed LIVE from the Surrey Pride facebook page - not from this group. We have limited person power, so to make sure you get the notification AND the livestream link - LIKE Surrey Pride.... Also - if you feel the urge to donate - please etransfer or pay pal to [email protected] We hope you enjoy our first attempt at a virtual event.